Originally posted by oldiesman: When it was legally proven, or "threatened" to be legally proven that the charges were valid, what did TWI do? They booted him. They didn't continue to support him.
LCM dropped out of sight certainly in comparison to his previous position but his wife remains in an exalted position and its never been stated that he has been M&Aed nor has there been a public "washing of hands" to make it clear that LCM's personal and financial ties to TWI had been severed. TWI management HAD to do something since they knew the details of the depositions were here and that innies would be reading so they felt compelled to act.
The signs suggest that LCM is on some type of probation and its never been stated that he is not welcome back at some point in the future. TWI never counted on Waydale and Gspot being such rich sources of detailed information. It has never been stated that LCM has been "booted" or that he doesn't get some type of financial assistance from TWI (or that he won't when he retires).
My speculation is that had the details of the earlier lawsuit NOT been as widely circulated then TWI would have done nothing about Craig and would have left him in place. Its only when the evidence is undeniable that they would do something. Besides. Roz knew all about LCM's activities yet SHE still remains ? Why is she still around if they had such a conscience to do the right thing ? Seems to me , and by your own logic, that if TWI were concerned with doing the "right thing" then she would have stepped down
also since she was part of the deception and coverup ? But see thats the illness of TWI. In my experience they do things just for show without wanting to address the real problems.
Relative to the recent conviction. As others have pointed out why didn't Way leaders and Corps know this guy had a problem (I'm sure they did actually but chose not to act) since they allege to have such keen spirtual perception ?
Surely they could have seen this one coming and dealt with it long before it got out of hand (though sounds like the guy had problems early on). ? So of course Way leaders aren't going to admit that he was abusing children on their watch. That would be legal suicide so whats the big surprise that they would continue to deny
these "accusations" against one of their "ministers" ? It would be highly unlikely that they would come out and say "oh yea well we knew he had problems from way back but you know we didn't do anything about it". That would clear the way for some more legal action.
...And who says that Cathoilc priests have a monopoly on child abuse.
It's just as bad. I saw it first hand. I witnessed it with others. I heard about it, and believed it based on the person(s) history and the pattern of behavior and my experience with the same.
I am almost 100% confident to say that this was an accepted part of clergy life in TWI. Sort of a sub-secret society not unlike Rome.
It makes me sick. I have grounds to sue or at least be a witness. Rome City could be a disgusting place.
When did twi boot Martindale? I missed that one. I remember the "one time, consenual affair" tape (that opened the door for the missus & I), but the BOD publically saying Martindale is history; NEVER HAPPENED!!!!
He got a nice coat of whitewash & leaders#!t started with the "Internet is Evil" spewings.
As far as this new turd in the twi punchbowl; the immediate area will probably get the same ol' "attack of da adversary" line they serve to the sheep (during the fleecing) while the rest of wayworld (who don't put themselves at risk by surfing the evil 'Net) won't hear Jack.
And yeah, they still play that tired evil Net line. I encountered a innie 'bout 3 months ago & I told her Rivenbark would lie to innies before she'd lie to a judge: that ....es judges off, they call it perjury, & you can get locked up for it. Her response was "Where'd you hear that at, on the internet?"
As far as what to do with this sick bastard, this may sound naive', but...put him in jail, in the GP (general population). It's a sad state of affairs when (allegedly) educated, learned people don't know what to do with a child molester, but convicted felons do.
They let that b@st@rd continue to molest and rape women for YEARS before they did anything about it. He'd been doing it for DECADES!! He learned from vee pee how to do it and who would secure the prey for him. It took a lawsuit to force them to act.
If they were really living the word they would have kicked him to the curb many, many times before that. Why didn't Dottie Moneyhands do anything to put a stop to it? Because it would have stopped her paycheck from coming.
Why didn't the leaders who had their wives and daughters raped do anything about it? Oh, wait! They DID!! They got kicked to the curb and slandered and the BOD let it happen! They chose keeping their cash cow around over justice and all that's good and right according to God.
It's the same story with these child molestors they move around the country and protect. They talk to the parents of the victims and convince them to DO NOTHING! The kool-aid drinking parents choose loyalty to a frigging GROUP OF PEOPLE over PROTECTING THEIR OWN KIDS!! Disgusting!!!!
Not all parents have fallen for the TWI b.s., but I know some have. :(-->
This group is not and never has been a Christian organization. They've only been able to exist as long as they have because truly Godly, loving people have been fooled into working for them at various times.
I wonder if this sick fk is still in prison or if our system has done the 'do you understand that what you did is wrong? and yes I do' routine and let freedom ring yet?
The court system has a focus of keeping the family intact.
I didnt say they were good at it I said that is their mission.
the foster care system has isues in and of itself.
my point is why do they appear to get shorter sentences or allow less than what some may believe is fair.
because incest is a family disease and many of these cases more than not involve family members. the family court system can and work in concert with the criminal system to find a conviction.
plea bargining is popular to keep the family together and seek conseling many of these families are intact and otherwise seemily strong community members. (believe it or not) .
BUT the biggest reason is frankly those who molest children have a learned behaviour and in many many cases are also victims of molestation as a child.
we love as we learn to love. and jail time leaves the children without a supporter many times the only support for the family.
I know your claiming these children were outside the family and harsher sentence will apply sometimes but again it is a VICTIM mentality defense in the court system.
it is often considered from mental health position from abuse like the abused wife sysndrome.
I met a family in our town and the teen girls openly spoke of how they had sex with their dad from a young age ...the entire family was ordered into conseling and he was allowed to stay in the home, the wife loved him they had a son and felt his support and financial help would better help everyone. He did love his children I have no doubt.
I was good friends with the moms sister.. she was LIVID about their choice but it is often the case , when the other side is raising four or children alone .
Homosexuals chose their sexuality or at least are consenting adults, in the case of child abuse the situation often means the molester was also a victim and at the point of needing help not pushinishment.( A common defense) Our mental health system still place a heavy place of influence in the court system and they want to help victims and begin to stop the cycle this crime breeds, without mental help it can and oes often continue into the next generation.
That is mighty damn sick....the pedophiles should never EVER be allowed access to their victims or any OTHER children.
Pedophiles themselves will be the FIRST to tell you that they will never be *cured* nor will they ever be able to be considered safe around children.
Mighty damn sick to place a convicted pedophile back in the home with the vitims cause momma needs a paycheck....I suppose Daddy will make the poor kids pay dearly for their truthfullness...
Guess they will damn well know better than to trust law enforcement or the courts ever again :-(
these families are in crises they are not neccesarily dysfunctional tho. it isnt just the money like family who are raised in alcoholic homes a co-dependency happens.. roles are played often the mom is attracted to a phedile because also was rpaed or molested as a child, this is a disease or crime that once again repeats itself , by victimization.
why does a woman who was beat by a man stay with him? or find another to beat her? WE are attracted to the type of love we learn before we can process what love is. If dad was a phedile it is likely you may also find one in your own life with your children just like the alcoholic cycle this stuff needs to be addressed. by the entire family .
I also had a hard time with this family untill I realized and i told my friend they all are addressing the issues that came from this together. they are getting the conseling and help they need to survive and flourish and maybe be well one day.
how many families do you know so comminted to one another and their mental health? they were supervised .
let me say clearly you need to understand fathers or mothers who are convicted of sexual abuse do not lose their parental RIGHTS.
no they do not, they have vistation often supervised , but the influence and right of parents are upheld very high in our courts and the mission is always to keep the family intact and only after many many years and more abuse or problems is this an option. By this time the kids are teens and troubled themselves very difficult to find a home for.
ask Galen if you do not believe me. foster care has issues so what do you suggest we do with these kids? millions are spent in a system that is very sorely BROKEN itself.
phediles are master at illusion and are very good at appearance to the public eye to create an atmosphere of trust and this is what the crime is all about a betrayal of trust.
Hey, there's another Ex Way guy who did time as a pedophile, and his rap sheet has a large number of accounts of 3d, 2nd, and 1st degree sexual assaults on children. His name is Richard Urqhart. Maybe I can post the URL address here, and somebody else can post his pic here. I have no problem with naming his name or posting his pic. He should never have gotten out of jail in my not so humble opinion:
Cool Waters knows this story better than I, for it happened during the year right after I left the state of Alaska, and CW was in Anchorage when it happened, right under the lc's nose. But this piece of polar bear **** actually molested the believer's children while he was running the Children's Fellowship!
Oh well, looks like I failed to post the URL correctly. But if you do a google on Alaska Sex Offender Registry and look up Richard Urqhart, you'll find his sick mug under the "U's"
MJ, I was thinking more along the lines of the double standards of TWI.
Makes sense with courts to some degree.. tough job to begin with.
But TWI? What gives with that? They'd gladly execute homos, but seem to gladly support this character.. despicable. And THEIR kids- at least followers kids- are involved.
They couldn't detect evil if it spit in their face. I think in this circumstance, its done more than that..
(YES, YES, YES - he is HIGHLY supported by the Branch and state leadership - they packed his house up when he was arrested and visited him in jail and encouraged him on the phone etc...) He is in the ministry to this day.
So, "Mr." Ch***r, not so "valiant for the truth" anymore, are we.
Or think that maybe it just didn't happen, that it somehow will all go away?
I hope you didn't let this maggot babysit YOUR kid..
I used to have respect for you, you gutless bastard.
If he is out all ready...How much *time* did he actually do?
Can he be put back in jail for non compliance with Megahns Law?
Can twi be held legally responsible if they have knowledge of his whereabaouts and does not report it to the proper authorities or the people with children to whom he has access?
I cannot believe that after all of these eyars I am so frickin' freaked out that I can't hardly breathe just looking at a stupid picture of a stupid idot.
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I think a minister should be allowed to go back to being a minister if: 1) They have child molester branded in their forehead 2) They are castrated 3) They are un-paid as part of their making amend
LCM dropped out of sight certainly in comparison to his previous position but his wife remains in an exalted position and its never been stated that he has been M&Aed nor has there been a public "washing of hands" to make it clear that LCM's personal and financial ties to TWI had been severed. TWI management HAD to do something since they knew the details of the depositions were here and that innies would be reading so they felt compelled to act.
The signs suggest that LCM is on some type of probation and its never been stated that he is not welcome back at some point in the future. TWI never counted on Waydale and Gspot being such rich sources of detailed information. It has never been stated that LCM has been "booted" or that he doesn't get some type of financial assistance from TWI (or that he won't when he retires).
My speculation is that had the details of the earlier lawsuit NOT been as widely circulated then TWI would have done nothing about Craig and would have left him in place. Its only when the evidence is undeniable that they would do something. Besides. Roz knew all about LCM's activities yet SHE still remains ? Why is she still around if they had such a conscience to do the right thing ? Seems to me , and by your own logic, that if TWI were concerned with doing the "right thing" then she would have stepped down
also since she was part of the deception and coverup ? But see thats the illness of TWI. In my experience they do things just for show without wanting to address the real problems.
Relative to the recent conviction. As others have pointed out why didn't Way leaders and Corps know this guy had a problem (I'm sure they did actually but chose not to act) since they allege to have such keen spirtual perception ?
Surely they could have seen this one coming and dealt with it long before it got out of hand (though sounds like the guy had problems early on). ? So of course Way leaders aren't going to admit that he was abusing children on their watch. That would be legal suicide so whats the big surprise that they would continue to deny
these "accusations" against one of their "ministers" ? It would be highly unlikely that they would come out and say "oh yea well we knew he had problems from way back but you know we didn't do anything about it". That would clear the way for some more legal action.
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rascal, check your PT's please
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Georgio Jessio
It's just as bad. I saw it first hand. I witnessed it with others. I heard about it, and believed it based on the person(s) history and the pattern of behavior and my experience with the same.
I am almost 100% confident to say that this was an accepted part of clergy life in TWI. Sort of a sub-secret society not unlike Rome.
It makes me sick. I have grounds to sue or at least be a witness. Rome City could be a disgusting place.
Rovers, my a$$.
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Same ol' 2#!t !!!
When did twi boot Martindale? I missed that one. I remember the "one time, consenual affair" tape (that opened the door for the missus & I), but the BOD publically saying Martindale is history; NEVER HAPPENED!!!!
He got a nice coat of whitewash & leaders#!t started with the "Internet is Evil" spewings.
As far as this new turd in the twi punchbowl; the immediate area will probably get the same ol' "attack of da adversary" line they serve to the sheep (during the fleecing) while the rest of wayworld (who don't put themselves at risk by surfing the evil 'Net) won't hear Jack.
And yeah, they still play that tired evil Net line. I encountered a innie 'bout 3 months ago & I told her Rivenbark would lie to innies before she'd lie to a judge: that ....es judges off, they call it perjury, & you can get locked up for it. Her response was "Where'd you hear that at, on the internet?"
As far as what to do with this sick bastard, this may sound naive', but...put him in jail, in the GP (general population). It's a sad state of affairs when (allegedly) educated, learned people don't know what to do with a child molester, but convicted felons do.
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They let that b@st@rd continue to molest and rape women for YEARS before they did anything about it. He'd been doing it for DECADES!! He learned from vee pee how to do it and who would secure the prey for him. It took a lawsuit to force them to act.
If they were really living the word they would have kicked him to the curb many, many times before that. Why didn't Dottie Moneyhands do anything to put a stop to it? Because it would have stopped her paycheck from coming.
Why didn't the leaders who had their wives and daughters raped do anything about it? Oh, wait! They DID!! They got kicked to the curb and slandered and the BOD let it happen! They chose keeping their cash cow around over justice and all that's good and right according to God.
It's the same story with these child molestors they move around the country and protect. They talk to the parents of the victims and convince them to DO NOTHING! The kool-aid drinking parents choose loyalty to a frigging GROUP OF PEOPLE over PROTECTING THEIR OWN KIDS!! Disgusting!!!!
Not all parents have fallen for the TWI b.s., but I know some have.
This group is not and never has been a Christian organization. They've only been able to exist as long as they have because truly Godly, loving people have been fooled into working for them at various times.
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Yep. Plus look at the double standard..
There are those among them who would "gladly execute" homosexuals, the bad unfaithful people, and others.
I wonder why they draw the line at this distinct point.
Oh well, I guess. Its just kids..
Just "no big deal", sure, they'll just "get over it"..
Right. Makes perfect sense.
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I wonder if this sick fk is still in prison or if our system has done the 'do you understand that what you did is wrong? and yes I do' routine and let freedom ring yet?
6 years usually mean maybe 1 in this country.
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Mr. Hammeroni.
The court system has a focus of keeping the family intact.
I didnt say they were good at it I said that is their mission.
the foster care system has isues in and of itself.
my point is why do they appear to get shorter sentences or allow less than what some may believe is fair.
because incest is a family disease and many of these cases more than not involve family members. the family court system can and work in concert with the criminal system to find a conviction.
plea bargining is popular to keep the family together and seek conseling many of these families are intact and otherwise seemily strong community members. (believe it or not) .
BUT the biggest reason is frankly those who molest children have a learned behaviour and in many many cases are also victims of molestation as a child.
we love as we learn to love. and jail time leaves the children without a supporter many times the only support for the family.
I know your claiming these children were outside the family and harsher sentence will apply sometimes but again it is a VICTIM mentality defense in the court system.
it is often considered from mental health position from abuse like the abused wife sysndrome.
I met a family in our town and the teen girls openly spoke of how they had sex with their dad from a young age ...the entire family was ordered into conseling and he was allowed to stay in the home, the wife loved him they had a son and felt his support and financial help would better help everyone. He did love his children I have no doubt.
I was good friends with the moms sister.. she was LIVID about their choice but it is often the case , when the other side is raising four or children alone .
Homosexuals chose their sexuality or at least are consenting adults, in the case of child abuse the situation often means the molester was also a victim and at the point of needing help not pushinishment.( A common defense) Our mental health system still place a heavy place of influence in the court system and they want to help victims and begin to stop the cycle this crime breeds, without mental help it can and oes often continue into the next generation.
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That is mighty damn sick....the pedophiles should never EVER be allowed access to their victims or any OTHER children.
Pedophiles themselves will be the FIRST to tell you that they will never be *cured* nor will they ever be able to be considered safe around children.
Mighty damn sick to place a convicted pedophile back in the home with the vitims cause momma needs a paycheck....I suppose Daddy will make the poor kids pay dearly for their truthfullness...
Guess they will damn well know better than to trust law enforcement or the courts ever again :-(
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Radar OReilly
Thanks for the mug shot. DAMN YOUR GOOD
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I agre But the culture does not.
these families are in crises they are not neccesarily dysfunctional tho. it isnt just the money like family who are raised in alcoholic homes a co-dependency happens.. roles are played often the mom is attracted to a phedile because also was rpaed or molested as a child, this is a disease or crime that once again repeats itself , by victimization.
why does a woman who was beat by a man stay with him? or find another to beat her? WE are attracted to the type of love we learn before we can process what love is. If dad was a phedile it is likely you may also find one in your own life with your children just like the alcoholic cycle this stuff needs to be addressed. by the entire family .
I also had a hard time with this family untill I realized and i told my friend they all are addressing the issues that came from this together. they are getting the conseling and help they need to survive and flourish and maybe be well one day.
how many families do you know so comminted to one another and their mental health? they were supervised .
let me say clearly you need to understand fathers or mothers who are convicted of sexual abuse do not lose their parental RIGHTS.
no they do not, they have vistation often supervised , but the influence and right of parents are upheld very high in our courts and the mission is always to keep the family intact and only after many many years and more abuse or problems is this an option. By this time the kids are teens and troubled themselves very difficult to find a home for.
ask Galen if you do not believe me. foster care has issues so what do you suggest we do with these kids? millions are spent in a system that is very sorely BROKEN itself.
phediles are master at illusion and are very good at appearance to the public eye to create an atmosphere of trust and this is what the crime is all about a betrayal of trust.
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J0nny Ling0
Hey, there's another Ex Way guy who did time as a pedophile, and his rap sheet has a large number of accounts of 3d, 2nd, and 1st degree sexual assaults on children. His name is Richard Urqhart. Maybe I can post the URL address here, and somebody else can post his pic here. I have no problem with naming his name or posting his pic. He should never have gotten out of jail in my not so humble opinion:
Cool Waters knows this story better than I, for it happened during the year right after I left the state of Alaska, and CW was in Anchorage when it happened, right under the lc's nose. But this piece of polar bear **** actually molested the believer's children while he was running the Children's Fellowship!
Oh well, looks like I failed to post the URL correctly. But if you do a google on Alaska Sex Offender Registry and look up Richard Urqhart, you'll find his sick mug under the "U's"
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Apparently, he has not registered like he is supposed to. If you know where he is, report him.
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MJ, I was thinking more along the lines of the double standards of TWI.
Makes sense with courts to some degree.. tough job to begin with.
But TWI? What gives with that? They'd gladly execute homos, but seem to gladly support this character.. despicable. And THEIR kids- at least followers kids- are involved.
They couldn't detect evil if it spit in their face. I think in this circumstance, its done more than that..
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From the other thread:
So, "Mr." Ch***r, not so "valiant for the truth" anymore, are we.
Or think that maybe it just didn't happen, that it somehow will all go away?
I hope you didn't let this maggot babysit YOUR kid..
I used to have respect for you, you gutless bastard.
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Egads! I hope they find him!!
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Bob, I can't get Mark's link to work.
:(--> Can you help me? But be careful, you're about to hit 300 posts!
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Belle, I hit their back button, pressed "agree" for terms, then it let me in the next time I accessed it from Gspot.
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I'm a dork! That worked, thanks Ham!!
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That picture has sent me into a panic attack.
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Yep. Just another boy from the cult next door..
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If he is out all ready...How much *time* did he actually do?
Can he be put back in jail for non compliance with Megahns Law?
Can twi be held legally responsible if they have knowledge of his whereabaouts and does not report it to the proper authorities or the people with children to whom he has access?
No doubt ((((cw))) I am sorry.
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I cannot believe that after all of these eyars I am so frickin' freaked out that I can't hardly breathe just looking at a stupid picture of a stupid idot.
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