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Ministries and sexual sin


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One of the more "remarkable" statements that I remember from PFAL regarding fear was that "I have never seen anything that destroys mens ministries more than fear." (Approximate quote). Having been out of da ministry for a few years, and reading posts at this place makes me think that that may be "slightly" in error.

Lately, I have more of the opinion that sexual sin: adultery, rape, etc., of ministers (especially when it involves those in his care) in an organization does more to bury an organization than all of the fear in the world.

Witness the decline of the organization that we left, and most here are of the opinion that it has not been buried enough. Though there are too many exceptions, some organizations that have partly survived a lot of this stuff are ones that have come clean, attempted to recompense the victims, fired the culprits and worse.

So, what does this little known outfit in Podunk Ohio do? Try to keep the perpetrator, fire the victims, and expect the problem just to go away if they retemorize enough scriptures, and regard legal consequences as "attacks of the adversary".

It seems to me that the most logical approach would be to right the wrongs, but no.. Usually, the victims do not just go away, and every time the perpetrators stick their head up to see if anybody is still watching, they get another thumping. Obviously, they do not care for their reputation, only the little wealth and copyrights that they are sitting on.

In light of this, I just wonder, what is really keeping them from making the situation right, or at least as right as is in their power to do? The souls they hurt are worth more than the piddling amount they have in their bank accounts. They oughta know the problems are just not going to go away, even if they retemorize the whole bible backwards and forwards. Why don't they just do the right thing?

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Perhaps the answer is that they were afraid of their sins being discovered. Fear that lcm's adultry would become common knowledge, fear that folks would discover how corrupt and uncaring and dishonest they are. Fear that the abs money would evaporate...Fear, fear and more fear...that their little kingdom would fall apart if they didn't lie and try to cover their a$$es. Even today, fear is what keeps them hiding behind closed doors...turning people away from the gates of "Zion" because they are afraid and have things to hide.

Of course it was not the fear itself that brought them down...there is no such thing as a "law of believing"...it was their actual sins. Bottom line...when Veepee croaked, the spell was broken and the evil was finally exposed.

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In light of this, I just wonder, what is really keeping them from making the situation right, or at least as right as is in their power to do? The souls they hurt are worth more than the piddling ****** they have in their bank accounts. They oughta know the problems are just not going to go away, even if they retemorize the whole bible backwards and forwards. Why don't they just do the right thing?

Mr. Hammeroni,

By the standards of worldly excess or greed, twi is a piker. But in terms of modicum comfort and groupie adulation, twi's bod are riding this buggy to the end of the path.

IMO...they are attempting to be "legends in their own minds." It must be self-hypnotic to repeat to themselves that their organization is making known the word like it hasn't been known since the first century. They live in a parallel existence while the real world speeds along.

Besides, with some $24 million in assets and $25 million in bonds/stocks/investments/cash (whatever ???).....it ain't all that bad for some retiring country folk. And, with many staff trained to live in dorm-style shelter, the another some 40 fast-approaching emerituses.....it will suffice.

Where else would a 64 year old rivenbark go? And donna....she gets pseudo-pity from some who haven't grasped the whole picture. Plus, with the possibility of two college students still going thru the works....she's apt to stay put and stay quiet.

And, one more thing..........when the bod and emeritus bod travel, its a petty cash account expense! When the said party eat and lodge, it's paid for. When these guys travel to the shopping malls and down to Florida for winter jaunts, IT CAN EASILY BE COVERED IN EXPENSE ACCOUNTS AND THUS, PAID BY THE ABUNDANT SHARING OF TWI FOLLOWERS.

Nothing like having unaccountability in a non-profit organization. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


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Fear would explain it.. but most of what has happened is public knowledge. It just seems to me, the logical thing to do (and I know this is asking for the next to impossible) would be to at least try to fix it. The price tag is only going to go up; the longer they wait, the worse it's gonna get.

Their "fine reputation as a biblical research organization" has already been tarnished, and beyond repair. All they have left is a boat load of arrogance that their belief is "The Way", and that no one else should have the audacity to have any similarity to their name.

"The way" things look, they will end up dying with that belief. I feel sorry for the people they will leave behind. They should inherit something better.

I don't know.. I know at least a few of them read this stuff. Maybe it's one more appeal to really do something right.

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The kind of inheritance they will leave behind.. makes me think of some of the really bad Nazi's that escaped judgement after WWII. Their victims chased them with about the same amount of mercy that the Nazi's showed to them. Makes it kind of hard to live from day to day with peace of mind I would imagine, even if you are sitting in the lap of luxury.

But what do the kids, or those that follow next in the organization inherit? Same bad name. Same reputation. Maybe they don't deserve it, maybe they do. But they don't have a choice. And this stuff does not go away.

I think Igotout may have already given the best advice, fold the organization, and give the assets to another organization that can really do something good with it.

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All the bod is doing is maintaining a delaying tactic.

The group is in "negative growth" (hemorrhaging followers)

and has been for years.

The people at the top want to maintain their "creature comforts"

as long as possible. Sooner or later, they KNOW they will need

to jump ship, when the Titanic sinks all the way past the

waterline, if not sooner. Even the fox has to know that the

bod will toss her out like yesterday's trash the same way they

deep-sixed mrs w. So, this is all a delaying tactic.

I wonder what their "retirement plans" are like.....

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I do not claim to be a prophet of doom or anything, but what would it take? One or two more attacks like 9-11? The money would still be worth something, they could use it to wallpaper the old red barn.. I think most of us could fend for ourselves in pretty austere circumstances, not them.

They could always go to busy intersections and carry signs, "will brainwash for food".

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I'll bet that after seeing how they dumped THEIR responsibility to take care of Mrs. W on the W kids that many full time ministers upped their "need basis" and others started stashing money away, but it's probably too little too late unless they have hefty inheritances coming their way. If their parents were in TWI, then they definitely don't.

They will never come clean about their sins because that would require admitting that they did something wrong, didn't do the right thing and are less than perfect. We all know that TWIt leadership is perfect, so far as we're told and it's not up for debate. I'm looking forward to watching them debate it with God. icon_wink.gif;)-->

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Good point Belle. That may also explain why there was so much mistrust and suspicion. Craigers and company knew what THEY did. And they knew how well they could keep a secret, by silence, intimidation and any other means possible. Is it possible that they were so skewed that they thought everybody else in the ministry conducted their lives in the same manner? Like the corpse said about me: "we KNOW that you is screwed up.." more like he was saying "I knows screwed up, and you must be screwed up too."

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