It would depend on who filed for divorce...if Donna, it would be filed in whatever county New Knuckleheadville is in, if Loydo*k filed first, it'd be whatever county his slime putrifies.
You asked why everyone wants to see bad things happen. I've wondered that myself sometimes. Like that Jerry Springer show ... why are people entertained by that crap? But I think this is different.
While divorce is essentially a "bad thing", there are times when it is necessary and therefore a good thing. Certainly in this case, it is totally appropriate. Assuming it was Donna who initiated the divorce (which I don't know, but it seems likely) ... it would indicate that she recognizes her own worth as a woman,as well as the example she needs to set for other women who look up to her. For her to stay married to this abusive man would imply that she accepts this kind of behavior within a marriage relationship, which could lead to others being hurt who try to imitate her. And the most likely females to imitate her would be her own daughters.
So, Papa John, perhaps we at Greasespot are actually celebrating this turn of events, rather than being amused by something "bad".
I checked this county, shelby, and about 25 others last spring until I got sidetracked with TWI's lawsuit against me. Apparently, Craig and Donna did not the info known. Too bad
quote:I checked this county, shelby, and about 25 others last spring until I got sidetracked with TWI's lawsuit against me. Apparently, Craig and Donna did not want the info known. Too bad.
If I understand what you're Ohio resident can travel to another county seat and file for divorce?
If that's the wouldn't surprise me at all if craig (or donna) traveled to some DISTANT COUNTY, like say near Athens, Ohio to keep this divorce announcement secret. Somewhere far away.....where there were no fellowships, no innies to read the public notice.
Heck, look at the lengths twi went to in shipping craig off to toledo? Secret location, secret job, secret severance pay, secret EVERYTHING!
Wait, I'm not married but I'd start with finding what state they were married in, or should I say what state the marriage license was issued from. If everyone is assuming Ohio I think that could be a wrong assumtion.
I don't know the answer.
Something else, see if Donna changed her last name back to her maiden name. I know what that is but I think most people do.
they should really let their divorce be known since it's looks so much weirder that they live apart
i think of rosie saying, now's your chance donnie, it's public that he screwed around on you -- now you can divorce him and save face -- AND WE CAN BE TOGETHR AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER AS LONG AS THOSE FAITHFUL WAYFERS KEEP SENDING THAT ABS
They got married in '76 upon Donna's WC graduation, so they must have married in Emporia. Is there a legal shortcut if you divorce in the same county in which you married?
No. As Steve! said, what matters is where you live when you file for divorce, unless (as someone has suggested) you went out of the country to get one. I'm not sure, but I think you can also still go to Nevada for a "quickie" divorce.
I moved to Ohio after separating from my husband, but I ended up going back to Los Angeles to file because that's where I'd been living and had established residency.
Pat, search in all the distant counties you want - you will probably find nothing.
In Ohio the filing party (plaintiff) must be a resident of the county in which the divorce is filed for at least 90 days immediately preceding the filing. It's a matter of law.
According to current records I have seen, LCM still lists his residence as Wierwille Road, New Knoxville - so does Donna. If Donna filed it will be in whatever county she resides in and if LCM filed it will be in whatever county he resides in.
IMO so far, this divorce is nothing more than specualtion and hearsay until the "reliable source" can produce some solid evidence. Quoting an unnamed "reliable source" is still hearsay.
What evidence does this reliable source have? -- Have they seen the actual divorce papers? - or do they just know somebody who knows somebody that says so?
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This thread is my Christmas all you innies who have extra time during these holidays to sit in front of your computers.
Merry Christmas........and a Happy New Ex-twi Year!
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hey wait a minute here, i heard craiggers screaming at a good friend of mine about getting divorced
ps. why aren't they posting here ? they're greasespots
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i would try auglaize
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wonder if "damage control" will be working overtime this christmas? or, if rico has a squelch-information plan in place?
after all, he's the one that's supposed to keep twi followers informed "from soup to nuts."
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'twas the night before christmas,
and all through the house(hold)
none of the innies were stirrin'
until the news of this marriage fold.
yes, tis true, so unbelievably true...
and deceptively, they've been lied to
by twi's directors no less
oh my god.........what a mess!
so they scampered and skeedaddled
and stopped sending their money,
to an outfit laced with deception
and "biblical" baloney.
and to those who ridicule
the adventures of st. nick and reindeer,
its not that far-fetched to believe
than a cult full of fear.
so let's hoist our glasses
in a celebration of cheer,
and welcome lots more ex-twiers
in the upcoming year!
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why is it everyone WANTS to see bad things happen?
sure, they were a bunch of abusing a$$'s, but it seems to me that you are all falling over that stumbling block.
a great woman once said, if you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all.
merry christmas
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Radar OReilly
papa...the "great woman" you attributed that quote to...would be THUMPER, the a-sexual bunny in Bambi.....just fyi
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Don't you think that this might be a broad-stroke generalization?
According to "a great woman".......I suppose she would have wanted Jesus to NOT warn of the Pharisee and Sadducees hypocrisy?
Merry Christmas to you too.
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It would depend on who filed for divorce...if Donna, it would be filed in whatever county New Knuckleheadville is in, if Loydo*k filed first, it'd be whatever county his slime putrifies.
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Papa John
You asked why everyone wants to see bad things happen. I've wondered that myself sometimes. Like that Jerry Springer show ... why are people entertained by that crap? But I think this is different.
While divorce is essentially a "bad thing", there are times when it is necessary and therefore a good thing. Certainly in this case, it is totally appropriate. Assuming it was Donna who initiated the divorce (which I don't know, but it seems likely) ... it would indicate that she recognizes her own worth as a woman,as well as the example she needs to set for other women who look up to her. For her to stay married to this abusive man would imply that she accepts this kind of behavior within a marriage relationship, which could lead to others being hurt who try to imitate her. And the most likely females to imitate her would be her own daughters.
So, Papa John, perhaps we at Greasespot are actually celebrating this turn of events, rather than being amused by something "bad".
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I checked this county, shelby, and about 25 others last spring until I got sidetracked with TWI's lawsuit against me. Apparently, Craig and Donna did not the info known. Too badLink to comment
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If you can't say something nice about someone, you're probably talking about LCM!
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good one georgie !!!!!
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If I understand what you're Ohio resident can travel to another county seat and file for divorce?
If that's the wouldn't surprise me at all if craig (or donna) traveled to some DISTANT COUNTY, like say near Athens, Ohio to keep this divorce announcement secret. Somewhere far away.....where there were no fellowships, no innies to read the public notice.
Heck, look at the lengths twi went to in shipping craig off to toledo? Secret location, secret job, secret severance pay, secret EVERYTHING!
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Seth R.
Wait, I'm not married but I'd start with finding what state they were married in, or should I say what state the marriage license was issued from. If everyone is assuming Ohio I think that could be a wrong assumtion.
I don't know the answer.
Something else, see if Donna changed her last name back to her maiden name. I know what that is but I think most people do.
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Where the marriage license was issued matters not a whit.
State(s) of residence at dissolution is what counts.
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skyrider: Your idea about some distant county I think is correct and that is where I have broadened the search.
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If they did so, who says it necessarily happened in Ohio, or even the US?
They are after all, a sly and sneaky group of evildoers.
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wow good point !
they should really let their divorce be known since it's looks so much weirder that they live apart
i think of rosie saying, now's your chance donnie, it's public that he screwed around on you -- now you can divorce him and save face -- AND WE CAN BE TOGETHR AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER AS LONG AS THOSE FAITHFUL WAYFERS KEEP SENDING THAT ABS
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They got married in '76 upon Donna's WC graduation, so they must have married in Emporia. Is there a legal shortcut if you divorce in the same county in which you married?
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Linda Z
No. As Steve! said, what matters is where you live when you file for divorce, unless (as someone has suggested) you went out of the country to get one. I'm not sure, but I think you can also still go to Nevada for a "quickie" divorce.
I moved to Ohio after separating from my husband, but I ended up going back to Los Angeles to file because that's where I'd been living and had established residency.
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Pat, search in all the distant counties you want - you will probably find nothing.
In Ohio the filing party (plaintiff) must be a resident of the county in which the divorce is filed for at least 90 days immediately preceding the filing. It's a matter of law.
According to current records I have seen, LCM still lists his residence as Wierwille Road, New Knoxville - so does Donna. If Donna filed it will be in whatever county she resides in and if LCM filed it will be in whatever county he resides in.
IMO so far, this divorce is nothing more than specualtion and hearsay until the "reliable source" can produce some solid evidence. Quoting an unnamed "reliable source" is still hearsay.
What evidence does this reliable source have? -- Have they seen the actual divorce papers? - or do they just know somebody who knows somebody that says so?
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