Bob, as far as I know, the guy was successfully prosecuted and eventually marked and avoided for being a homosexual. However, there was never any apology from TWI to his wife, for not believing her.
Nor was there any apology to the general body of believers for putting a full time pervert on full time salary with their abundant sharing (but then again, why mess up a perfect track record...). The incident with the cop is small potatoes from what I understand from his wife. There was much, more, and darker stuff there.
Nor has there ever been any apology from Lxrry Pxnarello EVER to ANY person who was present at that famous meeting in Ohio where he publicly called this poor frightened woman and every other Corps who had been dropped, names I can't say here without being moderated.
Thanks Ham & Krys. School is in session, but once in a blue moon I hope to come by and drop a few lines when I have something to say.
Therfore, when presented with a problem, the first line of thought WAS NOT "how can we fix, ameliorate, or rectify this situation"
no The First thought was "how do we keep the ministry's name out of this"
As for it happening in the LDS church. Of course it does and in every other organization in the country. The difference is that while you might havve a bad ward, or a bad stake, the whole apple cart isn't rotten.
Jan, <BR><BR>Whoa.<BR>Most leadership told people "no way hozay" to buying a home.....(to which they had no right to say) <BR>Here is your BC saying, go for it, which is exactly what he should of's your money, you decide..<BR>I don't think he had "forknowledge" that you wouldn't be able to sell. <BR> That is for you to figure out with your life style and family situation financially.<BR><BR>But having said that, he's guilty of not accessing your military situation, and realizing that you have to move too much.<BR>We have many military friends and they all refuse to buy a house until they are out, it is just too much hassle.<BR><BR> Then, yes he should've advised you otherwise, but, we all esteemed leadership's advice way too much over our own common sense.<BR><BR>Whew, glad that is over....back to my brain, thanks!
There is no way he could have have foreknowledge; I think that is kind of weird in itself to expect that he would. But you know what I mean about counsel; sitting down with someone and talking it over the physical/spiritual sides of an issue. Does not matter what it is. And NO I am not blaming ANYONE. Hey, I did not even name him, because I could really care less.. Seriously, I don't know if some of you are really getting therapy or have a BIG Axe you still need to grind....
I guess the biggest thing that amazed me was the in-depth medical trainning that Waste Corpse recieved. I was "counciled" not to seek treatment for my high blood sugar levels. Silly me, I went to a doctor instead & was told I was borderline diabetic, change the diet, & excersice. Again, was "counciled" by my all knowing Waste Corpse that I was spending too much time & money in the gym, $$$ that could go to the misery...ministry. My levels are down, i've shed 40 pounds, & the Corpse person is no longer in the state.
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So was this guy found guilty, and remained a TWIt? Is he still a TWIt?
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Catcup, the only thing I can say is, I'm really, really glad you're still around here..
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I totally agree with you, Ham!
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Bob, as far as I know, the guy was successfully prosecuted and eventually marked and avoided for being a homosexual. However, there was never any apology from TWI to his wife, for not believing her.
Nor was there any apology to the general body of believers for putting a full time pervert on full time salary with their abundant sharing (but then again, why mess up a perfect track record...). The incident with the cop is small potatoes from what I understand from his wife. There was much, more, and darker stuff there.
Nor has there ever been any apology from Lxrry Pxnarello EVER to ANY person who was present at that famous meeting in Ohio where he publicly called this poor frightened woman and every other Corps who had been dropped, names I can't say here without being moderated.
Thanks Ham & Krys. School is in session, but once in a blue moon I hope to come by and drop a few lines when I have something to say.
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I second that emotion.
:D--> Really good to see you Catcup!
Oh, Geeze! How many times have I heard this line? Let's just say I wish I had a nickel for every time.
--> I'd be a rich woman!
And whenever there is a discrepancy between a male believer and a female believer, you always take the side of the MAN.
and whenever there is a discrepancy between an @$$ kissing TWIt and a questioning (aka rebellious) TWIt, you always take the side of the kissing one.
And whenever there is a discrepancy between a regular TWIt and a WC TWIt, you always take the side of the WC.
Just how on earth are we supposed to keep all these unwritten rules straight?? Oh, that mine enemy had written a book.........
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and always take the side of ANYONE in twi over the advice and concern of your parents or family members..
and always ALWAYS take the advice of any member of twi over an educated qualified it financial, physical, or personal.
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Belle, I think you just wrote it!
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THe problem was ...
leadership was not there to council
they were there to maintain the status quo
Therfore, when presented with a problem, the first line of thought WAS NOT "how can we fix, ameliorate, or rectify this situation"
no The First thought was "how do we keep the ministry's name out of this"
As for it happening in the LDS church. Of course it does and in every other organization in the country. The difference is that while you might havve a bad ward, or a bad stake, the whole apple cart isn't rotten.
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I guess the biggest thing that amazed me was the in-depth medical trainning that Waste Corpse recieved. I was "counciled" not to seek treatment for my high blood sugar levels. Silly me, I went to a doctor instead & was told I was borderline diabetic, change the diet, & excersice. Again, was "counciled" by my all knowing Waste Corpse that I was spending too much time & money in the gym, $$$ that could go to the misery...ministry. My levels are down, i've shed 40 pounds, & the Corpse person is no longer in the state.
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