You see that lil icon at the end of my sentance? (?) That indicates it was a question....not an assault on geeks honor.
A question catcup....aparently your panties are bunched because I dared address the great research Geek with a question concerning his premiss...
Dangit, I like geek, I don`t know why you are making this a big old hairy deal...
He is always courtious a gracious in his replys even when addressing those whom might disagree...he doesn`t appear to have a problem with our questions or misunderstandings....what the heck is YOUR problem cat? You been stomping around kicking over ant hills since you came back...I don`t get it, you never used to act this is dissapointing.
I am genuinely interested in geeks opinion...and you are making this into an all out war....
It is getting to the point where hearing his answere is not worth the price of having to put up with your hissy fits.
catcup you can try to force rascal to recognize where you feel she did wrong.
but she can not or has not yet recognized it .
such is often the case in forgiving one another isnt it?
one feels a wrong the other does not or refuses to recognizes the pain of another at their hand. so the cycle does repeat and it escalates untill so much damage is done .
this is exactly why I think forgivness is a very personal thing that helps the victim so much , and why it does Not have to be about the other party asking for forgivness.
because sometimes I dare say oftentimes it just doesnt happen .
So I can forgive for myself and walk in the wisdom of knowing the Lord also forgives me and understands .
Have your thread cat....police it and oust anyone else who dares attempt discussion with the great geek...control it, run it precisely to your specifications....
I no longer care enough about the answeres to endure your insults.....
and it does often end in a passive aggressive stance , doesnt it?
victim again and again and again but NO NEVER the ABUSER.
give me a break , did you read the link those abused are often those that abuse ? aint it the truth ?
I have to ask how is it one can be victimized and misunderstood continuously but yet find enough strength to carry on with so much anger and bitterness . victim indeed.
What would Jesus do?...I see in the gospels that Jesus cussed out the phoney religious leaders pretty good. I see no record of where Jesus forgave them and reconciled with them...maybe he did, but it ain't in the bible...only the part about him cussing them for thought.
I think the part about giving his very life for those who sinned is RATHER TELLING about his attitude towards those who hurt HIM!!!
it is kind of difficult to reconcile a relationship while your being tortured and murdered, but then again the reconcilation was for them anyway to a God who gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN Son.
thank you Jesus Christ for your forgivness and the reconciliation it gave us all.
What would Jesus do?...I see in the gospels that Jesus cussed out the phoney religious leaders pretty good. I see no record of where Jesus forgave them and reconciled with them...maybe he did, but it ain't in the bible...only the part about him cussing them for thought.
UH! You took the words right out of my mouth!
It's sometimes very hard to accept that there are those who will refuse forgiveness...and those to whom forgiveness will be refused...especially if one is in the category of either...
So then we're justified not forgiving religious leaders because Jesus didn't? That seems a tad too simplified for my taste. First, the way I see it, Jesus is Lord, da Big Cheese. He gets to tell us what to do, cause he's Lord, and cause it's best for us, whether he does it himself or not is not the point. Maybe there's a bigger reason why he never forgave some and forgave others and it seems to contradict; I don't understand it all yet, but I do know what he asks me to do and it's pretty clear.
So then we're justified not forgiving religious leaders because Jesus didn't? That seems a tad too simplified for my taste.
quote:First, the way I see it, Jesus is Lord, da Big Cheese. He gets to tell us what to do, cause he's Lord, and cause it's best for us, whether he does it himself or not is not the point.
This statement is just plain stupid. It's twi brain through and through...and it's the mentality that creates monsters such as the monsters twi created.
quote:Maybe there's a bigger reason why he never forgave some and forgave others and it seems to contradict; I don't understand it all yet, but I do know what he asks me to do and it's pretty clear.
Before I go into my post please know that I am aware that I am not in top mental condition right I may not make any sense or even come off in the totally opposite way I thought I would come off.
I did not think that you intended to link In His Steps to twi...that was my doing.
My understanding of how the book influenced the shaping of Tennessee Town (TT) comes from what the people of TT have expressed to me. Of course, I do understand that there are no people in TT alive today who were alive at the time setting of the book. These things I know are from people who have heard stories from their parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
Couple the oral history with the actual history, I can see a direct correlation between the book and the downhill slide of TT...simply because of the perception of the people of TT that the book created.
Here are some points that lead me to see a link between twi and the book (these are oversimplified and are open for lively debate :D--> ):
Both twi and Sheldon portray themselves as giving God the glory while, in reality, both are self-aggrandizing.
Both twi and Sheldon figure that they have the answers for everybody...and that their answers are from gawd...and everybody should follow their answers.
Neither twi nor Sheldon have grasped day-to-day life for those who don't have the option to jump on and off the gravy train at will.
The works of both twi and Sheldon do not stand the test of time.
How does all of this relate to forgiveness?
Whenever a person or an organization put forth that they have the answers...
Whenever these same people/organizations come into the lives of those deemed to be "needy" of answers...
Whenever anybody or anything becomes as big as or bigger than Jesus in people's lives...
Then there is a pharasitical religion.
We as followers of Jesus must always walk the fine line between serving Jesus' calling and becoming a temporal savior.
It's a hard line to walk...a line I've crossed and learned real quick not to ever cross again.
He laid down HIS LIFE for ALL!!!! So we could KNOW THE LOVE from God HE KNOWS towards us.
Jesus Christ Loves us more all of us (all of mankind) more than any human that has ever lived. So much so God gave HIM the position of being our LORD and KING.
to say he didnt forgive that somhow he just bitched and walked away is a lie from the utter depths of hell.
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You see that lil icon at the end of my sentance? (?) That indicates it was a question....not an assault on geeks honor.
A question catcup....aparently your panties are bunched because I dared address the great research Geek with a question concerning his premiss...
Dangit, I like geek, I don`t know why you are making this a big old hairy deal...
He is always courtious a gracious in his replys even when addressing those whom might disagree...he doesn`t appear to have a problem with our questions or misunderstandings....what the heck is YOUR problem cat? You been stomping around kicking over ant hills since you came back...I don`t get it, you never used to act this is dissapointing.
I am genuinely interested in geeks opinion...and you are making this into an all out war....
It is getting to the point where hearing his answere is not worth the price of having to put up with your hissy fits.
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You know it wasn't posed as a sentence. It was an insinuation.
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well this is kind of fun reading .
catcup you can try to force rascal to recognize where you feel she did wrong.
but she can not or has not yet recognized it .
such is often the case in forgiving one another isnt it?
one feels a wrong the other does not or refuses to recognizes the pain of another at their hand. so the cycle does repeat and it escalates untill so much damage is done .
this is exactly why I think forgivness is a very personal thing that helps the victim so much , and why it does Not have to be about the other party asking for forgivness.
because sometimes I dare say oftentimes it just doesnt happen .
So I can forgive for myself and walk in the wisdom of knowing the Lord also forgives me and understands .
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Your right vertical, thanks.
You cannot change someones perceptions I guess.
Have your thread cat....police it and oust anyone else who dares attempt discussion with the great geek...control it, run it precisely to your specifications....
I no longer care enough about the answeres to endure your insults.....
Never mind Geek, thanks.
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Vertical Limit
Maybe I should rephrase...
rascal, catcup don't see it.
It's plain to you and I but not catcup.
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This is exactly my point as stated in my first post about choice.
The choice is the same one many people here have made regarding TWI
Not letting them off the hook until they realize and admit what they did. No?
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Thankyou vertical,
I am going to eat brownies with oakspear
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Now I'm done.
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and it does often end in a passive aggressive stance , doesnt it?
victim again and again and again but NO NEVER the ABUSER.
give me a break , did you read the link those abused are often those that abuse ? aint it the truth ?
I have to ask how is it one can be victimized and misunderstood continuously but yet find enough strength to carry on with so much anger and bitterness . victim indeed.
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What would Jesus do?...I see in the gospels that Jesus cussed out the phoney religious leaders pretty good. I see no record of where Jesus forgave them and reconciled with them...maybe he did, but it ain't in the bible...only the part about him cussing them for thought.
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I think the part about giving his very life for those who sinned is RATHER TELLING about his attitude towards those who hurt HIM!!!
it is kind of difficult to reconcile a relationship while your being tortured and murdered, but then again the reconcilation was for them anyway to a God who gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN Son.
thank you Jesus Christ for your forgivness and the reconciliation it gave us all.
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UH! You took the words right out of my mouth!
It's sometimes very hard to accept that there are those who will refuse forgiveness...and those to whom forgiveness will be refused...especially if one is in the category of either...
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So then we're justified not forgiving religious leaders because Jesus didn't? That seems a tad too simplified for my taste. First, the way I see it, Jesus is Lord, da Big Cheese. He gets to tell us what to do, cause he's Lord, and cause it's best for us, whether he does it himself or not is not the point. Maybe there's a bigger reason why he never forgave some and forgave others and it seems to contradict; I don't understand it all yet, but I do know what he asks me to do and it's pretty clear.
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This statement is just plain stupid. It's twi brain through and through...and it's the mentality that creates monsters such as the monsters twi created.
So spell it out for us, OM.
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Check out my post on the second page. That pretty much spells out where I stand on this issue, at present.
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White Dove,
Before I go into my post please know that I am aware that I am not in top mental condition right I may not make any sense or even come off in the totally opposite way I thought I would come off.
I did not think that you intended to link In His Steps to twi...that was my doing.
My understanding of how the book influenced the shaping of Tennessee Town (TT) comes from what the people of TT have expressed to me. Of course, I do understand that there are no people in TT alive today who were alive at the time setting of the book. These things I know are from people who have heard stories from their parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
Couple the oral history with the actual history, I can see a direct correlation between the book and the downhill slide of TT...simply because of the perception of the people of TT that the book created.
Here are some points that lead me to see a link between twi and the book (these are oversimplified and are open for lively debate
:D--> ):
How does all of this relate to forgiveness?
Whenever a person or an organization put forth that they have the answers...
Whenever these same people/organizations come into the lives of those deemed to be "needy" of answers...
Whenever anybody or anything becomes as big as or bigger than Jesus in people's lives...
Then there is a pharasitical religion.
We as followers of Jesus must always walk the fine line between serving Jesus' calling and becoming a temporal savior.
It's a hard line to walk...a line I've crossed and learned real quick not to ever cross again.
There's no forgiveness for false saviors.
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how do you know who Jesus forgave?
He laid down HIS LIFE for ALL!!!! So we could KNOW THE LOVE from God HE KNOWS towards us.
Jesus Christ Loves us more all of us (all of mankind) more than any human that has ever lived. So much so God gave HIM the position of being our LORD and KING.
to say he didnt forgive that somhow he just bitched and walked away is a lie from the utter depths of hell.
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Paul was a religous leader so zealous for the law he killed christians !
Jesus christ gave him the gift ministry of a great apostle!!!!
forgivness was granted and he was exalted to a position of huge leadership to all gentile and JEW!!!!!
helllo if your going to throw around what my Saviour is capable of please in his most precious name keep your facts straight.
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The histrionics are not effective on me.
Many people who have claimed Jesus as lord have done so based upon such histrionics...
And therefore have no clue of anything else but what they feel about what should and should not be.
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so your base line of truth is what exactly?
you bring in the name of christ and then cancel the story of His life and deeds , and make up your own .
try being a little honest.
His story is written and even a big mouth such as grease spot can not change the fact of what it says .
try as you might to manipulate what he did or didnt do the story has NOT changed.
now if your base line is all about what YOU think (yawn once again) have a riot.
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Cool, where do you get all that kewl stuff?
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Click on the links there to my collection of emoticons.
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