..."Plainly, Mr. McMullan and Shannon Bottoms are less interested in visiting either cemetery than they are in making an issue where none should exist."
Plainly, Mr. Magnelli, there is an issue THAT DOES EXIST!!!
Well, once more---with feeling... This is clearly a ....in' contest that neither side has any intention of loosing. But loose, someone most certainly will. Unfortunately, I think that Doug and Shannon can just forget it. The Way International Headquarters is private property, and the BOD is legally intitled to restrict its access to anyone they choose. Of course, as far as what's morally right, The Way has not been particularly interested in that for quite some time. I do however, have to agree with Rico Magnelli's supposition that McMullen and Company's prime motivation is NOT gravesite visitation. What Doug and Shannon wish to do is show the world TWI's pettiness, hardheartedness, and downright vindictiveness toward its former followers---things of which everyone here is already well aware. Problem is, I suspect the world doesn't really give a rat's hindquarters about this matter, in as much as next to nobody is even interested in TWI itself. The lawsuit brought forth by Ms. Bottoms and Mr. McMullin, may well be dismissed in court.
What I found interested in the newspaper article was the appearance of J.P. and son this time around. I think it's interested that J.P. didn't even attempt to enter the property, and that Victor was told outright that he was not welcome. What has Victor done to rip his ticket with The BOD, besides refusing to "stand" with TWI? And J.P. was not shy about making a statement to the press concerning his feelings in the matter. Perhaps he WILL have something to say in the future concerning the goings on in Way World. Guess we'll just have to wait and see...
Well, I've mentioned this before, but maybe if I do it often enough, somebody will see how freaking brilliant I am and what great merit there is in the idea.
WayWorld should buy several plots at the local cemetary. Excavate a huge hole. Then take a big front-loader into the Way Woods. Scrape the soil down to a depth of 18" or so anywhere that anybody's ashes were ever scattered. Take that soil to the cemetary and bury it with great ceremony and solemnity. Put up a huge marker there with all the names of anyone who ashes were ever put in the WayWoods.
Then go and get the Vickster, Uncle Harry, Ermal, Don, and whoever else's body in planted at Hdqtrs. and reintere them in town as well.
Now go get a few protestant preachers, maybe a Catholic priest or two, a Buddhist monk, a Rabbi, and whatever other denomination might make sense and have them come out to WayWorld and do their own particular "cleansing" ceremony to rid the grounds of any ethereal traces of the dearly departed.
Now you're ready to sell off whatever portions of the farm you want to somebody who can actually USE it.
Maybe to Honda. They could use the auditorium as a showroom for their new models, and have video presentations for all their hot clients.
Or maybe to Sony. They could store REAL merchandise in the OSC building and maybe build an assembly facility on ROA grounds.
There's probably lots of opportunities if you guys just get rid of the stiffs. Geeze, perk up already and smell the decade. Nobody's going into the cult business anymore, there's too many other possibilities.
And just think, McMullan and co. wouldn't have anymore windmills to tilt at. The relatives of all those passed on could have an open, public place to pay their respects without any ....ing matches with the likes of you guys, and you could take the money and relocate the tremendous outreach ministry of THE WAY INTERNATIONAL to someplace of greater need, say, Cabo San Lucas fer instance?
You're brilliant, my man. :-) Another alternative would be to mark off the property into two sections. The area with ashes could charge an admission fee which would fund new jobs for all of the new corpse. Oh, wait, hold on, there are only 5! I guess if can be a small fee. LOL!
I agree. Emotions or what we think "is right" doesn't hold much weight in court. It is not illegal to be unkind.
quote:"Mr. McMullan was given the opportunity last year to sign a simple acknowledgement in order to visit the campfire site located in The Way Woods where ashes have been area," Magnelli said. "The campfire site is located in an area where there are are three residences of staff of The Way and The Way has explained that it cannot allow people to wander that area at their whim. ...
I thought they weren't allowing Doug to enter, period. Now all he has to do is sign a waiver and he's in? Depending on what the waiver states, on the surface this seems like a reasonable request, because what happens if someone goes there and trashes the place? I think it's reasonable to expect an organization to control and protect their property.
quote: on the surface this seems like a reasonable request
The problem with this, as Doug has surmised, is this waiver is a one time exeption and also recognizes TWI's property rights which he does not feel aparently they have.
each one of them (rivendark, her commander donna, maggit sp? whoever) should have a big fat tree from the way woods shoved up their body, soul and spirit
how dare they - especially (but not especially, you know what i mean, i hope) wierwille's son and grandson
How can these people think that they are leading any kind of a Christian life, acting this way. They need to have some compassion for people wanting to come and visit their deceased family members. I've never heard of such low, and discusting behavior for a so called "Christian," group. IMHO :(--> :(--> :(-->
disclaimer: I support God, Truth and the American Way.
Doug McMullan is a singularly private and individualistic human....a rare American....he truly believes he has been called to this contest. Doug is not pursuing this for the possiblity of a $ settlement...not for the notoriety of the internet (he has NEVER, not ONCE, posted here at gspot, himself.)
For Doug, this is personal, spiritual, and what he believes God has truly burned into his heart and bones. You and I may or may not agree....but I TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY SUPPORT his right to pursue what he believes is an issue from the lord.
Then, of course there is the part of me that wants to jump up, show holy hands and proclaim that Jesus is Lord.....however it ends, I support Doug and Shannon. They are doing what they believe is SPIRITUALLY CORRECT, technically, politically correct? Maybe, maybe night....but they believe they have a fire in their bones to pursue this.
who do they think they are ? who is this .... ant who talks to the newspapers ? is it his property ? same with that one who lives out in the way cemetery and her wife
Here is the article (it is already in the Archives, and you need to search for it) October 7 2004
quote:Suit filed against The Way
Managing Editor
SIDNEY - A Mississippi man who has been arrested the past two years for trespassing at The Way International has filed for an injunction so he and another member can visit graves at two cemeteries on the grounds of the New Knoxville-based religious organization.
Douglas R. McMullen of Raleigh, Miss., and Shannon L. Bottoms of Nashville, Tenn., filed Wednesday in Shelby County Common Pleas Court an injunction seeking a "right to access to the cemetery sites located on the property of The Way International." The civil suit requests "injunctive relief" by preventing members of The Way International "from interfering with plaintiffs' access to the cemeteries."
The filing seeks compensatory and punitive damages totaling more than $15,000 and also requests a trial by jury.
"The Way International just learned of this lawsuit today and is very disappointed that Ms. Bottoms has continued her crusade against The Way," a statement issued by The Way public relations director Rico Magnelli said. "Mrs. Bottoms has never been denied the opportunity to visit the location where her child's ashes have been buried."
The statement addresses attempts by McMullen to visit the cemetery sites in previous years.
"Mr. McMullen, a long-time critic of The Way who has no relatives buried at either cemetery location, attempted to visit the site again last October without permission," Magnelli wrote in the news release to the Wapakoneta Daily News. "Prior to the visit, Mr. McMullen was given the opportunity to visit the site if he acknowledged that it was private property. He refused and was arrested.
"The Way International views the complaint to be frivolous and without any merit," the released continued. "It will vigorously defend its private property rights."
Bottoms visited the cemetery site with McMullen on Oct. 5, 2003, when he was arrested because he declined signing a waiver. He was arrested Oct. 5, 2002, under the same circumstances, but he was not denied access on Oct. 5, 2001.
In January, McMullen was fined $100 and ordered not to have contact with officials from The Way or to visit the religious organization's property for two years by Shelby County Municipal Judge Donald G. Luce for the October offense.
McMullen told the Wapakoneta Daily News he and Bottoms intend to visit the site at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 5.
"I expect I'll be arrested," McMullen said. "But there is so much more at stake here than simply my arrest. Promises were made to Shannon and other families."
Bottoms, who like McMullen is a former follower of The Way, has a son interred at "Way Woods," a cemetery on the grounds of The Way. That cemetery was created in 1975. McMullen also claims to have friends buried at "Way Woods" and the "Garden of Living Waters."
McMullen claims a verbal contract between followers and former directors should be enforced and was part of the reason the civil suit was filed.
The four-count complaint filed by Columbus attorney Benson Wolman of Wolman of Associates claims breach of contract, easement in burial plot, easement for access to cemetery and breach of fiduciary duty.
The suit states followers were promised "that the cemetery sites would be freely accessible to them at any and all times." It notes no written policy existed at the time of the promise, but current Way officials adopted a written cemetery access policy in 2002.
It claims The Way's new policy does not reflect original verbal agreements, thus causing "great emotional distress" for McMullen and Bottoms.
In regard to easement of burial plots, the suit claims a property right was created when Bottoms' infant son was interred and that title was transferred to Bottoms. The third count says Bottoms and McMullen are entitled access to the cemeteries by "an implied easement of necessity," from her interest in her son's cemetery plot and McMullen's interest in his friends' cemetery plots.
The fourth claim of breach of fiduciary duty claims Way officials have violated its duty as a trustee of the cemetery sites "by unreasonably restricting the access of the trust beneficiaries to the burial grounds."
McMullen told the Wapakoneta Daily News that any proceeds from the lawsuit will go to help defray the medical expenses of Dorothea Wierwille, the wife of the founder of The Way International, who is battling Alzheimer's disease. Her care is approximately $4,000 per month.
I appreciate having these things such as on your site available to read. BUT I am astounded, to put it mildly, that the addresses of the participants is there...wide open. Do you have permission to publish their addresses?
Is it necessary for legal reasons to do this? Maybe it would be better to make a copy of this document and black out their addresses. I think that would be the kind thing to do.
I scanned the documents around 3 am and was tired and scanned the wrong page that wasn't whited out. It is already corrected. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Pat
The right Way? Ex-members, Way International disagree on cemetery
Staff Writer
Shannon Bottoms walked out of The Way Woods alone, trailed by a Shelby County Sheriff's Office squad car Tuesday afternoon, on the 27th anniversary of her infant son's death.
Bottoms, a former member of The Way International who now lives in Tennessee, visits the campfire area in The Way Woods each year on Oct. 5 to visit her son's grave. Four friends came with her this year, three were turned away as they entered the woods by The Way International's head of security John Linder and three sheriff's deputies. The fourth, Bottoms' friend and former pastor Doug McMullan of Raleigh, Miss., also a former member of The Way International, was arrested for trespassing and taken to the Shelby County Municipal Court.
"It's such a fiasco to have to go and visit the grave of your son and have close family and friends turned away and have police there," Bottoms told the Wapakoneta Daily News after emerging from the wooded path. "It's such a private and emotional time. I just don't understand the hearts of people that do this to others in the name of God. It's just wrong."
McMullan pleaded guilty in January to one count of attempted criminal trespass, a minor misdemeanor. He was ordered to pay a $100 fine and to stay away from and not to have contact with the The Way International.
McMullan and Bottoms filed last week an injunction against The Way International requesting the court grant them permission to visit the grave site without signing a waiver form as The Way International requires. McMullan was arrested in 2002 and 2003 for attempting to visit the grave, which is in a wooded area south of Wierwille Road.
Before entering the woods, McMullan referred to a comment made in an article in the Wapakoneta Daily News by a spokesman for The Way International, who called the lawsuit frivolous.
"That's why I'm here, because they think people who want to come and pay respect to friends and family are frivolous," McMullan told the Wapakoneta Daily News. "The matter needs to be brought to a head, needs to be settled. It's so cold-hearted to call people who want to pay respects frivolous."
J.D. Wierwille, son of Victor Paul Wierwille, and J.D. Wierwille's son, also named Victor Wierwille, returned to The Way International campus, formerly the Wierwille family farm, for the first time since 1996. Victor Paul Wierwille and his brother founded The Way International and donated their land to the organization. J.D. Wierwille said he heard about the problems McMullan had trying to visit Bottoms' son's grave and decided to witness the situation.
"It's sad and horrifying to think The Way International would put people through this and not allow an easement to the cemetery," J.D. Wierwille said. "That's why my son and I are here. I knew the founders pretty well and I don't imagine this is what they had in mind."
J.D. Wierwille remained on Wierwille Road while Bottoms, McMullan, McMullan's sister, Jane McMullan, Victor Wierwille and Fred Sedahl, also a former member of The Way International, attempted to visit the cemetery. Deputies told Jane McMullan and Fred Sedahl they could visit the cemetery, if they signed waiver forms stating they had permission for one visit, but they declined.
Victor Wierwille, whose maternal grandfather is also buried in the cemetery, was not offered a waiver form and was told he was not welcome in the cemetery.
"This is where I grew up," 20-year-old Victor Wierwille said. "You just don't do this to people. Everyone knows that."
In a statement released to the media Tuesday afternoon, The Way International spokesman Rico Magnelli defended the organization's attempts to keep McMullan off their property.
"Mr. McMullan was given the opportunity last year to sign a simple acknowledgement in order to visit the campfire site located in The Way Woods where ashes have been area," Magnelli said. "The campfire site is located in an area where there are are three residences of staff of The Way and The Way has explained that it cannot allow people to wander that area at their whim. ... Mr. McMullan refused to sign the acknowledgement and was ultimately arrested."
McMullan did notify The Way International that he planned to visit again this year, and was offered the chance to sign another acknowledgment form but did not, Magnelli said.
"The Way International has made repeated efforts with both Shannon Bottoms and Mr. McMullan to avoid a conflict," Magnelli wrote in a news release to the Wapakoneta Daily News. "Rather than cooperate to avoid the conflict, Mr. McMullan and Shannon Bottoms arranged for the media to be present last year to report on Mr. McMullan's arrest. Any emotional distress that Shannon Bottoms claims to have felt as a result of the arrest was either self-inflicted or inflicted by Mr. McMullan. Plainly, Mr. McMullan and Shannon Bottoms are less interested in visiting either cemetery than they are in making an issue where none should exist."
If it were me I would never sign one of those waivers. They are lame. They are almost an insult. Perhaps that is their intended purpose. The founders never intended this, never. It never needed to escalate to this point.
Why doesn't RR, make any comments? Instead she makes Magnelli say stuff, a further insult. PErsonally I think Doug and Shannon are right and I hope they prevail in their efforts. TWI could have avoided this easily and still could. It is no bother to anyone at TWI to have an occasional visitor. Let them fence off the area.
Isn't it ironic...At one time anybody could walk onto the grounds and they were always made to feel welcome. When Martindale was booted, Rozilla had the perfect opprotunity to go back to an open door policy and begin to act like Christians again...but no, she chose to follow after the hardheartedness that was "prevailing". Makes me wonder how much of Martindales policies that she was responsible for to begin with...Who would of ever imagined that a hate filled dyke would end up running the whole thing... -->
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..."Plainly, Mr. McMullan and Shannon Bottoms are less interested in visiting either cemetery than they are in making an issue where none should exist."
Plainly, Mr. Magnelli, there is an issue THAT DOES EXIST!!!
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Cherished Child
Well, once more---with feeling... This is clearly a ....in' contest that neither side has any intention of loosing. But loose, someone most certainly will. Unfortunately, I think that Doug and Shannon can just forget it. The Way International Headquarters is private property, and the BOD is legally intitled to restrict its access to anyone they choose. Of course, as far as what's morally right, The Way has not been particularly interested in that for quite some time. I do however, have to agree with Rico Magnelli's supposition that McMullen and Company's prime motivation is NOT gravesite visitation. What Doug and Shannon wish to do is show the world TWI's pettiness, hardheartedness, and downright vindictiveness toward its former followers---things of which everyone here is already well aware. Problem is, I suspect the world doesn't really give a rat's hindquarters about this matter, in as much as next to nobody is even interested in TWI itself. The lawsuit brought forth by Ms. Bottoms and Mr. McMullin, may well be dismissed in court.
What I found interested in the newspaper article was the appearance of J.P. and son this time around. I think it's interested that J.P. didn't even attempt to enter the property, and that Victor was told outright that he was not welcome. What has Victor done to rip his ticket with The BOD, besides refusing to "stand" with TWI? And J.P. was not shy about making a statement to the press concerning his feelings in the matter. Perhaps he WILL have something to say in the future concerning the goings on in Way World. Guess we'll just have to wait and see...
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What do you suppose Veepee would say if you told him that his children and grandchildren are not welcome at TWI hdqrts?
So the Wierwille farm now belongs to Rosie and Donna?...The way, living in love...Where's Elaina's sequel?
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Well -- he did give it all to twi, though I don't think he ever thought it would come to this.
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George Aar
Well, I've mentioned this before, but maybe if I do it often enough, somebody will see how freaking brilliant I am and what great merit there is in the idea.
WayWorld should buy several plots at the local cemetary. Excavate a huge hole. Then take a big front-loader into the Way Woods. Scrape the soil down to a depth of 18" or so anywhere that anybody's ashes were ever scattered. Take that soil to the cemetary and bury it with great ceremony and solemnity. Put up a huge marker there with all the names of anyone who ashes were ever put in the WayWoods.
Then go and get the Vickster, Uncle Harry, Ermal, Don, and whoever else's body in planted at Hdqtrs. and reintere them in town as well.
Now go get a few protestant preachers, maybe a Catholic priest or two, a Buddhist monk, a Rabbi, and whatever other denomination might make sense and have them come out to WayWorld and do their own particular "cleansing" ceremony to rid the grounds of any ethereal traces of the dearly departed.
Now you're ready to sell off whatever portions of the farm you want to somebody who can actually USE it.
Maybe to Honda. They could use the auditorium as a showroom for their new models, and have video presentations for all their hot clients.
Or maybe to Sony. They could store REAL merchandise in the OSC building and maybe build an assembly facility on ROA grounds.
There's probably lots of opportunities if you guys just get rid of the stiffs. Geeze, perk up already and smell the decade. Nobody's going into the cult business anymore, there's too many other possibilities.
And just think, McMullan and co. wouldn't have anymore windmills to tilt at. The relatives of all those passed on could have an open, public place to pay their respects without any ....ing matches with the likes of you guys, and you could take the money and relocate the tremendous outreach ministry of THE WAY INTERNATIONAL to someplace of greater need, say, Cabo San Lucas fer instance?
Damn, do I have to think of everything for yas?
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You're brilliant, my man. :-) Another alternative would be to mark off the property into two sections. The area with ashes could charge an admission fee which would fund new jobs for all of the new corpse. Oh, wait, hold on, there are only 5! I guess if can be a small fee. LOL!
I agree. Emotions or what we think "is right" doesn't hold much weight in court. It is not illegal to be unkind.
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The court documents from this case are located at: http://www.twisucks.com/lawsuits.htm
Choose the link to McMullen and go to the next page. The link for the new lawsuit is at the top of the page
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I misread the title of this thread at first - with just a cursory glance, it looked like "The Way WEEDS etc", which may be more apt.
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Saw this and almost fell over. 100% of the weed I ever smoked was after twig fellowship. It was the tc and they offered to anyone who stayed.
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each one of them (rivendark, her commander donna, maggit sp? whoever) should have a big fat tree from the way woods shoved up their body, soul and spirit
how dare they - especially (but not especially, you know what i mean, i hope) wierwille's son and grandson
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what i mean is anyone who has lost someone has as great a loss
it's just that their home and grandfather for god's sake
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Abolutely Unbelieveable
How can these people think that they are leading any kind of a Christian life, acting this way. They need to have some compassion for people wanting to come and visit their deceased family members. I've never heard of such low, and discusting behavior for a so called "Christian," group. IMHO
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Radar OReilly
disclaimer: I support God, Truth and the American Way.
Doug McMullan is a singularly private and individualistic human....a rare American....he truly believes he has been called to this contest. Doug is not pursuing this for the possiblity of a $ settlement...not for the notoriety of the internet (he has NEVER, not ONCE, posted here at gspot, himself.)
For Doug, this is personal, spiritual, and what he believes God has truly burned into his heart and bones. You and I may or may not agree....but I TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY SUPPORT his right to pursue what he believes is an issue from the lord.
Then, of course there is the part of me that wants to jump up, show holy hands and proclaim that Jesus is Lord.....however it ends, I support Doug and Shannon. They are doing what they believe is SPIRITUALLY CORRECT, technically, politically correct? Maybe, maybe night....but they believe they have a fire in their bones to pursue this.
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go for it !
you're always welcome at the way
who do they think they are ? who is this .... ant who talks to the newspapers ? is it his property ? same with that one who lives out in the way cemetery and her wife
i'm grouchy. excuse me i'm getting coffee
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Kit Sober
Here is the article (it is already in the Archives, and you need to search for it) October 7 2004
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I appreciate having these things such as on your site available to read. BUT I am astounded, to put it mildly, that the addresses of the participants is there...wide open. Do you have permission to publish their addresses?
Is it necessary for legal reasons to do this? Maybe it would be better to make a copy of this document and black out their addresses. I think that would be the kind thing to do.
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I scanned the documents around 3 am and was tired and scanned the wrong page that wasn't whited out. It is already corrected. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Pat
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thanks for letting us know!
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I found this article more informative:
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The above was from the same web site.
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If it were me I would never sign one of those waivers. They are lame. They are almost an insult. Perhaps that is their intended purpose. The founders never intended this, never. It never needed to escalate to this point.
Why doesn't RR, make any comments? Instead she makes Magnelli say stuff, a further insult. PErsonally I think Doug and Shannon are right and I hope they prevail in their efforts. TWI could have avoided this easily and still could. It is no bother to anyone at TWI to have an occasional visitor. Let them fence off the area.
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Isn't it ironic...At one time anybody could walk onto the grounds and they were always made to feel welcome. When Martindale was booted, Rozilla had the perfect opprotunity to go back to an open door policy and begin to act like Christians again...but no, she chose to follow after the hardheartedness that was "prevailing". Makes me wonder how much of Martindales policies that she was responsible for to begin with...Who would of ever imagined that a hate filled dyke would end up running the whole thing...
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