Well, unlike a certain religious organization I know, I will admit when I copied something word for word.
It made me laugh too. Thank you whoever wrote it a couple years ago.
I save old posts. You should too. It is easy to just copy and paste into a Word document. I have a whole file. I should call it "The Junk Table" for some of you old timers. :D-->
Ok guys your having a little too much fun picking at them. Just remember most of us were dumb enough once to fall for that stuff.
But you have to admit its funny.
When I took the Foundationless class and found that I was from the Underachieving class so I could then take the Advantageless class.
Of course I never was a WOW (Worried of Where the foods gonna come from) or in the Corps (Compelled or Pulled Sidways)sorry could not come up with somthing better.
You know what. This is fun making fun of them. Forget what I said earlier. Onward thru the fog. I'm feeling better every minute.
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Can I use these?
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Lol ... soooo true.
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Kit Sober
How to recognize and promote Godless leadership
Holy Spirit: Ignore it and it won't bother you.
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Well, unlike a certain religious organization I know, I will admit when I copied something word for word.
It made me laugh too. Thank you whoever wrote it a couple years ago.
I save old posts. You should too. It is easy to just copy and paste into a Word document. I have a whole file. I should call it "The Junk Table" for some of you old timers.
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Updated TWI slogans and classes:
The Decade of Victimry
The Prevaricating Word
The Way is Abusive and Petty
The Foundationless Class
The Underwhelming Class
The Advanceless Class
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*Dealing with the adversary class*...a class in keys to making deals with the devil.
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The Way Living in Lust
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Doling out the Adversary
The Way of Abundant Paupers Crass
Jesus Christ is not Feared
Jesus Christ our Premised Seed
The FundTheWaytional Class
The We'reyourIntermediary Crass
The Advanced Crass Class
Join The Way Cops II Today
We'll rebuild you into:
Apostates, Profits, Evilangleists, Treacheries and Plaster'ems
The Preponderous Word Over The World
The Preposterous Word is um,..
Already Over The World
The Decade of Verbal Abuse and Spitshowers
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Witnessing and OVERshepherding
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More Classes;
Witless Undersheperding
Twig Bleedership
Dealing in Adversity
An updated class taught by Rev. RosyLie Rivenbawk
Christian Feminine Sex
Tapping The Way Tree
Basic Keys To .... ?
The Spurtual Contest,
Attributes of Serpents Seed
By the man, oh gawd who knows more about the Debbil and spurtual seeding than anybody else, the Revved Loy Craig Martindale
New Books;
Receeding The Holy Spirit Today
The BOD'L Tell me So
Lusting Sanctified
The New Disfunctional Church
Our Words Way
God's Minimized Word
Order My Steps In My Word
Life Slimes
Christians Should Be Preposterous
The Thirteenth Diatribe
A Harmonizing of the Gospel Quartet
Living Vicariously
Fun Demento's of Biblical Research
Rise And Spandex
(Sorry, It was a slow night.
:D--> )
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Ok guys your having a little too much fun picking at them. Just remember most of us were dumb enough once to fall for that stuff.
But you have to admit its funny.
When I took the Foundationless class and found that I was from the Underachieving class so I could then take the Advantageless class.
Of course I never was a WOW (Worried of Where the foods gonna come from) or in the Corps (Compelled or Pulled Sidways)sorry could not come up with somthing better.
You know what. This is fun making fun of them. Forget what I said earlier. Onward thru the fog. I'm feeling better every minute.
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WOW = Worried of Where.....
Yes, laugther is good for the soul.
(Very cleansing and healing.)
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Of course, there is the now priceless book: "Christians could have been prosperous" In small print, "if they did not join up with us."
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Trefor Heywood
"The Way Living in Lust."
"L. Craig Martindale is not God (he only thinks he is)"
"Are the (brain)dead alive now?"
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VP In Me (or is he??)
Secrets of the St. Mary's Motel
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The Collusionals:
The Bottle Tells Me So
The New Drambuie Church
The Worms Way
God's Mutilated Word
Order My Scotch in Thy Room
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Priceless and hilarious.
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Other books by The Way Irrational:
Are the Drunk Allowed Now?
The Rise and Expansion of the Christian Lurch
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Trefor Heywood
I remember the glossy ads in the Rag:
"Remember the Way in your will."
Well you know what they say...
"Where there's a will there's the Way!"
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you guys reallly should do standup
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..."Order my steps to thy bed"
..."Craig Martindale, our passover"
..."Light through the motorcoach window"
..."NewKnoxville Mystery religion"
..."The turds way"
..."Receiving the taxexempt holy spurt"
..."School of the profit"
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"The Rise and Expulsion of the Christian Lunch"
"Stealing with the Adversary"
"Christians should make Vic Prosperous"
"Keys to Raising Skirts"
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