quote: Does anyone know who the current region leaders are? Yeah, I use the word "leader" because it's a waybrain trigger word - it'll bug the WayGB. They'll think to themselves, "Co-ordinators, not leaders!" hehehe
Excie asks the 29 dollar question - wouldn't you think that the Way would have a nice map of the world, with spots to select and get cool layouts of the countries...select a cute little green tree icon and get pop outs with names, and stuff?
Like as if they were a real uh...business, church, meanistry, organization, place that wanted people to contact them?
Why doesn't every region, limb and branch have it's own website? :)-->
"Welcome to the Northeastern Region! We're glad you're here. Check our Calendar for upcoming events! Browse our Resources pages for valuable biblical teaching and information! The Way Tree page contains contact information for our locations worldwide. Please feel free to email us with your comments and questions. We'd love to hear from you! God bless you!"
I'm dreaming - I know. :P--> Better to leave their people clammering over the Way Magazine or Sunday Night Service tapes to get their information from, tied to the Root's boot...disjointed and separated and reliant on the Local Liedership to feed them the nuggets of Truth as they become available. Maybe. If they're good and we know they ain't that good so they can stop asking questions! :D-->
quote: Why doesn't every region, limb and branch have it's own website?
"Welcome to the Northeastern Region! We're glad you're here. Check our Calendar for upcoming events! Browse our Resources pages for valuable biblical teaching and information! The Way Tree page contains contact information for our locations worldwide. Please feel free to email us with your comments and questions. We'd love to hear from you! God bless you!"
Ya know, I think Socks has something there.
TWI could sell access to a Members Only section of their site on a per month ABS "love offering" basis. There, besides detailed worldwide contact information, the subscriber would have access to "The All Truth". Meanwhile, TWI would leave what they want the world to know right where it is, but offer a link to the Members Only section for those who are INSIDERS.
In this Insiders Only area, TWI could tell the truth like it has never been told before, or something like that, and make money in the process. For a little extra per month, they could include Streaming Audio/Video (even more money for both at the same time ;)--> ) of the Sunday Night Service at HQ so folks don't have to depend on the weakly tapes. For those who can't stream the video or audio (or both) at the prescribed times, they would have the option of downloading a Windows Media, MP3, or Quick Time file to play it back at their first opportunity - OR ELSE!.
The insiders could also have access to the TWI book store and teaching library, for an extra donation that is.
Yep, I think you've got something there Socks. I seriously doubt it's ever gonna happen.
Thanks Technobyte. Hey, we're giving them some valuable input here!
quote: In this Insiders Only area, TWI could tell the truth like it has never been told before, or something like that, and make money in the process.
Right there, income streams for days!
It's so weird. Here's the internet with this incredible capability to pull people together from all over the world. Information of all types being distributed. I mean, at one time little packs of WOW families had to march all over their city within a 20 mile radius distributing brochures and cards to Laundromats and college campus cafeterias and trying to get Way books in Christian bookstores where the clerks would turn 3 shades of purple when they'd see "Jesus Christ Is Not God!", and in the 25 plus years this went on there was nary a consistent relationship set up with any commercial distributor or educational facility anywhere in the freakin' world that still stands today. The only place Way Books are selling at a fast clip is E Bay or Amazon dot com and that's only because Wayfers are realizing they've got to make room somehow for their new DVD collections and they definitely don't need 5 unopened copies of the Board of Trustees Holiday photo from 1981 anymore.
Fast forward to today and the internet and the fact that right now you can bet there's people racing to be the first one to get photos of Paris Hilton's last bowel movement on the internet and will probably make a small fortune selling downloads of the unedited photos for 9.95 a pop to pimply teenagers and emotionally impaired, coffee cranked old men and.......you really have to wonder.
Why don't they use the technology for good? And you know that no one knows Good like the Way, right? They're good is gooder than good, it's so good it makes great smell bad, it's the gawdarned BEST!
It's sad. Way Bosses are long of tooth and large of butt, I guess. Once young bucks that were takin' it to the streets, but no more.
Although........if they would at least put online a USA map with little gavel icons that would designate cities where lawsuits are currently active....THAT would be cool. Or an online game, "Who's on the BOT This Year?" -->
Technobyte, good point, but they would then have to admit that they had "members". Hardly worth it if the only three "members" had access to it. But..
I could see it now. "Upcoming events" section. Sceduled "board meetings" in the Bahamas, "supply and logistic" meetings (extravagant shopping sprees in New York or at the New Knoxville Mall), budget meetings (figuring out who the next poor full time staffer to get the axe because he or she might get sick) etc.
Oh yes, thanks House. I see Mr. bread and vegetables is still hard at work. I won't say who, might be fun- probably half of the people on the list could fit the description by now.
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Overseer of finances: Mr. Magoo
Trunk Coordinator: Stalin
Donna Coordinator: Rosie
New Bot. The Three Stooges.
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Sorry to ruin a perfectly good question, Steve.. but if the three stooges were the new bot, things may finally be a little funny.
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Agreed, McHammer. And they would run the place better.
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Absolutely. They could do quite a job on the plumbing in the auditorium! Heck, they were even dentists once. Somebody could finally fix Rosies teeth..
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When they were done with the auditorium, they'd have to rename it. "The Prevailing Water Out of the Light Sockets Auditorium".
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Tom Strange
...not to mention how good they are at baking cakes!
...I can see them now leading songs "bee - A - bay... bee - E - bee... bee - I - bicky bye, bee - O - boe, bicky bye boe bee boe boo..."
and when they get ready to lead manifestations, everything's quiet... then... "ANNACANNAPANNA"
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha... at least it may be more "comforting" than some of the stuff I have heard..
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I think they were landscapers once also. They could take over grounds keeping and take care of all of those pesky moles..
Sorry Steve, heh heh.. I hope somebody who is really in the know can come around here and honestly answer your question!
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what, it's not posted on their website ?
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I'd look, but the last time I did I started getting a pretty sick feeling- somebody with a better stomach than mine will have to look.
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They post nothing at all of value on their website, least of all any actual names!
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Is it maybe...SATAN?!
(With all apologies to the Church Lady from SNL)
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I'm guessing that B*ll and Marc*a Gre*ne are still region leaders or limb leaders down in Georgia.
Blob and Spotty Moneyhands are probably still region and limb leaders down in Flahrida.
Matt Stiles? Is he still doing the western region?
For that matter what are the regions?
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That might be easy. There's Headquarters, then there's everywhere else. Makes it easier for them to count regions.
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I think the bread and vegetables guy and wife runs a region, somewhere. Boy, he sure is "qualified"!
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The Che***s are probably still in exile in NJ. Too bad, I thought he was a nice guy before they got to him..
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Excie asks the 29 dollar question - wouldn't you think that the Way would have a nice map of the world, with spots to select and get cool layouts of the countries...select a cute little green tree icon and get pop outs with names, and stuff?
Like as if they were a real uh...business, church, meanistry, organization, place that wanted people to contact them?
Why doesn't every region, limb and branch have it's own website?
"Welcome to the Northeastern Region! We're glad you're here. Check our Calendar for upcoming events! Browse our Resources pages for valuable biblical teaching and information! The Way Tree page contains contact information for our locations worldwide. Please feel free to email us with your comments and questions. We'd love to hear from you! God bless you!"
I'm dreaming - I know.
:P--> Better to leave their people clammering over the Way Magazine or Sunday Night Service tapes to get their information from, tied to the Root's boot...disjointed and separated and reliant on the Local Liedership to feed them the nuggets of Truth as they become available. Maybe. If they're good and we know they ain't that good so they can stop asking questions!
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Blob and Spotty....
tied to the root's boot....
you people kill me
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New England: Rev. and Mrs. C*ris G*amlich
North Atlantic: Rev. and Mrs. S*ott B*dolosky
Blue Ridge: Rev. and Mrs. J*e N*viello
Mid-South: Revs. Mr. and Mrs. B*ll G*eene
South Atlanta: Rev. and Mrs. B*b M*ynihan
Ohio Valley: Rev. and Mrs. R*man S*eciw
Midwest: Rev. and Mrs. M*ke A*derson
Central: Rev. and Mrs. T*m H*rrocks
Mid-Atlanta: Rev. and Mrs. T*m M*llins
Rocky Mountain: Rev. and Mrs. M*rk W*llace
Pacific: Rev. and Mrs. M*tt S*iles
Western: Rev. and Mrs. E* O*ding
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Thanks houseisarockin.
I always find it interesting to see how they move these region couples around to give them a
change of scenery.
It's like.....once a region leader always a region leader. Must be centered on job security.
Nothing new here....same ole, same ole.
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I see ol' Tom Head-is-rocks is still region leader in "my" region.
Hey, moron: I still don't think that the Trustees/Directors are leading "the ministry" in the right direction!
(and ya know...I have no idea whether or not TWI has any presence here in Nebraska! - great prevailing impact guys!)
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Ya know, I think Socks has something there.
TWI could sell access to a Members Only section of their site on a per month ABS "love offering" basis. There, besides detailed worldwide contact information, the subscriber would have access to "The All Truth". Meanwhile, TWI would leave what they want the world to know right where it is, but offer a link to the Members Only section for those who are INSIDERS.
In this Insiders Only area, TWI could tell the truth like it has never been told before, or something like that, and make money in the process. For a little extra per month, they could include Streaming Audio/Video (even more money for both at the same time
;)--> ) of the Sunday Night Service at HQ so folks don't have to depend on the weakly tapes. For those who can't stream the video or audio (or both) at the prescribed times, they would have the option of downloading a Windows Media, MP3, or Quick Time file to play it back at their first opportunity - OR ELSE!.
The insiders could also have access to the TWI book store and teaching library, for an extra donation that is.
Yep, I think you've got something there Socks. I seriously doubt it's ever gonna happen.
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Thanks Technobyte. Hey, we're giving them some valuable input here!
Right there, income streams for days!
It's so weird. Here's the internet with this incredible capability to pull people together from all over the world. Information of all types being distributed. I mean, at one time little packs of WOW families had to march all over their city within a 20 mile radius distributing brochures and cards to Laundromats and college campus cafeterias and trying to get Way books in Christian bookstores where the clerks would turn 3 shades of purple when they'd see "Jesus Christ Is Not God!", and in the 25 plus years this went on there was nary a consistent relationship set up with any commercial distributor or educational facility anywhere in the freakin' world that still stands today. The only place Way Books are selling at a fast clip is E Bay or Amazon dot com and that's only because Wayfers are realizing they've got to make room somehow for their new DVD collections and they definitely don't need 5 unopened copies of the Board of Trustees Holiday photo from 1981 anymore.
Fast forward to today and the internet and the fact that right now you can bet there's people racing to be the first one to get photos of Paris Hilton's last bowel movement on the internet and will probably make a small fortune selling downloads of the unedited photos for 9.95 a pop to pimply teenagers and emotionally impaired, coffee cranked old men and.......you really have to wonder.
Why don't they use the technology for good? And you know that no one knows Good like the Way, right? They're good is gooder than good, it's so good it makes great smell bad, it's the gawdarned BEST!
It's sad. Way Bosses are long of tooth and large of butt, I guess. Once young bucks that were takin' it to the streets, but no more.
Although........if they would at least put online a USA map with little gavel icons that would designate cities where lawsuits are currently active....THAT would be cool. Or an online game, "Who's on the BOT This Year?"
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Technobyte, good point, but they would then have to admit that they had "members". Hardly worth it if the only three "members" had access to it. But..
I could see it now. "Upcoming events" section. Sceduled "board meetings" in the Bahamas, "supply and logistic" meetings (extravagant shopping sprees in New York or at the New Knoxville Mall), budget meetings (figuring out who the next poor full time staffer to get the axe because he or she might get sick) etc.
Oh yes, thanks House. I see Mr. bread and vegetables is still hard at work. I won't say who, might be fun- probably half of the people on the list could fit the description by now.
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