You may also want to visit the LinkSnacks website for additional refreshments, Excadethra. They manufacture meat snacks, beef jerky, and cheese products. Packaged in a variety of pleasing ways, they're always satisfying! Good snack food! Mighty fine and filling to boot!
I really like the little smiley face guy. Is he paid for? I hope so, he certainly has that "debt free" air about him. He's happy, snappy. He's walkin' tall and he's lookin' good. He's got it going on. He looks ready. I bet he's had some Link Snacks!!!
You're ready for this! If we live in a country where meat snacks and cheese products can be purchased and enjoyed freely, we can do anything! anything I tell ya!!!
Geeeze, I haven't read the totallity of this thread or anything, been busy.
But geeeze loueeeeze, seems like Geek and Cat hit a nerve. At least they were brave enough to ask the question.....gotta give them kudos for that. Anybody who has the patience and kindness to sort through all this stuff, has my admiration for life.
"brave enough"~~~ hmm kudos for us all "brave enough" to hit a nerve~~~
Like as if........what really matters in the end of it you think these petty squabbles will mean anything? I just lost someone, and in the bigger scheme of things, all this sqabbling doesn't really matter in the least.
I think what matters is how we loved. so shoot me, for being idealistic and naive. :)-->
Not ignorin' ya'll. I'm in on the love thing. :)-->
The parable of the link snacks: the meat snacks are like unto a happy thought which, when it is realized, makes the brain cells dance. If therefore your brain cells be fully realized then so will your life be filled. With dance. As long as you don't eat the wrapper on the meat snack in which case, well, just don't. If you do, see the parable on the Stuff That Gets Cast Out in the Draught. But not while you're eating.
The cheese products are like unto a man who every day rises and upon seeing a duck shoots it and cooks it and eats it and on the morrow asks "where are all the ducks and why are there no flocks?". So shall he be that gobbles down the cheese product set before him in a single gulp. Would he not rather savor the sweetness of the cheese and it's goodness? Let them that have snacks, snack therefore, each in his own time and let the time be full for after the cheese is gone the memory will linger. Let not therefore your snacking be filled with trouble or sorrow. Snack while the day is upon us, rejoice, be glad!
Just wanted to say sorry that you lost someone. And yeah, in the end, love's the thing. So sad that a place that was founded on teaching the greatness of the Bible sort of forgot that. Obsessed over I Cor. 12 and 14, but kinda forgot chapter 13.
You are a warped puppy, Must be why I like you. Have a teriyaki turkey jerky on me!
Yeah, shaz. We've had two unexpected deaths in our family in the past two months. Sorta has a way of keeping things in perspective when that happens. ;)-->
Forgiveness---I am thankful for the post on this. For a long time I just harbored the anger and resentment. Through some insight of others and them passing on the wisdom to me, I have forgiven. Resentment and anger will just eat me a live when I continue to "Play it over and over again". Forgiveness doesn't mean letting someone off the hook...and I think that may be a reason that people don't forget. It means that I forgive them, even though their wrong is still wrong...God will take care of it...But forgiving them, Well, I am the benefactor of that because they probably will never know that I have forgiven them....I'll not see them or talk to them again. Forgiving them and letting it go....frees me. Otherwise I am tied to the anger, situation, etc. Forgiving is a process not an event. It took time for me to let it go. But with the help of God I did....and I moved on!
quote: So shall he be that gobbles down the cheese product set before him in a single gulp. Would he not rather savor the sweetness of the cheese and it's goodness?
Socks -- and then there are those (in the state directly east of mine), who prefer to wear their cheese, on their heads! :D-->
Sounds like a strange new cult!!! Avast, mateys. Set the sails wide, we're off to unchartered water!!!
Shaz!! and Steve! - takes warped to know warped!
Geek wasn't ready for this and for that I seek forgiveness. Danny, I think it was frogs in the original, but there's quite a bit of controversy there. Notably: Malcom and the Malcomites of the 6.5th century who began to promote the concept of fowl play in many of theses parables. Although he gets like, NO props, Malcom is the first that I know of to have promoted the idea of the "lower life form" being used in the parables as being in direct contradiction to the love feasts of the early Christians which were originally vegetarian feasts. in which no animals of any kind were killed, in contrast to the bulls, goats, sheep and ducks of the old feast recipe books. While I still hold to the "many ducks" theory of interpretation I find nothing lost in Malcom's translations which used "wheat" and other agricultural products common in the middle east at that time.
This thread feels like one of those little grains of rice in Riplye's Believe It Or Not that someone's written the Declaration of Independence on, in red and black ink. That would be cool. An entire thread on a grain of rice. Someday someone's going to do that but just remember where you heard the idea first. Accept no counterfeits! :D-->
~~~This thread feels like one of those little grains of rice in Riplye's Believe It Or Not that someone's written the Declaration of Independence on, in red and black ink. That would be cool. An entire thread on a grain of rice. Someday someone's going to do that but just remember where you heard the idea first. Accept no counterfeits! ~~~
and he shall speak in parables... uhmm socks for the ones who have no clue your say, maybe only me, but what do you mean?
quote: dmiller, I'm intrigued...cheese...on their heads?
Sounds like a strange new cult!!! Avast, mateys. Set the sails wide, we're off to unchartered water!!!
Yes. This "cult" meets reguarly, at Lambeau Field, in Green Bay, Wisconsin --usually on the (now observed) Sabbath day of Sunday, for an afternoon of athletic competition (sometimes they are "athletes with spirit"), and when such is accomplished -- they actually do savour the taste of the cheese on their heads.
On occasion, they move their "service" to Monday evenings, and their enthusiasim is no less abated, though they are a day late, and usually a touchdown short. :D-->
Yup -- yer right. Check to see what has to say, to find out what this Green and Gold cult is up to! :)-->
i haven't read all these posts (rarely coming here myself).... but i say forgive the stupid jerks....twi related or not... forgive all stupid jerks... most do not realize what they do... and even if they do.. forgive them anyway. it is the only way to become free.
why let anything or anyone have a hold over you??
why repeat (over and over) playing the same injustices over again in your mind....
get ....ed, rant and rave if you must... then move on..
forgiveness is a gift that allows you to move on.... don't be concerned whether they will be let off the hook or not.
God is the judge... don't think for one minute that he will bless the "jerks" without clueing them in on their errors.
Song, Ex10 has found the key to interpretation. Long lost, but now am it found.
In the words of the Wondering Prophet Tim, "This isn't anything and I'm nobody". No secret messages, just good clean all-American post-Thanksgiving fun. Not post-Forgiving fun. (this post not meant to imply, suggest or insinuate that any thanksgiving of any kind by anyone need be made, have been made or ever be made regarding any events past, present or yet to happen and no responsibility of any kind to be taken on behalf of or for the purpose of thanking, spanking or skanking any of the above mentioned including those not mentioned. In the event of a thanksgiving event possible side effects may include but not be limited to abdominal pain, sweats, goiters, swellings of the leg, arms, nose ears and/or throat, pustulations of the lips and/or toungue, gas, bloating, diarrhea, loose bowels syndrome, tight bowels syndrome, and other ailments, diseases and aggravations of a physical, mental, emotional nature and/or all of the above, at once or in any sequence of occurence that would imply, denote or deny a relationship to what may have been done in the same time/space continuum of this universe or any other universe imagined or real. Or not done. By anyone, that being limited to but limited to any person who may have read, seen or heard this including those who didn't, won't or haven't but not to imply that reading or not reading would constitute agreement or disagreement, compliance, non-compliance or approval or disapproval, both actual and/or tacit and including exposure to any virtual or real media representations of any kind that may or may not exist, now or forever held in peace.
dmiller, I am on the case regarding these cheese head cultists though. I think I've seen them on Monday Night Network TV, even out here on the coast! They're infiltrating the media! It won't fly here in the West Coast however because all Californians know - "Happy cows make happy cheese". And we got happy cows, cows that dig the rays and have that Left Coast attitude! Tanned cows, sipping Marg-a-reetas and taking their tee times when they please. Bovine breeds that won't get sucked in!! It's udder nonsense and outright blasphemous, these cheese heads!
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Careful,'re gonna conjure up a little green alien.
Ooops! Too late! LMAO!!!!
Speaking of paying bills...
I forgot today was payday...because it's all gone to bills. Sigh.
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"In their eyes, you may be nothin', to no one.
But in His eyes, you reign like a king.
You'll find that you're worth, all the
treasure on earth,
To Him you mean everything.
Oh, the price He paid for me"
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i like that song
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You may also want to visit the LinkSnacks website for additional refreshments, Excadethra. They manufacture meat snacks, beef jerky, and cheese products. Packaged in a variety of pleasing ways, they're always satisfying! Good snack food! Mighty fine and filling to boot!
I really like the little smiley face guy. Is he paid for? I hope so, he certainly has that "debt free" air about him. He's happy, snappy. He's walkin' tall and he's lookin' good. He's got it going on. He looks ready. I bet he's had some Link Snacks!!!
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socksie i'm confused
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Don't be! Snack! Snack like the wind! and smile!
You're ready for this! If we live in a country where meat snacks and cheese products can be purchased and enjoyed freely, we can do anything! anything I tell ya!!!
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A la prochaine
confused 2
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"brave enough"~~~ hmm kudos for us all "brave enough" to hit a nerve~~~
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well socks, not confused at all.......I think I totally get it, well maybe not totally, but striving towards totally.....
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Like as if........what really matters in the end of it you think these petty squabbles will mean anything? I just lost someone, and in the bigger scheme of things, all this sqabbling doesn't really matter in the least.
I think what matters is how we loved. so shoot me, for being idealistic and naive.
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AMEN, EX10! I agree wholeheartedly!!
It's a shame TWIts don't realize that.
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Not ignorin' ya'll. I'm in on the love thing.
The parable of the link snacks: the meat snacks are like unto a happy thought which, when it is realized, makes the brain cells dance. If therefore your brain cells be fully realized then so will your life be filled. With dance. As long as you don't eat the wrapper on the meat snack in which case, well, just don't. If you do, see the parable on the Stuff That Gets Cast Out in the Draught. But not while you're eating.
The cheese products are like unto a man who every day rises and upon seeing a duck shoots it and cooks it and eats it and on the morrow asks "where are all the ducks and why are there no flocks?". So shall he be that gobbles down the cheese product set before him in a single gulp. Would he not rather savor the sweetness of the cheese and it's goodness? Let them that have snacks, snack therefore, each in his own time and let the time be full for after the cheese is gone the memory will linger. Let not therefore your snacking be filled with trouble or sorrow. Snack while the day is upon us, rejoice, be glad!
Either way, I'm in on the love thing.
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Ummm, Johnnysocks? and I mean this in the best way possible - you're twisted!
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Hi ex10,
Just wanted to say sorry that you lost someone. And yeah, in the end, love's the thing. So sad that a place that was founded on teaching the greatness of the Bible sort of forgot that. Obsessed over I Cor. 12 and 14, but kinda forgot chapter 13.
You are a warped puppy, Must be why I like you. Have a teriyaki turkey jerky on me!
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Yeah, shaz. We've had two unexpected deaths in our family in the past two months. Sorta has a way of keeping things in perspective when that happens.
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ex10 sorry
socks could you use something other than a duck?
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Forgiveness---I am thankful for the post on this. For a long time I just harbored the anger and resentment. Through some insight of others and them passing on the wisdom to me, I have forgiven. Resentment and anger will just eat me a live when I continue to "Play it over and over again". Forgiveness doesn't mean letting someone off the hook...and I think that may be a reason that people don't forget. It means that I forgive them, even though their wrong is still wrong...God will take care of it...But forgiving them, Well, I am the benefactor of that because they probably will never know that I have forgiven them....I'll not see them or talk to them again. Forgiving them and letting it go....frees me. Otherwise I am tied to the anger, situation, etc. Forgiving is a process not an event. It took time for me to let it go. But with the help of God I did....and I moved on!
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Socks -- and then there are those (in the state directly east of mine), who prefer to wear their cheese, on their heads!
Ex10 -- sorry to hear about your loss also.
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I too, Ex10. I hope all is well.
dmiller, I'm intrigued...cheese...on their heads?
Sounds like a strange new cult!!! Avast, mateys. Set the sails wide, we're off to unchartered water!!!
Shaz!! and Steve! - takes warped to know warped!
Geek wasn't ready for this and for that I seek forgiveness. Danny, I think it was frogs in the original, but there's quite a bit of controversy there. Notably: Malcom and the Malcomites of the 6.5th century who began to promote the concept of fowl play in many of theses parables. Although he gets like, NO props, Malcom is the first that I know of to have promoted the idea of the "lower life form" being used in the parables as being in direct contradiction to the love feasts of the early Christians which were originally vegetarian feasts. in which no animals of any kind were killed, in contrast to the bulls, goats, sheep and ducks of the old feast recipe books. While I still hold to the "many ducks" theory of interpretation I find nothing lost in Malcom's translations which used "wheat" and other agricultural products common in the middle east at that time.
This thread feels like one of those little grains of rice in Riplye's Believe It Or Not that someone's written the Declaration of Independence on, in red and black ink. That would be cool. An entire thread on a grain of rice. Someday someone's going to do that but just remember where you heard the idea first. Accept no counterfeits!
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~~~This thread feels like one of those little grains of rice in Riplye's Believe It Or Not that someone's written the Declaration of Independence on, in red and black ink. That would be cool. An entire thread on a grain of rice. Someday someone's going to do that but just remember where you heard the idea first. Accept no counterfeits! ~~~
and he shall speak in parables... uhmm socks for the ones who have no clue your say, maybe only me, but what do you mean?
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Thanks for the (ahem) much needed belly-laff.
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Yes. This "cult" meets reguarly, at Lambeau Field, in Green Bay, Wisconsin --usually on the (now observed) Sabbath day of Sunday, for an afternoon of athletic competition (sometimes they are "athletes with spirit"), and when such is accomplished -- they actually do savour the taste of the cheese on their heads.
On occasion, they move their "service" to Monday evenings, and their enthusiasim is no less abated, though they are a day late, and usually a touchdown short.
Yup -- yer right. Check to see what has to say, to find out what this Green and Gold cult is up to!
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i haven't read all these posts (rarely coming here myself).... but i say forgive the stupid jerks....twi related or not... forgive all stupid jerks... most do not realize what they do... and even if they do.. forgive them anyway. it is the only way to become free.
why let anything or anyone have a hold over you??
why repeat (over and over) playing the same injustices over again in your mind....
get ....ed, rant and rave if you must... then move on..
forgiveness is a gift that allows you to move on.... don't be concerned whether they will be let off the hook or not.
God is the judge... don't think for one minute that he will bless the "jerks" without clueing them in on their errors.
leave it to the one that created the universe.
He knows what He is doing.
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Song, Ex10 has found the key to interpretation. Long lost, but now am it found.
In the words of the Wondering Prophet Tim, "This isn't anything and I'm nobody". No secret messages, just good clean all-American post-Thanksgiving fun. Not post-Forgiving fun. (this post not meant to imply, suggest or insinuate that any thanksgiving of any kind by anyone need be made, have been made or ever be made regarding any events past, present or yet to happen and no responsibility of any kind to be taken on behalf of or for the purpose of thanking, spanking or skanking any of the above mentioned including those not mentioned. In the event of a thanksgiving event possible side effects may include but not be limited to abdominal pain, sweats, goiters, swellings of the leg, arms, nose ears and/or throat, pustulations of the lips and/or toungue, gas, bloating, diarrhea, loose bowels syndrome, tight bowels syndrome, and other ailments, diseases and aggravations of a physical, mental, emotional nature and/or all of the above, at once or in any sequence of occurence that would imply, denote or deny a relationship to what may have been done in the same time/space continuum of this universe or any other universe imagined or real. Or not done. By anyone, that being limited to but limited to any person who may have read, seen or heard this including those who didn't, won't or haven't but not to imply that reading or not reading would constitute agreement or disagreement, compliance, non-compliance or approval or disapproval, both actual and/or tacit and including exposure to any virtual or real media representations of any kind that may or may not exist, now or forever held in peace.
dmiller, I am on the case regarding these cheese head cultists though. I think I've seen them on Monday Night Network TV, even out here on the coast! They're infiltrating the media! It won't fly here in the West Coast however because all Californians know - "Happy cows make happy cheese". And we got happy cows, cows that dig the rays and have that Left Coast attitude! Tanned cows, sipping Marg-a-reetas and taking their tee times when they please. Bovine breeds that won't get sucked in!! It's udder nonsense and outright blasphemous, these cheese heads!
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