Yes thanks dmiller I knew about the cortwright site but it has not proved very forthcoming on the Brits.
Yes Ex, Barbara Wilkinson is Chris Kent's sister and I had seen that Nancy was selling some material. (thanks WhiteDove).
It's just the problem of putting the gaps in the pieces as to what happened and whether or not there is any actual ex TWI organisation over here (apart from possible the odd independant twig).
Quite a few Brits ended up in the US as a result of going Corpse and marrying US based believers. I know more about them than any left over here!
I have to agree, VPW did setup the entire centralized system which was the real problem behind the entire downfall when one man, like LCM, takes total control and destroys.
Yes, and I was told by key clergy, that VPW did that first.
I think LCM cowtowed to CG because he really did believe CG was getting revelation from God. Actually, one of the other top region leaders at HQ was in constant contact with CG and had wrote a missive to CG detailing what was going on. The BOD didn't know about this. So CG would call and gee, somehow magically, or in their minds, by revelation, knew what was going on.
The BOD were meeting daily in the little twig they had, I forget what it was called - someone will remember. CG was communicating his "revelation" to them and they followed and believed it. Eventually they found out what was happening and I think that's when they pulled away from CG.
Also, for those who have seen CG in action, he is a different type guy. He has a sadistic mean streak. I always think of him, as kind of a Hitler henchman - there is just something very cold about him. He can be intimidating. Plus, he was probably, with the exception of HA, VP's best friend. They were truly two peas in a pod. CG had a relationship with VP that no one else had. So every assumed it must be spiritual, that CG was VP's true spiritual heir. Couple that with his "revelation" he was giving to the BOD and his extreme closeness to VP, I see why they followed him without question for a while.
This explains a LOT, and I didn't want the FIRST PARAGRAPH
to get lost. This is the first I'd heard of that.
I think it should be noted, incidentally, that the predictions
of POP, whether from vpw or cg himself, failed to come to pass,
so we know the one source they did NOT come from was GOD.
I interacted briefly with cg, and I did not have the painful,
manic experience so many of you did. In fact, I'd be suspicious
we were talking of different people if I wasn't aware how some
people *cough vpw cough* were experts at having a sweet public
The special twig was called the "yak twig." To the best of my recollection--- it was A VERY LONG TIME AGO......the yak twig was comprised of LCM, Donna, Howard Allen, Don Wierwille, John Townsend, Ricardo Caballero and Art Poling.
John Townsend and Art Poling were completely, totally and unyieldingly, CG's men. Ricardo, well, Ricardo was a man who was seriously in over his head. He was conflicted....a good man, but he couldn't see the forest from the trees and it played out in great drama in his personal life.
Looking back, it is interesting that Ricardo & Sue and Art & Nora Poling were divorced within 5 years of March 1989--when lcm broke with gartmore. LCM & Donna survived another 10 years at least outwardly. The pressure of those days, rightly or wrongly----right god or wrong god, was immense.
That said, I don't know if any of you have ever read the post I did many years ago on Waydale called, Passing of the Patriarch, A night that will life in infamy.
CG was and is an enigma to me, I make no claim to understand him, or know him as a close personal friend. During those years, I was in a position to interact with him quite frequently....
As to ExCathedra's comments about him having a handgun in his hand when she accidently walked in on him in residence. He had a handgun either on his lap, or on the desk (behind the privacy shield) the night he read Passing of the Patriarch to the entire way corps in March of 1986....while lcm sat in a chair next to the desk on the stage of the vpwwow auditorium.
Thanks Radar - that was it, the Yak twig. It was another huge leader that had been brought in on staff that was giving info to CG. He didn't stay long.
Ricardo was a very good friend of mine in the 7th, you could see he was having problems with all of a sudden being a trustee. He's a good man, I hope his life has been a good one.
John Townsend *alledgely* would sit in his office in the auditorium, call cg, leave the phone off the hook so that geer could hear everything that was being said during staff meetings, closed corps meetings and sts.
I am sure cg had more than one mole, most of them didn't last very long.
quote:I think it should be noted, incidentally, that the predictions
of POP, whether from vpw or cg himself, failed to come to pass, so we know the one source they did NOT come from was GOD.
Good observation, but I knew POP was trash back when I read the asinine stuff about Don Wierwille. It's pretty hard to believe that folks could believe that nonsense but it just goes to show how hypnotizing Wierwille Worship had become.
I am not participating this thread as much as I would like.
I find the reply's fascinating missing pieces of the puzzle ment my involvement The Fog Years that I am just hangin' out and listening, uhmm reading, and many a mints.
(Hold on ~~~ gonna put some Hootie on~~~ the first Rok Concert I heard in TWInty years my involvement. My wife purchased a Birthday Weekend SURPRISE. The tears streamed mine cheeks~~~ I was so happy~~~ eenyway)
That fkn sht was for real the those them dere fog years~~~ I remember Don Weirwolf and his Black Sunday and his refs to some scripts in Pslams.
I remember those fog tapes/classes, whatever they were, they are foggy to me now, but are more than well worth the mention to those who still hold TWI high priorty in theier little black book of pfal and vp and me and cg and vp and he~~~
I remember the WARnings from those WC who phoned the country saying "LCM has a spirit of slumber...".
I remember LCM down in Fl, maybe Tampa, promoting his break a WAY from the WAY OF Gartmore Geer. He removed his jacket and tossed it to a gofer and the jacket landed 'pon the gofers head and i saw the smirk and belittlement such a catch in front the captive audience~~~ and LCM SAID:
gist of memory
" Chris Geer has devil spirits running through his mind like a herd of buffalo..."
and the WARnings continued on
and now here
Hey, dig the info the moles of revelation hahahahah, yepper sounds so true the inner workings of TWI EYES AND TWISTER SIS'S.... just ask to use the bathroom and check their med cabs and give the info to the healer mog and lo and behold revelation
enny hoots,
thanks and continued thanks
i'm just a song looking for a melody of harmony
nothing lasts forever. but everything is eternity.
One of the so called *prophecies* that I remember is in the section of POP that deals with international outreach.
Can someone with the transcript find the section in which cg says that we has so used/abused *the africans* as in the Bayunga crowd that they would raise up against us and possibly kill us all..within 10 years, or something to that effect?
Oh gosh, you all wouldn't believe how wierd it was to be on staff at headquarters between April 86 and 94.....well, probably until this day.
Then there was the time that Jane Lind and Debra Zelov were over at the Stork farm *taking care* of cg and the Polings. Both women, Jane and Debra both *swore* that one day, cg's visage *changed* before their very eyes and he looked exactly like vpw.
Wierd.....I always thought that the resemblence between cg and Rush limbaugh was striking!!!
I don't remember the Bayunga uprising being a part of POP. Then, I am grateful to say, I lost my copy of that rag ages ago and have not downloaded a new copy even though it's widely available.
One of the so called *prophecies* that I remember is in the section of POP that deals with international outreach.
Can someone with the transcript find the section in which cg says that we has so used/abused *the africans* as in the Bayunga crowd that they would raise up against us and possibly kill us all..within 10 years, or something to that effect?
I'll look again later,
but I didn't happen to stumble across it last night.
god what a nutjob !!!! and to think the first time a tape went out from that wackadoodle , i started feeling guilty and believing what he was saying !!!!!!!!!
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Trefor Heywood
Yes thanks dmiller I knew about the cortwright site but it has not proved very forthcoming on the Brits.
Yes Ex, Barbara Wilkinson is Chris Kent's sister and I had seen that Nancy was selling some material. (thanks WhiteDove).
It's just the problem of putting the gaps in the pieces as to what happened and whether or not there is any actual ex TWI organisation over here (apart from possible the odd independant twig).
Quite a few Brits ended up in the US as a result of going Corpse and marrying US based believers. I know more about them than any left over here!
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I have to agree, VPW did setup the entire centralized system which was the real problem behind the entire downfall when one man, like LCM, takes total control and destroys.
Yes, and I was told by key clergy, that VPW did that first.
Thanks for the reminder. God Bless.
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This explains a LOT, and I didn't want the FIRST PARAGRAPH
to get lost. This is the first I'd heard of that.
I think it should be noted, incidentally, that the predictions
of POP, whether from vpw or cg himself, failed to come to pass,
so we know the one source they did NOT come from was GOD.
I interacted briefly with cg, and I did not have the painful,
manic experience so many of you did. In fact, I'd be suspicious
we were talking of different people if I wasn't aware how some
people *cough vpw cough* were experts at having a sweet public
face and an evil private face.
Or, to quote Hamlet,
"One may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
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Radar OReilly
The special twig was called the "yak twig." To the best of my recollection--- it was A VERY LONG TIME AGO......the yak twig was comprised of LCM, Donna, Howard Allen, Don Wierwille, John Townsend, Ricardo Caballero and Art Poling.
John Townsend and Art Poling were completely, totally and unyieldingly, CG's men. Ricardo, well, Ricardo was a man who was seriously in over his head. He was conflicted....a good man, but he couldn't see the forest from the trees and it played out in great drama in his personal life.
Looking back, it is interesting that Ricardo & Sue and Art & Nora Poling were divorced within 5 years of March 1989--when lcm broke with gartmore. LCM & Donna survived another 10 years at least outwardly. The pressure of those days, rightly or wrongly----right god or wrong god, was immense.
That said, I don't know if any of you have ever read the post I did many years ago on Waydale called, Passing of the Patriarch, A night that will life in infamy.
CG was and is an enigma to me, I make no claim to understand him, or know him as a close personal friend. During those years, I was in a position to interact with him quite frequently....
As to ExCathedra's comments about him having a handgun in his hand when she accidently walked in on him in residence. He had a handgun either on his lap, or on the desk (behind the privacy shield) the night he read Passing of the Patriarch to the entire way corps in March of 1986....while lcm sat in a chair next to the desk on the stage of the vpwwow auditorium.
Edited by Radar O'ReillyLink to comment
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Thanks Radar - that was it, the Yak twig. It was another huge leader that had been brought in on staff that was giving info to CG. He didn't stay long.
Ricardo was a very good friend of mine in the 7th, you could see he was having problems with all of a sudden being a trustee. He's a good man, I hope his life has been a good one.
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Radar OReilly
John Townsend *alledgely* would sit in his office in the auditorium, call cg, leave the phone off the hook so that geer could hear everything that was being said during staff meetings, closed corps meetings and sts.
I am sure cg had more than one mole, most of them didn't last very long.
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Yes Radar, he must have had more than one mole. I'm talking about another person. Interesting.
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Radar OReilly
Oh....I forgot Ralph D as a member of the yaks.....sowwy 69!
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What predictions?
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And Now A Wurd From The Host This Thread~~~
Wurd Up!!!
Hey All,
I am not participating this thread as much as I would like.
I find the reply's fascinating missing pieces of the puzzle ment my involvement The Fog Years that I am just hangin' out and listening, uhmm reading, and many a mints.
(Hold on ~~~ gonna put some Hootie on~~~ the first Rok Concert I heard in TWInty years my involvement. My wife purchased a Birthday Weekend SURPRISE. The tears streamed mine cheeks~~~ I was so happy~~~ eenyway)
That fkn sht was for real the those them dere fog years~~~ I remember Don Weirwolf and his Black Sunday and his refs to some scripts in Pslams.
I remember those fog tapes/classes, whatever they were, they are foggy to me now, but are more than well worth the mention to those who still hold TWI high priorty in theier little black book of pfal and vp and me and cg and vp and he~~~
I remember the WARnings from those WC who phoned the country saying "LCM has a spirit of slumber...".
I remember LCM down in Fl, maybe Tampa, promoting his break a WAY from the WAY OF Gartmore Geer. He removed his jacket and tossed it to a gofer and the jacket landed 'pon the gofers head and i saw the smirk and belittlement such a catch in front the captive audience~~~ and LCM SAID:
gist of memory
" Chris Geer has devil spirits running through his mind like a herd of buffalo..."
and the WARnings continued on
and now here
Hey, dig the info the moles of revelation hahahahah, yepper sounds so true the inner workings of TWI EYES AND TWISTER SIS'S.... just ask to use the bathroom and check their med cabs and give the info to the healer mog and lo and behold revelation
enny hoots,
thanks and continued thanks
i'm just a song looking for a melody of harmony
nothing lasts forever. but everything is eternity.
author unknown
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I'm not counting the nicely ironic comment at the end of Part I,
where vpw is reported to have said, of his own son Don,
"Perhaps he has done more to harm this Ministry than any other
single man in its entire history."
(Sayeth the rapist/molester/plagiarist who, apparently, didn't
really harm said ministry, not to mention his hand-picked protege,
who was twofold the child of hell he was.)
(That was third paragraph from the end.)
I WAS referring to the beginning of Part 2,
starting in Paragraph 7.
More stuff slandering Don, supposedly from his father.
"Son, I need to warn you, when I am gone what will happen is that Don will
really 'flourish'. He will look like he is coming into his own and really
developing. He may even start to talk like a Biblical man.....They will
say that he has come into his own, but that won't be true. I will finally be
out of his way, and there will be no one to stop him from running things with
sense knowledge and without God...Son, it has cost me my friend and will end
up costing us the Ministry."
A few paragraphs down....
"...but it looks to me that unless we have a major change spiritually we are
going to lose to the IRS."
Going in reverse order,
twi's tax-exempt status was restored- you remember when it was announced.
Don never had a big public turnaround, Don never put on a public display of
any kind. Further, the idea that Don would be running things should have been
About 11 paragraphs from the bottom of Part 2
("About then we got back into the archway...")
is when vpw...
"...he told me that the only two men whom he felt still had maintained
their spirituality were Craig and me...."
lcm was one of the top 2 most spiritual back then?
I could name a handful of people in the upper tier who were better-
Limb/Region or program coordinators. lcm's chief "virtue" was extreme
loyalty to vpw-the one trait he shared with cg.
in skimming the entire document now,
I find it curious that so much attention was given to the exact food items
prepared and served. (There's several mentioned specifically, on multiple
occasions.) Supposedly, this was about the destruction of a ministry-
why did it matter what the menu was?
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POP is one of the strangest things i've ever heard although funny now
moles filling feargeer in and he pretends he's hearing from god !
martindale and geer accusing each other of having more devil spirits than whatever
only in The Way !!!!
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Radar OReilly
One of the so called *prophecies* that I remember is in the section of POP that deals with international outreach.
Can someone with the transcript find the section in which cg says that we has so used/abused *the africans* as in the Bayunga crowd that they would raise up against us and possibly kill us all..within 10 years, or something to that effect?
Oh gosh, you all wouldn't believe how wierd it was to be on staff at headquarters between April 86 and 94.....well, probably until this day.
Then there was the time that Jane Lind and Debra Zelov were over at the Stork farm *taking care* of cg and the Polings. Both women, Jane and Debra both *swore* that one day, cg's visage *changed* before their very eyes and he looked exactly like vpw.
Wierd.....I always thought that the resemblence between cg and Rush limbaugh was striking!!!
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I don't remember the Bayunga uprising being a part of POP. Then, I am grateful to say, I lost my copy of that rag ages ago and have not downloaded a new copy even though it's widely available.
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you can just skim the copy on the GSC main page,
which is what I did when you asked what predictions I meant.
That's when I noticed all the
"I served vichysoisse that evening, and steaks medium rare"
stuff. Every time I read the thing over the years, it slowly
gets spookier and spookier. What's REALLY disturbing is I
know Paw isnt changing the document-it's my perception that's
changing each time.
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I think a lot of the "details" given are used to try to give the document a little more credibility.
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More credibility than it deserves, in my opinion.
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I'll look again later,
but I didn't happen to stumble across it last night.
(Again, it's posted in the GSC Documents.)
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god what a nutjob !!!! and to think the first time a tape went out from that wackadoodle , i started feeling guilty and believing what he was saying !!!!!!!!!
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i just saw what you said wolfie about spookier and spookier but the document hasn't changed. i couldn't agree more !!!!!!
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Radar -- if you care to look for that "prophecy" you mentioned, the POP can be found on Pat's site THE PATH OF CHRIST MINISTRY.
He has it labeled -- parts one - five there, so I'm guessing it is the entire thing, complete with signatures at the bottom, of the "luminaries".
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