A lot of lives were wrecked by those scathing remarks, because it ultimately got back to the victim. One man told me he was so torn apart by this treatement that he almost became an alchoholic and that it affected his marriage as well.
This was especially true in the pre-Internet days before there was a forum such as Waydale or this one where the marked and avoided ones could share their feelings and reconnect with others who were similarly treated.
They found themselves suddenly alone, ousted from their friends, and were described publicly as possessed with devil spirits in some cases.
It was even worse for those who were gay or in the closet. I was shocked in some meetings at the screaming and venom that was directed towards them. It was distrubing and unnecessary to publicly name their names, calling them possessed faggots, bull dykes, homos from hell and many other hateful things, regardless of whether or not they were allowed to stay.
I regret not standing up and saying "shut up" and walking out.
Not only were these screaming meetings unnecessary.....in MANY cases, martindale was vehemently ousting someone TO COVER HIS OWN foot.
Years later, I heard several accounts of the other side of the story. Martindale's sexcapades in gunnison were about to be exposed ---- thus he went into action and ousted some leaders. Or, several know about his 1998 Adv Class sexual assault on a corps guy's wife..... and some get mark/avoid.
Martindale LABELED people as possessed to cover his own foot. Once labeled, all avenues of warning other followers was shut off. Once labeled, martindale could have his way.
Since lcm "taught" twi followers his class "defeating the adversary" and the full disecting of major groups in the adv class, most complied with ANYTHING martindale said on the subject of devil spirits. He ran rough-shod over anyone and everyone. After all, he was "the authority" on how devil spirits operated!!!
And he should know!
He is known by many as.......DANCES WITH DEVIL SPIRITS (in tights) :D-->
quote: Or, several know about his 1998 Adv Class sexual assault on a corps guy's wife..... and some get mark/avoid.
I was on Staff during that class. I remember the couple and someone else getting the boot during that class. It was a big deal because these people were branch study group coordinators, and all of a sudden were not around to finish the class out. I found it very odd that lcm didn't have a lunch-time spewing about that whole thing. Afterall, you know the devil-spirit realm works extra hard during an advanced class. --> Martinpuke should know; I think the Devil worked in him in mysterious ways......what a freaking jerk.
Sure am glad I don't believe that bull.... anymore.
The way LCM was it was hard to believe he was born again at all.
Exie, you are still 10,000 posts ahead of me. I think you should debate John Kerry. He wouldn't beat you no way, no how.
Of course, you would have to admit for his sake you were a Bush "plant". And an investigation would ensue with Dan Rather bringing up some fake documents about you and Grease Spot.
Folks at TWI prefer not to think about Martindale at all now that he is gone. They have the people there believing that since they got rid of Craig, the problem is solved. What problem? There are no more problems? They all left with Craig.
No one bothers to mention how to make ammends to the people he screwed, literally and figuratively.
It's better to forget about them, ignore they even existed. Because if the BOD even ONCE acknowleged publicly that they were in error regarding the people they publicly defamed and privately devastated, and financially ruined, it would open up a superhighway for a class-action lawsuit.
So we are all conveniently forgotten and treated as if we never existed at all.
So the obvious question is, who cares what man says or thinks? The Bible was not written for the God-rejector or God-denier.
Just because someone can refuse to believe and can put on a good show does not indicate he or she is above God or His Word and will. It indicates an insane mind if you ask me.
You reap what you sow.
I thank God God has never failed His own Word. Never, not a single time.
I love people. I was saved by grace. But God's grace didn't make me stupid and I do not need to make my own self a dumb-dumb either.
quote:No one bothers to mention how to make ammends to the people he screwed, literally and figuratively.
It's better to forget about them, ignore they even existed. Because if the BOD even ONCE acknowleged publicly that they were in error regarding the people they publicly defamed and privately devastated, and financially ruined, it would open up a superhighway for a class-action lawsuit.
You are so right!
Well, they may never publicly acknowledge it......but I think that there are times when howard and rosie and donna and others hang their heads in shame. Not for long, mind you....just at certain "weak" moments.
But to forfeit one's righteous living and spiritual integrity for a pittance of twi perks is folly.
quote:Folks at TWI prefer not to think about Martindale at all now that he is gone. They have the people there believing that since they got rid of Craig, the problem is solved. What problem? There are no more problems? They all left with Craig.
Oh, you hit the big fat nail right on the head. I heard comments from kork at HQ that people were now free to get in relationships because lcm was gone and not spiritually in charge. I guess lcm's bad karma affected the whole household. I think God is a bigger God than that. You just have to get out of twi to actually see it. They truly do believe all the problems left with him. Isn't it so ironic that they were singing his praises up to the day they had to give him the boot? The bod kept him on his pedestal for a WHOLE FREAKIN' YEAR knowing what he had done because they were there when he was confronted by people he wronged. Why did lcm's .... finally stink when the beloved ministry was facing trouble, not just lcm? It's all a farce and big fat lie right down from the teachings to the mogfat BS.
Why are any of you scared of Rev. Craig Martindale?
[We're not. The guy is mentally unstable, and wields no power. If he does anything to someone, he can be put behind bars for a long time. I think most people just don't want him near their chldren. Once upon a time, that was not the case. That was in the past, however. ]
So the obvious question is, who cares what he says or thinks? He refuses to believe rightly. He is a punk. What else can you really say?
[speaking of the present, that's all we say about him. We speak of the past partly to warn of the evils of the organization that endorsed his immoral, illegal abuses.]
Just because someone can refuse to believe and can put on a good ranting show does not indicate he or she is above God or His Word or His will. It indicates an insane mind if you ask me.
[We've been saying that.]
I thank God God has never failed His own Word. Never, not a single time. Craig Martindale is a failure of a leader and a man.
[ We've been saying that also. ]
[by the way, what's your opinion of life under VPW, before LCM? ]
What's my opinion regarding Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille I take it you mean?
I don't think you personally warrant an answer from me on that. You need to have WAY more love and respect for people before I would cast any pearls your way. Lest I get trampled too right?
If you stand on the Word, God will deliver you. If you are the only one to stand on the Word on any given thing, God will deliver you. If nobody believes you and you stand on the Word, guess what? God will deliver you because God does not allow His Word to fail. This is so simple you can teach children! "Let the little children come to me for such is the kingdom of heaven" (Quoted by memory and may not be word for word accurate from the King James Version of your bible.)
It's wonderful the spirit of God can lead us by the revelation manifestations like a word of knowledge and a word of wisdom and help us as we endeavor to stand on the Word and boldly hold our sonship rights in our hearts and minds.
You asked, that is my answer. Nothing really nasty just sharing the Word which I am required of God to put on in my heart.
(REQUIRED of stewards that a man be found faithful) FAITH-FULL not PERFECT.
quote:What's my opinion regarding Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille I take it you mean?
Well, he did ask what your opinion of VPW was, or do you know anybody else being discussed on this site with the initials VPW?, or maybe you have a problem with initials in general. Or perhaps he didn't "respectfully" put the "doctor" in there.
quote:I don't think you personally warrant an answer from me on that. You need to have WAY more love and respect for people before I would cast any pearls your way. Lest I get trampled too right?
Yippee! We have another drive by prophet! By the way, WordWolf showed plenty of respect in his reply to you, more than you have showed to him in your last post.
quote:You asked, that is my answer
Wait! I thought you said that WordWolf didn't rate an answer -->
quote:Nothing really nasty just sharing the Word which I am required of God to put on in my heart.
I lovingly and respectfully disagree - you were nasty.
Hmmm I musta missed where Samual *shared the word* with us....WHAT word??? sigh reminds me of the good ole days.....folks being mean claiming they were doing the *word*
Most significantly, since 1990....... I must have sat thru 30 corps meetings where LCM named specific daimon devil spirits that inhabited some corps leader who left or was "ousted" by martindale himself. The corps coordinator at gunnison was "a highlighted example" of martindale's scathing remarks. Another man, a project manager overseeing the corps chalet addition, was another that fell prey to lcm's character (and devil spirit) assassination on a corps hook-up.
Many other vivid slanderings come to mind...... all rubber-stamped by martindale's spiritual perception and awareness. He was judge, jury and media reporter all wrapped in one. He had the final say...... and to try and hear the other side of what happened, was NOT an option (unless one wanted a quick, confrontational exit from twi).
BUT NOW THAT MARTINDALE HAS BEEN STRIPPED OF HIS CORPS AND CLERGY STATUS AND OUSTED FROM TWI STAFF...... does the current bod label him _devil-possessed_? The 2nd president of twi goes down in flames in a landscape of adultery and doctrinal perverseness and divisiveness and what happens?????? The bod remains cold, deathly silent --- _for 4 storm-tossed years!_
Why? Could it be that they are trying to hold back an avalanche of lawsuits against twi?
Could it be that twi's bod KNOW the scores of victims of martindale's predatory ways?
Could it be that rosie and donna and linder and others KNOW the legion of lies that have been told to prop up martindale as some "great one" so that followers keep sending in their "indulgences" at the level of 15%, at least?
Silence is "golden"............ but my eyes still see. :D-->
Were the leaders who left posessed (I assume you're referring to the way higher ups)?
No. Leaving was probably the only sane thought they had ever had about twi up to that point that they had acted on and, hopefully, the first of many to follow.
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A lot of lives were wrecked by those scathing remarks, because it ultimately got back to the victim. One man told me he was so torn apart by this treatement that he almost became an alchoholic and that it affected his marriage as well.
This was especially true in the pre-Internet days before there was a forum such as Waydale or this one where the marked and avoided ones could share their feelings and reconnect with others who were similarly treated.
They found themselves suddenly alone, ousted from their friends, and were described publicly as possessed with devil spirits in some cases.
It was even worse for those who were gay or in the closet. I was shocked in some meetings at the screaming and venom that was directed towards them. It was distrubing and unnecessary to publicly name their names, calling them possessed faggots, bull dykes, homos from hell and many other hateful things, regardless of whether or not they were allowed to stay.
I regret not standing up and saying "shut up" and walking out.
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Not only were these screaming meetings unnecessary.....in MANY cases, martindale was vehemently ousting someone TO COVER HIS OWN foot.
Years later, I heard several accounts of the other side of the story. Martindale's sexcapades in gunnison were about to be exposed ---- thus he went into action and ousted some leaders. Or, several know about his 1998 Adv Class sexual assault on a corps guy's wife..... and some get mark/avoid.
Martindale LABELED people as possessed to cover his own foot. Once labeled, all avenues of warning other followers was shut off. Once labeled, martindale could have his way.
Since lcm "taught" twi followers his class "defeating the adversary" and the full disecting of major groups in the adv class, most complied with ANYTHING martindale said on the subject of devil spirits. He ran rough-shod over anyone and everyone. After all, he was "the authority" on how devil spirits operated!!!
And he should know!
He is known by many as.......DANCES WITH DEVIL SPIRITS (in tights)
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Leaders who leave twi were possessed?
Well,.. actually, they were dispossessed.
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So if they come back and get kicked out again are they "repossessed?" ;-)
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you so funny JT
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I was on Staff during that class. I remember the couple and someone else getting the boot during that class. It was a big deal because these people were branch study group coordinators, and all of a sudden were not around to finish the class out. I found it very odd that lcm didn't have a lunch-time spewing about that whole thing. Afterall, you know the devil-spirit realm works extra hard during an advanced class.
--> Martinpuke should know; I think the Devil worked in him in mysterious ways......what a freaking jerk.
Sure am glad I don't believe that bull.... anymore.
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The way LCM was it was hard to believe he was born again at all.
Exie, you are still 10,000 posts ahead of me. I think you should debate John Kerry. He wouldn't beat you no way, no how.
Of course, you would have to admit for his sake you were a Bush "plant". And an investigation would ensue with Dan Rather bringing up some fake documents about you and Grease Spot.
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Folks at TWI prefer not to think about Martindale at all now that he is gone. They have the people there believing that since they got rid of Craig, the problem is solved. What problem? There are no more problems? They all left with Craig.
No one bothers to mention how to make ammends to the people he screwed, literally and figuratively.
It's better to forget about them, ignore they even existed. Because if the BOD even ONCE acknowleged publicly that they were in error regarding the people they publicly defamed and privately devastated, and financially ruined, it would open up a superhighway for a class-action lawsuit.
So we are all conveniently forgotten and treated as if we never existed at all.
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The fear of a man bringeth a snare.
So the obvious question is, who cares what man says or thinks? The Bible was not written for the God-rejector or God-denier.
Just because someone can refuse to believe and can put on a good show does not indicate he or she is above God or His Word and will. It indicates an insane mind if you ask me.
You reap what you sow.
I thank God God has never failed His own Word. Never, not a single time.
I love people. I was saved by grace. But God's grace didn't make me stupid and I do not need to make my own self a dumb-dumb either.
God bless.
Edited by jsamuelLink to comment
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You are so right!
Well, they may never publicly acknowledge it......but I think that there are times when howard and rosie and donna and others hang their heads in shame. Not for long, mind you....just at certain "weak" moments.
But to forfeit one's righteous living and spiritual integrity for a pittance of twi perks is folly.
God's justice will prevail.
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Oh, you hit the big fat nail right on the head. I heard comments from kork at HQ that people were now free to get in relationships because lcm was gone and not spiritually in charge. I guess lcm's bad karma affected the whole household. I think God is a bigger God than that. You just have to get out of twi to actually see it. They truly do believe all the problems left with him. Isn't it so ironic that they were singing his praises up to the day they had to give him the boot? The bod kept him on his pedestal for a WHOLE FREAKIN' YEAR knowing what he had done because they were there when he was confronted by people he wronged. Why did lcm's .... finally stink when the beloved ministry was facing trouble, not just lcm? It's all a farce and big fat lie right down from the teachings to the mogfat BS.
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Posted by jsamuel.
[WordWolf replies in boldface as usual.]
[by the way, what's your opinion of life under VPW, before LCM? ]
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To apologize and make amends would be the moral thing to do.
To apologize and make amends would open The Way International, Inc. to lawsuits.
Which one is TWI doing?
That explains it all as to what TWI is.
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Therein lies the crux of the whole matter, and of all life.
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What's my opinion regarding Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille I take it you mean?
I don't think you personally warrant an answer from me on that. You need to have WAY more love and respect for people before I would cast any pearls your way. Lest I get trampled too right?
If you stand on the Word, God will deliver you. If you are the only one to stand on the Word on any given thing, God will deliver you. If nobody believes you and you stand on the Word, guess what? God will deliver you because God does not allow His Word to fail. This is so simple you can teach children! "Let the little children come to me for such is the kingdom of heaven" (Quoted by memory and may not be word for word accurate from the King James Version of your bible.)
It's wonderful the spirit of God can lead us by the revelation manifestations like a word of knowledge and a word of wisdom and help us as we endeavor to stand on the Word and boldly hold our sonship rights in our hearts and minds.
You asked, that is my answer. Nothing really nasty just sharing the Word which I am required of God to put on in my heart.
(REQUIRED of stewards that a man be found faithful) FAITH-FULL not PERFECT.
God bless you.
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jsam...........you sound like a bit of a know-it-all punk yoseff.....
can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen, sonny
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Hmmm I musta missed where Samual *shared the word* with us....WHAT word??? sigh reminds me of the good ole days.....folks being mean claiming they were doing the *word*
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reminds me of the German kid in the PFAL 77 film..."I wasn't interested in za people or anyzing; I just wanted za knowledge..."
Charity edifieth, sonny, not callin folks pussys and such.
If you will tell anyone to their face, DO IT!! --- don't tell us about, we could care less...
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I believe this is what we were discussing before
we were interrupted.
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Were the leaders who left posessed (I assume you're referring to the way higher ups)?
No. Leaving was probably the only sane thought they had ever had about twi up to that point that they had acted on and, hopefully, the first of many to follow.
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