Lowly Lolly, are you still here? What are your thougts on this situation now? Have you asked your leadership about the Naberschnig case? What is your gut feeling about TWI's leadership---in your heart of hearts?
I still have to wonder, and I know this has been dragged all over the place in discussion, how people can live with themselves.
When I left TWI, I wrote a letter, as so many have, as well as verbal warnings, about fukers like this guy.
We remove children from their homes when we suspect abuse, neglect, blah blah. But children are left in homes when their parents KNOW!!! about people like this man. And still allow them access to their babies.
Had I not left TWI and continued to allow a local pervert to get closer and closer to my little girl.......well, then I would have been responsible.
You said: "We remove children from their homes when we suspect abuse, neglect, blah blah. But children are left in homes when their parents KNOW!!! about people like this man. And still allow them access to their babies."
Are you thinking that I KNEW he was abusing my daughter and I was still staying with him or allowing him in my home? IF so, Please know that you are mistaken.... The moment I knew I called the police.....
See me - - stinging tears stream down my face as my fingers tap on the keys
O how I wish this never happened - but I know it did.
I wish I knew something about this at the time. I would have phoned you and at least you could have had a somewhat sane shoulder to cry on. I would have taken you out for coffee or ice cream....just something to show support...some way to let you know (as if you needed it) there was another hand to hold.
A long time ago, there was a poster here named Josey Whales, and he and I and a few others used to say we would be watchmen on the Old Testament City Walls...and warn the people within of coming danger. You tried that as an individual and for a time twi mowed you down. Eventually the perp was caught and jailed but after how much dammage.
How many more of you, like LLP are going to skim the surface of these tragedies and not take an opportunity to escape to a real, true, safe and joyful life. God will NOT strike you down! We're all still here!
And we're all here by the invitation of the Pawtucketeer! Who knows what he's had to do to keep this place afloat....together with all those who support and help him.
How many more children being abused will it take?
How many more wives of good husbands will have to servise leaderdangs? How many more of those entering the upper echelon will have their way with your wives?
See me - I also think that Shellon's comments are directed at people who took no action, not you. It's so hard to read tone of voice. I'm sure Shellon will qualify her statement.
Krys, you're so right!
quote: How many more of you, like LLP are going to skim the surface of these tragedies and not take an opportunity to escape to a real, true, safe and joyful life. God will NOT strike you down! We're all still here!
I think it's very scary for people like LLP because they always believe whatever they hear from TWI leadership and hq. The thought that they may actually lie and cover up horrendous actions just does not occur to them and it's something they really don't want to believe because it would mean they were taken advantage of.
Some just close their ears and eyes because it's easier to continue on status quo existing and believing what they're told to believe rather than face facts and have to deal with them. It's too painful to admit that something that you loved and trusted in wasn't what you thought it was at all.
See Me; My apologies, no, I did not mean you. I understand how you read it that way and I'm sorry.
I meant TWI.
Every day, all day, folks in TWI are aware of kids being hurt by leadership, other followers, and family members, yet turn the other way. And of course, not just in TWI, but everywhere.
I understand the position you were in more than I can tell you.
And Evan, I wasn't chastizing others on this thread, either. TWI is my target, always has been, will continue to be. And others in society.
I hope that clears it up for you SeeMe. Again, I'm sorry that it implied I was blaming you. I do not.
Belle - I know you're right. I don't mean to condemn anyone. It wasn't easy for me to leave either. I never felt I would litterally die if I left that ministry, but I did find it hard to think about leaving because my whole life was entangled with it.
I just got worn down by the constant demans on my time and energies. There was no one moment in time which caused me to see the light so to speak.
Krys, I didn't think you were condemning anyone at all. I was just adding to your already very well stated comments. :)--> I'm sorry it came across wrong.
In fact, I had been thinking about this for a while and may start another topic to not derail this one any further.
Belle - I knew you weren't condemning me - sorry if you read it that way.
The condemnation I was talking about was those innies who may be thinking of leaving...not to condemn themselves for still being "in"....or for thinking about getting out.
Hello Lowlylollypoppy and others.... Sorry I did not respond earlier - I've been off the internet for a few days....
To answer some of your qustions - I think some posts clarified a bit but - I wanted to answer you.... Ok - about my comment:
“(YES, YES, YES - he is HIGHLY supported by the Branch and state leadership - they packed his house up when he was arrested and visited him in jail and encouraged him on the phone etc...) He is in the ministry to this day.â€
LLP, see me responded to some of your questions here also, for which it would be nice to know your response.
...I've kept this quiet for over a year now - so, Way Ministry people - wake up - Just because this happened to my daughter does not mean this behavior is not covered up all over the place - I could write a 1000+ page book on all of my emails from people and what has happened to them! (Well, actually you can just spend time reading ALL of the posts from this site!)
This bears repeating. TWI has a history of supporting, covering for and promoting people of this ilk. They even continued to support this jerk after he was found guilty in a court of law. Think they aren't still supporting craig? Think again! They're promoting and teaching from his friggin book right now! Why? Why when they trash everything from people who are M&A or just merely left TWI?
LLP, are you there? How are you doing? Have you gotten answers from your leadership? Are they telling you the truth?
See Me. My heart is with you, and for the deliverance of your daughter from that hurtful time. May the God of all comfort bless you and bring you all peace and comfort...
I guess we will see how the "Scales of Justice" will swing.
I am a parent of 2 girls and have found myself super sensitive when I hear that sexual related Criminals have more right than the ordinary citizen and the lifes of very vulnarable young children.
In 95 I worked as a Teaching asst' and the District was having a parents night to explain the new State mandated curriculm for Health and Sex (also) Science programs that would be introduced the next school year. I worked in the Middle School. Out of 800 families only 200 showed up. I went because I wanted to know.My children were not in that district..We just cannot drop our kids off and let them teach our children.My kids have grown now. THere is still a need for presence in the educating of our younger kids or allowing SYSTEMS to govern.
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THANK YOU FOR SHARING.you and your family are very brave. our prayers are with you
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Cherished Child
Lowly Lolly, are you still here? What are your thougts on this situation now? Have you asked your leadership about the Naberschnig case? What is your gut feeling about TWI's leadership---in your heart of hearts?
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I still have to wonder, and I know this has been dragged all over the place in discussion, how people can live with themselves.
When I left TWI, I wrote a letter, as so many have, as well as verbal warnings, about fukers like this guy.
We remove children from their homes when we suspect abuse, neglect, blah blah. But children are left in homes when their parents KNOW!!! about people like this man. And still allow them access to their babies.
Had I not left TWI and continued to allow a local pervert to get closer and closer to my little girl.......well, then I would have been responsible.
In prison, but responsible.
There's alot wrong with this.
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see me
Shellon -
You said: "We remove children from their homes when we suspect abuse, neglect, blah blah. But children are left in homes when their parents KNOW!!! about people like this man. And still allow them access to their babies."
Are you thinking that I KNEW he was abusing my daughter and I was still staying with him or allowing him in my home? IF so, Please know that you are mistaken.... The moment I knew I called the police.....
Just wanted to clarify....
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I think you are mistaken, see me; I hope so too. I think Shell is chastizing some of the posters on this thread...
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See me - - stinging tears stream down my face as my fingers tap on the keys
O how I wish this never happened - but I know it did.
I wish I knew something about this at the time. I would have phoned you and at least you could have had a somewhat sane shoulder to cry on. I would have taken you out for coffee or ice cream....just something to show support...some way to let you know (as if you needed it) there was another hand to hold.
A long time ago, there was a poster here named Josey Whales, and he and I and a few others used to say we would be watchmen on the Old Testament City Walls...and warn the people within of coming danger. You tried that as an individual and for a time twi mowed you down. Eventually the perp was caught and jailed but after how much dammage.
How many more of you, like LLP are going to skim the surface of these tragedies and not take an opportunity to escape to a real, true, safe and joyful life. God will NOT strike you down! We're all still here!
And we're all here by the invitation of the Pawtucketeer! Who knows what he's had to do to keep this place afloat....together with all those who support and help him.
How many more children being abused will it take?
How many more wives of good husbands will have to servise leaderdangs? How many more of those entering the upper echelon will have their way with your wives?
What will it take to snap your head around?
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See me - I also think that Shellon's comments are directed at people who took no action, not you. It's so hard to read tone of voice. I'm sure Shellon will qualify her statement.
Krys, you're so right!
I think it's very scary for people like LLP because they always believe whatever they hear from TWI leadership and hq. The thought that they may actually lie and cover up horrendous actions just does not occur to them and it's something they really don't want to believe because it would mean they were taken advantage of.Some just close their ears and eyes because it's easier to continue on status quo existing and believing what they're told to believe rather than face facts and have to deal with them. It's too painful to admit that something that you loved and trusted in wasn't what you thought it was at all.
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See Me; My apologies, no, I did not mean you. I understand how you read it that way and I'm sorry.
I meant TWI.
Every day, all day, folks in TWI are aware of kids being hurt by leadership, other followers, and family members, yet turn the other way. And of course, not just in TWI, but everywhere.
I understand the position you were in more than I can tell you.
And Evan, I wasn't chastizing others on this thread, either. TWI is my target, always has been, will continue to be. And others in society.
I hope that clears it up for you SeeMe. Again, I'm sorry that it implied I was blaming you. I do not.
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Belle - I know you're right. I don't mean to condemn anyone. It wasn't easy for me to leave either. I never felt I would litterally die if I left that ministry, but I did find it hard to think about leaving because my whole life was entangled with it.
I just got worn down by the constant demans on my time and energies. There was no one moment in time which caused me to see the light so to speak.
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Krys, I didn't think you were condemning anyone at all. I was just adding to your already very well stated comments.
:)--> I'm sorry it came across wrong.
In fact, I had been thinking about this for a while and may start another topic to not derail this one any further.
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Belle - I knew you weren't condemning me - sorry if you read it that way.
The condemnation I was talking about was those innies who may be thinking of leaving...not to condemn themselves for still being "in"....or for thinking about getting out.
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LLP, see me responded to some of your questions here also, for which it would be nice to know your response.
It's a very informative post:
see me's post
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Radar OReilly
To the top........by request.
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See Me said:
This bears repeating. TWI has a history of supporting, covering for and promoting people of this ilk. They even continued to support this jerk after he was found guilty in a court of law. Think they aren't still supporting craig? Think again! They're promoting and teaching from his friggin book right now! Why? Why when they trash everything from people who are M&A or just merely left TWI?
LLP, are you there? How are you doing? Have you gotten answers from your leadership? Are they telling you the truth?
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think fish
see me,
it seems you have leveled a devastating blow. twi's (what's left of them) reputation will suffer greatly for this!
making it even more improbable they will ever recover.
newbies will read this story and run like hell away from them!!!
does twi have any spin doctors?
i wonder what the bots will say about these proceedings?
typically, the they cut and run.
see me, you are a true warrior. faced with a powerful enemy with much resourses, you took them on and you seem to be winning!
with sword in hand, i salute you.
ka PLAH!!
(success, in Klingon)
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LLP, how have you reconciled this with what you'd love to believe about TWI? what all of us at one time wanted to believe about TWI....
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Any updates on this seeme?
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J0nny Ling0
See Me. My heart is with you, and for the deliverance of your daughter from that hurtful time. May the God of all comfort bless you and bring you all peace and comfort...
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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see me
Hello - here is the link with the most updates..... I am going to court on June 6th - Prayers are appreciated! :)
The law goes to the next legislative floor!
We are very excited but we still have my court case to go through.
I cannot give out any more info as to the details because court is coming up and I have some things that will not be brought out until then!
Thanks for your love and support!
Here is the link - I have no idea how to "bring links back up to the top"
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to the top
love ex
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Many will be saved because of you and your daughter's courage.
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can't remember what i brought to top sowwy
where is the thread "ex minister gets 6 years" ?
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Am wishing you the best of luck!!!
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I guess we will see how the "Scales of Justice" will swing.
I am a parent of 2 girls and have found myself super sensitive when I hear that sexual related Criminals have more right than the ordinary citizen and the lifes of very vulnarable young children.
In 95 I worked as a Teaching asst' and the District was having a parents night to explain the new State mandated curriculm for Health and Sex (also) Science programs that would be introduced the next school year. I worked in the Middle School. Out of 800 families only 200 showed up. I went because I wanted to know.My children were not in that district..We just cannot drop our kids off and let them teach our children.My kids have grown now. THere is still a need for presence in the educating of our younger kids or allowing SYSTEMS to govern.
I hope Im not off to much on subject given.
SeeMee- You go girl and Peace be with you:)
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