I think that there are times when NOT forgiving can help motivate a person to take a stand for righteousness and justice. Righteous anger can be very energizing. ;)-->
Wierwille told me I was bitter, when I explained to him in a letter why I felt that he had let me down. I wasn't "bitter," if that means I was stuck in a depression because of unresolved conflict with him. (Pretty egotistical of him to think that.) I was disappointed in him, yes, and angry at the time that I received his handwritten scrawl on my letter. But my problems with him were nothing compared to my problems with my 1st husband. Wierwille's response motivated me to walk away from TWI, no sweat, and later my alcoholic husband, knowing TWI was not going to help us. Heck, if anything, I'm thankful that Wierwille showed me a bit of his true colors. I missed all of the horror of TWI-2.
I have been told by my second ex, many times, that I should forgive him. He loves getting out those Bible verses that he thinks say I should. He would love someone like you, Geek, telling me that sooner or later, I should forgive him.
Of course, he has never delineated what it is I should be forgiving him for, except for vague referrals to "retaliation." (In other words, he has never repented of what I actually divorced him for.) Hmm, was it retaliation to refuse to pay the minimal child support required by the state? Was I "unforgiving" to take him to court and make him pay, more than once? (That is only the tip of the iceberg about what went wrong, but it is a matter of record, so I will include it here.)
What would ex#2 get out of my forgiving him? The ability to get off scott-free from his financial obligation. But he also wants TOTAL forgiveness. He wants us back together, me supporting him financially. He wants to continue to perpetrate the evil things he did while we were married, without telling those he lied to behind my back what was REALLY going on.
Ex#2 also plays the "bitterness" card on me, as well as the "you should forgive" card. He learned it in TWI. Still does.
When I think of forgiveness, I think of harboring no ill will towards the other.
Just because I forgave doesn’t mean I want to renew anything.
My dad was in and out of my life. He was abusive. He drank. He destroyed many when he killed his second wife. I have psycho family members because of his influence in their lives.
Two years before he died, he became very ill and we thought he wouldn’t make it. I went to see him. I told him everything I had wanted to say: I forgave him, I was proud he had been sober for 13 years, there was nothing he had done, was doing or would ever do that would cause me hate him.
I didn’t see him for two years. I never saw him again. People couldn’t understand why I didn’t go to him when I learned he was dieing. I figured I had already told him, two years before, everything I needed to say. What was the point? Just to be there? I saw no obligation to change the relationship he had cultivated with me all my life.
After all the pain there was nothing left to restore. So, my forgiveness was all there was to offer. I have no regrets.
I can understand anger being so strong that the mere thought of forgiving brings it to the surface.
I doubt RG meant to stir anyone’s emotions. But with the subject being forgiveness, could it really be avoided? Not likely.
Just for the record, Catcup responded the way many of you have when someone you care for is perceived as being misunderstood and attacked. Satori, Ex, Coolwaters, and others? Remember?
I don't find it at all difficult to forgive those I love--my family. Usually I can understand their mindset when a spat or other incident happened, and I get passed it quickly.
Those that I don't love, those that did me dirt back in my waydaze--some I can forgive, because I know the type of pressure they were under. I know how it is to compromise under pressure, I did plenty of that in my 20 yrs in TWi.
But those that had power over lives and hurt people--and enjoyed other's pain--those folk I have no respect for, no desire for reconcilliation, no interset in forgiving.
I have no conflict over this, nor do feel that I would be a better person if I forgave them. My life is not consumed in bitterness. But then I'm not Bible based either.
I am a bit surprised that you would write off what Jesus said, if that is what you are doing.
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Now legally, I know that we are not held to that rule for our forgiveness since Jesus died and rose again (I John 1:9),"
The rule is to walk in love. And then we will know forgiveness and when to avoid a brother.
What Jesus said does apply today.
Ehesians 4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
Ephesians 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
"forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you"
And how and when did this happen-when God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. When we were born again? And how do we know when and if that has happened. I don't buy the SIT rap twi style. Or is it Jesus' death and resurrection followed by the day of Pentecost, and then a blanket of forgiveness for everyone? Whether or not they are born again or not? Our sins were nailed to the cross-when do we receive the benefits of this event.
Consider this from vpw's own mouth. "The only alternative to twi is spiritualism" What was he talking about here? What did he not want us to know about? Now just like christianity, spiritualism has good people and bad people involved. Good apples and bad apples. The spiritualism that vp was talking about was the bad ones I suppose. But there is something to looking beyond the well defined boundaries of christian doctrine and taking a look at just what the rest of the spiritual people are doing.
And I'm not saying to sink your teeth deep into their religions, but just skim the the top of them and you might have a different perspective on what Jesus was talking about.
Just for the record, Catcup responded the way many of us have when someone we care for is perceived as being misunderstood and attacked.
I am remembering some of my own past posts. Some of them weren’t pretty.
Exactly my point, Shelly.
People are people. People get angry. People say things that aren't pretty. People hold grudges. People talk about other people. People have strong emotions and strong opinions. People point fingers. People do a whole lot of things that aren't scriptural.
All I was doing was trying to remind a couple of folks that they are people, too. And that they aren't any further along spiritually than anybody else.
It's also very hard to talk about a subject and be "on the same page" when some of the people are literalists and some of the people are not.
QUOTE:What I WANT to know is, why valid scripture is being dismissed in favor of each persons own
pet theories and poor analogies
Agreed COOL but the request was to consider scripture so that was what I was trying to do. without adding to them.
I understand this, White Dove. It was not my intention to point a finger, but to express that some people take the bible literally and some people take the bible figuratively...and that it's sometimes hard for these two types of people to talk to each other.
I mean, there are those who think that after the 70x7, forgiveness is no longer required.
If I've taken a side here (I don't think so), I may have found RG's initial post to be patronizing and self-serving, but that's nothing new. "Hey, I'm back from the mountain top, kids. Gather around." I don't take what they have said personally, as some have. It wasn't "addressed" to me, maybe, since I am apparently living in a different "administration" than they are.
He and Catcup are still TWI staffers at heart, annointed once, annointed forever, though they wander now through the wilderness beyond New Knoxville, always chasing a mirage that looks a lot like HQ's "fountain of living waters," to quench their sense of loss and nostalgia, parched by their long march through the deserts of anti-Wayworld. They seem to pine for the days when honor and deference were theirs just for doing their little ministry thing, when they could "see" their spiritual radiance reflected back in the eyes of humble and mesmerized Wayfers, drinking from their chalice of rightly-divided research.
Catcup's remark about being, or not being, treated "respectfully" calls that up for me. Her remark about their "sacrifices" does too. They weren't sacrifices. They were trade-offs. TWI was a trade-off, just like working for GM or Uncle Sam.
"Hello, I'm a martyr. I have credibility." You think so? If the "martyrs" would only realize that 99% of their credibility only as good as the words they write or speak right here and now, they'd have a lot more to say, and a lot more credibility. Their experience is real, their knowledge may be sound, but if you have to drink from their martyr cup first, it ain't worth it, generally speaking. Why not? It's the cult mind-set, and it invites all kinds of negatives in - shame, guilt, grief - somebody else's baggage that you now must validate, AND own. They want your martyr-homage or they won't play. They become offended. Tough. They're strong enough to bear that cross without my help, if they love it so much.
I realize, one to one, it's different. If I were a guest at their home (and I wasn't shot at the doorstep), I would give them due deference as their guest, and for the price they paid for being in a cult, but that stuff just doesn't translate here very well. Like when the "real John Lynn" (if there is such a thing) showed up.
Lastly, however "victimized" they were, they didn't walk into it blindly, as many did.
Ain’t life grand! I get it, Cool. I misunderstood your post. Sorry.
I’ve been wondering why this thread is bringing up such controversy. For me it is really simple, you either will or won’t – do or don’t. No big deal really. So what if others think I am right or wrong. I am the one who has to live with the decisions I make.
I think some times we bristle at the idea of being back in the environment of TWI that we don’t hear what others are trying to say.
Personally, I like threads like this. Different views, approaches and reactions help me understand me better. I am the one I have to live with, after all.
For what it is worth, CoolWaters, I admire the way you have fought for you through out the years. That goes for many of the people who have posted on this thread.
quote:I realize, one to one, it's different. If I were a guest at their home (and I wasn't shot at the doorstep),
LOL. Very funny.
I can see your point Satori, although I don’t necessarily agree with it. The defending of oneself didn’t arise until the attacks escalated. It developed as people took sides. I agree, some of Catcup’s comments were uncalled for, but that is what happens when we can’t get our point across no matter how we try, how we reword it. It is frustrating, especially when some of the accusations had nothing to do with the topic. A lot of the comments to RG and Catcup concerned not answering quick enough, who they fellowshipped with, someone named Shroyer as if they are his keeper, and the suggestion that they are trolls.
Satori, trolls??? Catcup and RG??? That is funnier than the first line of this post!
It seems to me that Catcup and RG are judged more harshly than most here, because of their past. I was wondering the other day if anyone else had posted what Geek did, would they have received the same attitude from some of the posters. I think it would depend on whether the person starting the topic had been WC, whether they were involved with an offshoot, and/or their opinion of Vic. Some here can get away with it, others can’t.
BTW, awesome post on page 3, forgiveness vs. absolution.
(Catcup and RG, I apologize for talking about you as if you aren’t here.)
quote:Just for the record, Catcup responded the way many of you have when someone you care for is perceived as being misunderstood and attacked. Satori, Ex, Coolwaters, and others? Remember?
yes i remember, i'm sorry catcup and research geek. i admit, i do have an attitude problem about offshoots, particularly CFF, because i think many of the followers revere wierwille
and i got somewhat annoyed with what I perceived as a driveby preachy post, etc.
I guess I will chime in now that some of the dust is settling...
I am not sure I really understand all that it means to forgive -- but I know one thing: some will probably NEVER regain trust. Some will continue on their merry way, never interested in one whit of change so in that case, never regaining an ounce of my trust. Am I bitter? Nahh, do not have time for it. Too much to do to keep up with the "evil" of today without living back in the plces I have been hurt.
Part of our problem in twi, and other causes of our youth, is that we thought we could change the world, and almost overnight, to boot. I trust we all know better now...
I know some will never change in certain areas; nuttin I can do about it so I can "forgive" and leave it behind. Damn if I will listen to and follow in the stupidity I once did though. If there are those who feel that way about me and do the same, more power to 'em. I will certainly listen if one has a complaint against me but not if it is only that I do not conform to their new set of "post-twi" rules for the "more abundant life".
Not interested in new classes on the bible; interested in people who practice what they preach...
This diatribe, rant, whathaveyou, not directed at any in particular... just my thoughts today.
I can see your point Satori, although I don’t necessarily agree with it. The defending of oneself didn’t arise until the attacks escalated. It developed as people took sides. I agree, some of Catcup’s comments were uncalled for, but that is what happens when we can’t get our point across no matter how we try, how we reword it. It is frustrating, especially when some of the accusations had nothing to do with the topic. A lot of the comments to RG and Catcup concerned not answering quick enough, who they fellowshipped with, someone named Shroyer as if they are his keeper, and the suggestion that they are trolls.
IMHO a thread as this promotes, propogates, develops, uhhmm generates (ahhh that was the word I was looking for) a character of its own. This would include all that you said above and many more words that are not central to the topic. Such as your words above.
Thoughts within thoughts within thoughts come up to surface on such cyber space parchment "no matter how we try, how we reword it." Dig it.
I dig this one
quote: (man I love to talk with that biblical accent, that sh@t is cool)
, compliments "outofadog", whoops satori said that, i meant compliments outofdafog.
Cherished Child's reply is my favorite this thread. ***** stars from me!!!
I think sky4it & i had a wonderful 'bout of joust and high fives we could knock each other off our horses and still ride into the next thread.
I loved oldiesman response to my response to his response.
I busted my seams with laughter when socks replyed to the lists joust~~~ Yo socks what about the frying pan question I asked ya about???
I have read every word on this thread! And to lie to ya, whoops, to be honest with you with all sincerity (did i spelt that right odefog?), i mean~~~ I REALLY DIG THIS THREAD!!! and that is why so many offered their reply's for whatever reason, not because i dig it, but ~~~ of course i could be wrong and other things like that that need releif (see outofdafogs' thread)
So many hearts Shelly, so many, and you know "that". I know "that" too. Hearts do beat together or out of rythem and/or so on.
All do take sides wether it's no side or this side or that side or a balance beam walk the fence~~~ (again see outofdafog)~~~
Let there come forth a thread "Let's Kick Some Unholy A S S"
Just a thot
Just a songster
ps again Cherished Child's reply is my favorite this thread. ***** stars from me!!!
hey song: this might be off topic but when satori said "outofthedog" it made me think of the time when i was pregnant and dreamed that I gave birth to a litter of puppies.
outofdafog, I thought your handle was outofadog. Just want to say, I'm relieved.
posted November 10, 2004 18:54
hey song: this might be off topic but when satori said "outofthedog" it made me think of the time when i was pregnant and dreamed that I gave birth to a litter of puppies.
There seems to be a bit o discrepancy these two accounts. What puppies do you choose between you? Please, come now and make your choice. Oh, that's right, it was a dream, of course.
quote:hey song: this might be off topic but when satori said "outofthedog" it made me think of the time when i was pregnant and dreamed that I gave birth to a litter of puppies.
ohchrist now i'm spitting beer on the screen thanks doggie !!!
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hi excie:
glad to see you are still here and thanks
satori - i forgive you - hehehe
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ExC...there's no excuse...but I forgive you.
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I think that there are times when NOT forgiving can help motivate a person to take a stand for righteousness and justice. Righteous anger can be very energizing.
Wierwille told me I was bitter, when I explained to him in a letter why I felt that he had let me down. I wasn't "bitter," if that means I was stuck in a depression because of unresolved conflict with him. (Pretty egotistical of him to think that.) I was disappointed in him, yes, and angry at the time that I received his handwritten scrawl on my letter. But my problems with him were nothing compared to my problems with my 1st husband. Wierwille's response motivated me to walk away from TWI, no sweat, and later my alcoholic husband, knowing TWI was not going to help us. Heck, if anything, I'm thankful that Wierwille showed me a bit of his true colors. I missed all of the horror of TWI-2.
I have been told by my second ex, many times, that I should forgive him. He loves getting out those Bible verses that he thinks say I should. He would love someone like you, Geek, telling me that sooner or later, I should forgive him.
Of course, he has never delineated what it is I should be forgiving him for, except for vague referrals to "retaliation." (In other words, he has never repented of what I actually divorced him for.) Hmm, was it retaliation to refuse to pay the minimal child support required by the state? Was I "unforgiving" to take him to court and make him pay, more than once? (That is only the tip of the iceberg about what went wrong, but it is a matter of record, so I will include it here.)
What would ex#2 get out of my forgiving him? The ability to get off scott-free from his financial obligation. But he also wants TOTAL forgiveness. He wants us back together, me supporting him financially. He wants to continue to perpetrate the evil things he did while we were married, without telling those he lied to behind my back what was REALLY going on.
Ex#2 also plays the "bitterness" card on me, as well as the "you should forgive" card. He learned it in TWI. Still does.
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When I think of forgiveness, I think of harboring no ill will towards the other.
Just because I forgave doesn’t mean I want to renew anything.
My dad was in and out of my life. He was abusive. He drank. He destroyed many when he killed his second wife. I have psycho family members because of his influence in their lives.
Two years before he died, he became very ill and we thought he wouldn’t make it. I went to see him. I told him everything I had wanted to say: I forgave him, I was proud he had been sober for 13 years, there was nothing he had done, was doing or would ever do that would cause me hate him.
I didn’t see him for two years. I never saw him again. People couldn’t understand why I didn’t go to him when I learned he was dieing. I figured I had already told him, two years before, everything I needed to say. What was the point? Just to be there? I saw no obligation to change the relationship he had cultivated with me all my life.
After all the pain there was nothing left to restore. So, my forgiveness was all there was to offer. I have no regrets.
I can understand anger being so strong that the mere thought of forgiving brings it to the surface.
I doubt RG meant to stir anyone’s emotions. But with the subject being forgiveness, could it really be avoided? Not likely.
Just for the record, Catcup responded the way many of you have when someone you care for is perceived as being misunderstood and attacked. Satori, Ex, Coolwaters, and others? Remember?
Nice to see you again outofdafog.
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I would like to amend this statement
Just for the record, Catcup responded the way many of us have when someone we care for is perceived as being misunderstood and attacked.
I am remembering some of my own past posts. Some of them weren’t pretty.
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I don't find it at all difficult to forgive those I love--my family. Usually I can understand their mindset when a spat or other incident happened, and I get passed it quickly.
Those that I don't love, those that did me dirt back in my waydaze--some I can forgive, because I know the type of pressure they were under. I know how it is to compromise under pressure, I did plenty of that in my 20 yrs in TWi.
But those that had power over lives and hurt people--and enjoyed other's pain--those folk I have no respect for, no desire for reconcilliation, no interset in forgiving.
I have no conflict over this, nor do feel that I would be a better person if I forgave them. My life is not consumed in bitterness. But then I'm not Bible based either.
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Vertical Limit
I am a bit surprised that you would write off what Jesus said, if that is what you are doing.
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Now legally, I know that we are not held to that rule for our forgiveness since Jesus died and rose again (I John 1:9),"
The rule is to walk in love. And then we will know forgiveness and when to avoid a brother.
What Jesus said does apply today.
Ehesians 4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
Ephesians 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
"forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you"
And how and when did this happen-when God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. When we were born again? And how do we know when and if that has happened. I don't buy the SIT rap twi style. Or is it Jesus' death and resurrection followed by the day of Pentecost, and then a blanket of forgiveness for everyone? Whether or not they are born again or not? Our sins were nailed to the cross-when do we receive the benefits of this event.
Consider this from vpw's own mouth. "The only alternative to twi is spiritualism" What was he talking about here? What did he not want us to know about? Now just like christianity, spiritualism has good people and bad people involved. Good apples and bad apples. The spiritualism that vp was talking about was the bad ones I suppose. But there is something to looking beyond the well defined boundaries of christian doctrine and taking a look at just what the rest of the spiritual people are doing.
And I'm not saying to sink your teeth deep into their religions, but just skim the the top of them and you might have a different perspective on what Jesus was talking about.
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Exactly my point, Shelly.
People are people. People get angry. People say things that aren't pretty. People hold grudges. People talk about other people. People have strong emotions and strong opinions. People point fingers. People do a whole lot of things that aren't scriptural.
All I was doing was trying to remind a couple of folks that they are people, too. And that they aren't any further along spiritually than anybody else.
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I understand this, White Dove. It was not my intention to point a finger, but to express that some people take the bible literally and some people take the bible figuratively...and that it's sometimes hard for these two types of people to talk to each other.
I mean, there are those who think that after the 70x7, forgiveness is no longer required.
But that isn't the gist of that statement, is it?
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If I've taken a side here (I don't think so), I may have found RG's initial post to be patronizing and self-serving, but that's nothing new. "Hey, I'm back from the mountain top, kids. Gather around." I don't take what they have said personally, as some have. It wasn't "addressed" to me, maybe, since I am apparently living in a different "administration" than they are.
He and Catcup are still TWI staffers at heart, annointed once, annointed forever, though they wander now through the wilderness beyond New Knoxville, always chasing a mirage that looks a lot like HQ's "fountain of living waters," to quench their sense of loss and nostalgia, parched by their long march through the deserts of anti-Wayworld. They seem to pine for the days when honor and deference were theirs just for doing their little ministry thing, when they could "see" their spiritual radiance reflected back in the eyes of humble and mesmerized Wayfers, drinking from their chalice of rightly-divided research.
Catcup's remark about being, or not being, treated "respectfully" calls that up for me. Her remark about their "sacrifices" does too. They weren't sacrifices. They were trade-offs. TWI was a trade-off, just like working for GM or Uncle Sam.
"Hello, I'm a martyr. I have credibility." You think so? If the "martyrs" would only realize that 99% of their credibility only as good as the words they write or speak right here and now, they'd have a lot more to say, and a lot more credibility. Their experience is real, their knowledge may be sound, but if you have to drink from their martyr cup first, it ain't worth it, generally speaking. Why not? It's the cult mind-set, and it invites all kinds of negatives in - shame, guilt, grief - somebody else's baggage that you now must validate, AND own. They want your martyr-homage or they won't play. They become offended. Tough. They're strong enough to bear that cross without my help, if they love it so much.
I realize, one to one, it's different. If I were a guest at their home (and I wasn't shot at the doorstep), I would give them due deference as their guest, and for the price they paid for being in a cult, but that stuff just doesn't translate here very well. Like when the "real John Lynn" (if there is such a thing) showed up.
Lastly, however "victimized" they were, they didn't walk into it blindly, as many did.
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Ain’t life grand! I get it, Cool. I misunderstood your post. Sorry.
I’ve been wondering why this thread is bringing up such controversy. For me it is really simple, you either will or won’t – do or don’t. No big deal really. So what if others think I am right or wrong. I am the one who has to live with the decisions I make.
I think some times we bristle at the idea of being back in the environment of TWI that we don’t hear what others are trying to say.
Personally, I like threads like this. Different views, approaches and reactions help me understand me better. I am the one I have to live with, after all.
For what it is worth, CoolWaters, I admire the way you have fought for you through out the years. That goes for many of the people who have posted on this thread.
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LOL. Very funny.
I can see your point Satori, although I don’t necessarily agree with it. The defending of oneself didn’t arise until the attacks escalated. It developed as people took sides. I agree, some of Catcup’s comments were uncalled for, but that is what happens when we can’t get our point across no matter how we try, how we reword it. It is frustrating, especially when some of the accusations had nothing to do with the topic. A lot of the comments to RG and Catcup concerned not answering quick enough, who they fellowshipped with, someone named Shroyer as if they are his keeper, and the suggestion that they are trolls.
Satori, trolls??? Catcup and RG??? That is funnier than the first line of this post!
It seems to me that Catcup and RG are judged more harshly than most here, because of their past. I was wondering the other day if anyone else had posted what Geek did, would they have received the same attitude from some of the posters. I think it would depend on whether the person starting the topic had been WC, whether they were involved with an offshoot, and/or their opinion of Vic. Some here can get away with it, others can’t.
BTW, awesome post on page 3, forgiveness vs. absolution.
(Catcup and RG, I apologize for talking about you as if you aren’t here.)
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and i got somewhat annoyed with what I perceived as a driveby preachy post, etc.
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to be honest i have an attitude problem with all offshoots, all churches, all preachers, all groups
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Vertical Limit
well said, ex
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I guess I will chime in now that some of the dust is settling...
I am not sure I really understand all that it means to forgive -- but I know one thing: some will probably NEVER regain trust. Some will continue on their merry way, never interested in one whit of change so in that case, never regaining an ounce of my trust. Am I bitter? Nahh, do not have time for it. Too much to do to keep up with the "evil" of today without living back in the plces I have been hurt.
Part of our problem in twi, and other causes of our youth, is that we thought we could change the world, and almost overnight, to boot. I trust we all know better now...
I know some will never change in certain areas; nuttin I can do about it so I can "forgive" and leave it behind. Damn if I will listen to and follow in the stupidity I once did though. If there are those who feel that way about me and do the same, more power to 'em. I will certainly listen if one has a complaint against me but not if it is only that I do not conform to their new set of "post-twi" rules for the "more abundant life".
Not interested in new classes on the bible; interested in people who practice what they preach...
This diatribe, rant, whathaveyou, not directed at any in particular... just my thoughts today.
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I do take your side on that one 100% x 70 x 7.
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IMHO a thread as this promotes, propogates, develops, uhhmm generates (ahhh that was the word I was looking for) a character of its own. This would include all that you said above and many more words that are not central to the topic. Such as your words above.
Thoughts within thoughts within thoughts come up to surface on such cyber space parchment "no matter how we try, how we reword it." Dig it.
I dig this one
, compliments "outofadog", whoops satori said that, i meant compliments outofdafog.Cherished Child's reply is my favorite this thread. ***** stars from me!!!
I think sky4it & i had a wonderful 'bout of joust and high fives we could knock each other off our horses and still ride into the next thread.
I loved oldiesman response to my response to his response.
I busted my seams with laughter when socks replyed to the lists joust~~~ Yo socks what about the frying pan question I asked ya about???
I have read every word on this thread! And to lie to ya, whoops, to be honest with you with all sincerity (did i spelt that right odefog?), i mean~~~ I REALLY DIG THIS THREAD!!! and that is why so many offered their reply's for whatever reason, not because i dig it, but ~~~ of course i could be wrong and other things like that that need releif (see outofdafogs' thread)
So many hearts Shelly, so many, and you know "that". I know "that" too. Hearts do beat together or out of rythem and/or so on.
All do take sides wether it's no side or this side or that side or a balance beam walk the fence~~~ (again see outofdafog)~~~
Let there come forth a thread "Let's Kick Some Unholy A S S"
Just a thot
Just a songster
ps again Cherished Child's reply is my favorite this thread. ***** stars from me!!!
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oops thanks i just remembered something.... NO NO NO they are not shroyer's keeper but geek was ordained by shroyer and is in his church
does that make him bad ? NO but does it make me think about that and what he posts ? YES
to me, the best thing about geek and catcup are that they still come here. i'm hoping they never say this place is too devilish
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Let the Reverend John Shroyer come forth and not his knave.
I get that impression from the Florida Household Heartbeat August/September '94
"Thank you for your love and support for us throughout the year--1993-94, and for your service in God's royal household. ~~~" John and Mary Lou
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hey song: this might be off topic but when satori said "outofthedog" it made me think of the time when i was pregnant and dreamed that I gave birth to a litter of puppies.
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hi shelly - nice to see you too
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posted November 10, 2004 02:06
outofdafog, I thought your handle was outofadog. Just want to say, I'm relieved.
posted November 10, 2004 18:54
hey song: this might be off topic but when satori said "outofthedog" it made me think of the time when i was pregnant and dreamed that I gave birth to a litter of puppies.
There seems to be a bit o discrepancy these two accounts. What puppies do you choose between you? Please, come now and make your choice. Oh, that's right, it was a dream, of course.
Did you have twins?
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