quote:I don't mind sacrificing something once in a while to help someone who really wants an answer. I dedicated my life to doing that for years. I've always been willing to help people who really want it.
i'm sorry catcup, i know you're hurt, but boy does this sound like condescending wayspeak
and all the good people who know your hearts, etc. i'm sure your hearts are good as i'm sure people's hearts here are good
you're angry that people questioned jon's and your precious time, but the precious time of the precious lives of people here is genuine too
Am I the only one who finds it ironic tht a thread about forgiveness is so full of acrimony? -->
Rascal, the scripture in Luke that you keep refering to DOES SAY that if someone repents, you are to forgive him. There are also plenty of scriptures, some presented by me, Oldiesman, and others, that say it's fine to forgive someone who doesn't repent. So forgive whom you please; it's up to YOU.
quote:To those of you who know us, and have contacted us outside this thread to let us know of your support, we thank you, and you obviously know how to reach us if you need to.
i don't quite understand. why would i need to reach you ? i'm on a discussion forum for excultists
why would i need or want to let you know of my "support" ?
God being a "he" is a patriarchal aspect of"GOD" and their culture. There are matriarchal aspects, animal aspects, etc.
I beleive that God is able to put up with my ribbing him/her/dove. God knows my heart as well "he" Knows yours.
is this like a secret message ~~~ like a surprise party .... shhh i have the helium and balloons and confetti
and thats just like you isnt it song, to throw around your sarcasm everywhere and then run away like your the pie surprise.
I am part braggadocio, part cynic, sometimes full o de bovine patties, a liitle insane but balanced by a little sanity, but I take supplements for my sanity, and my living room are many grains o sand and a band of ocean that meets the horizon that becomes the sky. Oh did I mention I am a smart arse who is savvy toward pious platitudes? a son, a father, a husband, a grandfather, a long hair rokker to the bone!!! If ya like to add to that, be a guest.
And then you accuse me of bullying?
I do apologise for that. Certainly you have been to games such as little league soccer and have been rude because of all the volly of action only to apologise to the offended one? Well, I have. Again I do apologise if I have offened you.
This is what you do when I post, you come around throw your crap.
i really do try to be without crapfullness.It's just that sometimes a thread reminds me of hanging out out the beach, attending a biker bar and shining on about the iron horses, etc the drift. This one reminded me of the flick "Gladiator" with a mixture of "O Brother, Where Art Thou", and other cinematic productions.
Oh, guess what, I changed my mind, the "WE" is more approbriate, Ive got a parrot on my shoulder. If you dont have anything positive or challenging to say, I'd rather youd just shut your mouth. Personally, I dont care about what you say anyway.
~~~Oh that is just lovely sky4it. Changing of the mind. Sometimes the kitchen here becomes pretty hot. I have burnt mine hand quite a few times~~~ but, I think there is a button somewhere that says to ingnore this poster.~~~
And I suppose their are many here who would vouch I can be the village idiot who has not learned to bridle his tongue in such a manner that I should be a saint of their calibur. And then there are the ones who can vouch, yepper he's quite a one who knows how to stand on a bar stool without flight to the floor, and still be an idiot. And then there are the rest of "we's" who just put up with the we's of me's and youses of us's.
Rok On sky4it~~~
Love & Peace
Bill Withers - Lean on Me Lyrics
This song is to Every One!
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you don't let show
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
If there is a load you have to bear
That you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load
If you just call me
So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on
Lean on me when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
Till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
come on put your hands together and really hear and SING IT
me percieves catcup is on too much on the defensive, one should not have to defend what one so vehemently believes in catcup
someone hasn't forgiven or else they wouldn't have taken this so too heart (read that in a sing song type of way) - PLUCK the beam from thine own eye (man I love to talk with that biblical accent, that sh@t is cool)
you know rascal: some people have to be controlled (ie: leaving a cult and joining another). one cannot really explain why another feels the need to do so. i guess it is just feeling safe, you know the old familiar comfortable shoe. some people are leaders and some are followers. those who have the need to follow or self-righteously lead, need to join cults in order to feel safe and in control (i know that doesn't make much sense to us, but to them it does in some deep phycological way ((oops hope the spelling cops are not around) i don't think i spelled that right (oh my god, will i be thrown off this thread???)
speaking of spelling cops, does it ever get on your nerves that some people on this site have made it a spiritual mission to correct people on spelling, paragraph style (that's what I like to call it - you know when their paragraphs go on and on and they never take a break you know what i mean grammer etc etc etc.
i think from here on out I will try to forgive those who make grammatical errors because going on and on about it is annoying to most people, you know how some people just seem to go on and on pounding the same point over and over and over again you know the kind that just get on your nerves with their self righteousness and how i wish catcup could see herself now on this forgiveness thread and she has the most venom of all you know how people just go on and on and i am just going to keep on and on until the paragraph cops or the period (end the sentence) cops come by and make me stop!!!!!!!. I know God would want it that way.
thank you for the reply. I agree with you about the humor aspect and that God can take that.
At some point tho, I had thought that it had become personal, that is, that you were ridiculing me. I understand your sense of humor and poetic style. If you thought my posts were condescending
I apologize also. It is just that I do enjoy the discussions here at GS and how people dig in on there point of view. This is very challenging. I will certainly try and be more understanding of your peotic affable style and less stoic and rigid in my view of it. Perhaps and I think thats what it was.
I'm sorry that my work schedule is clobbering me. I've had a string of 12 to 17 hour days.
I took a look at this thead from a non-emotional, detached viewpoint and it actually was amusing to me in a way. The squabbling that has been recorded for everyone to see, to me seems to clearly expose that many really do need a dose of forgiveness and many really need to forgive as well. It really was a poignant question and I hope that it helped people realize where they were on the road to forgiveness, Just starting, near the end, mired down in the middle or on a detour to nowhere... Maybe we all really need the flack jackets as proposed early on...
But I did not write the Bible. Human nature has not changed since the spring of 27 AD when Jesus said "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Now legally, I know that we are not held to that rule for our forgiveness since Jesus died and rose again (I John 1:9), however since human nature did not change after Pentecost in 28 AD, I know that if it was expected pre-penetcost, it certainly is possible post-pentecost... So I ask, if this is so, should we realize that ultimately, after all the water had gone under the bridge, that we still should find a way to forgive?
As we have seen so clearly exposed, forgiveness can be a difficult thing to give. Possibly, the most difficult things to give may also be the most valuable.
RG, I think I realize the tone of your original thread, and tell me if I am wrong. It wasn't from the viewpoint of being required to forgive, resulting in the debate as to whether people have deserved or earned forgiveness. It was about the idea of freely forgiving, because it will benefit the forgiver.
In other words...there is so much talk about whether or not we are required to forgive...but why not try it anyway even if you are not required, whether or not the person has earned it, because, again, it will help you.
I don't think we should tell people they have to forgive no matter what the hurt, but I dont think you were doing that.
Oh RG you must be exhausted, my fat a s s can not under stand such 12 & 17 hour days, my but cheeks only understand 24/7~~~ ahhh I can not wait till your next amusing when ya realise 14 & 19 hour days.
Oh, and RG, I may take violin lessons so I can play for you. I'll see your 12 to 17 hour days and raise you four teenagers in the house (true in 20 days).
Forgiveness cannot be forced. If it were, it would lose its benefits.
I'm sorry that I do not have all the answers. I just asked the questions. It is apparent that this subject truely is between the person and God. I do not know all the details of peoples' situations, but God does. And if they are not ready to forgive, then that's the way it is right now.
If a person cannot "forgive" (enemies), then it is not possible for them to "give" (to friends). Think it through. It makes sense, even given the twi mindset once propounded to us all.
RG is not only making a good point, but is absolutely accurate, in stating the basic premise.
Right RG. I think that some took your question asking as a rhetorical thing...that is, that you were implying what the answer should be. I didnt see it that way.
I find it hilarious that the 'preachers' here cannot do the very thing they preach about! Say the right words and, voila!, their 'stand' disappears and their scaly sanctimony slithers around. (RG excluded.)
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and all the good people who know your hearts, etc. i'm sure your hearts are good as i'm sure people's hearts here are good
you're angry that people questioned jon's and your precious time, but the precious time of the precious lives of people here is genuine too
more later maybe
take care
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Am I the only one who finds it ironic tht a thread about forgiveness is so full of acrimony?
Rascal, the scripture in Luke that you keep refering to DOES SAY that if someone repents, you are to forgive him. There are also plenty of scriptures, some presented by me, Oldiesman, and others, that say it's fine to forgive someone who doesn't repent. So forgive whom you please; it's up to YOU.
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yes you're the only one who finds it ironic
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and rascal kept saying how much she respected geek and wanted an answer about scriptures that are meaningful to her
i did not think she set any tone
and the comments about queen bees (was that here or on the other thread) TO ME is just way off base
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dreaming of having a life ?
a GENUINE life ?
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why would i need or want to let you know of my "support" ?
seriously, what are you thinking ?
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i'm just curious. where is your great god and christ of forgiveness when you go off like this ? really. tell me
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Psst--- ex--- the quote you have from me up there:
I wasn't talking to YOU.
You never contacted me outside this thread TO GIVE ME YOUR SUPPORT.
Nor am I asking for it. I am simply thanking all the people who HAVE done this.
Geeze, now I even get in trouble for THANKING the people who supported me?
It is REALLY time to go now.
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posted November 09, 2004 11:43
The skinny is this. I think we need to let God know that we appreciate him as his role as God
God being a "he" is a patriarchal aspect of"GOD" and their culture. There are matriarchal aspects, animal aspects, etc.
I beleive that God is able to put up with my ribbing him/her/dove. God knows my heart as well "he" Knows yours.
is this like a secret message ~~~ like a surprise party .... shhh i have the helium and balloons and confetti
and thats just like you isnt it song, to throw around your sarcasm everywhere and then run away like your the pie surprise.
I am part braggadocio, part cynic, sometimes full o de bovine patties, a liitle insane but balanced by a little sanity, but I take supplements for my sanity, and my living room are many grains o sand and a band of ocean that meets the horizon that becomes the sky. Oh did I mention I am a smart arse who is savvy toward pious platitudes? a son, a father, a husband, a grandfather, a long hair rokker to the bone!!! If ya like to add to that, be a guest.
And then you accuse me of bullying?
I do apologise for that. Certainly you have been to games such as little league soccer and have been rude because of all the volly of action only to apologise to the offended one? Well, I have. Again I do apologise if I have offened you.
This is what you do when I post, you come around throw your crap.
i really do try to be without crapfullness.It's just that sometimes a thread reminds me of hanging out out the beach, attending a biker bar and shining on about the iron horses, etc the drift. This one reminded me of the flick "Gladiator" with a mixture of "O Brother, Where Art Thou", and other cinematic productions.
Oh, guess what, I changed my mind, the "WE" is more approbriate, Ive got a parrot on my shoulder. If you dont have anything positive or challenging to say, I'd rather youd just shut your mouth. Personally, I dont care about what you say anyway.
~~~Oh that is just lovely sky4it. Changing of the mind. Sometimes the kitchen here becomes pretty hot. I have burnt mine hand quite a few times~~~ but, I think there is a button somewhere that says to ingnore this poster.~~~
And I suppose their are many here who would vouch I can be the village idiot who has not learned to bridle his tongue in such a manner that I should be a saint of their calibur. And then there are the ones who can vouch, yepper he's quite a one who knows how to stand on a bar stool without flight to the floor, and still be an idiot. And then there are the rest of "we's" who just put up with the we's of me's and youses of us's.
Rok On sky4it~~~
Love & Peace
Bill Withers - Lean on Me Lyrics
This song is to Every One!
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you don't let show
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
If there is a load you have to bear
That you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load
If you just call me
So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on
Lean on me when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
Till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
come on put your hands together and really hear and SING IT
So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on~~~
sing it all day long!!!
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it's like the song that never ends
yes it goes on and on my friends
some people started singing it
not knowing what it was
and you'll be busy singing it forever
just because.............
it is the song that never ends
yes it goes on and on my friends
some people started singing it
not knowing what it was
and you'll be busy singing it forever just because..................
for all you Barney fans out there
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wow rascal, you have total class
me percieves catcup is on too much on the defensive, one should not have to defend what one so vehemently believes in catcup
someone hasn't forgiven or else they wouldn't have taken this so too heart (read that in a sing song type of way) - PLUCK the beam from thine own eye (man I love to talk with that biblical accent, that sh@t is cool)
you know rascal: some people have to be controlled (ie: leaving a cult and joining another). one cannot really explain why another feels the need to do so. i guess it is just feeling safe, you know the old familiar comfortable shoe. some people are leaders and some are followers. those who have the need to follow or self-righteously lead, need to join cults in order to feel safe and in control (i know that doesn't make much sense to us, but to them it does in some deep phycological way ((oops hope the spelling cops are not around) i don't think i spelled that right (oh my god, will i be thrown off this thread???)
speaking of spelling cops, does it ever get on your nerves that some people on this site have made it a spiritual mission to correct people on spelling, paragraph style (that's what I like to call it - you know when their paragraphs go on and on and they never take a break you know what i mean grammer etc etc etc.
i think from here on out I will try to forgive those who make grammatical errors because going on and on about it is annoying to most people, you know how some people just seem to go on and on pounding the same point over and over and over again you know the kind that just get on your nerves with their self righteousness and how i wish catcup could see herself now on this forgiveness thread and she has the most venom of all you know how people just go on and on and i am just going to keep on and on until the paragraph cops or the period (end the sentence) cops come by and make me stop!!!!!!!. I know God would want it that way.
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thank you for the reply. I agree with you about the humor aspect and that God can take that.
At some point tho, I had thought that it had become personal, that is, that you were ridiculing me. I understand your sense of humor and poetic style. If you thought my posts were condescending
I apologize also. It is just that I do enjoy the discussions here at GS and how people dig in on there point of view. This is very challenging. I will certainly try and be more understanding of your peotic affable style and less stoic and rigid in my view of it. Perhaps and I think thats what it was.
Anyways rock on song.
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Research Geek
Hi again,
I'm sorry that my work schedule is clobbering me. I've had a string of 12 to 17 hour days.
I took a look at this thead from a non-emotional, detached viewpoint and it actually was amusing to me in a way. The squabbling that has been recorded for everyone to see, to me seems to clearly expose that many really do need a dose of forgiveness and many really need to forgive as well. It really was a poignant question and I hope that it helped people realize where they were on the road to forgiveness, Just starting, near the end, mired down in the middle or on a detour to nowhere... Maybe we all really need the flack jackets as proposed early on...
But I did not write the Bible. Human nature has not changed since the spring of 27 AD when Jesus said "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Now legally, I know that we are not held to that rule for our forgiveness since Jesus died and rose again (I John 1:9), however since human nature did not change after Pentecost in 28 AD, I know that if it was expected pre-penetcost, it certainly is possible post-pentecost... So I ask, if this is so, should we realize that ultimately, after all the water had gone under the bridge, that we still should find a way to forgive?
As we have seen so clearly exposed, forgiveness can be a difficult thing to give. Possibly, the most difficult things to give may also be the most valuable.
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Lifted Up
RG, I think I realize the tone of your original thread, and tell me if I am wrong. It wasn't from the viewpoint of being required to forgive, resulting in the debate as to whether people have deserved or earned forgiveness. It was about the idea of freely forgiving, because it will benefit the forgiver.
In other words...there is so much talk about whether or not we are required to forgive...but why not try it anyway even if you are not required, whether or not the person has earned it, because, again, it will help you.
I don't think we should tell people they have to forgive no matter what the hurt, but I dont think you were doing that.
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Oh RG you must be exhausted, my fat a s s can not under stand such 12 & 17 hour days, my but cheeks only understand 24/7~~~ ahhh I can not wait till your next amusing when ya realise 14 & 19 hour days.
What will your thread be then?
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Lifted Up
Oh, and RG, I may take violin lessons so I can play for you. I'll see your 12 to 17 hour days and raise you four teenagers in the house (true in 20 days).
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Research Geek
Dear Lifted Up,
Forgiveness cannot be forced. If it were, it would lose its benefits.
I'm sorry that I do not have all the answers. I just asked the questions. It is apparent that this subject truely is between the person and God. I do not know all the details of peoples' situations, but God does. And if they are not ready to forgive, then that's the way it is right now.
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~~~ RG~~~
Are you an ordained Reverend of CFF?
I just read that a recent post.
Is that true?
I just thought you were ordained TWI and went CFF~~~
Which one is true?
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I would work 12 to 17 hours a day with four teens in the house.
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outofdafog, I thought your handle was outofadog. Just want to say, I'm relieved.
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If a person cannot "forgive" (enemies), then it is not possible for them to "give" (to friends). Think it through. It makes sense, even given the twi mindset once propounded to us all.
RG is not only making a good point, but is absolutely accurate, in stating the basic premise.
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Lifted Up
Right RG. I think that some took your question asking as a rhetorical thing...that is, that you were implying what the answer should be. I didnt see it that way.
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I find it hilarious that the 'preachers' here cannot do the very thing they preach about! Say the right words and, voila!, their 'stand' disappears and their scaly sanctimony slithers around. (RG excluded.)
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