The age of "debt" brought about much intrusion into peoples financial lives. You were expected to reveal the necessary details to aid in their being able to tell you exactly what you were to do. But there's been much done on debt here in the past so will not go further into it. Except to say if you had debt and they knew it, you were not left alone regarding it.
They've probably made him a region coordinator. Now wayfers far and wide can be warned of the dangers of mixing bread and vegetables. Funny, among my first thoughts when I met this guy was, "man, how did a guy that has less than an equivalent of 5th grade education make it through the corps?" On top of that, he had a pretty stupid looking smile when he fondly talked about his bread and vegetables..
"The age of "debt" brought about much intrusion into peoples financial lives. You were expected to reveal the necessary details to aid in their being able to tell you exactly what you were to do. But there's been much done on debt here in the past so will not go further into it. Except to say if you had debt and they knew it, you were not left alone regarding it."
Yes, I understand.
Tell you what we did. We [bonnie and myself] took budgeting courses and we each volunteered time helping others to work out their household budgets. Then we took the VITA course each year [either Bonnie or I, depending on whether or not I was in port] so the IRS certified us to assist others with their taxes. I did routinely offer to teach other twigs budgeting and tax planning. I was a 'Command Financial Specialist' for the Navy, I taught budgeting, tax-planning and investment schemes. Did Limb Coordinators ever let me? Only once. And anytime that I ever asked a Limb Coordinator about it, I always found that they paid more income tax then I did. I find 40 hours in a classroom each year, well worth the fact that I dont pay income tax. But LCs were generally more willing to waste their money on taxes than to take the time to itemize their 1040s.
We bought multi-family propertys [a 3 family property, a 5 family building, a 3 family building] all on mortgages with zero money down. Kind of collected them each place we were stationed. We usually offered rental units to the beleivers in our Twig. By offering housing to the beleivers in our Twig, no body in TWI ever said anything to us about it.
I often heard about tithing, which I did tithe and I do.
But no corpse ever did get on my case concerning buying real estate or mortgages. Though I think the reason was that I was always prepared and willing to break out charts and timelines on my investments. I will compare my 1040 from any year with any active corpse grad.
Not to say that I was outwardly confrontational, except perhaps when the topic is money. investments or paying taxes.
Galen, I admire your involvement as it was, providing for others in your decisions. There's been no room for the likes of you in twi for quite some time, nor do I imagine will there be in the future.
House, I am not holding my breath while waiting for an apology either. Probably never see it, I can live with that too. But I think it was more of the principle of the thing. Most people that I have met actually care about the effect their words have on others. These are what are termed by TWI as "rank unbelievers" (another one of those great phrases!) and "empties floating by in the river of life" (whooee, pretty good spiritual judgement from one who spiritually couldn't find his rear end in the dark if his life depended on it..). I guess my point is, the worst of the worst (at least in TWI's opinion) has more kindness, consideration and honesty than the MAJORITY of the whole group combined.
I saw some people with very minor faults recieve treatment that ordinarily and logically should be reserved for child molesters, rapists and murderers. And most of the "household" agreed with such treatment, at least some of us started waking up. "Let the devil work them over" was the supposed judgment. "No help from us".
Have to get up in the middle of the meeting to use the bathroom? You were possessed with devil spirits from hell; just demonstrated how slothful you were, so "disrespectful" of the convening MOG. This actually happened.
This and much more done because of another nice little phrase: "gotta keep the household clean".
Funny how while all this stuff was going on, the most unclean bastard was sitting on the top of this supposed holy and righteous organization. And it has not changed. Same filth there today.
Now, I saw on another thread- another nice new phrase- "you can come back. Things are better here now, really." I would sooner "go back" to living under an outhouse..
(from another thread but relevant, and he was referring to twi in regards to accountability)
I don't see how anybody puts up with it anymore. There is zero accountability.
One thing I've agreed with that they've taught is accountability, now isn't that an oxymoron of sorts? Because they did actually understand the concept and I did gain to my life because I practiced it. (not perfectly) So in this instance they used the proper lingo or catch phrase to describe it that was easy to entreat. But they failed miserably to ginosko it. And became skilled at deceit in this area, which is not just my observation or experience.
House, absolutely. Funny when it came to the "average believer", the individual was held accountable. Accountable for every little stinking detail.
Held accountable- why you were sick, why you could not make the little insignificant meeting, why you are not taking the newest and the best class or seminar. Plus accountability in your finances, why you were not conducting your finances, child raising, and almost every other facet of your lives according the present truth dictates.
Yet the inner circle seems to be above recrimination. They are free to do as they wish. Spend money like water, take vacations that most followers could only dream of. All seemingly without being held accountable for anything. Maybe that's not quite right- they are accountable- only to themselves, no other standards are necessary.
We should have ran like the wind when we became suspect or even privy to the extent of their lack of accountability. It still amazes me that I personally ever bought "we all fall short of the glory, this was insignificant in respect to the good of the household".
Well alrighty then....guess I'll just return to my status in life as a Stepford wife.
Hello Trefor! Maybe you were spared from the full time corpse thing. It really spelled disaster in the U.S. Did they actually implement that on your side of the lake? Maybe you were subject to less central control and organization.
Here's another nice phrase for you house..
"God showed me that the corps really needs to go full time"
May not have been one of the set in stone phrases, but it was sure revered as such.
House.. what about- "that the ministry be not blamed". Man, that one was used to cover up some real bad stuff. Have a "believer" steal from you, or worse? Don't call the cops. After all, we don't want "the ministry" to appear tarnished.
"God showed me that the corps really needs to go full time"
May not have been one of the set in stone phrases, but it was sure revered as such.
And then it was oops...we didn't realize this was going to actually cost us matched social security...that's a lot of money you know...ha ha ha ha ha ha
House.. what about- "that the ministry be not blamed". Man, that one was used to cover up some real bad stuff. Have a "believer" steal from you, or worse? Don't call the cops. After all, we don't want "the ministry" to appear tarnished.
I just read what you said (in another thread) when you brought this phrase up. You covered it very, very well!
"We've heard it rumored they were working on new classes. Ed Horney went somewhere, somewhere in the belly of the system. I've wondered what he was doing. New classes...I've wondered. All it is, all it is."
I must have missed this the first time through. Went into the "belly of the system" heh heh- I sure wouldn't want to be him when he "comes out" heh heh heh..
Ed can't be working THAT hard. I mean, really, how hard is it to pick and choose which parts of both classes to copy?
I imagine the hardest part is trying to choose who to film for which segments since TWI seems to have a revolving door now that people are getting older, wiser and tired of learning new terms for the same old b.s.
How about: "you are welcome the The Way". Of course they don't use that one any more.
That one was replaced with "if you don't kiss our rear ends in the exactly prescribed manner, don't let the door hit you in the a**".
Maybe they will get all gushy and cheery faced again. People will be "welcome" again, just have to redefine what "welcome" means.
"You are 'welcome' (we will gladly take your money, time, family life, and any other perceived resource. We still expect you to continue to kiss the MOG's rear end, however. Failure to do so will still place you outside of the walls of 'zion', in the realm of wild beasts. 'Results' are still not guaranteed. But you can come back; things are better than they were. When we abuse you, it will be while wearing a cheery smile, and using softer words) at De Vey.
Hows that for a "literal translation according to usage"?
Hey House, here's another one "like the yak family". Used to encourage the group to protect itself. I think it turned into "like the rat family"- instead of running off, they tie their tails together and confront the world with the "logic" of their message!
"We've heard it rumored they were working on new classes. Ed Horney went somewhere, somewhere in the belly of the system. I've wondered what he was doing. New classes...I've wondered. All it is, all it is."
I must have missed this the first time through. Went into the "belly of the system" heh heh- I sure wouldn't want to be him when he "comes out" heh heh heh..
quote:Originally posted by Belle:
Ed can't be working THAT hard. I mean, really, how hard is it to pick and choose which parts of both classes to copy?
I imagine the hardest part is trying to choose who to film for which segments since TWI seems to have a revolving door now that people are getting older, wiser and tired of learning new terms for the same old b.s.
Mr. Hammeroni and Belle, I was thinking out loud on Ed okay, I know you two know that but I see someone else posted it in another thread so I think I started a rumor didn't I? ;)-->
Hey House, here's another one "like the yak family". Used to encourage the group to protect itself. I think it turned into "like the rat family"- instead of running off, they tie their tails together and confront the world with the "logic" of their message!
Mentally you had to tie your "tails" together, cause if we were using the other end we would of all ran.
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Galen, thank you for some of your history.
The age of "debt" brought about much intrusion into peoples financial lives. You were expected to reveal the necessary details to aid in their being able to tell you exactly what you were to do. But there's been much done on debt here in the past so will not go further into it. Except to say if you had debt and they knew it, you were not left alone regarding it.
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ha ha ha ha ha
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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"Galen, thank you for some of your history."
Your welcome.
"The age of "debt" brought about much intrusion into peoples financial lives. You were expected to reveal the necessary details to aid in their being able to tell you exactly what you were to do. But there's been much done on debt here in the past so will not go further into it. Except to say if you had debt and they knew it, you were not left alone regarding it."
Yes, I understand.
Tell you what we did. We [bonnie and myself] took budgeting courses and we each volunteered time helping others to work out their household budgets. Then we took the VITA course each year [either Bonnie or I, depending on whether or not I was in port] so the IRS certified us to assist others with their taxes. I did routinely offer to teach other twigs budgeting and tax planning. I was a 'Command Financial Specialist' for the Navy, I taught budgeting, tax-planning and investment schemes. Did Limb Coordinators ever let me? Only once. And anytime that I ever asked a Limb Coordinator about it, I always found that they paid more income tax then I did. I find 40 hours in a classroom each year, well worth the fact that I dont pay income tax. But LCs were generally more willing to waste their money on taxes than to take the time to itemize their 1040s.
We bought multi-family propertys [a 3 family property, a 5 family building, a 3 family building] all on mortgages with zero money down. Kind of collected them each place we were stationed. We usually offered rental units to the beleivers in our Twig. By offering housing to the beleivers in our Twig, no body in TWI ever said anything to us about it.
I often heard about tithing, which I did tithe and I do.
But no corpse ever did get on my case concerning buying real estate or mortgages. Though I think the reason was that I was always prepared and willing to break out charts and timelines on my investments. I will compare my 1040 from any year with any active corpse grad.
Not to say that I was outwardly confrontational, except perhaps when the topic is money. investments or paying taxes.
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Galen, I admire your involvement as it was, providing for others in your decisions. There's been no room for the likes of you in twi for quite some time, nor do I imagine will there be in the future.
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House, I am not holding my breath while waiting for an apology either. Probably never see it, I can live with that too. But I think it was more of the principle of the thing. Most people that I have met actually care about the effect their words have on others. These are what are termed by TWI as "rank unbelievers" (another one of those great phrases!) and "empties floating by in the river of life" (whooee, pretty good spiritual judgement from one who spiritually couldn't find his rear end in the dark if his life depended on it..). I guess my point is, the worst of the worst (at least in TWI's opinion) has more kindness, consideration and honesty than the MAJORITY of the whole group combined.
I saw some people with very minor faults recieve treatment that ordinarily and logically should be reserved for child molesters, rapists and murderers. And most of the "household" agreed with such treatment, at least some of us started waking up. "Let the devil work them over" was the supposed judgment. "No help from us".
Have to get up in the middle of the meeting to use the bathroom? You were possessed with devil spirits from hell; just demonstrated how slothful you were, so "disrespectful" of the convening MOG. This actually happened.
This and much more done because of another nice little phrase: "gotta keep the household clean".
Funny how while all this stuff was going on, the most unclean bastard was sitting on the top of this supposed holy and righteous organization. And it has not changed. Same filth there today.
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Now, I saw on another thread- another nice new phrase- "you can come back. Things are better here now, really." I would sooner "go back" to living under an outhouse..
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I would agree!
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One thing I've agreed with that they've taught is accountability, now isn't that an oxymoron of sorts? Because they did actually understand the concept and I did gain to my life because I practiced it. (not perfectly) So in this instance they used the proper lingo or catch phrase to describe it that was easy to entreat. But they failed miserably to ginosko it. And became skilled at deceit in this area, which is not just my observation or experience.
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House, absolutely. Funny when it came to the "average believer", the individual was held accountable. Accountable for every little stinking detail.
Held accountable- why you were sick, why you could not make the little insignificant meeting, why you are not taking the newest and the best class or seminar. Plus accountability in your finances, why you were not conducting your finances, child raising, and almost every other facet of your lives according the present truth dictates.
Yet the inner circle seems to be above recrimination. They are free to do as they wish. Spend money like water, take vacations that most followers could only dream of. All seemingly without being held accountable for anything. Maybe that's not quite right- they are accountable- only to themselves, no other standards are necessary.
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Trefor Heywood
Perhaps they were a little laxer on rules and regulations with the Europeans...
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We should have ran like the wind when we became suspect or even privy to the extent of their lack of accountability. It still amazes me that I personally ever bought "we all fall short of the glory, this was insignificant in respect to the good of the household".
Well alrighty then....guess I'll just return to my status in life as a Stepford wife.
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Hello Trefor! Maybe you were spared from the full time corpse thing. It really spelled disaster in the U.S. Did they actually implement that on your side of the lake? Maybe you were subject to less central control and organization.
Here's another nice phrase for you house..
"God showed me that the corps really needs to go full time"
May not have been one of the set in stone phrases, but it was sure revered as such.
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"run like the wind" heh heh. Kinda like Forest Gump- we should have been "running fools"- I guess we eventually did!
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House.. what about- "that the ministry be not blamed". Man, that one was used to cover up some real bad stuff. Have a "believer" steal from you, or worse? Don't call the cops. After all, we don't want "the ministry" to appear tarnished.
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And then it was oops...we didn't realize this was going to actually cost us matched social security...that's a lot of money you know...ha ha ha ha ha ha
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I just read what you said (in another thread) when you brought this phrase up. You covered it very, very well!
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From Houseisarockin:
"We've heard it rumored they were working on new classes. Ed Horney went somewhere, somewhere in the belly of the system. I've wondered what he was doing. New classes...I've wondered. All it is, all it is."
I must have missed this the first time through. Went into the "belly of the system" heh heh- I sure wouldn't want to be him when he "comes out" heh heh heh..
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Ed can't be working THAT hard. I mean, really, how hard is it to pick and choose which parts of both classes to copy?
I imagine the hardest part is trying to choose who to film for which segments since TWI seems to have a revolving door now that people are getting older, wiser and tired of learning new terms for the same old b.s.
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How about: "you are welcome the The Way". Of course they don't use that one any more.
That one was replaced with "if you don't kiss our rear ends in the exactly prescribed manner, don't let the door hit you in the a**".
Maybe they will get all gushy and cheery faced again. People will be "welcome" again, just have to redefine what "welcome" means.
"You are 'welcome' (we will gladly take your money, time, family life, and any other perceived resource. We still expect you to continue to kiss the MOG's rear end, however. Failure to do so will still place you outside of the walls of 'zion', in the realm of wild beasts. 'Results' are still not guaranteed. But you can come back; things are better than they were. When we abuse you, it will be while wearing a cheery smile, and using softer words) at De Vey.
Hows that for a "literal translation according to usage"?
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Hey House, here's another one "like the yak family". Used to encourage the group to protect itself. I think it turned into "like the rat family"- instead of running off, they tie their tails together and confront the world with the "logic" of their message!
Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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Mr. Hammeroni and Belle, I was thinking out loud on Ed okay, I know you two know that but I see someone else posted it in another thread so I think I started a rumor didn't I?
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Mentally you had to tie your "tails" together, cause if we were using the other end we would of all ran.
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