I'm no bible scholar here by any stretch. But the way I understood the verse to read was that Paul is talking about fornication and such things. He then reminds the Corinthians... Hey guys and gals, remember ... take care of your bodies (meaning...don't be hose-bags) ...because that body belongs to God...He purchased it with the blood of His son. He thinks highly of you and your vessel...you should too.
I believe God "did" intend for us to give up our wills. The whole idea of living for God and others demands that we give up our wills-which are based on selfishness. We are to turn from our wills and conform them to His will. When Christ was praying just before his capture He prayed,"not my will, but thy will be done". We should pray the same thing.
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A la prochaine
Thanks Bob for clarifying that...that surely puts a whole different slant on things!!!
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i don't get it but that's okay
hey thanks for before, bob, my tears were the good type
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A la prochaine
I'm no bible scholar here by any stretch. But the way I understood the verse to read was that Paul is talking about fornication and such things. He then reminds the Corinthians... Hey guys and gals, remember ... take care of your bodies (meaning...don't be hose-bags) ...because that body belongs to God...He purchased it with the blood of His son. He thinks highly of you and your vessel...you should too.
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Ala...............what the heck is a hose-bag, please clarify !
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I'll see if I can map it out:
-Vic used that verse (and others) to con people into committing themselves to him, i.e. his slave corpse,
-knowing Vic's sins in the fornication area,
-The context of "Your life is not your own" is avoiding fornication.
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Might not be funny. Depends on your perpsective or my warped sense of humor.
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i get it. of course it's hysterical or ironic or something.
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A la prochaine
You ask the darndest questions girl!
Ummm... hose-bag...let's see...not quite sure how to explain.
Ask one of these GS braniacs...they're sure to be able to explain. I'm no good at these 'intellectual' questions.
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I believe God "did" intend for us to give up our wills. The whole idea of living for God and others demands that we give up our wills-which are based on selfishness. We are to turn from our wills and conform them to His will. When Christ was praying just before his capture He prayed,"not my will, but thy will be done". We should pray the same thing.
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Must be one o dem Canadian terms, eh?
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A la prochaine
I'm assuming by your answer, that you're not one of those BRANIACS on GS.
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Isn't hose-bag slang for hoser?
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A la prochaine
Mr. Rider,
Hose-bag perhaps is better described in Amarrrican as...sleeze bag.
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ohhhhhhhhhhhh i thought you meant scumbag
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Isn't scumbag a first cousin to numb-nuts?
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Australian Railway Slang: Hosebag: Flexible brake hose between vehicles. Originally applied to vacuum brake hoses.
But I don't think this definition applies the context of present dialog. Just wanted to cover that ground for future reply's.
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gee my kid's screen name on some war game site is private numb nuts. he has cousins ?
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Hose-bag..........a nylon mesh bag that women store their pantyhose in.
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