There ARE posters here with firsthand knowledge, and one of them has had conversations with me about it. This poster is rather credible, and that coupled with what other posters have said in the past add up to what's going on.
This poster saw rozilla and donilla right "after". This poster has a reason for remaining anonymous, and so I will not add to the information here.
But yes, it has been confirmed by numerous people that rozilla is a lesbian.
I would normally say that this type of topic is gossip and none of our business but THEY are the ones who made homosexuallity the ultimate sin, so it's relevent.
For what it's worth, which is nothing, as a teen I always thought Donna was a little on the butch side. Then when Loy hit on my mom my first thought was "he must need it on the side because his wife is a lez"
In normal circumstances I would 100% agree with you. Someone's sexuality is their business.......
EXCEPT when it comes to twi or any other organization that preaches one thing and lives another.
If I didn't know (personally) wonderful people that were labeled as *fags* and run off in the dark of night, if I didn't know people that had their entire life decimated, their reputations ruined, their dreams shattered because of FALSE WITNESS from the twi leadership....I might agree with you.
TWI and it's leadership reveled in the false witness.....telling lies, making up lies...spreading lies about people within its ranks that did not conform to their idea of EXACTLY how people should act.
Just a reminder to all of us......THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS is one of the ten commandments.
I don't know about DM and RFR being lesbiefriends. But I do know they took vacations together. And one vacation was to take the youngest martindale child to disney world. loy boy joked that they were going to rehab. I thought that was a weird joke to make.
I knew a guy on staff who worked in a department where they went to all of the way-owned buildings. There used to be two women who shared a room in the basement of RFR's house. One was a supposedly reformed lesbian. I had highly doubted she was no longer a lesbian. And these two women were inseparable. This guy said he went to do some work in their room, and there was only one bed for these two women. Seems kinda odd to me. Why would the VP (at that time) of the way have two women sleeping together in her very own house? Why wouldn't she know what was going on in her own house? Yes, it raised a lot of questions in my mind. But I heard it from someone else, so I can't guarantee it all really happened. But then again, why would this guy lie?
I completely agree with Radar. People's sex lives are their own business UNLESS they are leadership in an organized religous organization who preach the opposite of what they are practicing.
The early to mid 90s were terrible when the roar and witch hunts were on to "mark the homo". I saw a lot of good people hurt by that craziness.
How do people like Rozilla and Donna justify their actions in their own minds? As the top "leadership" of twi, I'm certain that they are aware of the "smokin' out the homos" years. They are certainly aware of twi's biblical interpretations regarding homosexuality...but yet...there they are.
With all this talk about the pair, I looked at the picture of the new prez on the main site. Looks like something sombody might see on a bad acid trip..
The sad thing about this is, that is probably a picture of her after being worked over by a dozen or so make up artists, and with her "sunday best" on besides.
I guess my point is, if some of the allegations are true, what is in it for Donna? It cannot be physical attraction by any stretch of the imagination. I can imagine the pillow talk: "you want me to do what? But you're so *** ugly." Rosie: "Donna, renew your mind."
Of course, I could be wrong. Perhaps she considers it a small price to pay to retain a (tainted) position of semi-woghood. She can even write an occasional anomynous article for the vay rag!
It cannot be physical attraction by any stretch of the imagination. I can imagine the pillow talk: "you want me to do what? But you're so *** ugly." Rosie: "Donna, renew your mind."
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There ARE posters here with firsthand knowledge, and one of them has had conversations with me about it. This poster is rather credible, and that coupled with what other posters have said in the past add up to what's going on.
This poster saw rozilla and donilla right "after". This poster has a reason for remaining anonymous, and so I will not add to the information here.
But yes, it has been confirmed by numerous people that rozilla is a lesbian.
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Radar OReilly
Steve is correct. Does anyone have the old waydale threads? That one in particular "Is Donna a Lesbian" or something very similar to that?
The thread author might be Karl K.....
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Georgio Jessio
I would normally say that this type of topic is gossip and none of our business but THEY are the ones who made homosexuallity the ultimate sin, so it's relevent.
For what it's worth, which is nothing, as a teen I always thought Donna was a little on the butch side. Then when Loy hit on my mom my first thought was "he must need it on the side because his wife is a lez"
I think I was almost right.
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Radar OReilly
In normal circumstances I would 100% agree with you. Someone's sexuality is their business.......
EXCEPT when it comes to twi or any other organization that preaches one thing and lives another.
If I didn't know (personally) wonderful people that were labeled as *fags* and run off in the dark of night, if I didn't know people that had their entire life decimated, their reputations ruined, their dreams shattered because of FALSE WITNESS from the twi leadership....I might agree with you.
TWI and it's leadership reveled in the false witness.....telling lies, making up lies...spreading lies about people within its ranks that did not conform to their idea of EXACTLY how people should act.
Just a reminder to all of us......THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS is one of the ten commandments.
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I don't know about DM and RFR being lesbiefriends. But I do know they took vacations together. And one vacation was to take the youngest martindale child to disney world. loy boy joked that they were going to rehab. I thought that was a weird joke to make.
I knew a guy on staff who worked in a department where they went to all of the way-owned buildings. There used to be two women who shared a room in the basement of RFR's house. One was a supposedly reformed lesbian. I had highly doubted she was no longer a lesbian. And these two women were inseparable. This guy said he went to do some work in their room, and there was only one bed for these two women. Seems kinda odd to me. Why would the VP (at that time) of the way have two women sleeping together in her very own house? Why wouldn't she know what was going on in her own house? Yes, it raised a lot of questions in my mind. But I heard it from someone else, so I can't guarantee it all really happened. But then again, why would this guy lie?
I completely agree with Radar. People's sex lives are their own business UNLESS they are leadership in an organized religous organization who preach the opposite of what they are practicing.
The early to mid 90s were terrible when the roar and witch hunts were on to "mark the homo". I saw a lot of good people hurt by that craziness.
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How do people like Rozilla and Donna justify their actions in their own minds? As the top "leadership" of twi, I'm certain that they are aware of the "smokin' out the homos" years. They are certainly aware of twi's biblical interpretations regarding homosexuality...but yet...there they are.
What does this say about them?
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Trefor Heywood
I have the impression that no matter what TWI officially teaches, the top leadership is exempt from it.
Rosalie was exempt from the no pets rule for example.
Also lesbians have never appeared as threatening to heterosexual males as "homos" are.
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craig's insane anger was most likely personal
ewwwwwww i wouldn't want to see rosalie right after anything
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Watered Garden
Is bearing false witness the same as having a "genuine spiritual suspicion???????"
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When you can't get basic doctrines of the church right, how can you not expect this kind of hypocrisy?
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Tom Strange
so... LCM's wife AND brother are homosexual???
...too bad buddy boy! ...get over it!
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A la prochaine
Did I miss something?
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Yup. His brother is gay. According to ExWayDaryl, he's a handsome man that lives in the Chicago area.
loyboy hasn't spoken to him in y-e-a-r-s. Well, what would you expect from such an one as him?
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With all this talk about the pair, I looked at the picture of the new prez on the main site. Looks like something sombody might see on a bad acid trip..
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The sad thing about this is, that is probably a picture of her after being worked over by a dozen or so make up artists, and with her "sunday best" on besides.
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I guess my point is, if some of the allegations are true, what is in it for Donna? It cannot be physical attraction by any stretch of the imagination. I can imagine the pillow talk: "you want me to do what? But you're so *** ugly." Rosie: "Donna, renew your mind."
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Of course, I could be wrong. Perhaps she considers it a small price to pay to retain a (tainted) position of semi-woghood. She can even write an occasional anomynous article for the vay rag!
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I'm dying here.........
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Awright, Hammer, now you've done it - I just spewed coffee all over my monitor and keyboard!
"But you're so fugly!" hehehe, "pretty is as pretty does" they say, right? Even with that as a standard she's pretty - pretty fugly!
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I still can't catch my breath.....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Glad to make somebody happy! But in all modesty, I am only stating the obvious..
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Trefor Heywood
Well Loy must really hate his brother and consider him worthy of death:
"Hello Bro - long time no see - let me execute you!"
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Well, apparently Donna is still wife of the prsident and retains her first lady status
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