I heard of some guy in India doing something from a train as he was leaving that city. "What was it now???." "Oh yea... Strech forth thine hand!" I always thought how selfish of that guy to leave when he could have stayed and helped more people. The witness of that one lady alone would have turned the "tide of unbelief" around so more people could have "recieved Gods blessing."
That story alone always gave be a bad taste in my mouth. So many questions and no answers about that story. Was it VeePee who was in India or someone else.
Never saw it. But I knew a number of people who were laid hands on (clothed, mind you) earlier. Also, I understand my Advanced Class may have been the first where VeePee (& perhaps a few others) didn't "lead people into" ministering along the lines of how BG always did it.
Good question. I waited years and years to see VPW minister healing after a teaching.....never did.....then......waited years and years to see LCM minister healing......Never happened......See, when your heart is against the knowledge of God,which both VPW and LCM knew their hearts were off, because of sin, they both had no real confidence in God,plus they knew that miracles were gone in their lives, until they repented and walked for God again.
Plus, even a sinner can teach the four crucified or read a book on the day Jesus died and teach it....that is what tricked us.....but the truth is, they had no power or demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit....God would not allow it.
B.G. Leonard was at corps week and the ROA in 85. Corps people were being ministered to and being healed left and right. B. G. was going to teach at the ROA but LCM was so incensed at the healings that he gave B. G. Leonard, (Wierwille's teacher) the bums rush and wouldn't let him teach...
After researching healing, I came to doubt the PFAL account of VPW healing the guy in India who said, "I do not believe in your Jesus". Doesn't work with scripture accounts of healing.
VPW ministered to me once, after I'd totalled my car on the way to ROA '72, and I was healed--not instantaneously, but very quickly.
That Saturday's evening teaching at ROA was "Lord I Believe," about the man Jesus healed who was born blind. I'm sure that contributed to my speedy recovery. (I hadn't taken the PFAL class yet.)
I've shared about this at length both on Waydale and GS, so this is the abbreviated version:
After the accident: Nasty, deep facial cut from top of my forehead to tip of my chin, caused by breaking the windshield with my face (ouch).
Couldn't walk without leaning on someone, because I'd rammed my knee into a metal panel under the dash.
ROA was only three days long then. By the end of that long weekend, the facial cut was healed to the point that the scabs were coming off, leaving perfectly healed skin underneath. I ended up with only a teensy scar under my bottom lip.
By the second day I could walk using a walking stick someone found for me. By the final day I was walking without the stick. I've never had any residual problems with that knee.
Actually, I did see VP heal someone once. I can't remember the year, except to say that it was early 80's. I had a girlfriend (a newby grad) come to the Rock. We were hanging out, and somehow bumped into VP. (I think it was backstage.) She had a really bad cold sore on her lip, as I introduced her, VP reached out and touched her mouth where the sore was. He didn't say anything much, just something like glad to have you here yada,yada.
No kidding, the sore dried up and was gone in a couple of hours. Like before the main teaching in the big tent was over. (She'd been stressing over it for days.) We were both kinda amazed. It was a small thing, but big in our minds....
In 1975 I walked a blind guy up to Wierwille at a meeting (Buffalo, NY)...Veepee looked at my friend and asked him what he wanted, my friend told Veepee that he came tonight to receive his healing and be able to see again...Grifter Vic told him to take the pfal class and he would receive his healing during the class...To make a long story short, my blind friend couhed up the $100, took the class, never received his sight and died shortly after...Maybe the mog was having an "off night" when we saw him.
The only "healings" I'm aware of that the Vickster performed were those he claimed himself. Yeah, there was the supposed Jain priest with the limp arm in Jubulpore (conveniently located halfway around the world, so as to make co-roberation extra simple).
But there was also his first "healing of reconciliation" (or whatever obtuse terminology he used) where a little boy at the county fair had his finger cut off. Wierwille prayed for the boy and - Voila! - his finger is miraculously restored, uh, after the surgeons spent hours stitching it back on (oh, did I leave out that part?).
Then there was the infamous case of the foul-mouthed auto mechanic who always listened to Wierwille on the radio. He had a serious heart condition and again, VeePee prayed and the mechanic recovered! Oh, yeah, the doctors had been trying several new regimens on him, but you know what REALLY worked, now, don't you?
But there was also his first "healing of reconciliation" (or whatever obtuse terminology he used) where a little boy at the county fair had his finger cut off. Wierwille prayed for the boy and - Voila! - his finger is miraculously restored, uh, after the surgeons spent hours stitching it back on (oh, did I leave out that part?).
(lol) -what did he do - provide for the finger a cup of ice?
That whole process of "ministering healing", as taught by Wierwille was as phoney as a three dollar bill. First thought? Gimme a break. When George Aar is talking to me, I don't have to stop and try to decide whether or not it was "my own thoughts" or George speaking...he tried to formulate it and make it mechanical...half the stuff, he just made up.
Veepee was a total piker when it came to "healing"...now, has anybody caught a whiff of Benny Hinn? This guy puts on a REAL dog and pony show...has folks standing in line and he just walks down the line and heals em all! waves his hand and they drop!...the gullible eat this up like a hot fudge sundae in July. He has his brother "screening" em first as he brings them up...it's hysterical...but Benny's laughing all the way to the bank. The money he makes is far greater than anything Veepee ever generated...just goes to show ya, if you want to bring in the REAL crowds, you have to have a good "light show".
A good movie for showing how people like Benny Hinn operate is "Fletch". Fletch visits a TV ministry show and adopts the persona of Claude Henry Smoot. Or is that Smmoot? or is that Smmoott?
He is also going blind. What a coincidence. Such false hopes raised. We just pray straight to God in Jesus' name and that is better than a minister who waves his hand and people throw themselves over or across a stage and have epileptic fits.
The only "healings" I'm aware of that the Vickster performed were those he claimed himself.
I guess it is hard for someone who will never acknowledge anything good, even incidental, in TWI to acknowledge Linda's and EX10's accounts as not lies, just as it is hard for someone who worships TWI to acknowledge any accounts of the bad. Well , you are now "aware" of these accounts.
OF COURSE it doesnt change or invalidate in the least accounts of the bad in TWI, but it did happen (IMO anyway because I believe Linda's and Ex10's accounts) , and for some it seems hard to accept, even though they could minimize the significance of these accounts as they wished.
VPW as a source of such healing he so promoted that there are only as much less than a few?
The scar the cold sore~~~ that's an easy manipulation Our Father In The Word.
I have a story of healing that came from a person called "Snuffy Smith" ... never involved TWI!!!
In other words, VP is not a magical== miracle
worker that proves he's a man o god or proves any thing more than deception.
I do not doubt these healings occured by VPW(?) chough, but seriously~~~ are they any more?
are these the only ones?
I can tell ya my experience of Snuffy Smith. Wrote about it a few times. I am talking about learning to actually walking again without a cane that would draw a knot 'pon ones head if they f'd with me my hobble of legs
VP's healings are nothing more than short than deceiver
compared to the Snuffy Smith and my Bone Doc's!!!
He laid hands on ya? He touched your lips a sore? Are there any more healings than these?
I was sewn up by the bone man Nettles, and believe me he was no comparison DR VICTOR PAUL WEIRWILLE's coughorseshticough... uhm false credentials to touch some one and their healing is thus believed his miricaLS~~~
Nettles was an actual DR~~~
Weirwolf was total bullsit...
Sure i believe for sure those who were healed,
but certainly not by the touch of a self procLAMED VPW FATHER IN THE WORD!!!
All due respect all healing in a persons life
all due respect~~~
two believers riding in a car over a single lane bridge and an opposing vehicle comes accros and they claim they went through each other and reported the experience at at twig~~~ standing believers~~~
Damn where is there a Pink Floyd thought of song when i need such a melody of reference~~~
I do not doubt these healings occured by VPW(?) chough, but seriously~~~ are they any more?
I made no reference to the number of VPW healings because I do not know. I suppose trying other forums or sources would help to get an idea.
My point was not the significance of the healings testified to on this thread, or that they testified to VPW's character; it was that some, such as George, who posted after these testimonies were given, do not want to acknowledge that any real healings occurred. It is as if the thought is alien or impossible to swallow that ANY occurred. Note your original question (Did ANYONE witness...?) seemed to make this tone; that is, you were asking if it ever happened at all...your question wasnt how many. About the hard to swallow part...I noticed that cough of yours.
These testimonies of VPW healings would not disprove in the least any reliable testimony of TWI hurt. In fact, testimonies of hurt or anything else are much more believable coming from those who dont ignore(pretend they didnt see) testimony or anything else they see just because it doesnt fit their good ot bad ideal of VPW or TWI.
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I heard of some guy in India doing something from a train as he was leaving that city. "What was it now???." "Oh yea... Strech forth thine hand!" I always thought how selfish of that guy to leave when he could have stayed and helped more people. The witness of that one lady alone would have turned the "tide of unbelief" around so more people could have "recieved Gods blessing."
That story alone always gave be a bad taste in my mouth. So many questions and no answers about that story. Was it VeePee who was in India or someone else.
Anyway VeePee played a great game.
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Never saw it. But I knew a number of people who were laid hands on (clothed, mind you) earlier. Also, I understand my Advanced Class may have been the first where VeePee (& perhaps a few others) didn't "lead people into" ministering along the lines of how BG always did it.
I never heard of it from the mid 70's on...
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Hills Bro
I heard Veepee took some corn mesh and turned it into white lightning. Funny.. he could do this on a regular basis. The miracle of fermentation.
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is anyone witness VPW's healing people?
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Hey Hills Bro ... ya mind picking up after ya dog
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did i ever witness it firsthand ? no
did he tell me he could heal me from childhood sexual abuse ? yes
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Good question. I waited years and years to see VPW minister healing after a teaching.....never did.....then......waited years and years to see LCM minister healing......Never happened......See, when your heart is against the knowledge of God,which both VPW and LCM knew their hearts were off, because of sin, they both had no real confidence in God,plus they knew that miracles were gone in their lives, until they repented and walked for God again.
Plus, even a sinner can teach the four crucified or read a book on the day Jesus died and teach it....that is what tricked us.....but the truth is, they had no power or demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit....God would not allow it.
We were upfront and close to a perfect con game.
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B.G. Leonard was at corps week and the ROA in 85. Corps people were being ministered to and being healed left and right. B. G. was going to teach at the ROA but LCM was so incensed at the healings that he gave B. G. Leonard, (Wierwille's teacher) the bums rush and wouldn't let him teach...
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After researching healing, I came to doubt the PFAL account of VPW healing the guy in India who said, "I do not believe in your Jesus". Doesn't work with scripture accounts of healing.
Sounds now like the snowstorm thing.
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Linda Z
VPW ministered to me once, after I'd totalled my car on the way to ROA '72, and I was healed--not instantaneously, but very quickly.
That Saturday's evening teaching at ROA was "Lord I Believe," about the man Jesus healed who was born blind. I'm sure that contributed to my speedy recovery. (I hadn't taken the PFAL class yet.)
I've shared about this at length both on Waydale and GS, so this is the abbreviated version:
After the accident: Nasty, deep facial cut from top of my forehead to tip of my chin, caused by breaking the windshield with my face (ouch).
Couldn't walk without leaning on someone, because I'd rammed my knee into a metal panel under the dash.
ROA was only three days long then. By the end of that long weekend, the facial cut was healed to the point that the scabs were coming off, leaving perfectly healed skin underneath. I ended up with only a teensy scar under my bottom lip.
By the second day I could walk using a walking stick someone found for me. By the final day I was walking without the stick. I've never had any residual problems with that knee.
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Actually, I did see VP heal someone once. I can't remember the year, except to say that it was early 80's. I had a girlfriend (a newby grad) come to the Rock. We were hanging out, and somehow bumped into VP. (I think it was backstage.) She had a really bad cold sore on her lip, as I introduced her, VP reached out and touched her mouth where the sore was. He didn't say anything much, just something like glad to have you here yada,yada.
No kidding, the sore dried up and was gone in a couple of hours. Like before the main teaching in the big tent was over. (She'd been stressing over it for days.) We were both kinda amazed. It was a small thing, but big in our minds....
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I don't think it's a small thing. If it's the power of God then it's a big deal.
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In 1975 I walked a blind guy up to Wierwille at a meeting (Buffalo, NY)...Veepee looked at my friend and asked him what he wanted, my friend told Veepee that he came tonight to receive his healing and be able to see again...Grifter Vic told him to take the pfal class and he would receive his healing during the class...To make a long story short, my blind friend couhed up the $100, took the class, never received his sight and died shortly after...Maybe the mog was having an "off night" when we saw him.
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George Aar
The only "healings" I'm aware of that the Vickster performed were those he claimed himself. Yeah, there was the supposed Jain priest with the limp arm in Jubulpore (conveniently located halfway around the world, so as to make co-roberation extra simple).
But there was also his first "healing of reconciliation" (or whatever obtuse terminology he used) where a little boy at the county fair had his finger cut off. Wierwille prayed for the boy and - Voila! - his finger is miraculously restored, uh, after the surgeons spent hours stitching it back on (oh, did I leave out that part?).
Then there was the infamous case of the foul-mouthed auto mechanic who always listened to Wierwille on the radio. He had a serious heart condition and again, VeePee prayed and the mechanic recovered! Oh, yeah, the doctors had been trying several new regimens on him, but you know what REALLY worked, now, don't you?
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We've had more reliable accounts than I expected.
I think we all agree the Jubbulpore thing was made up
out of whole cloth-on examination, it makes progressively
less sense.
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(lol) -what did he do - provide for the finger a cup of ice?
Good Lord...
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I am happy to hear he did a few healings with the power of God. That blind man episode disturbs me, though.
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Yeah, it disturbed me too...he was a good friend.
That whole process of "ministering healing", as taught by Wierwille was as phoney as a three dollar bill. First thought? Gimme a break. When George Aar is talking to me, I don't have to stop and try to decide whether or not it was "my own thoughts" or George speaking...he tried to formulate it and make it mechanical...half the stuff, he just made up.
Veepee was a total piker when it came to "healing"...now, has anybody caught a whiff of Benny Hinn? This guy puts on a REAL dog and pony show...has folks standing in line and he just walks down the line and heals em all! waves his hand and they drop!...the gullible eat this up like a hot fudge sundae in July. He has his brother "screening" em first as he brings them up...it's hysterical...but Benny's laughing all the way to the bank. The money he makes is far greater than anything Veepee ever generated...just goes to show ya, if you want to bring in the REAL crowds, you have to have a good "light show".
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A good movie for showing how people like Benny Hinn operate is "Fletch". Fletch visits a TV ministry show and adopts the persona of Claude Henry Smoot. Or is that Smmoot? or is that Smmoott?
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My father-in-law likes Benny Hinn.
He is also going blind. What a coincidence. Such false hopes raised. We just pray straight to God in Jesus' name and that is better than a minister who waves his hand and people throw themselves over or across a stage and have epileptic fits.
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A good movie to watch is "Leap of Faith" with Steve Martin, Debra Winger, and Liam Neeson.
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Lifted Up
I guess it is hard for someone who will never acknowledge anything good, even incidental, in TWI to acknowledge Linda's and EX10's accounts as not lies, just as it is hard for someone who worships TWI to acknowledge any accounts of the bad. Well , you are now "aware" of these accounts.
OF COURSE it doesnt change or invalidate in the least accounts of the bad in TWI, but it did happen (IMO anyway because I believe Linda's and Ex10's accounts) , and for some it seems hard to accept, even though they could minimize the significance of these accounts as they wished.
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Yes Healings are real.
VPW as a source of such healing he so promoted that there are only as much less than a few?
The scar the cold sore~~~ that's an easy manipulation Our Father In The Word.
I have a story of healing that came from a person called "Snuffy Smith" ... never involved TWI!!!
In other words, VP is not a magical== miracle
worker that proves he's a man o god or proves any thing more than deception.
I do not doubt these healings occured by VPW(?) chough, but seriously~~~ are they any more?
are these the only ones?
I can tell ya my experience of Snuffy Smith. Wrote about it a few times. I am talking about learning to actually walking again without a cane that would draw a knot 'pon ones head if they f'd with me my hobble of legs
VP's healings are nothing more than short than deceiver
compared to the Snuffy Smith and my Bone Doc's!!!
He laid hands on ya? He touched your lips a sore? Are there any more healings than these?
I was sewn up by the bone man Nettles, and believe me he was no comparison DR VICTOR PAUL WEIRWILLE's coughorseshticough... uhm false credentials to touch some one and their healing is thus believed his miricaLS~~~
Nettles was an actual DR~~~
Weirwolf was total bullsit...
Sure i believe for sure those who were healed,
but certainly not by the touch of a self procLAMED VPW FATHER IN THE WORD!!!
All due respect all healing in a persons life
all due respect~~~
two believers riding in a car over a single lane bridge and an opposing vehicle comes accros and they claim they went through each other and reported the experience at at twig~~~ standing believers~~~
Damn where is there a Pink Floyd thought of song when i need such a melody of reference~~~
humble song
rok on
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Lifted Up
I made no reference to the number of VPW healings because I do not know. I suppose trying other forums or sources would help to get an idea.
My point was not the significance of the healings testified to on this thread, or that they testified to VPW's character; it was that some, such as George, who posted after these testimonies were given, do not want to acknowledge that any real healings occurred. It is as if the thought is alien or impossible to swallow that ANY occurred. Note your original question (Did ANYONE witness...?) seemed to make this tone; that is, you were asking if it ever happened at all...your question wasnt how many. About the hard to swallow part...I noticed that cough of yours.
These testimonies of VPW healings would not disprove in the least any reliable testimony of TWI hurt. In fact, testimonies of hurt or anything else are much more believable coming from those who dont ignore(pretend they didnt see) testimony or anything else they see just because it doesnt fit their good ot bad ideal of VPW or TWI.
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