He wasn't wrong, Oak! He just made bad decisions in his personal life; it doesn't make all the ministry stuff he did wrong.
Revelation changes and with new leadership there will be changes. It's the new dynamic church and it will continue to change to meet the needs of the people.
There MAY have been SOME people who were treated unjustly, but they probably had it coming in other areas of their lives anyway, so don't cry over them.
I can guarantee you that the above justification is very close to what they say and what the kool-aid drinkers believe. It's just sickening. -->
Who makes the decisions that underlie all of The Way International’s doctrines and practices? The Board of Directors.
What gives the Board of Directors the authority to make those decisions? The fact that they are the Board of Directors, the implication being that somehow God is behind their appointment and backs up their pronouncements.
In the scheme of things........vpw set up twi on a weak foundation that had no accountability. Ole vp came out of the church setup and didn't want any Board telling him how to run things....thus, twi's bot birthright was conceived. -->
No accountability over the money spent. No setup for handling grievances or injustices or sexual harrassment.
No elders at the gate who would hear BOTH SIDES of the argument. Heck, even in the OT these provisions were stated. Isn't it something that ole vp could be SO WISE on the indepth truths of scripture and SO FOOLISH on the practicality of everyday living. :P--> :P-->
Maybe that's why some call him slick vic. :D-->
And, if the founder is off-kilter.....the organization doesn't have a chance.
According to Mrs. Wierwille's book Born Again to Serve there was a Board of Directors made up of a variety of PFAL grads and leaders in the early days of The Way. They were not a bunch of rubber-stamping yes-men, so Wierwille eliminated them in favor of the easier-to-control three man Board of Trustees.
Wierwille is quoted in the book as saying that the board was not set up to argue with him, but to support him.
quote:Wierwille is quoted in the book as saying that the board was not set up to argue with him, but to support him.
In other words.....vpw couldn't stand having others around who might overpower his decisions. So, he got his brother and found a lumberyard man/carpenter from Kentucky and rubber-stamped his own yes men!!!
And some wonder why vpw's organization never succeeded into the next generation? :D--> :D--> :D-->
Never underestimate that "SINcerity (ya know: the quality or state of being sincere : honesty of mind : freedom from hypocrisy) is no guarantee for truth."
"Gawd Damn'it my zipper is stuck."
And He walks onto the dim lit ROA stage in a smoking jacket, a cover a stuck zipper. Has a sit a comfy chair next to an end table. Lites a smoke, and sips from His coffee cup and says, "I can smoke in the tent, but you can't." and the small audience whoops applause.
And a quiet hushed the applause.
And then He quotes from heart with expanded usage Chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians the love of gawd in the renewed mind in manifestation...
quote:What gives the Board of Directors the authority to make those decisions? The fact that they are the Board of Directors, the implication being that somehow God is behind their appointment and backs up their pronouncements.
The BOD is a legally-mandated structure that the government requires for tax-exempt organizations. Nothing Godly about it. You can bet your hat that VPW would have gone it alone if it weren't for the legal requirements. Spinning it as Godly was just that, spinning it.
"Revelation changes and with new leadership there will be changes. It's the new dynamic church and it will continue to change to meet the needs of the people."
People? What people? The "new Dynamic Church" (which is going to be the name of my new band haha) has a few thousand members in a country with millions of Christians? That's neither new nor dynamic. It's actually quite pathetic. If this were the new new new dynamic church, that started last week, it would be pretty good. But after 60 years it's laughable.
quote:"Revelation changes and with new leadership there will be changes. It's the new dynamic church and it will continue to change to meet the needs of the people."
"I serve a risen savior he's in the world today, I know that he's living what er men may say"
I serve a powerless taskmaster he's absent from the world today, I know that he's absent what er men may claim"
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He wasn't wrong, Oak! He just made bad decisions in his personal life; it doesn't make all the ministry stuff he did wrong.
Revelation changes and with new leadership there will be changes. It's the new dynamic church and it will continue to change to meet the needs of the people.
There MAY have been SOME people who were treated unjustly, but they probably had it coming in other areas of their lives anyway, so don't cry over them.
I can guarantee you that the above justification is very close to what they say and what the kool-aid drinkers believe. It's just sickening.
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In the scheme of things........vpw set up twi on a weak foundation that had no accountability. Ole vp came out of the church setup and didn't want any Board telling him how to run things....thus, twi's bot birthright was conceived.
No accountability over the money spent. No setup for handling grievances or injustices or sexual harrassment.
No elders at the gate who would hear BOTH SIDES of the argument. Heck, even in the OT these provisions were stated. Isn't it something that ole vp could be SO WISE on the indepth truths of scripture and SO FOOLISH on the practicality of everyday living.

Maybe that's why some call him slick vic.
And, if the founder is off-kilter.....the organization doesn't have a chance.
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.... poor planning precedes .... poor results
no wonder their numbers have dwindled so much over the past few years
no wonder they keep getting hit with lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit...
what I find most interesting is this whole thing could be easily resolved
they must be suckers for punishment I guess
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According to Mrs. Wierwille's book Born Again to Serve there was a Board of Directors made up of a variety of PFAL grads and leaders in the early days of The Way. They were not a bunch of rubber-stamping yes-men, so Wierwille eliminated them in favor of the easier-to-control three man Board of Trustees.
Wierwille is quoted in the book as saying that the board was not set up to argue with him, but to support him.
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In other words.....vpw couldn't stand having others around who might overpower his decisions. So, he got his brother and found a lumberyard man/carpenter from Kentucky and rubber-stamped his own yes men!!!
And some wonder why vpw's organization never succeeded into the next generation?
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A la prochaine
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Never underestimate that "SINcerity (ya know: the quality or state of being sincere : honesty of mind : freedom from hypocrisy) is no guarantee for truth."
"Gawd Damn'it my zipper is stuck."
And He walks onto the dim lit ROA stage in a smoking jacket, a cover a stuck zipper. Has a sit a comfy chair next to an end table. Lites a smoke, and sips from His coffee cup and says, "I can smoke in the tent, but you can't." and the small audience whoops applause.
And a quiet hushed the applause.
And then He quotes from heart with expanded usage Chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians the love of gawd in the renewed mind in manifestation...
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The BOD is a legally-mandated structure that the government requires for tax-exempt organizations. Nothing Godly about it. You can bet your hat that VPW would have gone it alone if it weren't for the legal requirements. Spinning it as Godly was just that, spinning it.
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Georgio Jessio
"Revelation changes and with new leadership there will be changes. It's the new dynamic church and it will continue to change to meet the needs of the people."
People? What people? The "new Dynamic Church" (which is going to be the name of my new band haha) has a few thousand members in a country with millions of Christians? That's neither new nor dynamic. It's actually quite pathetic. If this were the new new new dynamic church, that started last week, it would be pretty good. But after 60 years it's laughable.
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"I serve a risen savior he's in the world today, I know that he's living what er men may say"
I serve a powerless taskmaster he's absent from the world today, I know that he's absent what er men may claim"
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Song: and it tweren't coffee in dat coffee cup, neither.....howwww-errd, nuthta cup o' coffee, please...
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were you there that ROA?
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