Nah.....I am fairly certain that he didn't take any "frisky pix" of the current pres and the current "special assistant" to the pres.
But overall.....yeah, this is a total " well, slap my face" moment as they say down here in the Carolinas. Anyone else feeling like we former cultists live in a parallel universe?
I read the, "about the artist" blurb on the site, ALA, and I don't recall ANY mention of his ever having been a minister. How did I miss that? I do think it's absolutely amazing that the Former Rev. Mosquita totally bypassed any mention of ALL THOSE YEARS (how many were there, does anyone know?) in TWI! And this is the man whom I witness cry tears of joy upon hearing "Reverend Martindale's revelation" that the "word was over the world"... Of course, I wouldn't blame him, if he now felt that those years were like a trip to the Twighlight Zone, a time/space continuum anomaly...
Boy, some of those poses certainly are provocative! And Bev doesn't have any problem with him photographing all those nubile young things in such a manner..?
well, I must say I'm impressed how well they so nonchalantly mentioned being a minister and producing such smooth resumes without mentioning all those years as leaders in a cult...
I had to read the entire site and searched for a pic so I could be sure for myself that it was truly him.
Yep, that's the man that destroyed my world in a heartbeat 10 years ago. I don't recognize his wife anymore, but he really left a lasting impression on me when he falsely accused my teenage son of molesting a little boy.
I've been working hard on forgiving him lately (altho he's never contacted me, despite there being no doubt in my mind that he's known how he could contact me since early Greasespot days).
I thought I had forgiven him, but I felt absolutely sick inside when I saw that picture. Now I'm not so sure I'm really as over it as I thought I was. All I do know for sure is that's all the energy I'm going to spend in his direction for awhile again.
quote: I'm impressed how well they so nonchalantly mentioned being a minister and producing such smooth resumes without mentioning all those years as leaders in a cult...
I thought so also.
SongRemains: This is definitely for real. If you click on the link to his website, you will see pictures of him and his family.
Yeah, I wonder what his wife thinks of those pics. Kinda strange. I guess he must really have a passion for photography. He's actually quite good.
quote:He adopted Texas along with his wife and four sons in 1979.
He makes it sound as if he's been in Texas since 1979. I know they were assigned to Texas during the "fog" years, but he definitely wasn't in Texas since then. He was in Indiana and Gunnison "The High Country" as he called it. And then I thought they went back to Washington State to be RCs until they left twi. I thought there was a big deal made about their leaving after lcm's big headline story. I think Harve Platig and Roman Steciw (former RC of that area) went to give twi's point of view on the situation.
He was my first TC in Houston way back in '80 and we caravaned with him and his family to my first ROA in 1981....the year he went into the Corps. He rented a huge RV and I in my old International pick up and another young lady...don't recall her a blue International Scout.
He made his living as a window washer back then and often told of his moving from Washington state to Texas in his VW bus with his family and window washing supplies.
Interestingly, I was a professional phototgrapher in Houston at that time.
That's one of my old friends there in the picture you see when you click on "portfolio". Hi James.
"Photographer of the stars" lol
That's just bizarre.
Both PAul and his eldest turned out o be real asses. I hope they have changed. Would be nice if some of these old leaders would realise the damage they did while in and make an effort to make amends.
Fans of Penthouse may have noticed the photography credits of a George Georgiou. If this is a the same guy George Georgiou that I remember from my ECU twi days, he is a PFAL grad and I remember taking "Dealing with the Adversary" with him when Walter Cummins came to ECU to teach it live in the fall of 1972.
I have been in touch with Paul and he's doing well. I've known him for decades and his family, he's truly a great guy. I don't know how he was after I left TWI, but he's very mellow now.
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I'll bet that in that line of work, it can be a REAL exciting adventure.
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OMG!!! Is that REALLY the former WC Coordinator from the IN campus, P*ul M*squeda??

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A la prochaine
Nude photographer and Minister all in the same r?m?.this is a strange world we live in!
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Kinda makes you wonder if he did any for Rosie and Donna.
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Radar OReilly
Nah.....I am fairly certain that he didn't take any "frisky pix" of the current pres and the current "special assistant" to the pres.
But overall.....yeah, this is a total " well, slap my face" moment as they say down here in the Carolinas. Anyone else feeling like we former cultists live in a parallel universe?
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is this for real Wayfer Not! ?
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Yet another leader standing firm and stiffening his resolve....
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Anything to keep the members in good standing.
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Cherished Child
I read the, "about the artist" blurb on the site, ALA, and I don't recall ANY mention of his ever having been a minister. How did I miss that? I do think it's absolutely amazing that the Former Rev. Mosquita totally bypassed any mention of ALL THOSE YEARS (how many were there, does anyone know?) in TWI! And this is the man whom I witness cry tears of joy upon hearing "Reverend Martindale's revelation" that the "word was over the world"... Of course, I wouldn't blame him, if he now felt that those years were like a trip to the Twighlight Zone, a time/space continuum anomaly...
Boy, some of those poses certainly are provocative! And Bev doesn't have any problem with him photographing all those nubile young things in such a manner..?
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well, I must say I'm impressed how well they so nonchalantly mentioned being a minister and producing such smooth resumes without mentioning all those years as leaders in a cult...
I had to read the entire site and searched for a pic so I could be sure for myself that it was truly him.
Yep, that's the man that destroyed my world in a heartbeat 10 years ago. I don't recognize his wife anymore, but he really left a lasting impression on me when he falsely accused my teenage son of molesting a little boy.
I've been working hard on forgiving him lately (altho he's never contacted me, despite there being no doubt in my mind that he's known how he could contact me since early Greasespot days).
I thought I had forgiven him, but I felt absolutely sick inside when I saw that picture. Now I'm not so sure I'm really as over it as I thought I was. All I do know for sure is that's all the energy I'm going to spend in his direction for awhile again.
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I thought so also.
SongRemains: This is definitely for real. If you click on the link to his website, you will see pictures of him and his family.
Yeah, I wonder what his wife thinks of those pics. Kinda strange. I guess he must really have a passion for photography. He's actually quite good.
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the reverend can still discern spirits
on that link --
""First of All He is an expert at working with people."
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah aha hahahahah aaah ha haha
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He makes it sound as if he's been in Texas since 1979. I know they were assigned to Texas during the "fog" years, but he definitely wasn't in Texas since then. He was in Indiana and Gunnison "The High Country" as he called it. And then I thought they went back to Washington State to be RCs until they left twi. I thought there was a big deal made about their leaving after lcm's big headline story. I think Harve Platig and Roman Steciw (former RC of that area) went to give twi's point of view on the situation.
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i'm so sorry bowtwi and bowtwi jr.
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where is the link for his web site ?
never mind i think i found it
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Ron G.
This 'un brought me out of forum retirement.
He was my first TC in Houston way back in '80 and we caravaned with him and his family to my first ROA in 1981....the year he went into the Corps. He rented a huge RV and I in my old International pick up and another young lady...don't recall her a blue International Scout.
He made his living as a window washer back then and often told of his moving from Washington state to Texas in his VW bus with his family and window washing supplies.
Interestingly, I was a professional phototgrapher in Houston at that time.
What a hoot!
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Darn, he's been posting again - this is from Abigail!
though I'm sure if 1000Names were here at the moment he would send a heart felt greeting as well.
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wow it really is him.
el strange-O
That's one of my old friends there in the picture you see when you click on "portfolio". Hi James.
"Photographer of the stars" lol
That's just bizarre.
Both PAul and his eldest turned out o be real asses. I hope they have changed. Would be nice if some of these old leaders would realise the damage they did while in and make an effort to make amends.
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Fans of Penthouse may have noticed the photography credits of a George Georgiou. If this is a the same guy George Georgiou that I remember from my ECU twi days, he is a PFAL grad and I remember taking "Dealing with the Adversary" with him when Walter Cummins came to ECU to teach it live in the fall of 1972.
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well, he aint one of our favorites after all the crap and greif he caused us....
I dont care if he was God's photographer (which I am sure that may have entered his mind) I would never hire him.
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Georgio Jessio
I have been in touch with Paul and he's doing well. I've known him for decades and his family, he's truly a great guy. I don't know how he was after I left TWI, but he's very mellow now.
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How did he have time to do all the stuff mentyioned in his resume while he was a "full-time minister" for TWI?
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That's what I was wondering, Oak.
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