I wonder what Jesus would say if he read our posts on Greasespot. That's an interesting question, isn't it?
My question to you is are you ready to try some forgiveness?
What you say, shall I let them off the hook?
Does the forgiver or the offender benefit the most?
Oftentimes the offender is oblivious, yet we steam, so who is affected more?
So I ask, is anyone ready for some forgiveness? Is it not true that Job was not healed until he could bring himself to pray for his friends? Is it not true that Jesus told us to pray for our enemies and to love them. Was Jesus nuts, or did he have our best interests in mind? Consider what forgiveness may bring to you. Does anyone want to talk about this?
Song wants to know my position when I have already stated it in my first two posts on this thread. He also missed the primary question at the end of Geek's first post.
i have listed all the questions Geek's opening this thread, and not to take out of context at all, but just the questions to determine the following:
Catcup, once you said "original question". Which is the original question? And now i have a "the primary". Which one is so painfully obvious its answer? Can you give this painfully obvious question the answer? Can You give it simply and concise?
What would Jesus think and do of some who were ordained by a proven destructive cult and continues this cults destructive behavior in the form of offshoots? ya know TWIster Sisters???
the twister sister headS really think they actually make a difference those who still continue to hold on the green card~~~ hence these revs travel to pick up the wounded/expendable TWI in a cause "THE WORD OF GAWD IS THE WILL OD GAWD"...
and all is well now~~~
~~~Reve John Shroyer told my wife after his emeritus status his crusade fl that there is no more hard ache this ministry and come along and forgive~~~
ennyone want that info JShoe's travel fla to save people the hurt of twi after his service twi many a year without knowlede twi's uppers and he place emeritus status and all of a sudden we have JShro Ministry
All of the images that I have not made are images that I have been told are royalty and copyright free...so, yes, feel free to use them.
Anything that I have made, please ask before use. :D-->
Also, I don't mind remote linking to my site by using the images here and there on GS, however if you want to keep the images and use them more often (like in email or on your own site or something like that), then please right click on the image(s) you want, then "save as" to your own hard drive. Then upload them to your own host. This way I will not be charged extra for extra usage.
If you don't have your own host and want to use something as a signature or an icon here at GSC, then let me know which one you want and Pawtucket will upload it for you to the GSC hosts. (And if you don't see one you want, but want me to make you one, I will do that, too.)
I did not know Sheldon so I won't form an opinion of him from second hand sources. His book at times seems a little too religious for me but in fairness I consider the time which it was written. I did find this lady still around though http://www.cjonline.com/indepth/sheldon/st...1400_bird.shtml
I still think TT town is it own responsibility though a good part of it is self inflicted.
hey i still can't believe shroyer's offshoot ordained that punk from norristown, PA, or wherever it was. ohmygod remember dottie matrix's emails from him ?????
one other thought. my earthly (dominus vobiscum) family has made denial an art form.... forgive.... move on..... i don't think that's healthy either.... but they do it from loving hearts so what are you gonna' do ? TELL THEM TO SEEK THERAPY ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
quote:I also am thinking about the silent majority who have read this thread but not posted: our beloved lurkers. If just one of them gets healed, it was worth it.
that is so nice, but i'm ashamed to say that my "first thought" was that you were trying to win lurkers to your group
I mean when I love somone and want a relationship to be healthy and honest forgivness must be included. We all disappoint those we love and it hurts (or it wouldnt be love at all) I was refering to raising him (as a baby and the forgivness of it he used to over eat and spit up on me) he then understood people sometimes do things they can not help to do and it hurts another but loves endures hardships and forgives one another for being human or love can never grow to a point of understanding and intimacy.
it sounds as if you describe co-depency in your family excathdredra and YES therpy is one course to help families that have this abusive cycle. your own link describes the ability of such behaviours to follow into future generations if someone does not seek forgivness within their heart and break it.
if I dont think I need to forgive to get healed....am I so screwed?
Is forgiving a requirement for healing?
what about just facing facts that some people are just jerks or jerks on steroids and no amount of "me" is gonna fix them, but I can move on in spite of or because of them -- either motivation does not seem to mandate forgiveness to me, just determination to avoid a repeat of jerks or jerks on steroids...
Is this so wierd...I have not heard anyone view it this way?
it seems to me when A has to be the premise for B...as in If A then B kind of thinking, well everyone is gonna have a slightly or very differnt A, consequently all B's will also vary.
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Are you ready for this?
I wonder what Jesus would say if he read our posts on Greasespot. That's an interesting question, isn't it?
My question to you is are you ready to try some forgiveness?
What you say, shall I let them off the hook?
Does the forgiver or the offender benefit the most?
Oftentimes the offender is oblivious, yet we steam, so who is affected more?
So I ask, is anyone ready for some forgiveness? Is it not true that Job was not healed until he could bring himself to pray for his friends? Is it not true that Jesus told us to pray for our enemies and to love them. Was Jesus nuts, or did he have our best interests in mind? Consider what forgiveness may bring to you. Does anyone want to talk about this?
Song wants to know my position when I have already stated it in my first two posts on this thread. He also missed the primary question at the end of Geek's first post.
i have listed all the questions Geek's opening this thread, and not to take out of context at all, but just the questions to determine the following:
Catcup, once you said "original question". Which is the original question? And now i have a "the primary". Which one is so painfully obvious its answer? Can you give this painfully obvious question the answer? Can You give it simply and concise?
& ps Catcup I did not ask for your position.
This is what i actually inquired:
posted October 28, 2004 18:07
And things Geek and I have said have been taken out of context by people on either side of our stand to support their own causes.
Catcup, what is You & Geeks "our stand"?
talk about TWIsting~~~
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I think if Jesus read these diatribes it would still boil down to the 2 commandments...
"Are we ready to forgive...?"
implies there will be a time we should be ready.
that implies if one is never ready then they are not performing the "should" of that line of logic....
WE -- there is no such collective thing! God is {as I beleive} an individual God...not a collective God.
my 2 cents, and I have read all the pages
Lianne Pierce
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Heres a thought:
What would Jesus think and do of some who were ordained by a proven destructive cult and continues this cults destructive behavior in the form of offshoots? ya know TWIster Sisters???
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the twister sister headS really think they actually make a difference those who still continue to hold on the green card~~~ hence these revs travel to pick up the wounded/expendable TWI in a cause "THE WORD OF GAWD IS THE WILL OD GAWD"...
and all is well now~~~
~~~Reve John Shroyer told my wife after his emeritus status his crusade fl that there is no more hard ache this ministry and come along and forgive~~~
ennyone want that info JShoe's travel fla to save people the hurt of twi after his service twi many a year without knowlede twi's uppers and he place emeritus status and all of a sudden we have JShro Ministry
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Research Geek:
do you support John Schroyer?
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Do you Reaearch Geek join right hand fellowship Reverend John Shroyer?
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Are YOU Ready for your questions Research Geek?
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nice website, can we use the url icons for free?
if so thankshttp://feyaurora.com/images/emoticonsfghij/flushhead.gif
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dang catsup how come I didnt notice that your panties were all twisted and bunched up???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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TYVM sky!
All of the images that I have not made are images that I have been told are royalty and copyright free...so, yes, feel free to use them.
Anything that I have made, please ask before use.
Also, I don't mind remote linking to my site by using the images here and there on GS, however if you want to keep the images and use them more often (like in email or on your own site or something like that), then please right click on the image(s) you want, then "save as" to your own hard drive. Then upload them to your own host. This way I will not be charged extra for extra usage.
If you don't have your own host and want to use something as a signature or an icon here at GSC, then let me know which one you want and Pawtucket will upload it for you to the GSC hosts. (And if you don't see one you want, but want me to make you one, I will do that, too.)
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Cool Gotcha
I did not know Sheldon so I won't form an opinion of him from second hand sources. His book at times seems a little too religious for me but in fairness I consider the time which it was written. I did find this lady still around though http://www.cjonline.com/indepth/sheldon/st...1400_bird.shtml
I still think TT town is it own responsibility though a good part of it is self inflicted.
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no offshoots happenin' for me that's for dang sure
no more heartache ? HA
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Happy Weekend, one and all!
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you too oldies
hey i still can't believe shroyer's offshoot ordained that punk from norristown, PA, or wherever it was. ohmygod remember dottie matrix's emails from him ?????
sorry for the duh duh duhrail
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mj, what in tarnation sp? are you talking about forgiving your child for barfing on you for a year ?
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one other thought. my earthly (dominus vobiscum) family has made denial an art form.... forgive.... move on..... i don't think that's healthy either.... but they do it from loving hearts so what are you gonna' do ? TELL THEM TO SEEK THERAPY ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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I mean when I love somone and want a relationship to be healthy and honest forgivness must be included. We all disappoint those we love and it hurts (or it wouldnt be love at all) I was refering to raising him (as a baby and the forgivness of it he used to over eat and spit up on me) he then understood people sometimes do things they can not help to do and it hurts another but loves endures hardships and forgives one another for being human or love can never grow to a point of understanding and intimacy.
it sounds as if you describe co-depency in your family excathdredra and YES therpy is one course to help families that have this abusive cycle. your own link describes the ability of such behaviours to follow into future generations if someone does not seek forgivness within their heart and break it.
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ok thanks for explaining, mj
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if I dont think I need to forgive to get healed....am I so screwed?
Is forgiving a requirement for healing?
what about just facing facts that some people are just jerks or jerks on steroids and no amount of "me" is gonna fix them, but I can move on in spite of or because of them -- either motivation does not seem to mandate forgiveness to me, just determination to avoid a repeat of jerks or jerks on steroids...
Is this so wierd...I have not heard anyone view it this way?
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ur screwed ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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by the way, your post was my favorite so far
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it seems to me when A has to be the premise for B...as in If A then B kind of thinking, well everyone is gonna have a slightly or very differnt A, consequently all B's will also vary.
just a thought
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