the short answer they did it to grow in Jesus christ and in the trusting of HIM.
they lost very nice jobs by going out on the program, one was able to return, the other was not. their children do not get what they are doing and they do not fellowhsip with the way.
I listened for a long time and she seemed to be struggling and disappointed yet somhow with a sly grin of IM so much more worthy of gods love than you now!
it is all an attitude of self righteousness and power based games of who loves God more and of course will be honored by HIM more for it.
I do not believe a minute of the program or their pompous self righteous attitude of self sacrafice, Jesus christ did enough for me in my life I do not need to compete for the better crown He bought with the blood of HIS very LIFE for me.
In my personal opinion from having been in TWI for 25 years (until 2000), having gone through every program and class including WC, and having been on staff my interim year, a lot of those who go on staff like that suffer from low self esteem, especially the men.
At the time in their lives when they just begin building something for themselves they sabotage their own success. They feel they do not deserve it or that somehow they must be wrong to accumulate things of this world.
Then there are the others..... the ones who were downright lazy. They drift along in an easy path without trying to make their own way. I saw so many, many leaders in TWI, including Limb and Region, who were some of the laziest men I have ever been around.
I am not saying they did not work hard and put in some dedicated hours. But lets not confuse being lazy with being a hard worker. I once knew a man with a masters degree who worked as a bag boy at Publix for a while. He was not lazy when he was bagging groceries, but he was extremely lazy and unproductive in his own personal life.
I consider it foolish and downright reckless. Better that they should do other charitable works in their local community. They could do more to help in real terms while still maintaining their future security. It is better than sitting in the cornfields of Ohio pretending to make a difference.
TWI has millions of dollars. Let them hire people out of the local communities to do the staff busy work. They would be helping the community by providing some jobs and they might be surprised when those non-believers do a much better job than certain lazy assed middle-aged spiritual drifters.
IMHO there IS a noble self sacrificing call which the Lord can put on a life -- working with untouchable lepers, teaching in schools under severe conditions, giving succour to those dying with no other comfort, enduring untold punishments and torture -- These are things Christians are known for, and the Christian willingness stems from the compassion of our Lord, that others could know Him as we do.
What's wrong with the picture of twi and the "call to service" these well-meaning people are answering is that the service twi calls to only serves twi heads of state.
Instead of the sweet savor of service to our fellow man being placed in the cup of offering of our life, there is only a bitter poison of hurting people by bringing them into further bondage.
Many of us who come to this twi site have been there and done that, and it's a sorrow of our life that's been done.
quote:Surely, they must have heard about the number of lawsuits, past and present?
Actually, Jim M and I talked about this when he went to Gunnison doing research recently.
Jim talked to some innies until they figured out who he was, and one of the things they said was that TWI would be victorious in the Allen lawsuit because it was all lies.
Talk about being kept in the dark! The followers have no idea about the other 5 lawsuits that have occurred since.
Are you saying that innies don't know that the Allen lawsuit is settled? That is kind of hard for me to believe.
I was on Staff, and I knew it was over. I also knew about the Peeler case before leaving twi. Maybe on the "field" they aren't talking about things, but I know the Staff were when I was there. I left twi HQ in 2001. I do know that when I went out on the field I was specifically told to NOT talk to anyone about what happened with lcm and the Allen case. I was instructed to tell them to talk to their fellow.... coord. Like I was going to do that...... --> I was ready to talk to anyone who asked me. Nobody ever asked though.
I was on the field and we NEVER heard anything about the Peeler lawsuit or any other except the Allens. The party line was that settling with the Allens was a VICTORY for TWI that would let them get back to "moving the verd."
As we approach retirement age (in another 20+ years), we look at that form from Social Security that shows how much we have earned and contributed to social security. It also give a projected estimate of what we could expect to receive from social security.
This document should be a reality check for some people! The more you contribute the more you get in return (in theory).
Those who don't think about retirement at an early age could regret it.
I do not mean offense to anyone who was on staff who was NOT lazy or did NOT suffer from low self esteem. That was not the case for all. Furthermore, the staff experience in past decades was far different than it is today.
In fact I know of two people from our area who went on staff who were neither lazy nor had low self esteem. They went on staff and were exxpected to make a commitment to stay for a few years. But as soon as they could possibly get the hell out of there they did.
I believe they both feel that the two years they spent there was a waste of their time. They moved on to bigger and better things including owning their own businesses.
But to do as the older Corps couples did in Skyriders examples, in this day and time, is indicicative of a problem in my opinion.
igotout -- A possibility is the "i can help by the example of my life" syndrome.
What a tragic waste. and not only for HQ staffers, but for twig leaders wherever they may be -- indeed anyone who allows someone else to come into their home and take over, insulting and berating the homeowners and their children as well.
And because it appears that Holy Spirit is not allowed on grounds either (or any influence that would intimate that things are not hunky-dory at HQ, it is so very possible to deceive. . . After all, computers and internet access is from the devil. . . so they wouldn't look on the internet. . .
I am so thankful I got kicked out -- else I would probably still be there, wishing that all the "copouts" would "come-back-home."
It was only an act of grace and mercy lcm kicked me out, for which i am deeply thankful.
Okay, this may be open to a thousand pyscho babble interpretations, but for years after I left twi......I had horrible nightmares that I received an "assignment" to go back on staff.
Just for some perspective, the 1995 *directive* that all way corps needed to go back on way pay almost sent me over the edge.
There is something about actually taking a paycheck from an organization that makes you an integral part of that organization.
I cannot fathom someone that has been on *the field* accepting a corps assignment that would take them to hq now. It would be just toooo creepy, to slimey, toooooo devilish.
quote:TWI has millions of dollars. Let them hire people out of the local communities to do the staff busy work. They would be helping the community by providing some jobs and they might be surprised when those non-believers do a much better job than certain lazy assed middle-aged spiritual drifters.
That's the point exactly! ...they'd have to actually pay them! ...and let go of their filthy lucre...
All I've got to say is, that if anyone feels led to work for a Christian organization, or, God forbid, a church, they pay alot better, have benefits, and a retirement plan. :)-->
What about life insurance??? You've got to be the rankest believer if you even THINK about getting life insurance. I remember the exact words of Our Fodder in the Vaudeville, how that he said, "What good does life insurance do you?? When you die, you're DEAD!!!".
What a wise man he was. To hell with the wife & kids. Let them BELIEVE GOD for their own needs ...
Let's all turn to number 66 in your Sing Along the Way's, Blessed Insurance ...
A pot to .... in OR A WINDOW TO THROW IT OUT OF---at least not one that actually "belongs" to them. Too bad that by the time The Way does an about face on the debt and mortgage doctrin, it'll be too late for most adults currently in The Way.
BUMP..............[ the couple mentioned in first post were the former Oklahoma Limb coordinators who replaced us ]
Radar.........wherever you are, godspeed to your freedom. And yes.......that "1995 directive" for all corps to be on cult-payroll was an absolute nightmare. With wierwille's twisted concept of "needs-basis" doctrine.........the cult had its hooks in us really deep. And you.......having been there in the cult dispatch office with two-way radios and linder's security guys........I totally understand.
I, too, had those nightmares and flashbacks.
On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2004 at 10:25 PM, Radar OReilly said:
Okay, this may be open to a thousand pyscho babble interpretations, but for years after I left twi......I had horrible nightmares that I received an "assignment" to go back on staff.
Just for some perspective, the 1995 *directive* that all way corps needed to go back on way pay almost sent me over the edge.
There is something about actually taking a paycheck from an organization that makes you an integral part of that organization.
I cannot fathom someone that has been on *the field* accepting a corps assignment that would take them to hq now. It would be just toooo creepy, to slimey, toooooo devilish.
I found Mrs Wierwile after she fell just outside the EOB. I helped dig her grave and was a pallbearer. She was senille as all get out. TWI gave her butt the boot for legal reasons. Lawyers have controlled TWI for years. Ever since Paul A ll3n busted their a$$. Like i say nothing but lies and coverup.
As we approach retirement age (in another 20+ years), we look at that form from Social Security that shows how much we have earned and contributed to social security. It also give a projected estimate of what we could expect to receive from social security.
This document should be a reality check for some people! The more you contribute the more you get in return (in theory).
Those who don't think about retirement at an early age could regret it.
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A la prochaine
Perhaps you should have just posted this thread on the 'Just Plain Silly' forum.
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A la prochaine,
Point well taken.
Or, if I could have posted it on the 'Just Plain Duped' forum.
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I know of one such described couple.
the short answer they did it to grow in Jesus christ and in the trusting of HIM.
they lost very nice jobs by going out on the program, one was able to return, the other was not. their children do not get what they are doing and they do not fellowhsip with the way.
I listened for a long time and she seemed to be struggling and disappointed yet somhow with a sly grin of IM so much more worthy of gods love than you now!
it is all an attitude of self righteousness and power based games of who loves God more and of course will be honored by HIM more for it.
I do not believe a minute of the program or their pompous self righteous attitude of self sacrafice, Jesus christ did enough for me in my life I do not need to compete for the better crown He bought with the blood of HIS very LIFE for me.
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In my personal opinion from having been in TWI for 25 years (until 2000), having gone through every program and class including WC, and having been on staff my interim year, a lot of those who go on staff like that suffer from low self esteem, especially the men.
At the time in their lives when they just begin building something for themselves they sabotage their own success. They feel they do not deserve it or that somehow they must be wrong to accumulate things of this world.
Then there are the others..... the ones who were downright lazy. They drift along in an easy path without trying to make their own way. I saw so many, many leaders in TWI, including Limb and Region, who were some of the laziest men I have ever been around.
I am not saying they did not work hard and put in some dedicated hours. But lets not confuse being lazy with being a hard worker. I once knew a man with a masters degree who worked as a bag boy at Publix for a while. He was not lazy when he was bagging groceries, but he was extremely lazy and unproductive in his own personal life.
I consider it foolish and downright reckless. Better that they should do other charitable works in their local community. They could do more to help in real terms while still maintaining their future security. It is better than sitting in the cornfields of Ohio pretending to make a difference.
TWI has millions of dollars. Let them hire people out of the local communities to do the staff busy work. They would be helping the community by providing some jobs and they might be surprised when those non-believers do a much better job than certain lazy assed middle-aged spiritual drifters.
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Kit Sober
IMHO there IS a noble self sacrificing call which the Lord can put on a life -- working with untouchable lepers, teaching in schools under severe conditions, giving succour to those dying with no other comfort, enduring untold punishments and torture -- These are things Christians are known for, and the Christian willingness stems from the compassion of our Lord, that others could know Him as we do.
What's wrong with the picture of twi and the "call to service" these well-meaning people are answering is that the service twi calls to only serves twi heads of state.
Instead of the sweet savor of service to our fellow man being placed in the cup of offering of our life, there is only a bitter poison of hurting people by bringing them into further bondage.
Many of us who come to this twi site have been there and done that, and it's a sorrow of our life that's been done.
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Kit, good points. Staff kinda reminds me of the Monks lifestyle.
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Actually, Jim M and I talked about this when he went to Gunnison doing research recently.Jim talked to some innies until they figured out who he was, and one of the things they said was that TWI would be victorious in the Allen lawsuit because it was all lies.
Talk about being kept in the dark! The followers have no idea about the other 5 lawsuits that have occurred since.
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Are you saying that innies don't know that the Allen lawsuit is settled? That is kind of hard for me to believe.
I was on Staff, and I knew it was over. I also knew about the Peeler case before leaving twi. Maybe on the "field" they aren't talking about things, but I know the Staff were when I was there. I left twi HQ in 2001. I do know that when I went out on the field I was specifically told to NOT talk to anyone about what happened with lcm and the Allen case. I was instructed to tell them to talk to their fellow.... coord. Like I was going to do that......
--> I was ready to talk to anyone who asked me. Nobody ever asked though.
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check private topics.
thanks for posting your insight.
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I was on the field and we NEVER heard anything about the Peeler lawsuit or any other except the Allens. The party line was that settling with the Allens was a VICTORY for TWI that would let them get back to "moving the verd."
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And another thing...
As we approach retirement age (in another 20+ years), we look at that form from Social Security that shows how much we have earned and contributed to social security. It also give a projected estimate of what we could expect to receive from social security.
This document should be a reality check for some people! The more you contribute the more you get in return (in theory).
Those who don't think about retirement at an early age could regret it.
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I do not mean offense to anyone who was on staff who was NOT lazy or did NOT suffer from low self esteem. That was not the case for all. Furthermore, the staff experience in past decades was far different than it is today.
In fact I know of two people from our area who went on staff who were neither lazy nor had low self esteem. They went on staff and were exxpected to make a commitment to stay for a few years. But as soon as they could possibly get the hell out of there they did.
I believe they both feel that the two years they spent there was a waste of their time. They moved on to bigger and better things including owning their own businesses.
But to do as the older Corps couples did in Skyriders examples, in this day and time, is indicicative of a problem in my opinion.
What were they thinking indeed!
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Kit Sober
igotout -- A possibility is the "i can help by the example of my life" syndrome.
What a tragic waste. and not only for HQ staffers, but for twig leaders wherever they may be -- indeed anyone who allows someone else to come into their home and take over, insulting and berating the homeowners and their children as well.
And because it appears that Holy Spirit is not allowed on grounds either (or any influence that would intimate that things are not hunky-dory at HQ, it is so very possible to deceive. . . After all, computers and internet access is from the devil. . . so they wouldn't look on the internet. . .
I am so thankful I got kicked out -- else I would probably still be there, wishing that all the "copouts" would "come-back-home."
It was only an act of grace and mercy lcm kicked me out, for which i am deeply thankful.
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Radar OReilly
Okay, this may be open to a thousand pyscho babble interpretations, but for years after I left twi......I had horrible nightmares that I received an "assignment" to go back on staff.
Just for some perspective, the 1995 *directive* that all way corps needed to go back on way pay almost sent me over the edge.
There is something about actually taking a paycheck from an organization that makes you an integral part of that organization.
I cannot fathom someone that has been on *the field* accepting a corps assignment that would take them to hq now. It would be just toooo creepy, to slimey, toooooo devilish.
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Tom Strange
HegotHope said:
That's the point exactly! ...they'd have to actually pay them! ...and let go of their filthy lucre...Link to comment
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All I've got to say is, that if anyone feels led to work for a Christian organization, or, God forbid, a church, they pay alot better, have benefits, and a retirement plan.
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The only retirement plan TWI has is a "Good Swift Kick In the A$$" when your usefullness runs out.
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or as Howard Allen reportedly said, "You work until you die."
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What about life insurance??? You've got to be the rankest believer if you even THINK about getting life insurance. I remember the exact words of Our Fodder in the Vaudeville, how that he said, "What good does life insurance do you?? When you die, you're DEAD!!!".
What a wise man he was. To hell with the wife & kids. Let them BELIEVE GOD for their own needs ...
Let's all turn to number 66 in your Sing Along the Way's, Blessed Insurance ...
Blessed Insurance, State Farm is Mine ...
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I'm sure that any 50 year old 'Way ' believer doesn't have a pot to .... in anyway. So why should they be concerned about how they serve the Way?
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Cherished Child
A pot to .... in OR A WINDOW TO THROW IT OUT OF---at least not one that actually "belongs" to them. Too bad that by the time The Way does an about face on the debt and mortgage doctrin, it'll be too late for most adults currently in The Way.
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BUMP..............[ the couple mentioned in first post were the former Oklahoma Limb coordinators who replaced us ]
Radar.........wherever you are, godspeed to your freedom. And yes.......that "1995 directive" for all corps to be on cult-payroll was an absolute nightmare. With wierwille's twisted concept of "needs-basis" doctrine.........the cult had its hooks in us really deep. And you.......having been there in the cult dispatch office with two-way radios and linder's security guys........I totally understand.
I, too, had those nightmares and flashbacks.
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I found Mrs Wierwile after she fell just outside the EOB. I helped dig her grave and was a pallbearer. She was senille as all get out. TWI gave her butt the boot for legal reasons. Lawyers have controlled TWI for years. Ever since Paul A ll3n busted their a$$. Like i say nothing but lies and coverup.
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Grace Valerie Claire
For sure!!
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