quote: JT, there IS a new class coming and the horny ed being involved is pure speculation on our part.
The WC are tired of teaching LCM's b.s. and they are tired of all the time they have to spend running classes in addition to teaching them. It's gotta suck putting all that effort into, what? a whole 3 teenage new students?
The field WC are already so broke and so over-worked by TWI in addition to having real jobs that I think they asked for a new class.
I'm just wondering where all those "new people" are that LCM said the WC would be uncovering when they went back to work.
Thanks for the update.
I asked about this some time ago after LCM bailed or got booted. (Or after he got booty) I was told then that teaching (really just reading his silly-bus) live was "temporary." One region coordinator said it was "the best we have." Translation: "That is our only money maker right now. We are waiting on orders from the throne before we do anything new."
Doesn't that fit them though? They always acted as if what they had was so spayshul and super-duper secret that entering PFAL was like finding the holy grail.
What do you think they'll name the new class series? Somehow, I doubt it'll be called , "The Way of Abundance and Power".
It might be a good move to go back to calling it, "Power For Abundant Living", and follow the original class syllibus as closely as possible---after all, TWI was able to suck a lot of people in with the contents of the original series. It was simple, direct, and seemed to make sense to most of us at the time. If they're smart (a real reach for them nowadays, to be sure!), they will drop the whole "lesbian Eve" explaination of the original sin of man.
I wonder- why the claim that things are "better"? I would like to more of a quantitative estimate. "Better" is just so vague..
"Things are really good now. No longer do we try to control people's time, money and sanity. Nor do we demand contributions. We are hiring a group who can do genuine research, that find plagairism unacceptable, and that actually care. We find adultery unacceptable, especially among those in the inner circle. No longer do we protect criminals. One wrong relationship between minister and congregant, and the minister is toast."
I doubt it will be PFAL but look for nostalgia in some way. They HAVE to dig up VP (figuratively speaking) in some way. Plus, they have to bury Craig even deeper.
I would suspect they'll use some corporate-speak along the lines of "getting back to their roots", etc. It will be run like any good public relations campaign. After legal review, of course. ;)-->
Dunno.. looking at their new message board again this morning got me thinking a little more. No post from innies seem to have any real substance- at least in my opinion. They look like a lot of the "blessings" letters, "we were sooooo "blessed" to be a part of..." with almost little or no valid reasons. Kind of makes me feel sick.
One "positive" thing though- it makes me really "blessed" that my kids are not mixed up in that mess.
Things don't look any better, no less any different.
WordWolf, it really took some effort to look at that stuff. I had to take several slow, smooth breaths and try to relax.. would have been better off if I braced myself with half a bottle of tequilla, schnaps or something.. would have had a lot to explain to the boss here though.
Ditto being "blessed" that our kids are not involved. None of mine are anymore.
I don't really have an issue with the "I'm blessed" droning, what I find alarming is the lack of any evidense of critical thinking skills.
Several of us have been asking questions that have been pretty much softballs compared to what goes on at GS, yet they seem to curl up in a ball and avoid even thinking about the questions, let alone the answers. Gsers have been referred to "leadership", had it suggested that we were straining at semantics, focussing on negatives and on the past, and had meaningless circular phrases subsituted for actual answers. Opinions are only welcome when they are in alignment with "the Word" as taught at TWI.
I'm proud that my kids are making decisions based on what is best for their lives, not on some arcane doctrine, although they have to clear out the waybrain just like I do.
quote: I don't really have an issue with the "I'm blessed" droning, what I find alarming is the lack of any evidense of critical thinking skills.
Amen! By the time I left, my standards in this category were actually pretty low. In other words, I didn't expect much from my "leaders." They wouldn't have needed to do much. They still failed. And then I found this place...
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Belle quote:
Thanks for the update.
I asked about this some time ago after LCM bailed or got booted. (Or after he got booty) I was told then that teaching (really just reading his silly-bus) live was "temporary." One region coordinator said it was "the best we have." Translation: "That is our only money maker right now. We are waiting on orders from the throne before we do anything new."
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JT, your translator is working perfectly!
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Is this like a big secret message or sumthing? psst did you know that ~~~
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Thank you.
It's so secret, no one knows.
Doesn't that fit them though? They always acted as if what they had was so spayshul and super-duper secret that entering PFAL was like finding the holy grail.
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hmmm a new class...
the original sin: Eve was a masturbating lesbian?
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Maybe the "powers that be" want to get off the lesbian topic anyway?
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Cherished Child
What do you think they'll name the new class series? Somehow, I doubt it'll be called , "The Way of Abundance and Power".
It might be a good move to go back to calling it, "Power For Abundant Living", and follow the original class syllibus as closely as possible---after all, TWI was able to suck a lot of people in with the contents of the original series. It was simple, direct, and seemed to make sense to most of us at the time. If they're smart (a real reach for them nowadays, to be sure!), they will drop the whole "lesbian Eve" explaination of the original sin of man.
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I guess the real question is "is everybody welcome at The Way" once again? Until I see it on their website, I won't believe it.
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I wonder- why the claim that things are "better"? I would like to more of a quantitative estimate. "Better" is just so vague..
"Things are really good now. No longer do we try to control people's time, money and sanity. Nor do we demand contributions. We are hiring a group who can do genuine research, that find plagairism unacceptable, and that actually care. We find adultery unacceptable, especially among those in the inner circle. No longer do we protect criminals. One wrong relationship between minister and congregant, and the minister is toast."
That would be my definition of "better".
Not that I would go back anyway..
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I doubt it will be PFAL but look for nostalgia in some way. They HAVE to dig up VP (figuratively speaking) in some way. Plus, they have to bury Craig even deeper.
I would suspect they'll use some corporate-speak along the lines of "getting back to their roots", etc. It will be run like any good public relations campaign. After legal review, of course.
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I have a feeling any attempt to copyright anything will come under a little closer scrutiny this time..
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Dunno.. looking at their new message board again this morning got me thinking a little more. No post from innies seem to have any real substance- at least in my opinion. They look like a lot of the "blessings" letters, "we were sooooo "blessed" to be a part of..." with almost little or no valid reasons. Kind of makes me feel sick.
One "positive" thing though- it makes me really "blessed" that my kids are not mixed up in that mess.
Things don't look any better, no less any different.
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I was waiting to see who'd be the first to mention that.....
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WordWolf, it really took some effort to look at that stuff. I had to take several slow, smooth breaths and try to relax.. would have been better off if I braced myself with half a bottle of tequilla, schnaps or something.. would have had a lot to explain to the boss here though.
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Ditto being "blessed" that our kids are not involved. None of mine are anymore.
I don't really have an issue with the "I'm blessed" droning, what I find alarming is the lack of any evidense of critical thinking skills.
Several of us have been asking questions that have been pretty much softballs compared to what goes on at GS, yet they seem to curl up in a ball and avoid even thinking about the questions, let alone the answers. Gsers have been referred to "leadership", had it suggested that we were straining at semantics, focussing on negatives and on the past, and had meaningless circular phrases subsituted for actual answers. Opinions are only welcome when they are in alignment with "the Word" as taught at TWI.
I'm proud that my kids are making decisions based on what is best for their lives, not on some arcane doctrine, although they have to clear out the waybrain just like I do.
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an apology would be a step in the right direction.
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Amen! By the time I left, my standards in this category were actually pretty low. In other words, I didn't expect much from my "leaders." They wouldn't have needed to do much. They still failed. And then I found this place...
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Not that this is a biggie but it was said by someone here that they no longer have LEAD. But they still do.
Also thank you Belle for repeating it was speculation in regards to Ed Horney. I appreciate your covering for me like that. Thank you!
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You must admit it would be a good speculation though- just what they need. Another LCM boot licker..
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Actually I don't consider him to have been one. I know there is history there, but he didn't bow to Craig. And admittedly it is very good speculation.
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But his wife did and he allowed it, from what I understand.
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I'll not deny that, but there is more yet. He was not just passive. I realize this is incomplete. My apologies for that.
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It is kind of sad. House, I would not doubt that he had some integrity once.
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Sad is a good word for the more not spoken, thank you for picking up on it.
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