During one of the score of classes I was in we developed a small problem with the audio tape; I foget exactly what it was, but the class coordinator decided that we needed to switch tapes.
At that time we always kept a backup tape running in sync with the main tape, so we had one ready to go.
How many other people here - those fortunate enough to own a decent stereo system - always found themselves being hit upon to run classes?
I think that was one of the reasons that made my decision to leave the Way all that much easier - besides the fact that cds were just hitting the market at the time- I got so sick of tearing apart of my beloved home stereo system and lugging it miles away to some freakin' schmuck co-ordinator's house for the duration of every class that came up. And of course, I ended up having to "cue up" all the lousy audio tapes, and write down the cue numbers ahead of time, as well as the treble/bass and volume adjustments for each tape side.
They would have done just as well if not better with a cheap handheld cassette player, giving the atrocious, varying audio quality of those old PFAL tapes, which should have been cosigned to the trash heap long ago.
Oh yeah, we can't forget - we had to pick out the "appropriate" music between sessions. I recall the coordinator almost having a coronary when I played the "wrong" piece of music (lol).
Rrr... I do remember that. And I remember being asked to carry my television to his house because he owned a cra**y 27" model and mine was 35". If I wanted to watch it for 3 weeks, it had to be disconnected, wrapped to prevent it getting broken in my back seat and lugged back into my house. 12 times doing this when it below freezing and at 11:30 at night. Not that I had a choice. And not that the Way Irrational would actually by their own AV equipment.
When I bought a decent house (which I later had to sell), no more moving the tv. No, just take over my house. Although we didn't have it as bad. One couple rented a more central place with a great basement. It seemed like every class was then done there. Poor people. :-(
Yeah...when you think about it...say there were 7 people in a class, at $200 a pop...$1400 profit for twi and the cheap bastards couldn't even pony up the equipment for this huge money maker! They got us to work for free...and to supply all the equipment for free!...while they hauled in some major bucks. No wonder they could afford to buy all those properties.
after adding it all up, over 30 times front to back, all 12 nights and at least 10 more partials of 4,5,6,7,8 outa 12. Probably ran 8 or 9 of em, must have run the A/V on over half the 30 and been the assist. on more'n half of 'em. What a monumental waste of time and effort. JAL ran his own class; THAT is what should have been done for ALL. Would the "drop-out rate" have been any worse?? I doubt it...
How many times. Can't remember through all that fog. I only remember three times real well.
The first time and the rather large woman behind me that was there to rub my shoulders and keep me awake.
Then there was the time when I lived the closest to the branch coordinator and I was lucky enough to go to her house early and pick up that heavy mother of a TV and drive all the way across Houston watch the class and then carry it back. She trusted me with the key to her apartment but not the betamax. She gaurded that and the tapes with her life.
The only other time I had decided I was going to have fun. Cut up talked and generaly got in trouble. It was great. Hey once you hear it five or six times it all runs together.
My oh my, yes!! The infamous back and neck rubs. And nothing worse than the giver of that healing touch having hands that smelled and looked like the apostle paul's back ...
however ...
I was fortunate to have a gal in maany of my classes who would rub my hands - man, it was nice. I used to call it her handjob. I would even "axe" her. "K****, would you PLEASE gimme a handjob??". This was during a PLAF session. Maybe that's why we had quite a few who stuck around ...
Anyone ever run a class where they were the "instructor", the chart flipper, the refreshment supplier and get-ready'er, the one to drive across town to pick up the "new fruit", take them home, listen, for as many hours as PLAF, to their every concern, all while working a full time job??
Ahh... back rubs. We had a person who was a massage therapist in our twig when I first got roped into piffle. I had no idea what Vic was talking about but she could rub my shoulders any time.
I sat through piffle WAY too many times in Chicago, (where I first got into der vord,) Oakland Ca, (where we could never get a class together,) Philly (where I was a wow for 3/4 of a year,) then Long Island, as a wow, (did the whole stupid year, yeah,) where I got sent with a couple of "good ole boys" who only wanted to drink, fight & f**k. The corpse leadership in LI was no real help either, more like breasts on a bull...
During my very intense "startup" period, living in Evanston Illinois, I hosted a CS&F class taught at my house, with Donnie Fugit teaching live. After the first night, some neighbors complained about the singing late into the night, after 10. I understood this, and brought it up to the corpse dude who was supposed to be my liaison to Fugit. The next night, I saw that my request was to be totally ignored. The singing went on again late into the night. No help from the corpse person. (Please refer to "breasts on a bull," above.)
Had I an active brain cell in my head at the time, I'd have kicked these stupid f**ks out of my house at gunpoint.
I know the guy (Fugit) is dead now. That said, there is not a lot of love lost between me & him and/or his memory. He totally ignored me, disregarded anything I asked for. He treated me with contempt, after I -welcomed- him into my home.
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and how 'bout christoph stoop ?
JT, hahahahahaha
In 13 years maybe 20.
Way too many, that's for sure.
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How many times of which format/version of PFAL?
The Original 16 mm 20 times
PFAL on Beta Tapes 10 times
PFAL Bootleg VHS tape copies 0 times
AUDIO PFAL 5 times
DVD PFAL 0 times
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How many other people here - those fortunate enough to own a decent stereo system - always found themselves being hit upon to run classes?
I think that was one of the reasons that made my decision to leave the Way all that much easier - besides the fact that cds were just hitting the market at the time- I got so sick of tearing apart of my beloved home stereo system and lugging it miles away to some freakin' schmuck co-ordinator's house for the duration of every class that came up. And of course, I ended up having to "cue up" all the lousy audio tapes, and write down the cue numbers ahead of time, as well as the treble/bass and volume adjustments for each tape side.
They would have done just as well if not better with a cheap handheld cassette player, giving the atrocious, varying audio quality of those old PFAL tapes, which should have been cosigned to the trash heap long ago.
Oh yeah, we can't forget - we had to pick out the "appropriate" music between sessions. I recall the coordinator almost having a coronary when I played the "wrong" piece of music (lol).
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Rrr... I do remember that. And I remember being asked to carry my television to his house because he owned a cra**y 27" model and mine was 35". If I wanted to watch it for 3 weeks, it had to be disconnected, wrapped to prevent it getting broken in my back seat and lugged back into my house. 12 times doing this when it below freezing and at 11:30 at night. Not that I had a choice. And not that the Way Irrational would actually by their own AV equipment.
When I bought a decent house (which I later had to sell), no more moving the tv. No, just take over my house. Although we didn't have it as bad. One couple rented a more central place with a great basement. It seemed like every class was then done there. Poor people. :-(
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Trefor Heywood
No matter how many times
;)--> I bet Mike is the only one suffering withdrawal symptoms!
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Yeah...when you think about it...say there were 7 people in a class, at $200 a pop...$1400 profit for twi and the cheap bastards couldn't even pony up the equipment for this huge money maker! They got us to work for free...and to supply all the equipment for free!...while they hauled in some major bucks. No wonder they could afford to buy all those properties.
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after adding it all up, over 30 times front to back, all 12 nights and at least 10 more partials of 4,5,6,7,8 outa 12. Probably ran 8 or 9 of em, must have run the A/V on over half the 30 and been the assist. on more'n half of 'em. What a monumental waste of time and effort. JAL ran his own class; THAT is what should have been done for ALL. Would the "drop-out rate" have been any worse?? I doubt it...
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How many times. Can't remember through all that fog. I only remember three times real well.
The first time and the rather large woman behind me that was there to rub my shoulders and keep me awake.
Then there was the time when I lived the closest to the branch coordinator and I was lucky enough to go to her house early and pick up that heavy mother of a TV and drive all the way across Houston watch the class and then carry it back. She trusted me with the key to her apartment but not the betamax. She gaurded that and the tapes with her life.
The only other time I had decided I was going to have fun. Cut up talked and generaly got in trouble. It was great. Hey once you hear it five or six times it all runs together.
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I have a one inch piece of the original 16 mm film.
Anyone else ???
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My oh my, yes!! The infamous back and neck rubs. And nothing worse than the giver of that healing touch having hands that smelled and looked like the apostle paul's back ...
however ...
I was fortunate to have a gal in maany of my classes who would rub my hands - man, it was nice. I used to call it her handjob. I would even "axe" her. "K****, would you PLEASE gimme a handjob??". This was during a PLAF session. Maybe that's why we had quite a few who stuck around ...
Anyone ever run a class where they were the "instructor", the chart flipper, the refreshment supplier and get-ready'er, the one to drive across town to pick up the "new fruit", take them home, listen, for as many hours as PLAF, to their every concern, all while working a full time job??
My brethren, count it all joy ...
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"Handjobs." LOL!
Ahh... back rubs. We had a person who was a massage therapist in our twig when I first got roped into piffle. I had no idea what Vic was talking about but she could rub my shoulders any time.
:=) Did I say that out loud? ;-)
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I sat through piffle WAY too many times in Chicago, (where I first got into der vord,) Oakland Ca, (where we could never get a class together,) Philly (where I was a wow for 3/4 of a year,) then Long Island, as a wow, (did the whole stupid year, yeah,) where I got sent with a couple of "good ole boys" who only wanted to drink, fight & f**k. The corpse leadership in LI was no real help either, more like breasts on a bull...
During my very intense "startup" period, living in Evanston Illinois, I hosted a CS&F class taught at my house, with Donnie Fugit teaching live. After the first night, some neighbors complained about the singing late into the night, after 10. I understood this, and brought it up to the corpse dude who was supposed to be my liaison to Fugit. The next night, I saw that my request was to be totally ignored. The singing went on again late into the night. No help from the corpse person. (Please refer to "breasts on a bull," above.)
Had I an active brain cell in my head at the time, I'd have kicked these stupid f**ks out of my house at gunpoint.
I know the guy (Fugit) is dead now. That said, there is not a lot of love lost between me & him and/or his memory. He totally ignored me, disregarded anything I asked for. He treated me with contempt, after I -welcomed- him into my home.
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