((((song))) you have brought me much laughter...I am marking the calendar dude...can`t wait to see what you have to say after your hiatus:-) God`s speed sir!
GSC was opened to expose the lies of TWI ~~~ i suppose.
I was there with TWI TWInty years, and there are still those who come out of TWI promoting their offshoots, living epistles society. momentus, and all inbetween, because all know here what they mean they think, as if all here accept what they they think all knows to be the truth whoever the they we are.
I have spoke unto a lovely wonderful lady of youth to go WOW. She did and made her stand in Oaklahoma. After her recognition as a wow blue banner and all and the next wave of waybots~~~ she returned to oaklahoma to recieve her masters degree in journalism and returned home to find that she had to tend to her mother diapers and all. Nobody helped her. Hell i did know of this until I called her. She was a mess and basically told me i could no longer be of help. "Have you been in touch with Suzi?" I called again the other calls and got her brother. He told me in no uncertain terms..."Mother %%%%%% if ya ever call here again you will see me face to face"~~~ I said "yes sir" and placed the phone on the cradle.
I saw her at a Wendy's a few years later and said hey suzi~~~ she said~~~"...please do not talk to me, my husband is very jealous"... and the rest of the scenario...
I could and can go on even to the point my friend and his suicide.
What else have I to say except the WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD? That the TWIster Sisters have the truth and the living epistles SOCIETY groom each other?
Ya think I have not seen and heard? Ya think Raf you really know in exposing the lies in the red or blue or whaterver color book you feel smug in your own truth?
And you dare to compete with Mike!!! hahahahhahaha oh my such a conundrum of bullit ~~~ both of you are right
Hmmm speaking in tongues~~~ i chose to speak mandarian chinese hahhahahahahah right that's a bullit of proof
wishing to prove your own wool over the eyes what you feign to understand and impose upon others who do not understand and a proof i suppose is snow on the gas pumps that you can not prove again eh soldier. How long ya been under water? Love ya Dude Shriner!
There really are no sure answers except one has a lot of things to do to avoid the questions his life right Research Geek?
Satori, there is something deep within your soul that I would dig to know if only you could reveal what secrets you hold.
oh a six months sabbatical~~~ i thinks i would miss a lot of hearts to unfold.
Satori, there is something deep within your soul that I would dig to know if only you could reveal what secrets you hold.
You're asking for the ocean in a paper cup. The secret is not to drink from another's well, but to "dig" your own. And by the way, I'm the paper cup, not the ocean.
to live in a world surrounded by tens and thousands and millions of souls and to be trully known and to trully know not one heart intimately and completely....the song of so many remains the same
I think you do know that i know quite a many grads pfal and so on.
I have quite a few of the many why they do not post GSC and they say "You all fight quite a lot. I have no time for that." Indicating they do be "lurkers".
I have even been told that "If the word is not true i would go insane. I can not post there."
your comment about some who feel if the "word" wasnt true they would go insane .
I will asume they are referring to the bible verses as "the word".
Well I have story that took me off that whole unfortunate train of thought .
First let me say I think the promises in the bible are true.
YET like many other issues and situations it is only what I think and nothing more or less.
I once "reproved" (lol I HATE THAT WORD!!!) my son because I thought he was drinking to much alcohol to many times a week.
side note I adore this child of mine in all the earth this one person has truly been my best buddy my harshest enemy and truly the love of my life.
ever think about somone and your eyes light up with joy? ever want to live another day just because that person is alive?
no matter what this kid has done that is how I feel towards him.
so here I was thinking I need to tell him the evils of alcohol blah blah blah .
Because of "the word".
now mind you I have never even seen this guy drunk I just know he has a six pack once and awhile.
So he says to me "Ma I do not use alcohol to escape from my problems"... like you use religon to ignore yours...." !!!!!
BAM!!!!!!!!BAM !!!!!!!
Some people use God as a crutch to get through the hard times .
think about it what do these types do?
pray , read some choice bible verses and think life is better or it will be or in the very least forget their trouble for a awhile.
a person who drinks can accomplish the same mind by having a few beers with some friends!!!!!
the next train of thought is the devil is attacking me for my stand on that so called "word" well in normal thinking when a person claim an invisable force is responsibile for their behaviour or outcomes in life we consider them in a very serious mental state of delusion and give medications which takes away such thoughts !!!!!
this word that some cant function without isolates a person from other people as does excessive drug and alcohol abuse , when it is out of control.
the bible and the attitude of having a special and select "word"
NUMBS a person to reality much the same as getting drunk or being on drugs does!!!!!!
When you say your friends say they would go insane if they had to consider what they call the word as not true , I say consider that statement in light of ANY THING in life other than "the word" or the bible it would be defined as
addiction that is out of control , unrational thinking , denial , depression and mental illness.
these are very real issues in our world today, and I submit "the word and its use of contribrutes as much as any other substance that is used to escape from reality of life.
OMG!!! You are the only person EVER that I have heard mention the film BARAKA!! EVER!! I have the video--- amazing............!!
"A transcendently poetic tour of the globe...shot in 24 countries on six continents...
...Set to the life affirming rhythms of varied religious rituals and natures own beat Baraka is a visualization of the interconnectedness humans share with the earth...
...captures not only the harmony, but also the calamity that humans and nature have visited upon the earth. However, mere words do not do the film justice-- Baraka must be seen, felt, experienced to be understood."
I am between a sabbatical of six months and being facetious.
posted November 01, 2004 13:04
I wonder if your still reading.
I hope so.
Yes I am still here reading.
your comment about some who feel if the "word" wasnt true they would go insane .
I will asume they are referring to the bible verses as "the word".
Well I have story that took me off that whole unfortunate train of thought .
I do not think such a thought is unfortunate as much the why such an unfortunate thought.
First let me say I think the promises in the bible are true.
Sure. Thanks for being honest about what you think. Do you like~~~ Thou shalt not Kill and the a ahem few chapters later God instructs his followers to commit genocide. Just a thot.
YET like many other issues and situations it is only what I think and nothing more or less.
The sun thinks the same thing when it rises and sets the billions of tons the sand beneath our feet and the horizen the suns playground either side the shore we stand upon.
I once "reproved" (lol I HATE THAT WORD!!!) my son because I thought he was drinking to much alcohol to many times a week.
side note I adore this child of mine in all the earth this one person has truly been my best buddy my harshest enemy and truly the love of my life.
ever think about somone and your eyes light up with joy? ever want to live another day just because that person is alive?
no matter what this kid has done that is how I feel towards him.
Your love then is surely well known.
so here I was thinking I need to tell him the evils of alcohol blah blah blah .
Because of "the word".
now mind you I have never even seen this guy drunk I just know he has a six pack once and awhile.
So he says to me "Ma I do not use alcohol to escape from my problems"... like you use religon to ignore yours...." !!!!!
BAM!!!!!!!!BAM !!!!!!!
Is that a gavel, a judge, or rather a mediator of heart, an epiphhany perhaps?
Some people use God as a crutch to get through the hard times .
A crutch in their mind or a belief that God is more than our crutches. I have been told that I "...use God as an emergency God." I have also been told that there is no hole so deep that God is not deeper still~~~
think about it what do these types do?
pray , read some choice bible verses and think life is better or it will be or in the very least forget their trouble for a awhile.
a person who drinks can accomplish the same mind by having a few beers with some friends!!!!!
Mabe some have gone beyound such trivial matters~~~
the next train of thought is the devil is attacking me for my stand on that so called "word" well in normal thinking when a person claim an invisable force is responsibile for their behaviour or outcomes in life we consider them in a very serious mental state of delusion and give medications which takes away such thoughts !!!!!
You seem to speak as an authority such matters your thoughts which are nothing more or less. In a train there are many cars that travel the track eh?
this word that some cant function without isolates a person from other people as does excessive drug and alcohol abuse , when it is out of control.
the bible and the attitude of having a special and select "word"
NUMBS a person to reality much the same as getting drunk or being on drugs does!!!!!!
Then what is the control?
When you say your friends say they would go insane if they had to consider what they call the word as not true , I say consider that statement in light of ANY THING in life other than "the word" or the bible it would be defined as
addiction that is out of control , unrational thinking , denial , depression and mental illness.
Is there an addiction that one can control? Is breathing an addiction?
these are very real issues in our world today, and I submit "the word and its use of contribrutes as much as any other substance that is used to escape from reality of life
What is your escape into the reality of life?
I'm just walking on the beach with ya!
Rok On
The mirror shows nothing the blind man can see, for there is no brail his fingers can feel except a smooth surface he does not comprehend. Those that have sight to what the mirror reflects is as much the blind man feels.
OMG!!! You are the only person EVER that I have heard mention the film BARAKA!! EVER!! I have the video--- amazing............!!
"A transcendently poetic tour of the globe...shot in 24 countries on six continents...
...Set to the life affirming rhythms of varied religious rituals and natures own beat Baraka is a visualization of the interconnectedness humans share with the earth...
...captures not only the harmony, but also the calamity that humans and nature have visited upon the earth. However, mere words do not do the film justice-- Baraka must be seen, felt, experienced
What do you think of the opening scene?
What do you think about those chanting a rhythm of breath, a controlled hyperventilation, and the one who has the exstacy his control over the group.
What about those twirlers? They remind me of many I have seen at Rock Concerts and seemingly always counterclockwise their dance as if trying to direct their equilibrium beyound falling down.
I do not promote this flick as the truth, but rather an understanding there is so much more than dominating religions who claim the Bible to be The Word Of God and hence TBN and the such. I do not understand why the TWIster sisters do not hook up with TBN.
2life, there is one here whom I mentioned SRF, and that person responded and I also responded the same as you. A lotta thoughts a lotta paths we who met each other only to realise later, "Don't I know you? You seem familiar to me."
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Lots and Lots of laughter here.
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((((song))) you have brought me much laughter...I am marking the calendar dude...can`t wait to see what you have to say after your hiatus:-) God`s speed sir!
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Surely ya know I am being:
Main Entry: fa·ce·tious
Pronunciation: f&-'sE-sh&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French facetieux, from facetie jest, from Latin facetia
Date: 1599
1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : WAGGISH
2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious
Laughter to da bone ~~~ oh my
forgive me
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I am TheSongRemainsTheSame
GSC was opened to expose the lies of TWI ~~~ i suppose.
I was there with TWI TWInty years, and there are still those who come out of TWI promoting their offshoots, living epistles society. momentus, and all inbetween, because all know here what they mean they think, as if all here accept what they they think all knows to be the truth whoever the they we are.
I have spoke unto a lovely wonderful lady of youth to go WOW. She did and made her stand in Oaklahoma. After her recognition as a wow blue banner and all and the next wave of waybots~~~ she returned to oaklahoma to recieve her masters degree in journalism and returned home to find that she had to tend to her mother diapers and all. Nobody helped her. Hell i did know of this until I called her. She was a mess and basically told me i could no longer be of help. "Have you been in touch with Suzi?" I called again the other calls and got her brother. He told me in no uncertain terms..."Mother %%%%%% if ya ever call here again you will see me face to face"~~~ I said "yes sir" and placed the phone on the cradle.
I saw her at a Wendy's a few years later and said hey suzi~~~ she said~~~"...please do not talk to me, my husband is very jealous"... and the rest of the scenario...
I could and can go on even to the point my friend and his suicide.
What else have I to say except the WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD? That the TWIster Sisters have the truth and the living epistles SOCIETY groom each other?
Ya think I have not seen and heard? Ya think Raf you really know in exposing the lies in the red or blue or whaterver color book you feel smug in your own truth?
And you dare to compete with Mike!!! hahahahhahaha oh my such a conundrum of bullit ~~~ both of you are right
Hmmm speaking in tongues~~~ i chose to speak mandarian chinese hahhahahahahah right that's a bullit of proof
wishing to prove your own wool over the eyes what you feign to understand and impose upon others who do not understand and a proof i suppose is snow on the gas pumps that you can not prove again eh soldier. How long ya been under water? Love ya Dude Shriner!
There really are no sure answers except one has a lot of things to do to avoid the questions his life right Research Geek?
Satori, there is something deep within your soul that I would dig to know if only you could reveal what secrets you hold.
oh a six months sabbatical~~~ i thinks i would miss a lot of hearts to unfold.
I Hope
I really do!
Rok On
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Ahh sirguessalot your post your reply this thread amaZINGly vanished... hmmm
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Main Entry: sa·to·ri
Pronunciation: s&-'tOr-E, s? -'tor-
Function: noun
Etymology: Japanese
Date: 1727
: a state of intuitive illumination sought in Zen Buddhism
Pronunciation Key
© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
Of course a paper cup can not hold the ocean nor the universe has use a paper cup its light years of knowledge.
Satori, there is something about you that seems to say more than you know.
Yo dude what is the paper cup that holds the ocean? Come on ~~~ can we really have conversation, voice to voice, eye to eye?
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to live in a world surrounded by tens and thousands and millions of souls and to be trully known and to trully know not one heart intimately and completely....the song of so many remains the same
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10-4 Dart...
and the billions who have died still remain where?
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I think you do know that i know quite a many grads pfal and so on.
I have quite a few of the many why they do not post GSC and they say "You all fight quite a lot. I have no time for that." Indicating they do be "lurkers".
I have even been told that "If the word is not true i would go insane. I can not post there."
Oh My my my my soul
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Good Night
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i had to leave for quite a while once
i think you're so great and i'm glad you're not afraid to ask tough questions. it helps me a lot
sws, your tender heart is always nice to read
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Song, I look forward to much more laughter from you!
Thanks for posting here!
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I wonder if your still reading.
I hope so.
your comment about some who feel if the "word" wasnt true they would go insane .
I will asume they are referring to the bible verses as "the word".
Well I have story that took me off that whole unfortunate train of thought .
First let me say I think the promises in the bible are true.
YET like many other issues and situations it is only what I think and nothing more or less.
I once "reproved" (lol I HATE THAT WORD!!!) my son because I thought he was drinking to much alcohol to many times a week.
side note I adore this child of mine in all the earth this one person has truly been my best buddy my harshest enemy and truly the love of my life.
ever think about somone and your eyes light up with joy? ever want to live another day just because that person is alive?
no matter what this kid has done that is how I feel towards him.
so here I was thinking I need to tell him the evils of alcohol blah blah blah .
Because of "the word".
now mind you I have never even seen this guy drunk I just know he has a six pack once and awhile.
So he says to me "Ma I do not use alcohol to escape from my problems"... like you use religon to ignore yours...." !!!!!
BAM!!!!!!!!BAM !!!!!!!
Some people use God as a crutch to get through the hard times .
think about it what do these types do?
pray , read some choice bible verses and think life is better or it will be or in the very least forget their trouble for a awhile.
a person who drinks can accomplish the same mind by having a few beers with some friends!!!!!
the next train of thought is the devil is attacking me for my stand on that so called "word" well in normal thinking when a person claim an invisable force is responsibile for their behaviour or outcomes in life we consider them in a very serious mental state of delusion and give medications which takes away such thoughts !!!!!
this word that some cant function without isolates a person from other people as does excessive drug and alcohol abuse , when it is out of control.
the bible and the attitude of having a special and select "word"
NUMBS a person to reality much the same as getting drunk or being on drugs does!!!!!!
When you say your friends say they would go insane if they had to consider what they call the word as not true , I say consider that statement in light of ANY THING in life other than "the word" or the bible it would be defined as
addiction that is out of control , unrational thinking , denial , depression and mental illness.
these are very real issues in our world today, and I submit "the word and its use of contribrutes as much as any other substance that is used to escape from reality of life.
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OMG!!! You are the only person EVER that I have heard mention the film BARAKA!! EVER!! I have the video--- amazing............!!
"A transcendently poetic tour of the globe...shot in 24 countries on six continents...
...Set to the life affirming rhythms of varied religious rituals and natures own beat Baraka is a visualization of the interconnectedness humans share with the earth...
...captures not only the harmony, but also the calamity that humans and nature have visited upon the earth. However, mere words do not do the film justice-- Baraka must be seen, felt, experienced to be understood."
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Baraka?? Jeepers, Mr. and Mrs Clever, I thought this might be a film to hep me to better speak the wonderful works of God ...
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I am between a sabbatical of six months and being facetious.
posted November 01, 2004 13:04
I wonder if your still reading.
I hope so.
Yes I am still here reading.
your comment about some who feel if the "word" wasnt true they would go insane .
I will asume they are referring to the bible verses as "the word".
Well I have story that took me off that whole unfortunate train of thought .
I do not think such a thought is unfortunate as much the why such an unfortunate thought.
First let me say I think the promises in the bible are true.
Sure. Thanks for being honest about what you think. Do you like~~~ Thou shalt not Kill and the a ahem few chapters later God instructs his followers to commit genocide. Just a thot.
YET like many other issues and situations it is only what I think and nothing more or less.
The sun thinks the same thing when it rises and sets the billions of tons the sand beneath our feet and the horizen the suns playground either side the shore we stand upon.
I once "reproved" (lol I HATE THAT WORD!!!) my son because I thought he was drinking to much alcohol to many times a week.
side note I adore this child of mine in all the earth this one person has truly been my best buddy my harshest enemy and truly the love of my life.
ever think about somone and your eyes light up with joy? ever want to live another day just because that person is alive?
no matter what this kid has done that is how I feel towards him.
Your love then is surely well known.
so here I was thinking I need to tell him the evils of alcohol blah blah blah .
Because of "the word".
now mind you I have never even seen this guy drunk I just know he has a six pack once and awhile.
So he says to me "Ma I do not use alcohol to escape from my problems"... like you use religon to ignore yours...." !!!!!
BAM!!!!!!!!BAM !!!!!!!
Is that a gavel, a judge, or rather a mediator of heart, an epiphhany perhaps?
Some people use God as a crutch to get through the hard times .
A crutch in their mind or a belief that God is more than our crutches. I have been told that I "...use God as an emergency God." I have also been told that there is no hole so deep that God is not deeper still~~~
think about it what do these types do?
pray , read some choice bible verses and think life is better or it will be or in the very least forget their trouble for a awhile.
a person who drinks can accomplish the same mind by having a few beers with some friends!!!!!
Mabe some have gone beyound such trivial matters~~~
the next train of thought is the devil is attacking me for my stand on that so called "word" well in normal thinking when a person claim an invisable force is responsibile for their behaviour or outcomes in life we consider them in a very serious mental state of delusion and give medications which takes away such thoughts !!!!!
You seem to speak as an authority such matters your thoughts which are nothing more or less. In a train there are many cars that travel the track eh?
this word that some cant function without isolates a person from other people as does excessive drug and alcohol abuse , when it is out of control.
the bible and the attitude of having a special and select "word"
NUMBS a person to reality much the same as getting drunk or being on drugs does!!!!!!
Then what is the control?
When you say your friends say they would go insane if they had to consider what they call the word as not true , I say consider that statement in light of ANY THING in life other than "the word" or the bible it would be defined as
addiction that is out of control , unrational thinking , denial , depression and mental illness.
Is there an addiction that one can control? Is breathing an addiction?
these are very real issues in our world today, and I submit "the word and its use of contribrutes as much as any other substance that is used to escape from reality of life
What is your escape into the reality of life?
I'm just walking on the beach with ya!
Rok On
The mirror shows nothing the blind man can see, for there is no brail his fingers can feel except a smooth surface he does not comprehend. Those that have sight to what the mirror reflects is as much the blind man feels.
author unknown
Edited by oneyedjackswild1 psLink to comment
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posted November 01, 2004 13:56
OMG!!! You are the only person EVER that I have heard mention the film BARAKA!! EVER!! I have the video--- amazing............!!
"A transcendently poetic tour of the globe...shot in 24 countries on six continents...
...Set to the life affirming rhythms of varied religious rituals and natures own beat Baraka is a visualization of the interconnectedness humans share with the earth...
...captures not only the harmony, but also the calamity that humans and nature have visited upon the earth. However, mere words do not do the film justice-- Baraka must be seen, felt, experienced
What do you think of the opening scene?
What do you think about those chanting a rhythm of breath, a controlled hyperventilation, and the one who has the exstacy his control over the group.
What about those twirlers? They remind me of many I have seen at Rock Concerts and seemingly always counterclockwise their dance as if trying to direct their equilibrium beyound falling down.
I do not promote this flick as the truth, but rather an understanding there is so much more than dominating religions who claim the Bible to be The Word Of God and hence TBN and the such. I do not understand why the TWIster sisters do not hook up with TBN.
2life, there is one here whom I mentioned SRF, and that person responded and I also responded the same as you. A lotta thoughts a lotta paths we who met each other only to realise later, "Don't I know you? You seem familiar to me."
Rok On
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Sir G,
Why have you deleted your reply?
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