I saw a wonderful senior citizen this year named Donna who keeps in touch with Mrs. and visits her, takes her places, etc. Mrs. W. is doing well from what I understand and enjoys Donnas friendship even though Donna left many years ago. From what I understand, her good friend Donna couldn't visit Mrs. W. when she was housed at TWI.
Hmmm apparently Mrs W. herself may be another individual who is BOWTWI (better off without TWI). :D-->
After all those years of not being allowed to see Mrs. Wierwille, Donna is now able to show her kindness to her friend. Kind of puts TWI to shame, doesn't it?
Sounds like Mrs. W. is still able to recognize her friend, which is wonderful. My guess is that she's far better off at the Nursing home, than in Way World. But I still think it's interesting that J.P. is keeping silent after that initial cry of outrage he issued earlier in the year. Way lawyers must have scared the **** out of him. Too bad.
I have been one of Veepee's harshest critics and I hate the way that they treated Mrs Wierwille. In many ways she was the biggest victim of us all...she was a kind lady who deserved much better than what Veepee gave her or how she was treated after his death.
As far as J.P. goes...I cut him all the slack in the world, but ya know...he doesn't need any slack. John Paul Wierwille is a fine man and I'm proud to say that I know him. I'm not sure how well I could handle it, if VPW were my dad...think about it. J.P. is a class act and a man who knows who he is...that's all I have to say on the subject. :)-->
quote:As far as J.P. goes...I cut him all the slack in the world, but ya know...he doesn't need any slack. John Paul Wierwille is a fine man and I'm proud to say that I know him. I'm not sure how well I could handle it, if VPW were my dad...
Uncle Hairy, just a random thought, have you ever spoken with JP about the charges leveled against his father and how he feels about them? I'd love to hear Wierwille family members respond to comments/accusations; and I think it would help some of us if they talked about it.
I think we should leave the Wierwille children who have left TWI OUT of this. Leave them alone, let them live their lives without picking them to death. They have lived enough of their lives in a fishbowl they were born into, and did not ask for.
quote:Uncle Hairy, just a random thought, have you ever spoken with JP about the charges leveled against his father and how he feels about them? I'd love to hear Wierwille family members respond to comments/accusations; and I think it would help some of us if they talked about it.
I was talking to one of the Weirwille kids at a CFF get together 5 or 6 years back. I will not name who for their privacy, and I think what I am about to say is fairly general but gets the point across.
I asked what the kid thought about GS cafe. This person said they checked in at GSC on occasions to find out what new things were going on. It was kind of tough to do so because of the many bad things being said about VPW.
To this person, VPW was first and foremost Dad, with all the fine and deep things that dad means. Also VP had taught his children the Word and to love God, and for that the child was thankful. The kid also said they were never aware of any of the behind the scenes things which later were exposed on the net.
It hurt the child to read about VP's evildoings because to the kid, VP was dad. One should think for a minute what it would feel like to have others accuse your dad of the things VP has been accused of, then you might begin to understand what it is like to be one of his kids and why they may remain silent or anonymous at a site like this.
It's been a long while since I've seen any because of my health problems, but all the Weirwille kids I've met have been good people and totally undeserving of their father's legacy.
I agree, leave them alone and let them live in peace.
i would expect that the Wierwille kids at the time were unaware of what thier father was doing.
Brining up the wrong doings of thier father now would only stur up possibly bad memories that they would have already delt with.
Also, I agree with dabobbada and UnckleHarry. Leave the Wierwille kids in peace. If any of them wanted to discuss what happened, they would have done it a long time ago. And who are we to force them to talk about it.
Mrs. Wierwille is a true saint. I have met her, she is genuinely kind and considerate, and often visited those at lunch tables that were snubbed by others when she saw that going on. I have seen this.
I think she has a heart of gold and does honor to her family, especially J.P.
I've seen the same thing. It's also noteworthy that there has not been one complaint about her on this board that I have seen. And there are enough people who aren't shy that it probably would have come up by now.
Oh, there have been numerous posts in the past that were less than admiring of Mrs. W., Just Thinking. Though, usually, they came from a handful of people who hold TWI, and all those surrounding it, in particularly low regard. But I do think the consensus of the majority of Greasespotters is that she's a good woman who overall, got the shaft.
As far as J.P., I wouldn't begin to presume to "force" him to say a darned thing. It's just that HE went out of HIS way to very publicly condemn TWI over it's treatment of his mother, and he proclaimed that he had more to say about that and other issues as well. Then, H. Platig's open letter in response to J.P. was posted here on The Spot by Pawtucket, at which point, J.P. went noticably silent. J.P. is the one who decided to speak up and J.P. is the one who decided to shut up. I don't get the indignation some are expressing here, about respecting the privacy of the Wierwille children. No one is invading their privacy in the least, and no one is in any position to demand anything from them.
But it makes no sense to contend that there is nothing to be gained by their publicly speaking up. It's telling in the extreme that not one of Dr. Wierwille's children is willing anymore to "stand" with the ministry their Father founded. Regardless as to whether or not they knew anything of the behind the scenes machinations of their father, they certainly DO know plenty about the inner workings of TWI after the ascendency of Loy Craig Martindale. There are reasons why they choose to no longer stand with The Way. They could confirm or dispell a great deal of myth and rumor surrounding the entire organization. But, if they choose to remain silent (and it certainly appears that they do---possibly under serious threat of legal action), it's their right. However, if ever they do choose to speak, I'll be listening, and I'm sure I'll not be alone.
You know...to deviate a little , but maybe I can add perspective.
I have a father who was famous in Computer Programming and Economics in the 70's. He was also very liberal and attended orgies, smoked a lot of pot, even sold some and had no qualms about leaving many (x) (xx) and (xxx) magazines around the house. We were wealthy and he traveled in all the "right" liberal affluent circles.
If someone were to attack my mother for staying with him for the 17 years that she did try to work things out, I would come unglued! If someone was to start asking me questions about iwhat I thought I think I would blow them a new A**hole! How dare people revel in that kind of pain...unless you have lived it and can offer real healing solutions, you have no business butting into others business while they privatly cope with their own sad situations.
Lianne Van Wormer Pierce! otherwise known as Washingtonweather
PS: Sogwop...this was NOT directed at you..you had an innocent question, just that some of the lesser sensitive people around here think everyone owes them an explanation
It's telling in the extreme that not one of Dr. Wierwille's children is willing anymore to "stand" with the ministry their Father founded.
Does anyone remember back around '89 -'90, when Loyboy sent those 'Leadership' tapes out. The ones where he ascribed dozens of devil spirits to Chris Geer.
Loy said many great volumns of things in those tapes. One was a major way to prove that his way was right and Geer was wrong. It was Loy's claim that VP had said one of the proofs the ministry would stand and survive, was if the Weirwille family stood with the ministry. If they didn't stand with the ministry, it would fall.
Another way to say it is if the family stood with TWI, then TWI was right with God. If the family left TWI then TWI had turned away from God after false idols.
Of course, at the time, all the kids were still with TWI. When I heard the tape, I recalled I had heard the statement a few years before, and I think I heard it from VP.
And now, a few years later. Don has passed on, all the other kids have long left, and Mom has been deported.
IF TWI really believes VP was the man of God and spoke by revelation, they ought to be feeling really bad about the paths they are following these days.
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i don't know sogwap but i PT'd you a while back. do you know how to check those ?
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I saw a wonderful senior citizen this year named Donna who keeps in touch with Mrs. and visits her, takes her places, etc. Mrs. W. is doing well from what I understand and enjoys Donnas friendship even though Donna left many years ago. From what I understand, her good friend Donna couldn't visit Mrs. W. when she was housed at TWI.
Hmmm apparently Mrs W. herself may be another individual who is BOWTWI (better off without TWI).
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After all those years of not being allowed to see Mrs. Wierwille, Donna is now able to show her kindness to her friend. Kind of puts TWI to shame, doesn't it?
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Cherished Child
Sounds like Mrs. W. is still able to recognize her friend, which is wonderful. My guess is that she's far better off at the Nursing home, than in Way World. But I still think it's interesting that J.P. is keeping silent after that initial cry of outrage he issued earlier in the year. Way lawyers must have scared the **** out of him. Too bad.
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I have been one of Veepee's harshest critics and I hate the way that they treated Mrs Wierwille. In many ways she was the biggest victim of us all...she was a kind lady who deserved much better than what Veepee gave her or how she was treated after his death.
As far as J.P. goes...I cut him all the slack in the world, but ya know...he doesn't need any slack. John Paul Wierwille is a fine man and I'm proud to say that I know him. I'm not sure how well I could handle it, if VPW were my dad...think about it. J.P. is a class act and a man who knows who he is...that's all I have to say on the subject.
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Do you see any possible benefit of JPW speaking up at this time?
I don't.
He's got a life, and his mother has a life.
Yes, twi dealt with them without honour, which is not that big a
surprise around here. What benefit, though, would either of them reap
by JPW continuing to bang the drum?
As it is, even though they hosed his mother, she may be better off
now that she is out amongst real people and free of the groupthink
and lifeless stagnation on grounds.
I wonder who's living in her house, though.
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Did he have contact information on his website? OM, maybe you could call JP and ask him yourself.
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I think we should leave the Wierwille children who have left TWI OUT of this. Leave them alone, let them live their lives without picking them to death. They have lived enough of their lives in a fishbowl they were born into, and did not ask for.
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Oldiesman and others,
I was talking to one of the Weirwille kids at a CFF get together 5 or 6 years back. I will not name who for their privacy, and I think what I am about to say is fairly general but gets the point across.
I asked what the kid thought about GS cafe. This person said they checked in at GSC on occasions to find out what new things were going on. It was kind of tough to do so because of the many bad things being said about VPW.
To this person, VPW was first and foremost Dad, with all the fine and deep things that dad means. Also VP had taught his children the Word and to love God, and for that the child was thankful. The kid also said they were never aware of any of the behind the scenes things which later were exposed on the net.
It hurt the child to read about VP's evildoings because to the kid, VP was dad. One should think for a minute what it would feel like to have others accuse your dad of the things VP has been accused of, then you might begin to understand what it is like to be one of his kids and why they may remain silent or anonymous at a site like this.
It's been a long while since I've seen any because of my health problems, but all the Weirwille kids I've met have been good people and totally undeserving of their father's legacy.
I agree, leave them alone and let them live in peace.
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J.P. can speak for himself if he wants to.
...and that's NOT an invitation.
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i would expect that the Wierwille kids at the time were unaware of what thier father was doing.
Brining up the wrong doings of thier father now would only stur up possibly bad memories that they would have already delt with.
Also, I agree with dabobbada and UnckleHarry. Leave the Wierwille kids in peace. If any of them wanted to discuss what happened, they would have done it a long time ago. And who are we to force them to talk about it.
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Mrs. Wierwille is a true saint. I have met her, she is genuinely kind and considerate, and often visited those at lunch tables that were snubbed by others when she saw that going on. I have seen this.
I think she has a heart of gold and does honor to her family, especially J.P.
God Bless her heart.
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I've seen the same thing. It's also noteworthy that there has not been one complaint about her on this board that I have seen. And there are enough people who aren't shy that it probably would have come up by now.
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Cherished Child
Oh, there have been numerous posts in the past that were less than admiring of Mrs. W., Just Thinking. Though, usually, they came from a handful of people who hold TWI, and all those surrounding it, in particularly low regard. But I do think the consensus of the majority of Greasespotters is that she's a good woman who overall, got the shaft.
As far as J.P., I wouldn't begin to presume to "force" him to say a darned thing. It's just that HE went out of HIS way to very publicly condemn TWI over it's treatment of his mother, and he proclaimed that he had more to say about that and other issues as well. Then, H. Platig's open letter in response to J.P. was posted here on The Spot by Pawtucket, at which point, J.P. went noticably silent. J.P. is the one who decided to speak up and J.P. is the one who decided to shut up. I don't get the indignation some are expressing here, about respecting the privacy of the Wierwille children. No one is invading their privacy in the least, and no one is in any position to demand anything from them.
But it makes no sense to contend that there is nothing to be gained by their publicly speaking up. It's telling in the extreme that not one of Dr. Wierwille's children is willing anymore to "stand" with the ministry their Father founded. Regardless as to whether or not they knew anything of the behind the scenes machinations of their father, they certainly DO know plenty about the inner workings of TWI after the ascendency of Loy Craig Martindale. There are reasons why they choose to no longer stand with The Way. They could confirm or dispell a great deal of myth and rumor surrounding the entire organization. But, if they choose to remain silent (and it certainly appears that they do---possibly under serious threat of legal action), it's their right. However, if ever they do choose to speak, I'll be listening, and I'm sure I'll not be alone.
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You know...to deviate a little , but maybe I can add perspective.
I have a father who was famous in Computer Programming and Economics in the 70's. He was also very liberal and attended orgies, smoked a lot of pot, even sold some and had no qualms about leaving many (x) (xx) and (xxx) magazines around the house. We were wealthy and he traveled in all the "right" liberal affluent circles.
If someone were to attack my mother for staying with him for the 17 years that she did try to work things out, I would come unglued! If someone was to start asking me questions about iwhat I thought I think I would blow them a new A**hole! How dare people revel in that kind of pain...unless you have lived it and can offer real healing solutions, you have no business butting into others business while they privatly cope with their own sad situations.
Lianne Van Wormer Pierce! otherwise known as Washingtonweather
PS: Sogwop...this was NOT directed at you..you had an innocent question, just that some of the lesser sensitive people around here think everyone owes them an explanation
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nobody owes me
the mrs. was human
some of us in the past brought that up
and talked about how she fit in the overall picture
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yeah I know Ex--its a "if the shoe fits" kind of thing
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i just never liked when she was lauded as "our mother" or a saint without blemish, that's all
having been in the way, we sometimes tend to see everything all or nothing, black or white, you know ?
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Yeah, leave the kids out of it.
Show some respect like the mafia does...leave the wife and kids out of it.
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hey engine
:)--> mwah
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Does anyone remember back around '89 -'90, when Loyboy sent those 'Leadership' tapes out. The ones where he ascribed dozens of devil spirits to Chris Geer.
Loy said many great volumns of things in those tapes. One was a major way to prove that his way was right and Geer was wrong. It was Loy's claim that VP had said one of the proofs the ministry would stand and survive, was if the Weirwille family stood with the ministry. If they didn't stand with the ministry, it would fall.
Another way to say it is if the family stood with TWI, then TWI was right with God. If the family left TWI then TWI had turned away from God after false idols.
Of course, at the time, all the kids were still with TWI. When I heard the tape, I recalled I had heard the statement a few years before, and I think I heard it from VP.
And now, a few years later. Don has passed on, all the other kids have long left, and Mom has been deported.
IF TWI really believes VP was the man of God and spoke by revelation, they ought to be feeling really bad about the paths they are following these days.
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