The most vivid was the first time, and I'd been out of TWI for FOUR years, that all of my parents (four of them) showed up at my house at the same time.
I was sure they had arranged to nail me about something. It was just a coincidance; there was no alterior motive at all, of course.
I freaked more than a little.
I had experienced some other of what you speak of, but this one was interesting for me to realize it was still an issue for me.
And I put emphasis on WAS. Let the whole famdamily come over now, it's not a problem.
quote:Did you ever, when hearing a sermon by a preacher in a church, start counting his "errors"?
When listening to a minister teach, I have a tendency to clock how long it takes before the topic of giving them money comes up. :D--> It's more like a game than a flashback though.
Having been in the Way for 21 years and part of fairly regimented programs and activities, it's natural that some things are imprinted so strongly that they'll remain a lifetime. It's how that information is processed is what's important I think. I don't have any huge desire to string chairs or straighten song books though. My "natural" tendencies to do certain things certain ways changes with time I've found.
But still, every once in awhile something will come up and my wife and I will look at each and and crack up because some piece of trivia has hit us both at the same time. I have a tendency to drag out ancient minutiae about all sorts of things at the odd moment. Keeps her chuckling.
I have one, that I'm still working on to get rid of, dang it!! If I'm at an assembly at the school which my kids attend and both parents and kids have been invited, I still think my kids have to be mute and perfectly still or someone is going to walk over and "reprove" me.
I remember quite awhile back when I was attending church and I had my twins down in the nursery, I would go down stairs and check every 15 minutes to see if they were making too
much noise and if I had to remove them. Someone did take me aside and said "you don't need to keep coming down here, that's why we're here so you can go upstairs and enjoy the service, without any interruptions and your twins can make as much noise as they want, not to worry!
I'm doing some free-lance graphic design work for a multi-denominational theological group. They use the term "Catholic" when I know THEY MUST MEAN "ROMAN Catholic"...
The other "flashback" I get is when I get corrected by management - I still feel like I should "thank" them for correcting me, even when they're having a "pointy-haired boss" moment...
There are times when the topic gets close to one of those old teachings that I have since rejected. I start getting nervious and looking at the door ready to bolt.
If the term profitable or renewing of the mind comes up watch me sweat.
Last night I dreamt I was being followed and then chased around in circles in front of Adolf's, by a crowd of people wearing "snoot boots", those small crotcheted nose warmers. I tried and tried but couldn't make my legs move, it was like running in water. I yelled out as loud as I could, "You know, I could use a little heeeelp here!" and Dale Carnegie appeared before me and said "No...I don't know...why don't you tell me..." and I woke up.
When I here certain sections of Scripture discussed often my brain starts doing comparative analysis between what I've Heard and What I'm reading and what I am now hearing.
I do have nasty flashbacks --especially when UPset or somewhat depressed about the horror my kids and I wnet thru. BUt even that is getting better as CW and I talk about those long ago days and see them in new light.
Geeze...more than I can remember. But the really really spooky but hilarious one was a "group" flashback.
Hubs and I used to visit Kathy W's family on the weekends every so often. One weekend she talked us into going to a church they were enjoying.
When we got there, another extwi family (I had known the husband since I was 16yo) just happened to be visiting the church for the first time like me and my hubs.
So we all sat together.
It was a Vineyard church, so there was dancing and singing and jubilant shouts and praises...
And banners being waved over the congregation.
Huge banners that took 2-4 people to carry.
I froze in absolute horror that these people would actually wave in devil spirits!
Well, the man I've known since I was 16yo was sitting next to me. I remembered that he was born into Judaism (White Dove, if you're reading this, you know who I'm talking about...the man with the 12-string Ovation roundback guitar on his back and a hoe and a shovel in his hands :)--> ). Anyway, I asked him if this banner waving was evil or not. He gently and without any condemnation at all explained how doing so was very biblical and considered a very loving thing to do.
OK. Flashback Panic #1 over with.
The sermon was not so bad...I only criticized about 30 comments the preacher made.
Then came the announcement of a class the church was offering...and the associated video presentation.
It was that piffle movie all over again!!!!!!!!
Me, my hubs and Kathy all got up and nearly ran out of the sanctuary so fast that it disturbed the pastor.
We were all having panic attacks to one degree or another. I remember gagging and retching.
it was pretty cool actually, insights insights insights. So much talk ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
preach it brother , amen hallujah. I once heard one guy who said he was speaking with Tongues of Angels, what? I want that tongue too. Yah know its a higher class tongues. I actually heard that you guys, lmao
My flashbacks seem to come in the form of being on the outside looking in...I see myself in others. When I listen to the bible thumpers and see their religious zeal, it takes me back to when I was that way. Whenever I see an example of "group think mentality", I remember how we all were. When I see the guilt and judgement in the eyes of religious people, I feel sorry for them because I understand what makes them tick.
I am constantly reminded of my twi experience by observing society as a whole. I see everything there...the lies, manipulation, sex trips, ego trips, etc, etc. Twi was not all that unique in how they screwed people and as I see all these things around me, I somehow feel wiser than I once did. ;)-->
I have dreams about twi...mostly of swinging by a roa to see if things have changed...hoping to find it safe to go back....searching vainly for anyone I knew....
In one dream we mounted a commando style mission and rescued mrs. W.
One time I dreamed that I arrived on the wow field and realised that twi was evil...but was stuck because I had to finish my commitment to God....(this one was fun lol) God came to me and said just witness FOR people get OUT of the whole dream was about being God`s mole, and trying to help people see twi in it`s true light, without raising any alarm
Sky, do you think you know what God is trying to tell me in my dream? Finally, an interpretation! Now, that wasn't really a dream, just an obtuse reference to running on Weirwille Rd. in 1974 and Bill Maize, a man who taught Public Speaking to the Way Corps and I that I remember quite fondly. My interaction was so strong that to this day I will always remember how he would stand, arms folded behind his back, listening sagely to our 2 and 3 minute speeches. At the beginning most of us all said "y'know" about a 100 times a minute when we spoke. And he'd always nod and say "No, no. I don't know. You're telling me, remember?" His point - focus, stay on track. And at first it was infuriating but once I stopped doing it I really cleaned up how I spoke. Y'know? :D--> I remember arguing with him once, as we all did, that there was an appropriate use of those words, that sometimes it was natural. Since I did it all the time I resisted the idea of being told it was wrong, my comfort level was being intruded on. And he looked at me and said "When you've completed this instruction, maybe. That's up to you. But in this class, no, it's not appropriate". And then he smiled and said "You know?"
Dreams...I see dreams as our brains sorting themselves out, not a good thing or a bad thing but something that's necessary. Shut 'er down and give it a rest. But I have had several instances where a dream was a pointed reference to something going on, with new information that played itself out later. When I recognized it happening as it had in the dream, I had one of those "deja vu" moment-feelings and proceeded. And bada bing bada boom, there it was. This happened once where I got the exact answer to a problem I was working on at work, just as I woke up. There it was right in "front of me" and I knew immediately - that's it! And it was.
With all of the information stored in our brains, there's quite a bit there to work with. It's no wonder that it needs sorting out. If you could lay it all out and work with it at once who knows what could be done? To some extent dreams seem to do that, randomly pulling together all kinds of disparate pieces of our past. Or are they disparate? They wouldn't have to be. The relationships could be difficult to see in a linear view but from a-top Old Smokey when our brains are snoozing and not choosing - hmmmm. ?
Maybe this has something to do with "flashbacks". Dunno.
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The most vivid was the first time, and I'd been out of TWI for FOUR years, that all of my parents (four of them) showed up at my house at the same time.
I was sure they had arranged to nail me about something. It was just a coincidance; there was no alterior motive at all, of course.
I freaked more than a little.
I had experienced some other of what you speak of, but this one was interesting for me to realize it was still an issue for me.
And I put emphasis on WAS. Let the whole famdamily come over now, it's not a problem.
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When listening to a minister teach, I have a tendency to clock how long it takes before the topic of giving them money comes up.
:D--> It's more like a game than a flashback though.
Having been in the Way for 21 years and part of fairly regimented programs and activities, it's natural that some things are imprinted so strongly that they'll remain a lifetime. It's how that information is processed is what's important I think. I don't have any huge desire to string chairs or straighten song books though. My "natural" tendencies to do certain things certain ways changes with time I've found.
But still, every once in awhile something will come up and my wife and I will look at each and and crack up because some piece of trivia has hit us both at the same time. I have a tendency to drag out ancient minutiae about all sorts of things at the odd moment. Keeps her chuckling.
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I have one, that I'm still working on to get rid of, dang it!! If I'm at an assembly at the school which my kids attend and both parents and kids have been invited, I still think my kids have to be mute and perfectly still or someone is going to walk over and "reprove" me.
I remember quite awhile back when I was attending church and I had my twins down in the nursery, I would go down stairs and check every 15 minutes to see if they were making too
much noise and if I had to remove them. Someone did take me aside and said "you don't need to keep coming down here, that's why we're here so you can go upstairs and enjoy the service, without any interruptions and your twins can make as much noise as they want, not to worry!
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Every time I here George W. speak, I get chills up and down my spine because he reminds me of listening to LCM. Seriously, I can't listen to him.
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GW reminds you of LCM?! I take it you are a democrat that doesn't like him?
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I'm doing some free-lance graphic design work for a multi-denominational theological group. They use the term "Catholic" when I know THEY MUST MEAN "ROMAN Catholic"...
The other "flashback" I get is when I get corrected by management - I still feel like I should "thank" them for correcting me, even when they're having a "pointy-haired boss" moment...
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There are times when the topic gets close to one of those old teachings that I have since rejected. I start getting nervious and looking at the door ready to bolt.
If the term profitable or renewing of the mind comes up watch me sweat.
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"God Bless"
I heard that this morning and the memories that brought back. Talk about flashback.
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in a corporate meeting once, i grabbed the hand of a fellow employee and started to massage it
just kidding
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Nope, not anymore.
Thank you Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus! Maybe I'm healed. Hope so.
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Last night I dreamt I was being followed and then chased around in circles in front of Adolf's, by a crowd of people wearing "snoot boots", those small crotcheted nose warmers. I tried and tried but couldn't make my legs move, it was like running in water. I yelled out as loud as I could, "You know, I could use a little heeeelp here!" and Dale Carnegie appeared before me and said "No...I don't know...why don't you tell me..." and I woke up.
Very weird.
p.s. Excathie, can I be in your Excellors group?
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wow i love your dreams, they're crazy like mine
it must be fun having little trivia moments with your wife !!!!
awwww johnnysocks i would massage your hand any day.... well after you played me a song....
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When I here certain sections of Scripture discussed often my brain starts doing comparative analysis between what I've Heard and What I'm reading and what I am now hearing.
I do have nasty flashbacks --especially when UPset or somewhat depressed about the horror my kids and I wnet thru. BUt even that is getting better as CW and I talk about those long ago days and see them in new light.
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oh the flashbacks i have
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Oh, yeah, Every time someone goes into offensive mode when the Bible comes up.
When any christian uses the term "believer." (Have heard it a few times)
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Way flashbacks...
Geeze...more than I can remember. But the really really spooky but hilarious one was a "group" flashback.
Hubs and I used to visit Kathy W's family on the weekends every so often. One weekend she talked us into going to a church they were enjoying.
When we got there, another extwi family (I had known the husband since I was 16yo) just happened to be visiting the church for the first time like me and my hubs.
So we all sat together.
It was a Vineyard church, so there was dancing and singing and jubilant shouts and praises...
And banners being waved over the congregation.
Huge banners that took 2-4 people to carry.
I froze in absolute horror that these people would actually wave in devil spirits!
Well, the man I've known since I was 16yo was sitting next to me. I remembered that he was born into Judaism (White Dove, if you're reading this, you know who I'm talking about...the man with the 12-string Ovation roundback guitar on his back and a hoe and a shovel in his hands
:)--> ). Anyway, I asked him if this banner waving was evil or not. He gently and without any condemnation at all explained how doing so was very biblical and considered a very loving thing to do.
OK. Flashback Panic #1 over with.
The sermon was not so bad...I only criticized about 30 comments the preacher made.
Then came the announcement of a class the church was offering...and the associated video presentation.
It was that piffle movie all over again!!!!!!!!
Me, my hubs and Kathy all got up and nearly ran out of the sanctuary so fast that it disturbed the pastor.
We were all having panic attacks to one degree or another. I remember gagging and retching.
It's funnier than $hit now...
But damn! It was trippy then.
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No but ive had an Assemblies flashback.
it was pretty cool actually, insights insights insights. So much talk ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
preach it brother , amen hallujah. I once heard one guy who said he was speaking with Tongues of Angels, what? I want that tongue too. Yah know its a higher class tongues. I actually heard that you guys, lmao
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Mo, do you often look at your Private Topics?
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My flashbacks seem to come in the form of being on the outside looking in...I see myself in others. When I listen to the bible thumpers and see their religious zeal, it takes me back to when I was that way. Whenever I see an example of "group think mentality", I remember how we all were. When I see the guilt and judgement in the eyes of religious people, I feel sorry for them because I understand what makes them tick.
I am constantly reminded of my twi experience by observing society as a whole. I see everything there...the lies, manipulation, sex trips, ego trips, etc, etc. Twi was not all that unique in how they screwed people and as I see all these things around me, I somehow feel wiser than I once did.
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Wow! What a blessing Extrada!
:)--> You're meeting needs! There's so much available when you're tapped into all 9 all the time!
Well, if uh 6...
Turned out to be 9.
I don't mind.
I don't mind.
Whoops, my flashbacks just got all kittywampus!
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socks :
do you believe God can speak to you in dreams? I do. I think I know what your dream means.
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The former POW of TWI
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
Bad Dreams are one major component of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
I have had my share of bad dreams and bad day dreams since leaving TWI.
More than flashbacks they are fears revisited.
Although TWI taught NO FEAR..... TWI promoted it
in practice whole heartedly.
Find help from a professional if you need it. Don't be held captive by fear of anything or anybody.
GET OUT OF TWI NOW and take your loved ones with you.
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I have dreams about twi...mostly of swinging by a roa to see if things have changed...hoping to find it safe to go back....searching vainly for anyone I knew....
In one dream we mounted a commando style mission and rescued mrs. W.
One time I dreamed that I arrived on the wow field and realised that twi was evil...but was stuck because I had to finish my commitment to God....(this one was fun lol) God came to me and said just witness FOR people get OUT of the whole dream was about being God`s mole, and trying to help people see twi in it`s true light, without raising any alarm
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Sky, do you think you know what God is trying to tell me in my dream? Finally, an interpretation! Now, that wasn't really a dream, just an obtuse reference to running on Weirwille Rd. in 1974 and Bill Maize, a man who taught Public Speaking to the Way Corps and I that I remember quite fondly. My interaction was so strong that to this day I will always remember how he would stand, arms folded behind his back, listening sagely to our 2 and 3 minute speeches. At the beginning most of us all said "y'know" about a 100 times a minute when we spoke. And he'd always nod and say "No, no. I don't know. You're telling me, remember?" His point - focus, stay on track. And at first it was infuriating but once I stopped doing it I really cleaned up how I spoke. Y'know?
:D--> I remember arguing with him once, as we all did, that there was an appropriate use of those words, that sometimes it was natural. Since I did it all the time I resisted the idea of being told it was wrong, my comfort level was being intruded on. And he looked at me and said "When you've completed this instruction, maybe. That's up to you. But in this class, no, it's not appropriate". And then he smiled and said "You know?"
Dreams...I see dreams as our brains sorting themselves out, not a good thing or a bad thing but something that's necessary. Shut 'er down and give it a rest. But I have had several instances where a dream was a pointed reference to something going on, with new information that played itself out later. When I recognized it happening as it had in the dream, I had one of those "deja vu" moment-feelings and proceeded. And bada bing bada boom, there it was. This happened once where I got the exact answer to a problem I was working on at work, just as I woke up. There it was right in "front of me" and I knew immediately - that's it! And it was.
With all of the information stored in our brains, there's quite a bit there to work with. It's no wonder that it needs sorting out. If you could lay it all out and work with it at once who knows what could be done? To some extent dreams seem to do that, randomly pulling together all kinds of disparate pieces of our past. Or are they disparate? They wouldn't have to be. The relationships could be difficult to see in a linear view but from a-top Old Smokey when our brains are snoozing and not choosing - hmmmm. ?
Maybe this has something to do with "flashbacks". Dunno.
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