The stuff I have written, has never been recorded, and though many of the lyrical tunes that I have penned (vs. things like fiddle tunes), deal with material from pfal, bible, etc., mostly gleaned from twi, or ces teachings, thoughts, conjectures, you name it.
It pleases me to take a title of a tape, find the verses that sustantiate it, and render it into verse, along with musical accompaniment (sp?), and play it for my own pleasure.
The songs I have written are usally too radical to be accepted in any "main-stream" church, but my friends here who are "main-stream", are split 50/50 about what my songs have to say. In other words -- they love me/hate me, all at once!
As a "never recorded" person -- I still retain "rights" to both the lyrics, and the melodies of all that I have managed to put down on paper, regardless of the influence that may have inspired such.
I never "got the chance" to be in the position of writing anything that was of enough interest to headquarters.
quote:If you wrote lyrics and music for a TWI song while you were in TWI do you still own it's rights or did TWI steal the copyrights?
-answers will vary I'm sure. Of the songs I wrote that were recorded, they were copywritten, and given to the Way Nash to use. There's a few others that weren't recorded and copyw.-I don't remember what I did with them. The Way didn't "steal" them because they were written for the Way, for the performances and recordings. In essence, for the peeps.
quote:Can you sing your songs at the church you attend now without getting sued??
C. laws for nearly all the songs I gave the Way occured when they extended for 28 years. That turned over already for most of them. For most of them though the c. was in my name, and I gave the Way full rights to use them. (this set up in Way Prod. may have changed over the years, I have no idea.) This was to simplify the legal aspects of recording them and selling the recordings through the bookstore. Performance of the songs wouldn't be an issue for me. I've done a few of them over the years, gave the music to one of mine to a local group (no ex-Way connection) to use. I wouldn't consider asking them for "permission". Frankly I doubt seriously that the Way would be interested one way or the other in who performed them. I know of a few instances where some of the "older" songs have been re-recorded or the original music redistributed. Many of those songs were very closely identified with the writers and the stories on them are well known. The Way has no interest in them.
quote:I think of songs like Brian Bliss's "The Captain of Salvation" and think how blessed others outside TWI would get by hearing it.
My understanding is that you could perform a song at church or somewhere all you want as long as you don't make an income doing so. I play Dean Ellenwood's song 'It's gotta be God' all the time in fellowships and such. People love it. Why would Dean object?
Also, a bar band plays covers of other peoples' songs every gig and nobody cares.
johniam, but you're not talking about your average, normal people here. I suspect the TWIts are still pretty bitter about having to secure permission from all those people in the Sing Along the Way, and they don't easily give up anything that might bring in money or give someone else a chance to reach people.
Look at all the frivilous lawsuits they've started in the recent past. They aren't normal people.
quote: The songs I have written are usally too radical to be accepted in any "main-stream" church, but my friends here who are "main-stream", are split 50/50 about what my songs have to say. In other words -- they love me/hate me, all at once!
TWI will take you. Any group that can produce a song about the blood of the wicked doesn't mind being offensive.
I wrote songs, sang and played the guitar. I was pretty much a solo act. I was never one of the well known Way Prod acts but I did get a chance to perform here and there.
Is still have a tape that I produced in a studio that another believer owned.
If you wrote lyrics and music for a TWI song while you were in TWI do you still own it's rights or did TWI steal the copyrights? Can you sing your songs at the church you attend now without getting sued?? I think of songs like Brian Bliss's "The Captain of Salvation" and think how blessed others outside TWI would get by hearing it.
Brian rerecorded that song Captain of salvation a few years back as well as some others on his tape "Electrified" Being that he is in Ohio I can't help but think that the way knew about it. He was also through here a few years ago with his son and played a couple of hours of his music on his electric baby grand.
Belle: Yeah, they're not normal. I hear that Walter Cummins himself can't get any more copies of "Demonstrating God's Power", yet Dean Ellenwood has been out for awhile and has several tapes for sale on his own website which includes really old songs like "God's Love".
How much are the old WAY vinals going for nowadays. i have at least 3 that i know of, i'll have to check and see. P.F.A.L '77 ?, ROA 76, and All Aboard.
They are still in pretty good condition, in a record box for LP's and the record covers are not damaged, I.E worn, torn, ect. I played them a few times after i got them, but that's it.
Let me know. Maybe if they are anything u want we can work something out. I'm fairly easy to please. Especially with old 'wineskin' WAY material. :D--> :P--> :D-->
Since the "great divide", most of the early Way Prod songs and tapes have been shelved by TWI. All those durn "cop-outs" wrote them, dontcha know!
The few songs I wrote that are copyrighted were for TWI as well. "I Love the Lord" is still in the #@)% song book. They can have it!
My feeling is that if they still had some of the better music around, people would wonder who the performers were, and where they were as well.
Reminds me of "The Ten Commandments" when Yul Brynner orders Moses' name to be taken off all the statues and buildings of Egypt - erasing him from memory. All that drama...
I didn't know you wrote that song, Hope! It was one of the only ones I didn't mind singing ad nauseum. It seems we sang the same songs over and over again. Some would make me cringe when they would say "Turn in your songbooks to Number...."
Just for grins I checked out the way website. If you click on the year in review you can hear the MSNBC ad plus music from this year's Pentecost and ministry anniversary presentations on windows media player.
Music sounded good, but the only ones I recognized were Trudy (Baine) Yates, Claudettee (didn't look bad), and Debra Olthouse. That song 'Power of Pentecost' still sounds very good to me, but over all they look like any church presentation.
Today Doug McMullan came by my recording studio and we put the finsihing touches on his CD called Wierille Road.The CD is a heart rendering rendition that includes a couple of Doug's wondeFrul songs and a spoken sharing about why he is on this quest.You can and should check it out at his web site.
In case you all do not know Doug has a battle going on with the current powers that be at twi
Though I am not actively involved I support Doug;s unselfish decision to stand and be counted
Very smart to have the composers retain the rights to the songs and give permission to TWI to use them. That way, the composers could still sing their songs post-TWI, and renew their copyrights, if they chose. Was that your idea to do it that way? You were the one with experience in the music industry -- the rest of Way Prod was pretty young starting out.
TWI could have hired Way Prod and stipulated that anything produced would become the property of TWI. Glad they didn't.
Also, kudos for helping Doug M with his album. I admire the stand he has taken.
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The stuff I have written, has never been recorded, and though many of the lyrical tunes that I have penned (vs. things like fiddle tunes), deal with material from pfal, bible, etc., mostly gleaned from twi, or ces teachings, thoughts, conjectures, you name it.
It pleases me to take a title of a tape, find the verses that sustantiate it, and render it into verse, along with musical accompaniment (sp?), and play it for my own pleasure.
The songs I have written are usally too radical to be accepted in any "main-stream" church, but my friends here who are "main-stream", are split 50/50 about what my songs have to say. In other words -- they love me/hate me, all at once!
As a "never recorded" person -- I still retain "rights" to both the lyrics, and the melodies of all that I have managed to put down on paper, regardless of the influence that may have inspired such.
I never "got the chance" to be in the position of writing anything that was of enough interest to headquarters.
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-answers will vary I'm sure. Of the songs I wrote that were recorded, they were copywritten, and given to the Way Nash to use. There's a few others that weren't recorded and copyw.-I don't remember what I did with them. The Way didn't "steal" them because they were written for the Way, for the performances and recordings. In essence, for the peeps.
C. laws for nearly all the songs I gave the Way occured when they extended for 28 years. That turned over already for most of them. For most of them though the c. was in my name, and I gave the Way full rights to use them. (this set up in Way Prod. may have changed over the years, I have no idea.) This was to simplify the legal aspects of recording them and selling the recordings through the bookstore. Performance of the songs wouldn't be an issue for me. I've done a few of them over the years, gave the music to one of mine to a local group (no ex-Way connection) to use. I wouldn't consider asking them for "permission". Frankly I doubt seriously that the Way would be interested one way or the other in who performed them. I know of a few instances where some of the "older" songs have been re-recorded or the original music redistributed. Many of those songs were very closely identified with the writers and the stories on them are well known. The Way has no interest in them.
-You'd have to ask him, can't say.
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My understanding is that you could perform a song at church or somewhere all you want as long as you don't make an income doing so. I play Dean Ellenwood's song 'It's gotta be God' all the time in fellowships and such. People love it. Why would Dean object?
Also, a bar band plays covers of other peoples' songs every gig and nobody cares.
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johniam, but you're not talking about your average, normal people here. I suspect the TWIts are still pretty bitter about having to secure permission from all those people in the Sing Along the Way, and they don't easily give up anything that might bring in money or give someone else a chance to reach people.
Look at all the frivilous lawsuits they've started in the recent past. They aren't normal people.
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TWI will take you. Any group that can produce a song about the blood of the wicked doesn't mind being offensive.
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Georgio Jessio
"Any group that can produce a song about the blood of the wicked doesn't mind being offensive."
Not to mention how Un P.C. Tome Burke's album was. That record might be considered a hate crime in some blue states.
BTW if anyone has any old Way records on vinyl, I will buy them from you!
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I wrote songs, sang and played the guitar. I was pretty much a solo act. I was never one of the well known Way Prod acts but I did get a chance to perform here and there.
Is still have a tape that I produced in a studio that another believer owned.
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Brian rerecorded that song Captain of salvation a few years back as well as some others on his tape "Electrified" Being that he is in Ohio I can't help but think that the way knew about it. He was also through here a few years ago with his son and played a couple of hours of his music on his electric baby grand.
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I wrote lyrics to a few songs for the band "Zoe", in Portland, OR back in 80 or 81.
But I don't think I would care to have the copyrights on them.
Those songs are SO full of wayisms that if I heard them again I think I would gag.
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hmmm I hadn't thought of the poems and songs I wrote that were given to TWI people.
Naw, I don't want them back, maybe someone will publish or perform them, originally written by a heathen.
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Belle: Yeah, they're not normal. I hear that Walter Cummins himself can't get any more copies of "Demonstrating God's Power", yet Dean Ellenwood has been out for awhile and has several tapes for sale on his own website which includes really old songs like "God's Love".
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Hey GJ
How much are the old WAY vinals going for nowadays. i have at least 3 that i know of, i'll have to check and see. P.F.A.L '77 ?, ROA 76, and All Aboard.
They are still in pretty good condition, in a record box for LP's and the record covers are not damaged, I.E worn, torn, ect. I played them a few times after i got them, but that's it.
Let me know. Maybe if they are anything u want we can work something out. I'm fairly easy to please. Especially with old 'wineskin' WAY material.
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After my normal Monday night visit to the bar I thought that then title of this thread was "Calling All X-TWI MUSLIMS!!!

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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Hope R.
Since the "great divide", most of the early Way Prod songs and tapes have been shelved by TWI. All those durn "cop-outs" wrote them, dontcha know!
The few songs I wrote that are copyrighted were for TWI as well. "I Love the Lord" is still in the #@)% song book. They can have it!
My feeling is that if they still had some of the better music around, people would wonder who the performers were, and where they were as well.
Reminds me of "The Ten Commandments" when Yul Brynner orders Moses' name to be taken off all the statues and buildings of Egypt - erasing him from memory. All that drama...
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I didn't know you wrote that song, Hope! It was one of the only ones I didn't mind singing ad nauseum. It seems we sang the same songs over and over again. Some would make me cringe when they would say "Turn in your songbooks to Number...."
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Hills Bro
"I didn't know you wrote that song, Hope!"
and you should have heard her sing it..she was FAB !!! Those good ol Long Beach Days with Hope and Sammy P.
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Just for grins I checked out the way website. If you click on the year in review you can hear the MSNBC ad plus music from this year's Pentecost and ministry anniversary presentations on windows media player.
Music sounded good, but the only ones I recognized were Trudy (Baine) Yates, Claudettee (didn't look bad), and Debra Olthouse. That song 'Power of Pentecost' still sounds very good to me, but over all they look like any church presentation.
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Is Claudette back at hq? Is the video old or maybe they brought her back just for the "special occasion"?
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Belle: Yeah, Claudettee was on the ministry anniversary songs, but she wasn't on the Pentecost songs, and vice versa for Debra O.
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Correction. You don't click on year in review, you click on current news.
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TED Ferrell
Howdy Everybody;
If you wrote and performed songs while in twi they belong to you and that's the name of tha tune
God Bless You All And Keep Singing Them Gospel Songs
Ted Ferrell
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TED Ferrell
For Your Info;
Today Doug McMullan came by my recording studio and we put the finsihing touches on his CD called Wierille Road.The CD is a heart rendering rendition that includes a couple of Doug's wondeFrul songs and a spoken sharing about why he is on this quest.You can and should check it out at his web site.
In case you all do not know Doug has a battle going on with the current powers that be at twi
Though I am not actively involved I support Doug;s unselfish decision to stand and be counted
God Blees You All
Ted F.
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Dear TED,
Very smart to have the composers retain the rights to the songs and give permission to TWI to use them. That way, the composers could still sing their songs post-TWI, and renew their copyrights, if they chose. Was that your idea to do it that way? You were the one with experience in the music industry -- the rest of Way Prod was pretty young starting out.
TWI could have hired Way Prod and stipulated that anything produced would become the property of TWI. Glad they didn't.
Also, kudos for helping Doug M with his album. I admire the stand he has taken.
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