Martindale started using "prevailing" in the nineties, it's true, but that decade was called something else, "The Decade of Victory" maybe, I forget, but the current decade was dubbed "The Decade of Prevailing" just before the dumbfoot was ousted.
What a weird picture! First, there are no power tools so this must be early 1900s at most. Which would be ok if it weren't for the African-American man in modern-looking clothes. Behind him is a guy who looks like the Gorton fisherman looking over his shoulder. Must be "genuine spiritual suspicion" on the overseers part who is out of the picture. Some of them look like peasant workers.
More mysteries:
Where is the hole from that big pile of dirt in the foreground?
What are those people in the background doing? Must be corpse just standing around.
And why DOES that guy look like the Gorton fisherman?
I'm sure that every little thing in that poster has meaning.
That's just how TWIt is, that's just how docvic(praise be his name) was.
"And on this one's lapel is the holy spirit dove, and see the leaves of grass? Each one represents a different principle from . . .blah de blah de blah blah blah"
The guy who took this picture had a whip in the other hand - it looks like a f-ing chain gang to me - God, I have a bigger smile on my face when I poop
Oops... you mean I got my decade themes wrong? Better kick me out --- oh, they did that already. hehehehe
Interesting... as I look closer at the picture, I see everybody working, but I get no clear understanding of what they are working on/for... its just very muddled; really not cohesive at all. Yeah, THAT's what this ministry is all about!!
I remember when the idea of these theme posters first came along. It was optional and a lot of us liked them because they weren't half bad to look at. (loved the one of the path through the woods) But this? Uhhh... I wouldn't want this displayed prominently in my home!!
Allright, is it just me or does anyone else see an odd clam-shaped cloud with a little white mushroom-phallic-type formation in front of it? I'm serious. Look at it.
The girl near the bottom of the picture (to the left of the "Gorton fisherman" -lol!) is carrying what appears to be a basket of unidentifiable, generic fruit or vegetables of some kind...yet there are no fruit-bearing trees or plants in sight - just what the hell are they growing there?
To the left of the red-shirt basket girl - a guy apparently groping a blonde-haired girl's breast. To the right of basket-girl - a black, mall security guard?
Above the Gorton fisherman - two peasants exchanging a basket...strange that this garden is apparently planted in so narrow of a strip between a man-made river (or irrigation ditch?) and the path...or are they fishing produce out of the river? Would make better sense if they were growing rice paddies.
Further upstream, what I thought was initially a shadow cast upon the water by the bridge looks more like letters - a cryptic message of some kind, containing the word "DAM"?
To the left of the guy digging a hole for no apparent reason, a guy on his knees using hedge clippers? What are they doing, burying tall grass clippings? Talk about anal retentive...
And then of course, all those background folks loitering in the middle of the path, talking to each other. One of the people (above the pile of dirt) has an unnaturally long arm, holding a stick or a rod...are these the "overseers"?
The people in the foreground (aside from the guy groping the blonde, and black security guard gazing over his shoulder at happy Basket girl) don't exhibit much actual interaction or eye contact with one another.
What a cold, dispassionate, and indeed muddled scene...and yes, those clam-like, phallic clouds are very weird...
Jeash. If this illustration was intended as a metaphor for a "prevailing Word", they failed miserably. I think Highway hit the nail on the head - it's as pointless as twi today.
That picture is truly disturbing, and I'd love to see a breakdown explaining what every detail in it is supposed to mean.
It does break every spiritual rule about art according to Elena Whiteside, but that's not necessarily bad, as I can't imagine anyone producing innovative and important art by following all the spiritual 'rules'
Still, that picture is just a nightmare. Nothing makes any sense, the composition is horrific, the colors garish, as the previous posts here have pointed out so well.
I wonder what John and Meg K*sh would think of this poster. I don't know where they are, but I can't imagine they're still connected with the joint.
If this is their decade of prevailing, they're off to a bumpy start. At the rate they're going, they'll be marrying each other by 2008.
Just noticed, they still have that Bradshaw video up. C'mon Wayfers, get some dignity, please! You got a new poster, lose the paid advertisements.
Weird quote - from Child of the Corn #3, John Rupp, when he's describing Way fellowship activities...he said there's teaching, prayer, and "words of edification and comfort". He's obviously referring to the manifestations, speaking in tongues, interpretation and prophecy. Strange - given the opportunity to speak the biblical truth that they're all crowing about, he deliberately avoids referring to those terms, instead opting for a watered down version that won't raise anyone's hackles about their Wonder Bread ministry.
Can you say....compromise??? I guess prevailing is kissing a$$ instead of kicking it these days at the Way.
"Teaching, Prayer, and words of comfort and edification" huh, John?....What about WORSHIP? When was the last time, anyone recalls having actually worshiped God in a TWI fellowship? What about, praising God with thanksgiving and song? Where is the heartfelt celebration of the Greatness of God Almighty---not just smug self-congratulatory boasting of their status as "the only true Household of God", and sole proprieters of "the rightly divided Word? What about acknowledgement that Jesus Christ is worthy to be praised---that fellowship with him is NOT limited to the use of his name as an appendage to a laundry list of demands? Where is Christ in TWI?
and a ps. here --- concerning the poster on the twi site. I used to date a JW woman, and she handed me all sorts of Watchtower publications, and good Gawd, didn't that there on the twi site remind me of everything the Watchtower Society put out, and mass-produced -- for the perusal of the blind, led by the blind.
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Why don't they just call it "The Decade of Same $hit, Different Day" or how about "The Decade of Nothing New Under Rosie's Thumb"??
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Or how about the "Decade of Kinder, Gentler Colonoscopies".
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what, pre-lubed probes?? what will they think of next???
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Maybe they measure time in dog years? Who knows with those clowns. It's not like some innie is going to have the b**ls to ask.
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The illustration resembled something of an unnatural mating between a "Watchtower" magazine and "The Grapes of Wrath".
The folks look like pathetic, downtrodden serfs, working the doubt, the grounds of twi...isn't that the "Jordan Bridge" in the background?
Jeesh, what a vision...
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Martindale started using "prevailing" in the nineties, it's true, but that decade was called something else, "The Decade of Victory" maybe, I forget, but the current decade was dubbed "The Decade of Prevailing" just before the dumbfoot was ousted.
"Building Biblical Understanding"? What a joke
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Ick. Out of a sense of morbid curiosity, I went and took a look.
TIDan's description is very apt - Watchtower crossed with "The Grapes of Wrath".
Oh yeah, that's going to attract people.
"Come to 'the way internationaltm ' (TWIT) and work your foot off"
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Oh, and I just noticed on their home page it says "Fellowships throughout the United States...didn't they used to claim it was in all fifty states?
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What a weird picture! First, there are no power tools so this must be early 1900s at most. Which would be ok if it weren't for the African-American man in modern-looking clothes. Behind him is a guy who looks like the Gorton fisherman looking over his shoulder. Must be "genuine spiritual suspicion" on the overseers part who is out of the picture. Some of them look like peasant workers.
More mysteries:
Where is the hole from that big pile of dirt in the foreground?
What are those people in the background doing? Must be corpse just standing around.
And why DOES that guy look like the Gorton fisherman?
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I'm sure that every little thing in that poster has meaning.
That's just how TWIt is, that's just how docvic(praise be his name) was.
"And on this one's lapel is the holy spirit dove, and see the leaves of grass? Each one represents a different principle from . . .blah de blah de blah blah blah"
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Heehee--- on their CONTACT link they have snail mail???
NOT email??? Ooo, evil email, shudder shudder.
How Bizarre!
Only at the Way.
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The guy who took this picture had a whip in the other hand - it looks like a f-ing chain gang to me - God, I have a bigger smile on my face when I poop
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Oops... you mean I got my decade themes wrong? Better kick me out --- oh, they did that already. hehehehe
Interesting... as I look closer at the picture, I see everybody working, but I get no clear understanding of what they are working on/for... its just very muddled; really not cohesive at all. Yeah, THAT's what this ministry is all about!!
I remember when the idea of these theme posters first came along. It was optional and a lot of us liked them because they weren't half bad to look at. (loved the one of the path through the woods) But this? Uhhh... I wouldn't want this displayed prominently in my home!!
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Who said they had a CHOICE about displaying depressing posters in
their home?
BTW, anyone using the keys in Whiteside's book on Culture would
have a field day pointing out the spiritual darkness in this picture.
Anybody know if they're still selling it, or is Whiteside still
alive and "mark and avoided"?
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Allright, is it just me or does anyone else see an odd clam-shaped cloud with a little white mushroom-phallic-type formation in front of it? I'm serious. Look at it.
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The girl near the bottom of the picture (to the left of the "Gorton fisherman" -lol!) is carrying what appears to be a basket of unidentifiable, generic fruit or vegetables of some kind...yet there are no fruit-bearing trees or plants in sight - just what the hell are they growing there?
To the left of the red-shirt basket girl - a guy apparently groping a blonde-haired girl's breast. To the right of basket-girl - a black, mall security guard?
Above the Gorton fisherman - two peasants exchanging a basket...strange that this garden is apparently planted in so narrow of a strip between a man-made river (or irrigation ditch?) and the path...or are they fishing produce out of the river? Would make better sense if they were growing rice paddies.
Further upstream, what I thought was initially a shadow cast upon the water by the bridge looks more like letters - a cryptic message of some kind, containing the word "DAM"?
To the left of the guy digging a hole for no apparent reason, a guy on his knees using hedge clippers? What are they doing, burying tall grass clippings? Talk about anal retentive...
And then of course, all those background folks loitering in the middle of the path, talking to each other. One of the people (above the pile of dirt) has an unnaturally long arm, holding a stick or a rod...are these the "overseers"?
The people in the foreground (aside from the guy groping the blonde, and black security guard gazing over his shoulder at happy Basket girl) don't exhibit much actual interaction or eye contact with one another.
What a cold, dispassionate, and indeed muddled scene...and yes, those clam-like, phallic clouds are very weird...
Jeash. If this illustration was intended as a metaphor for a "prevailing Word", they failed miserably. I think Highway hit the nail on the head - it's as pointless as twi today.
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Hope R.
Hmmm - it does look like there's some kind of subliminal message in that waterfall. It probably says "drink the Kool-Aid".
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That picture is truly disturbing, and I'd love to see a breakdown explaining what every detail in it is supposed to mean.
It does break every spiritual rule about art according to Elena Whiteside, but that's not necessarily bad, as I can't imagine anyone producing innovative and important art by following all the spiritual 'rules'
Still, that picture is just a nightmare. Nothing makes any sense, the composition is horrific, the colors garish, as the previous posts here have pointed out so well.
I wonder what John and Meg K*sh would think of this poster. I don't know where they are, but I can't imagine they're still connected with the joint.
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If this is their decade of prevailing, they're off to a bumpy start. At the rate they're going, they'll be marrying each other by 2008.
Just noticed, they still have that Bradshaw video up. C'mon Wayfers, get some dignity, please! You got a new poster, lose the paid advertisements.
Weird quote - from Child of the Corn #3, John Rupp, when he's describing Way fellowship activities...he said there's teaching, prayer, and "words of edification and comfort". He's obviously referring to the manifestations, speaking in tongues, interpretation and prophecy. Strange - given the opportunity to speak the biblical truth that they're all crowing about, he deliberately avoids referring to those terms, instead opting for a watered down version that won't raise anyone's hackles about their Wonder Bread ministry.
Can you say....compromise??? I guess prevailing is kissing a$$ instead of kicking it these days at the Way.
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Cherished Child
"Teaching, Prayer, and words of comfort and edification" huh, John?....What about WORSHIP? When was the last time, anyone recalls having actually worshiped God in a TWI fellowship? What about, praising God with thanksgiving and song? Where is the heartfelt celebration of the Greatness of God Almighty---not just smug self-congratulatory boasting of their status as "the only true Household of God", and sole proprieters of "the rightly divided Word? What about acknowledgement that Jesus Christ is worthy to be praised---that fellowship with him is NOT limited to the use of his name as an appendage to a laundry list of demands? Where is Christ in TWI?
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He's the "Absent Christ", remember?
Or was that just back in the '70s twi-I days?? Maybe he has been absent from then to present. I wouldn't doubt it.
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and a ps. here --- concerning the poster on the twi site. I used to date a JW woman, and she handed me all sorts of Watchtower publications, and good Gawd, didn't that there on the twi site remind me of everything the Watchtower Society put out, and mass-produced -- for the perusal of the blind, led by the blind.
It surely did.
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His absence was explained in the Vicster's work: Jesus Christ, Our PassedOver.
copyright sometimeago by The Way Irrational
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