you know, housie, with regard to the baseball game.... i think one of the greatest "deliverances" (wayword wayword) of my life was being a part of life with people and not planning to talk to them about the word
ps. if i were a wayfer, what i just said would sound very devilish to me
It was liberating to be able to just enjoy the time and not look for ways to direct the conversation. Remember how we were encouraged to seek quality time with strangers, for the purpose of winning them to twi. Did they have as much care for our quality time with family and friends. Nope! So what did "quality time" start to mean to us.
Regarding your ps.
Isn't it interesting but I think you just offered a great example there. To not want to talk to them about the Word equals devilish.
Der Vey taught people to be preoccupied with themselves and their actions. A wise fellow (I forget who, but he wasn't in Der Vey) once wrote: "preoccupation with self in the name of God is STILL preoccupation with self."
One that I think hurt us most was not being able to retain our understanding of what "household" meant. Based on their definition it didn't include your earthly family, which could include your children or parents. Their usage of "household" held us away from our flesh and blood families (household) and into a world of make believe people (a sizable part). And they used the "flesh and blood" from the Word knowing our hunger would allow them to reel us in.
Those were kind of my thoughts when I started what has "the word" cost you. True, "the word" cost US little. But add to that statement "the word is the ministry and the ministry is the word" and you start to really have some problems. Go a little further- "we eventually should come to the realization that we owe our very lives to the ministry." Whew, who ever thought of that? Now you're in real deep doo doo if you believe that!
Funny how seemingly innocent phrases can be used to manipulate at first in a subtle manner. After a while it is not very subtle anymore.
I think the main problem was when people accepted the definition of the terms. The word, the word, and nothing but the word sounded pretty nice. But since "the word" was equivalent to "the ministry", anything else in your life but the ministry was relegated to the category of "second rate cause."
And since the "ministry" was the "Word" we started to hear the word "Word" when we heard the word "ministry".
Oh yea, those "second rate causes". It could be a first rate job you were doing on something that was yours to steward and you'd here about it. "Stop putting first rate efforts into second rate causes." Well, okay I guess. But didn't you just teach us about stewardship? And don't you people get all b**chy when we don't steward our stuff? Because then we're allowing an open door for filth or the likes to infiltrate us and on and on we go.....were we stop NOBODY knows!
I have seen several folk subjected to that kind of attitude. I think the key issue is that many of us allowed the ministry to define the terms.
The phrases would be powerless without a non-standard definition being given to the terms.
And a lot of the terms underwent a slow, gradual metamorphosis. "Family of God" actually had a good connotation at one time in the Vey dictionary. After a while, if you were not one of the family in "the household" you were not worth spit. "Well, they are just in the family" just was a nice euphemism for what was really intended.
They also have changed the meaning for the term "love" several times. This helped to define who, what where when and why anyone or anything
should appropriately be considered of being worthy of love. Certainly you are not, you did not give over fifteen percent this week.
I think a lot of the phrases were really a blank check. Just write in a new condition or definition. Of course- keep the original phrase; then you are never wrong. You can say that "from peas to soup, we have always told our followers that they are supposed to have the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation (in the household)."
I was thinking of the phrase "sound mind". Which is required, not optional per their rule book. However, they fail to allow the moment(s) in time required in a "un"sound mind needed to get you to the "sound" part of that phrase. Just renew your mind, find a verse and shove it in the hole. I've nothing against holding God's Word in my heart in bad times and good, but we were given the mechanics of thought for a reason. Could it be they were afraid we may discover them while in the thinking process of "un"sound to "sound"?
"Fully share" was originally meant as the relationship between God and His sons, but twi taught it in regards to person to person. And very narrow boundaries were attached to it. We were to "fully share" only with someone in the household. In fact we were told it wasn't possible to "fully share" otherwise. The non-household person wouldn't be able to receive what we had to offer. Talk about arrogance.
So what does "purposeful reading" me to twi? Well to start it means all secular materials are to be scrutinized under the cloud of guilt provided by your leadership. It'll sound something like this: Sure it's okay to read that novel, as long as it's not more time spent in our materials (mag, etc). Why thank you so much master, that's mighty white of you.
The responses that followed by the workers. I've provided only the salutations, all you'll need to see some of their latest phrase methods.
It was a tremendous "privilege" to serve in the...
Thank you for the "opportunity and privilege" to...
Not only was it a "privilege" to be able to work along side of...but the "opportunity" to...
They taught us it was our "privilege" to serve them. While in the real world they would have paid us a decent wage and generally asked for reasonable hours.
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prime example and recent thread, "what has the word cost you?"
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I agree excath, prime example.
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you know, housie, with regard to the baseball game.... i think one of the greatest "deliverances" (wayword wayword) of my life was being a part of life with people and not planning to talk to them about the word
ps. if i were a wayfer, what i just said would sound very devilish to me
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It was liberating to be able to just enjoy the time and not look for ways to direct the conversation. Remember how we were encouraged to seek quality time with strangers, for the purpose of winning them to twi. Did they have as much care for our quality time with family and friends. Nope! So what did "quality time" start to mean to us.
Regarding your ps.
Isn't it interesting but I think you just offered a great example there. To not want to talk to them about the Word equals devilish.
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how sad to miss so much of life trying to be a good duolos
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Yes it is, but you know what excath, I'm looking for some of it back. I've seen the evidence.
:)--> You too.
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you are so right housie dear. i was kinda hoping a present day duolos might be reading this
((((((( dear wayfers ))))))) think about all this stuff
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Perfect excath!
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it's the word the word the WORD and nothing but the word~~~
has enny one ever mentioned this gem of toothpick?
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god i hate that phrase, song
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Der Vey taught people to be preoccupied with themselves and their actions. A wise fellow (I forget who, but he wasn't in Der Vey) once wrote: "preoccupation with self in the name of God is STILL preoccupation with self."
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One that I think hurt us most was not being able to retain our understanding of what "household" meant. Based on their definition it didn't include your earthly family, which could include your children or parents. Their usage of "household" held us away from our flesh and blood families (household) and into a world of make believe people (a sizable part). And they used the "flesh and blood" from the Word knowing our hunger would allow them to reel us in.
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Those were kind of my thoughts when I started what has "the word" cost you. True, "the word" cost US little. But add to that statement "the word is the ministry and the ministry is the word" and you start to really have some problems. Go a little further- "we eventually should come to the realization that we owe our very lives to the ministry." Whew, who ever thought of that? Now you're in real deep doo doo if you believe that!
Funny how seemingly innocent phrases can be used to manipulate at first in a subtle manner. After a while it is not very subtle anymore.
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I think the main problem was when people accepted the definition of the terms. The word, the word, and nothing but the word sounded pretty nice. But since "the word" was equivalent to "the ministry", anything else in your life but the ministry was relegated to the category of "second rate cause."
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And since the "ministry" was the "Word" we started to hear the word "Word" when we heard the word "ministry".
Oh yea, those "second rate causes". It could be a first rate job you were doing on something that was yours to steward and you'd here about it. "Stop putting first rate efforts into second rate causes." Well, okay I guess. But didn't you just teach us about stewardship? And don't you people get all b**chy when we don't steward our stuff? Because then we're allowing an open door for filth or the likes to infiltrate us and on and on we go.....were we stop NOBODY knows!
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I have seen several folk subjected to that kind of attitude. I think the key issue is that many of us allowed the ministry to define the terms.
The phrases would be powerless without a non-standard definition being given to the terms.
And a lot of the terms underwent a slow, gradual metamorphosis. "Family of God" actually had a good connotation at one time in the Vey dictionary. After a while, if you were not one of the family in "the household" you were not worth spit. "Well, they are just in the family" just was a nice euphemism for what was really intended.
They also have changed the meaning for the term "love" several times. This helped to define who, what where when and why anyone or anything
should appropriately be considered of being worthy of love. Certainly you are not, you did not give over fifteen percent this week.
I think a lot of the phrases were really a blank check. Just write in a new condition or definition. Of course- keep the original phrase; then you are never wrong. You can say that "from peas to soup, we have always told our followers that they are supposed to have the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation (in the household)."
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I can't say it any better Mr. Hammeroni.
I was thinking of the phrase "sound mind". Which is required, not optional per their rule book. However, they fail to allow the moment(s) in time required in a "un"sound mind needed to get you to the "sound" part of that phrase. Just renew your mind, find a verse and shove it in the hole. I've nothing against holding God's Word in my heart in bad times and good, but we were given the mechanics of thought for a reason. Could it be they were afraid we may discover them while in the thinking process of "un"sound to "sound"?
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Stayed Too Long
How about these little gems?
After the 'way king pin' begins
chewing you out for screwing up, he/she
adds "How did you miss the revelation?
God would not have told me until He told
you at least once!"
Prior to my ex and I splitting up we went
for 'counseling' from our coordinators.
We were told they did not intend to spend
much time with us, because "if we are
really walking, we will only have to hear
once what they have to say."
"Endear yourself to leadership and open up
to them." Once they did the axe fell
quickly on some in our area.
"Even if leadership is wrong God will bless
you for doing what they ask."
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"Fully share" was originally meant as the relationship between God and His sons, but twi taught it in regards to person to person. And very narrow boundaries were attached to it. We were to "fully share" only with someone in the household. In fact we were told it wasn't possible to "fully share" otherwise. The non-household person wouldn't be able to receive what we had to offer. Talk about arrogance.
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Taken from their current Nov/Dec/04 magazine.
The fox stated in their article on 62nd anniversary and WD XI commissioning:
"Purposeful reading" helps me to gain understanding in a particular area of Biblical study. © TWI
So what does "purposeful reading" me to twi? Well to start it means all secular materials are to be scrutinized under the cloud of guilt provided by your leadership. It'll sound something like this: Sure it's okay to read that novel, as long as it's not more time spent in our materials (mag, etc). Why thank you so much master, that's mighty white of you.
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Another example of phrases from their current magazine.
This was taken from their latest advanced class article about the grads that had worked the class. The leader said this:
They were a part of the teaching sessions with the new students and had the privilege to work at headquarters in support of the class. © TWI
The responses that followed by the workers. I've provided only the salutations, all you'll need to see some of their latest phrase methods.
It was a tremendous "privilege" to serve in the...
Thank you for the "opportunity and privilege" to...
Not only was it a "privilege" to be able to work along side of...but the "opportunity" to...
They taught us it was our "privilege" to serve them. While in the real world they would have paid us a decent wage and generally asked for reasonable hours.
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