Well, at least when you date yourself, you're with someone you love, and there is no guesswork as to what's going to happen that night . . .
The only location I went to for a rocka was the way nash. Most of the times I went, I was in an RV, so except for the two years I was in a tent, the showers were not a problem for me.
However, the last year I went, I forgot to pack a spare pair of shoes, and the shoes I did have were comfortable but not very new. I took them off while in the RV, and while I was napping, one of the people sharing the RV saw the shoes and thought that they were supposed to go in the trash. So I missed a whole afternoon of the rocka that day, until he went and found the shoes again.
Oh my gosh, Steve! I can't believe someone presumed to know that your shoes were supposed to be thrown away without asking you! But then again, we are talking about a wayfer, right? It brings back vivid memories of when my house was spotless and I was consumed with keeping it that way... soooo glad that's not me anymore!
--- We now return to our temporarily derailed thread---
I also only went to ROAs at HQ... loved it the first year when it was just me in a pup tent and you could wander around and enjoy yourself.
Hated it the last year when it was me in a tent with a husband, an infant, air mattresses, playpen, highchair, stroller, table & chairs, a hanging clothes rack because we had to have formalwear for corpse-weak, and hanging shelves to keep everything "decent and in order", and everyone was "expected" to be to all the meetings.
I would love to hear other peoples' recollections of the earlier ROAs.
Sydney fairgrounds for me. There was still an aspect of 'fun' there-dances after the main teaching, music and stuff going on till late-the thing was still breaking out of the 'groovy Christian' phase, and spontaniety was not completly suppressed yet.
Plus the funky non-way buildings, the grocery store across the street -physical stuff the way couldn't control, all made for a pretty swell time.
I was at all roa's from 72-95, with the exception of one, 1979.
I loved the Sidney fairgrounds, except for the biting horseflys the size of hummingbirds!! They left welts the size of a hive of beestings. I have some wonderful pix from back in those days.....of course, I took them with my Brownie camera....no idea how well they would turn out if I converted them.
My memories of Lima.....:(-->, will mean more to the northern can folks... in 1974, I drove from Alameda to Lima in a big ole car owned by a member of the Valerio family, there were 9 of us in that big 'ole car, Virgil V, Diane Russell Bowman (eventually 6th corps) and a bunch of others. I have two memories of that roa. It rained like a *mother* we ended up sleeping in the car like sardines....and Hope R and I have a virtually identical roll of film. We must have camped right next to each other!!!!
I guess, I preferred the roa's at headquarters. From 1983 to 1994......I was either in residence there or on staff there during the rock. I wouldn't be surprised if at least 10 of the gspotters stayed with me in my trailer on grounds or in my apartment in NK. My memories are funny......NEW KNOXVILLE VICE anyone? ;)-->
Oh...just an inside glimpse .....during those years when I lived on staff. I lived in a small loft kind of apartment. I brought home about 400 a month from my staff job....maybe a little more, I cannot remember. I paid 160.00 a month rent+utilities. Traditionally during the month of August I would have 4-6 friends stay with me during corps week/roa. My electrical bill would at least triple and not ONCE, NOT ONE TIME did anyone from the field that stayed with me leave me a gift of cash, or an offer to help me offset my expenses. At the time, it didn't bother me. Now....many years later, I realize that even the most rank *unbeliever* would have left some cash or sent some to me in later. I am not b**tching, just an observation.
quote: Traditionally during the month of August I would have 4-6 friends stay with me during corps week/roa. My electrical bill would at least triple and not ONCE, NOT ONE TIME did anyone from the field that stayed with me leave me a gift of cash, or an offer to help me offset my expenses. At the time, it didn't bother me.
RR, I was always amazed how people in TWI were often like this. They just took with no regards of others.
I stayed a few times with staff during CW/ROA but each time I brought gifts/food and money. Never was it solicited ... I just felt it was the right thing to do.
And then there were the times where you were invited to someone's place to stay and they demanded money or else, you were 'housed' somewhere and the people resented the fact that you were there and pretty much treated you like pond scum.
Staying with 'believers' was often an uncomfortable experience. I wasn't often made to feel welcome or at home. Especially in Way Homes or Limb Homes.. sheeeshh.. that was like walking on Hallowed ground and you better watch your 'p's' and 'q's' ... or else.. the reproof would start to fly. No warm fuzzies there!
I only went to roa at hq starting in 79...LOVED it ...afterwards there was wow training n the big tent started to flood...the teacher kept teaching and the water crept higher up our chair legs....finally we picked up the chairs n marched into the osc building n they set up a stage on the back of a scissorlift dump truck.
One year I got a viscious case of food poisoning...was camping too far away from grounds to stagger in for food or drink...was too far from the porta potty.....lord lord I thought I was gonna die....once a day some twiggy might remember to drop by a yogurt or drink......It was pretty scarey to be that sick and not have a being on the planet really care whether you lived or died....
then there was the last roa I went to when the horrendous storm hit....all but about 5 tents were flattened...lightening cracking down around...wind roaring...I could see people running around in the storm in their underwear and jammies frantically trying to set up tents....that couldn`t withstand the sustained winds....wouldda been funny if I hadn`t been so terrified that I was trying to crawl UNDER spouse to get away from the ground shattering lightening...and roar of the wind....whew...where WAS our believing.
I loved wow burgers....the tent dances...the music...eating breakfast in the big top.
The last ROA that I attended was the first ROA after Veepee's death. 1986? It was horrible. People were walking around growling and sneering at each other...rumors we're flying, LCM's teachings were about as inspirational as watching paint dry...The forced twig meetings during the day...scheesh!
One of the main reasons for attending the rock, was to walk around and find old friends...it was a time for reunions! Suddenly they are FORCING us to meet several times daily with our twig from back home! There was no time to meet with old friends, it became way too structured and oppressive. What?...I travel hundreds of miles, sleep in a tent so that I can visit with the same folks that I see every day at home? Boy, was that ever stupid!...I refused to comply...I would wander around during the "twig times"...invariably getting confronted and admonished to go find my "proper twig"...I wouldn't do it.
Finally, on day three, I came to my senses and took down my tent, packed up and split. I remember being confronted by some "senior corps", as I was getting ready to leave. At first I was told to stay and that God would REALLY bless me...when that didn't work, I was threatened with a severe attack from the debbil if I left early...I remember flipping them the "bird" as I drove away from twi hdqrts for the last time.
Harry I remember those damn forced twigs...I HATED em...those of us going wow that year had training sandwitched in between all of the forced twigs and meetings n don`t forget your state/twig job....n then you had to try to find a cool place while the sun blistered over head ...just about the time it was cool enough to start stirring...it was time to dress up (what a joke while camping) and head for the big top...where there would be what 3 different teachings dragging loooong into the night....sigh
Prior to that there was a lot of fun to be had at roa...
I am sorry 70s, no depression intended...there were lots of fun times at roa....that is why it was so dismal when things changed and became completely orchistrated and controlled.
I gotta say, as much of a scounderal as vp was....he could STILL throw a great party...roa really went down the toilet after he passed away.
It makes sense that the folks at hq wouldn`t *get* it...the ones that made these stupid choices....they were always at hq...didn`t understand the true heart and fun behind roa...of everyone meeting old friends...the fellowship with new people....the meeting of folks from all over the usa and world....all they saw was expense and another area that needed to be controlled.
It was so much fun to see people who were WOW's in the past and what had happened on the field and if they were coming back or staying where they went.
Your discription of a reunion was right. That was some great times.
But those 1000 mile drives each way were a killer.
I loved just meeting and talking to the next person in line while waiting for a meal or a shower...I loved how everyone always helped each other...I loved wow burgers...I loved biscuts and gravey in the morning with a great cup of coffee...I loved meeting an old friend from another state for an ice cream cone in the hot afternoon....
Running accross your old wow family....hanging out with your advanced class buds....
The air of excitement of who were you gonna run accross next....
The feeling that your job was the most important project currently going on the planet....(good thing cause it was usually garbage pick up lol)
I loved looking for bumper stickers on the way to the rock...
...Yep, the first rock I attended in 1976 was similar to going to a three day rock concert. There was very little structure and folks just wandered around and had a ball...
I often wonder if the reason that lcm resented the rock so much was because he never experienced the casual pleasures of simply meeting new folks and hanging out with friends...he was always the control freak. He always had to be the center of attention and in control of everything. Maybe the spontanaity bugged him. I mean, people just deciding on their own to cook lunch or throw the frisbee?...whenever they wanted?...NO WAY! martinjerk had to take control by scheduling everybodies time for them. That way, at any given moment, people were doing what he told them to do!...by gawd, that's leadership!
My first ROA was six or seven days ('78), and even though there was some structure, there was plenty of room for doing your own thing on your own schedule, in fact I never ate at the standard meal times, since I liked to avoid the lines.
(Rascal, I never did warm up to biscuits and "gravity" - always sent me to the port-o-johns - must be a southern thing :D-->)
Even though the grand poobah taught at the main stage each night there was a casualness about wandering in & out that appealed to me. There were teachings geared to specialized audiences (musicians, teachers, parents, etc) during the day that you could attend or not; or you could just hang out with your buddies old and new. In 1981 I attended just one evening teaching: opening night (I was a returning WOW) and worked Bless Patrol for most of the other nights.
In contrast, the final ROA in 1995 was a nightmmare. We were informed as we arrived that Martindale would be teaching "The Class on Living Sanctified"; he taught from Exodus in the morning and from Corithians in the evening. With our work assignments and meetings with our home twigs we hardly had a moment to ourselves.
Well this one is easy. 1972, my first year. Was that Lima or Sydney? I forget which one came first. I was 10 years old so geography didn’t matter. My parents couldn’t get off work, so they sent me with my two older sisters, 23 and 15 years old.
I kid you not, we stopped inside the gate and my oldest sister says, “I’m setting the tent up over there. See ya in 4 days.” Then she walked off. She called over her shoulder, “And don’t drink all the milk in one day.”
Here I was a shy little 10 year old from a very sheltered life let loose on my own for 4 whole days!
I never ate so good, (must have been my angelical looks) slept so little, or had so much fun in my young life! I met kids from all over and just played the whole time. That is when I wasn’t following Dan M. around with ‘love struck’ eyes….lol.
I’ll never forget the rain when someone pulled a big sheet of plastic over me. Or the last night when everyone stood up holding hands and was singing “Family” all I could see was the back of the guy in front of me. Then the guy behind me picked me up and put me on his shoulders. It was so cool!
Went to many ROA’s over next 20 years, but nothing like the first one.
The Lima ROA was in '75-first one I attended-It moved back to Sidney for 2 more years before moving to HQ in '78.
The Lima rock claim to fame was the night it poured cats and dogs on vp-who continued gamely teaching while Howard held an umbrella over the bible and everyone else stayed sitting in the downpour in rapt attention.
That was when they decided to get a main tent, which showed up at Sidney the next year.
Lima was ok, but as I said earlier, Sidney was the best place for me.
My last rock was '86, but it was all over for me in '85. That was really craig's 'coming out' party, since vp had died in March.
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Well, at least when you date yourself, you're with someone you love, and there is no guesswork as to what's going to happen that night . . .
The only location I went to for a rocka was the way nash. Most of the times I went, I was in an RV, so except for the two years I was in a tent, the showers were not a problem for me.
However, the last year I went, I forgot to pack a spare pair of shoes, and the shoes I did have were comfortable but not very new. I took them off while in the RV, and while I was napping, one of the people sharing the RV saw the shoes and thought that they were supposed to go in the trash. So I missed a whole afternoon of the rocka that day, until he went and found the shoes again.
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Oh my gosh, Steve! I can't believe someone presumed to know that your shoes were supposed to be thrown away without asking you! But then again, we are talking about a wayfer, right? It brings back vivid memories of when my house was spotless and I was consumed with keeping it that way... soooo glad that's not me anymore!
--- We now return to our temporarily derailed thread---
I also only went to ROAs at HQ... loved it the first year when it was just me in a pup tent and you could wander around and enjoy yourself.
Hated it the last year when it was me in a tent with a husband, an infant, air mattresses, playpen, highchair, stroller, table & chairs, a hanging clothes rack because we had to have formalwear for corpse-weak, and hanging shelves to keep everything "decent and in order", and everyone was "expected" to be to all the meetings.
I would love to hear other peoples' recollections of the earlier ROAs.
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Only went after '78, so it was all at New Knox for me.
I hotelled it a few times, that was comfortable, but I didn't like being away from the "action". Never RVed
Tents were okay when I was young and single, but hell when I had young kids with me
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Sydney fairgrounds for me. There was still an aspect of 'fun' there-dances after the main teaching, music and stuff going on till late-the thing was still breaking out of the 'groovy Christian' phase, and spontaniety was not completly suppressed yet.
Plus the funky non-way buildings, the grocery store across the street -physical stuff the way couldn't control, all made for a pretty swell time.
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I don't remember Sydney from Lima. I must be getting old. I went to ROA (and some of them included Corps Weeks), from 1973 to 1987.
I can't tell Sydney from Lima anymore, I only remember HQ.
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Radar OReilly
I was at all roa's from 72-95, with the exception of one, 1979.
I loved the Sidney fairgrounds, except for the biting horseflys the size of hummingbirds!! They left welts the size of a hive of beestings. I have some wonderful pix from back in those days.....of course, I took them with my Brownie camera....no idea how well they would turn out if I converted them.
My memories of Lima.....
:(-->, will mean more to the northern can folks... in 1974, I drove from Alameda to Lima in a big ole car owned by a member of the Valerio family, there were 9 of us in that big 'ole car, Virgil V, Diane Russell Bowman (eventually 6th corps) and a bunch of others. I have two memories of that roa. It rained like a *mother* we ended up sleeping in the car like sardines....and Hope R and I have a virtually identical roll of film. We must have camped right next to each other!!!!
I guess, I preferred the roa's at headquarters. From 1983 to 1994......I was either in residence there or on staff there during the rock. I wouldn't be surprised if at least 10 of the gspotters stayed with me in my trailer on grounds or in my apartment in NK. My memories are funny......NEW KNOXVILLE VICE anyone?
Oh...just an inside glimpse .....during those years when I lived on staff. I lived in a small loft kind of apartment. I brought home about 400 a month from my staff job....maybe a little more, I cannot remember. I paid 160.00 a month rent+utilities. Traditionally during the month of August I would have 4-6 friends stay with me during corps week/roa. My electrical bill would at least triple and not ONCE, NOT ONE TIME did anyone from the field that stayed with me leave me a gift of cash, or an offer to help me offset my expenses. At the time, it didn't bother me. Now....many years later, I realize that even the most rank *unbeliever* would have left some cash or sent some to me in later. I am not b**tching, just an observation.
Edited by Radar O'ReillyLink to comment
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...I enjoyed Sidney the most...once it moved to hdqrts, it became too controlled and rigid.
My first ROA, we camped out at the Sidney fairgrounds, had beer and pot in our tent...listening to Grateful Dead tapes. Things sure did change.
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A la prochaine
RR, I was always amazed how people in TWI were often like this. They just took with no regards of others.
I stayed a few times with staff during CW/ROA but each time I brought gifts/food and money. Never was it solicited ... I just felt it was the right thing to do.
And then there were the times where you were invited to someone's place to stay and they demanded money or else, you were 'housed' somewhere and the people resented the fact that you were there and pretty much treated you like pond scum.
Staying with 'believers' was often an uncomfortable experience. I wasn't often made to feel welcome or at home. Especially in Way Homes or Limb Homes.. sheeeshh.. that was like walking on Hallowed ground and you better watch your 'p's' and 'q's' ... or else.. the reproof would start to fly. No warm fuzzies there!
I HATED IT!!!!!!!!!!
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A la prochaine
Sorry.. I sorta' derailed didn't I?
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I only went to roa at hq starting in 79...LOVED it ...afterwards there was wow training n the big tent started to flood...the teacher kept teaching and the water crept higher up our chair legs....finally we picked up the chairs n marched into the osc building n they set up a stage on the back of a scissorlift dump truck.
One year I got a viscious case of food poisoning...was camping too far away from grounds to stagger in for food or drink...was too far from the porta potty.....lord lord I thought I was gonna die....once a day some twiggy might remember to drop by a yogurt or drink......It was pretty scarey to be that sick and not have a being on the planet really care whether you lived or died....
then there was the last roa I went to when the horrendous storm hit....all but about 5 tents were flattened...lightening cracking down around...wind roaring...I could see people running around in the storm in their underwear and jammies frantically trying to set up tents....that couldn`t withstand the sustained winds....wouldda been funny if I hadn`t been so terrified that I was trying to crawl UNDER spouse to get away from the ground shattering lightening...and roar of the wind....whew...where WAS our believing.
I loved wow burgers....the tent dances...the music...eating breakfast in the big top.
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Lets not forget then fun of someone coming in at 2 am and start setting up their tent. All that lovly hammering in of tent stakes as you try to sleep.
Or the you have a tent so we can move in to stay dry because we were gonna sleep under the stars.
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The last ROA that I attended was the first ROA after Veepee's death. 1986? It was horrible. People were walking around growling and sneering at each other...rumors we're flying, LCM's teachings were about as inspirational as watching paint dry...The forced twig meetings during the day...scheesh!
One of the main reasons for attending the rock, was to walk around and find old friends...it was a time for reunions! Suddenly they are FORCING us to meet several times daily with our twig from back home! There was no time to meet with old friends, it became way too structured and oppressive. What?...I travel hundreds of miles, sleep in a tent so that I can visit with the same folks that I see every day at home? Boy, was that ever stupid!...I refused to comply...I would wander around during the "twig times"...invariably getting confronted and admonished to go find my "proper twig"...I wouldn't do it.
Finally, on day three, I came to my senses and took down my tent, packed up and split. I remember being confronted by some "senior corps", as I was getting ready to leave. At first I was told to stay and that God would REALLY bless me...when that didn't work, I was threatened with a severe attack from the debbil if I left early...I remember flipping them the "bird" as I drove away from twi hdqrts for the last time.
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Harry I remember those damn forced twigs...I HATED em...those of us going wow that year had training sandwitched in between all of the forced twigs and meetings n don`t forget your state/twig job....n then you had to try to find a cool place while the sun blistered over head ...just about the time it was cool enough to start stirring...it was time to dress up (what a joke while camping) and head for the big top...where there would be what 3 different teachings dragging loooong into the night....sigh
Prior to that there was a lot of fun to be had at roa...
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Rascal and Uncle Harry. Yall are depressing me.
I always remember fun and people and fellowship and everyone had a smile.
Makes me glad I got when the gettin was good.
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I am sorry 70s, no depression intended...there were lots of fun times at roa....that is why it was so dismal when things changed and became completely orchistrated and controlled.
I gotta say, as much of a scounderal as vp was....he could STILL throw a great party...roa really went down the toilet after he passed away.
It makes sense that the folks at hq wouldn`t *get* it...the ones that made these stupid choices....they were always at hq...didn`t understand the true heart and fun behind roa...of everyone meeting old friends...the fellowship with new people....the meeting of folks from all over the usa and world....all they saw was expense and another area that needed to be controlled.
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It was so much fun to see people who were WOW's in the past and what had happened on the field and if they were coming back or staying where they went.
Your discription of a reunion was right. That was some great times.
But those 1000 mile drives each way were a killer.
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I loved just meeting and talking to the next person in line while waiting for a meal or a shower...I loved how everyone always helped each other...I loved wow burgers...I loved biscuts and gravey in the morning with a great cup of coffee...I loved meeting an old friend from another state for an ice cream cone in the hot afternoon....
Running accross your old wow family....hanging out with your advanced class buds....
The air of excitement of who were you gonna run accross next....
The feeling that your job was the most important project currently going on the planet....(good thing cause it was usually garbage pick up lol)
I loved looking for bumper stickers on the way to the rock...
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looking for bumper stickers! THAT was fun I had forgotten about. thanks for the memory.
I liked Sydney the best, especially 72, but that was my first rock, so likely that has bearing on being my favorite.
Oops, guess I better correct that, 74 was when I met my wife of all these years. I spose I better make that Rock my favorite. was that Lima or HQ?
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...Yep, the first rock I attended in 1976 was similar to going to a three day rock concert. There was very little structure and folks just wandered around and had a ball...
I often wonder if the reason that lcm resented the rock so much was because he never experienced the casual pleasures of simply meeting new folks and hanging out with friends...he was always the control freak. He always had to be the center of attention and in control of everything. Maybe the spontanaity bugged him. I mean, people just deciding on their own to cook lunch or throw the frisbee?...whenever they wanted?...NO WAY! martinjerk had to take control by scheduling everybodies time for them. That way, at any given moment, people were doing what he told them to do!...by gawd, that's leadership!
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My first ROA was six or seven days ('78), and even though there was some structure, there was plenty of room for doing your own thing on your own schedule, in fact I never ate at the standard meal times, since I liked to avoid the lines.
(Rascal, I never did warm up to biscuits and "gravity" - always sent me to the port-o-johns - must be a southern thing
Even though the grand poobah taught at the main stage each night there was a casualness about wandering in & out that appealed to me. There were teachings geared to specialized audiences (musicians, teachers, parents, etc) during the day that you could attend or not; or you could just hang out with your buddies old and new. In 1981 I attended just one evening teaching: opening night (I was a returning WOW) and worked Bless Patrol for most of the other nights.
In contrast, the final ROA in 1995 was a nightmmare. We were informed as we arrived that Martindale would be teaching "The Class on Living Sanctified"; he taught from Exodus in the morning and from Corithians in the evening. With our work assignments and meetings with our home twigs we hardly had a moment to ourselves.
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Well this one is easy. 1972, my first year. Was that Lima or Sydney? I forget which one came first. I was 10 years old so geography didn’t matter. My parents couldn’t get off work, so they sent me with my two older sisters, 23 and 15 years old.
I kid you not, we stopped inside the gate and my oldest sister says, “I’m setting the tent up over there. See ya in 4 days.” Then she walked off. She called over her shoulder, “And don’t drink all the milk in one day.”
Here I was a shy little 10 year old from a very sheltered life let loose on my own for 4 whole days!
I never ate so good, (must have been my angelical looks) slept so little, or had so much fun in my young life! I met kids from all over and just played the whole time. That is when I wasn’t following Dan M. around with ‘love struck’ eyes….lol.
I’ll never forget the rain when someone pulled a big sheet of plastic over me. Or the last night when everyone stood up holding hands and was singing “Family” all I could see was the back of the guy in front of me. Then the guy behind me picked me up and put me on his shoulders. It was so cool!
Went to many ROA’s over next 20 years, but nothing like the first one.
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Welcome, Doorleven.
I hope you like the coffee here.
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The Lima ROA was in '75-first one I attended-It moved back to Sidney for 2 more years before moving to HQ in '78.
The Lima rock claim to fame was the night it poured cats and dogs on vp-who continued gamely teaching while Howard held an umbrella over the bible and everyone else stayed sitting in the downpour in rapt attention.
That was when they decided to get a main tent, which showed up at Sidney the next year.
Lima was ok, but as I said earlier, Sidney was the best place for me.
My last rock was '86, but it was all over for me in '85. That was really craig's 'coming out' party, since vp had died in March.
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UH - Wish I had run into you there in 76, I was doing the same.
Never seen so many flies in my life.
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