quote:In my opinion God used the Internet to bridge that gap and stop the hurt and broken heartedness and to reveal the truth about the darker side of TWI.
Now people could instantly have a place for healing, sharing their hurt, and discussing alternative belief systems, with a choice of other groups they could belong to if they chose, including some awesome mainstream denominations that put TWI to shame.
Today it is all but painless to leave TWI. It is easier than it has even been. In fact once a person leaves they find it is easier to stay in touch and reconnect with wondereful believers and friends from all over the world once again.
Thank you for your post. I totally agree.
I exited twi before waydale was born, and it was a little tough going at first. But now....there is SO MUCH ACCESS instantly.
It has been exciting to reconnect with friends and corps buddies who left decades ago! :)-->
What, The Way International acting like they OWNED you? Why are you so surprised?
They owned you lock, stock, and barrel.
They had at least 10% or more of your income and could count on soaking even more of it up at the bookstore, in classes, and in special events.
They had your love, they had your devotion, they had your undying affection, and they had your fierce allegience.
Until they lost it.
Until someone opened your eyes to the fear you were bound by, until someone revealed the deceit that held you captive and sucked the life's blood from your very soul, and staunched the flow by releasing you from the clutches of that vile caball of wicked wolves. Those freed from their grasp are growing stronger, challenging TWI's lies, and exposing the BOD for the corrupt blood-sucking parasites that they are.
Unfortunately for the BOD, they are the ones becoming anemic at the loss of their prey.
And for The Way, a liberated mind is a fearsome thing to face.
What, The Way International acting like they OWNED you? Why are you so surprised?
They owned you lock, stock, and barrel.
They had at least 10% or more of your income and could count on soaking even more of it up at the bookstore, in classes, and in special events.
They had your love, they had your devotion, they had your undying affection, and they had your fierce allegience.
Until they lost it.
Until someone opened your eyes to the fear you were bound by, until someone revealed the deceit that held you captive and sucked the life's blood from your very soul, and staunched the flow by releasing you from the clutches of that vile caball of wicked wolves. Those freed from their grasp are growing stronger, challenging TWI's lies, and exposing the BOD for the corrupt blood-sucking parasites that they are.
Unfortunately for the BOD, they are the ones becoming anemic at the loss of their prey.
And for The Way, a liberated mind is a fearsome thing to face.
Has any one considered J shro his travels after emeritus status~~~ to fla recruiting people he knew where outies?
when jshro came to fla to replace a fort, and we tc 's met with the jshro, he said in that meet... "I suppose I have been demoted~~~
and he placed a thing on his table a triangle type of thing indicating he was ordained clergy TWI
and jshro realised his emeritus status his screwed state and began his learnt position to reach out as he was reached... the family abuse goes on~~~
jshro's ministry is based upon the deceit of twi in that he also m&a people, supported LCM to the nth degree and claimed all his years in TWI he knew nothing about what was going on
LIAR!!! he supported the lies!!!
From the "Florida Household Heartbeat" Aug/Sept '94 QUOTE his words~~~
"Rev. Martindales' new Advanced Class enhanced our understanding of Dr. Wierwilles class, and brought us into new light in many areas because Rev. Martindale was able to build upon previous class teachings."
ya see skyrider that is the deceit... they never told you what you would eventually be demanded the sweet ..... inbetween side the green card
in other words>>> if they told you the but portion, you would never have signed the benefits portion, or would you? They knew what you would do and others over and over... and even to now and TWIster Sisters know the same manipulation!!!
Master Manipulators of The Word!!!
i think i am gonna play How Many More Times really LOUD
Has any one considered J shro his travels after emeritus status~~~ to fla recruiting people he knew where outies?
when jshro came to fla to replace a fort, and we tc 's met with the jshro, he said in that meet... "I suppose I have been demoted~~~
and he placed a thing on his table a triangle type of thing indicating he was ordained clergy TWI
and jshro realised his emeritus status his screwed state and began his learnt position to reach out as he was reached... the family abuse goes on~~~
jshro's ministry is based upon the deceit of twi in that he also m&a people, supported LCM to the nth degree and claimed all his years in TWI he knew nothing about what was going on
LIAR!!! he supported the lies!!!
From the "Florida Household Heartbeat" Aug/Sept '94 QUOTE his words~~~
"Rev. Martindales' new Advanced Class enhanced our understanding of Dr. Wierwilles class, and brought us into new light in many areas because Rev. Martindale was able to build upon previous class teachings."
It's TWI's loss and they are crying in their soup over it.
Remember Pharoah regretting letting the people of Israel go? He was bitter at the loss and the man who liberated them. He changed his mind, and tried to run them down.
But we all know how that story ended, now don't we?
Yes, John it may be easier to get out now without all the mark and avoid hostility. But, if in a marriage one partner does not agree to leave it makes it very tough to do with out breaking up the marriage.
Who is calling it stealing if the offshoots and others pick up the people TWI booted, kicked, or the ones that left of thier own accord?
And remember those who are still in, Everyone's welcome here at the greasespot cafe. The coffee might get a little strong towards the bottom of the pot, but the coversation, love, and careing are the best to be found anywhere short of the second coming.
If anytime that you want to jump in on a conversation feel free, it doesn't cost anything, and you sure are welcome back anytime you want to. There is always a seat for a friend and a nice hot cup of java.
Skyride, I can't find that thread you're quoting from in your initial post. Which one is it?
Catcup has a point - if people can be "stolen", maybe they weren't that good to begin with. Anyone truly rooted in the prevailing truth wouldn't be stolen would they? No, they'd be valiant champions of the truth, right? LCM went to so much trouble getting rid of all the losers in the 90's, maybe he just missed a few. I'd think they'd be happy at getting some mop up housecleaning, no charge. It's like they're outsourcing their own pruning. Only the strong will survive and that's what they like. Nice beefy, strong ones.
And really, churches like the Way are like businesses anyway and businesses do fight for their slice of the market. It's no wonder if there are still mean-istries fighting over the people of the Way. Far from being sheep, they're treated like beef. Cows. Steers. Moo-moo's. Rustle a few strays, put together a li'l herd of your own, ya gotta right nice spread.
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Tumbleweed Kid
How do you spell defeat?
"S-T-O-L-E-N P-E-O-P-L-E"
I bet the off shoots are bigger than TWI by now.
There's got to be at least two that are bigger than TWI.
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I wonder if the next lawsuit will demand that the offshoots give them back.
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Thank you for your post. I totally agree.
I exited twi before waydale was born, and it was a little tough going at first. But now....there is SO MUCH ACCESS instantly.
It has been exciting to reconnect with friends and corps buddies who left decades ago!
Now, away from twi, life is so liberating!
Riding the skyways of life,
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A la prochaine
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What, The Way International acting like they OWNED you? Why are you so surprised?
They owned you lock, stock, and barrel.
They had at least 10% or more of your income and could count on soaking even more of it up at the bookstore, in classes, and in special events.
They had your love, they had your devotion, they had your undying affection, and they had your fierce allegience.
Until they lost it.
Until someone opened your eyes to the fear you were bound by, until someone revealed the deceit that held you captive and sucked the life's blood from your very soul, and staunched the flow by releasing you from the clutches of that vile caball of wicked wolves. Those freed from their grasp are growing stronger, challenging TWI's lies, and exposing the BOD for the corrupt blood-sucking parasites that they are.
Unfortunately for the BOD, they are the ones becoming anemic at the loss of their prey.
And for The Way, a liberated mind is a fearsome thing to face.
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Bravo, Catcup!
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"Stealing of People"
Has any one considered J shro his travels after emeritus status~~~ to fla recruiting people he knew where outies?
when jshro came to fla to replace a fort, and we tc 's met with the jshro, he said in that meet... "I suppose I have been demoted~~~
and he placed a thing on his table a triangle type of thing indicating he was ordained clergy TWI
and jshro realised his emeritus status his screwed state and began his learnt position to reach out as he was reached... the family abuse goes on~~~
jshro's ministry is based upon the deceit of twi in that he also m&a people, supported LCM to the nth degree and claimed all his years in TWI he knew nothing about what was going on
LIAR!!! he supported the lies!!!
From the "Florida Household Heartbeat" Aug/Sept '94 QUOTE his words~~~
"Rev. Martindales' new Advanced Class enhanced our understanding of Dr. Wierwilles class, and brought us into new light in many areas because Rev. Martindale was able to build upon previous class teachings."
Edited by oneyedjackswild1 psLink to comment
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It's been about 30 years ago, but I don't remember that little green card stating:
Makes life meaningful............but twi owns you.
Increases prosperity.............but you owe it to us.
Separates truth from error.......but you need to always stand with us.
Establishes harmony in home......but you must be in our household.
Eliminates fear..................but you shall fear if you leave us.
Enables good health..............but you will die if you leave twi.
Can't remember the others.......
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ya see skyrider that is the deceit... they never told you what you would eventually be demanded the sweet ..... inbetween side the green card
in other words>>> if they told you the but portion, you would never have signed the benefits portion, or would you? They knew what you would do and others over and over... and even to now and TWIster Sisters know the same manipulation!!!
Master Manipulators of The Word!!!
i think i am gonna play How Many More Times really LOUD
I hope that refreshes your memory.
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Tumbleweed Kid
I believe there was a benefit that:
you could take the class again for free... Except they ended the class
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To reiterate what was posted by others before...
Why is TWI complaining about losing people they themselves deemed were unworthy of their household?
What loss was that to them?
Unless they later realized the value of the people they kicked to the curb.
They don't mourn the loss of the person, they mourn the loss of their value--
Bottom line.........
They mourn the loss of your MONEY.
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posted October 17, 2004 02:18
"Stealing of People"
Has any one considered J shro his travels after emeritus status~~~ to fla recruiting people he knew where outies?
when jshro came to fla to replace a fort, and we tc 's met with the jshro, he said in that meet... "I suppose I have been demoted~~~
and he placed a thing on his table a triangle type of thing indicating he was ordained clergy TWI
and jshro realised his emeritus status his screwed state and began his learnt position to reach out as he was reached... the family abuse goes on~~~
jshro's ministry is based upon the deceit of twi in that he also m&a people, supported LCM to the nth degree and claimed all his years in TWI he knew nothing about what was going on
LIAR!!! he supported the lies!!!
From the "Florida Household Heartbeat" Aug/Sept '94 QUOTE his words~~~
"Rev. Martindales' new Advanced Class enhanced our understanding of Dr. Wierwilles class, and brought us into new light in many areas because Rev. Martindale was able to build upon previous class teachings."
hmmm letter do speak volumes of HEART!!!!!!
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I have no idea why The Way International would gripe about "losing" people who were already out.
Kinda like complaining about the folks who picked through things discarded at the curb.
Why would it bother you that someone picked up the old sofa you left at the curb?
Unless you forgot you stuffed the lining with a couple hundred thousand dollars.............
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JSHRO is TWI addict removed his supply status and depends 'pon others his addiction the word the word and nothing but the word...
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I suppose homeless people would be so lucky a sofa stuffed with riches like winning the lottery
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Yup, to quote another "people thief"--
"We left Egypt with all of the gold!"
It's TWI's loss and they are crying in their soup over it.
Remember Pharoah regretting letting the people of Israel go? He was bitter at the loss and the man who liberated them. He changed his mind, and tried to run them down.
But we all know how that story ended, now don't we?

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Wonton Soup
How can they(offshoots)steal something that twi never owned to begin with?
Sheer egotisism and a deluded view of reality, perhaps on both their parts
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And, it probably dawned on twi's bod that they also lost the parents' children.......the next generation.
And, the generation after that....infinitum.
And, to estimate the approximate value of this lost MONEY has the bod yelling and cussin' up a storm.
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Mr Moonlight
Yes, John it may be easier to get out now without all the mark and avoid hostility. But, if in a marriage one partner does not agree to leave it makes it very tough to do with out breaking up the marriage.
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Who is calling it stealing if the offshoots and others pick up the people TWI booted, kicked, or the ones that left of thier own accord?
And remember those who are still in, Everyone's welcome here at the greasespot cafe. The coffee might get a little strong towards the bottom of the pot, but the coversation, love, and careing are the best to be found anywhere short of the second coming.
If anytime that you want to jump in on a conversation feel free, it doesn't cost anything, and you sure are welcome back anytime you want to. There is always a seat for a friend and a nice hot cup of java.
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Skyride, I can't find that thread you're quoting from in your initial post. Which one is it?
Catcup has a point - if people can be "stolen", maybe they weren't that good to begin with.
Anyone truly rooted in the prevailing truth wouldn't be stolen would they? No, they'd be valiant champions of the truth, right? LCM went to so much trouble getting rid of all the losers in the 90's, maybe he just missed a few. I'd think they'd be happy at getting some mop up housecleaning, no charge. It's like they're outsourcing their own pruning. Only the strong will survive and that's what they like. Nice beefy, strong ones.
And really, churches like the Way are like businesses anyway and businesses do fight for their slice of the market. It's no wonder if there are still mean-istries fighting over the people of the Way. Far from being sheep, they're treated like beef. Cows. Steers. Moo-moo's. Rustle a few strays, put together a li'l herd of your own, ya gotta right nice spread.
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That thread is on page 2.
It's entitled "The New Ex-Twi Purple Heart Goes To"........
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TWI wanted the honor of controlling and breaking up families to make them weaker all on their own.
No wonder they were distressed to be ripped off.
God said, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge".
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