Despite the small numbers, both staffers are still needed. ;-)
Seriously, does anyone know how many staffers are left? And wouldn't those five also be working?
As a general comment, I wouldn't argue that the value of a program should be determined by the number of participants. However, one could argue that the cost to maintain it should be based on it's value. Of course, when has that influenced TWI's financial decisions?
Regardless of how good the program is (which is debatable), they will eventually have 1 WC person for each fellowship. If the need isn't there for additional leaderships, why continue the obviously failing program?
quote:Why continue with the WC program when there aren't enough indians for these chiefs to rule anyway?
Good that surfaces every year or so. :)-->
For years now, the number of inresidence corps has been pitifully low and begs the question....why keep the Gunnison property? Gee, couldn't they just bring the corps to hq and train them in the BRC or whatever? For that matter, they could even use the BRC basement for meals and keep the corps separate from staff activities (for the most part).
Speculating.....what REASONS would the bod have for hanging onto the Gunnison location?
1) For investment purposes.....knowing that the price will continue to increase as long as corps labor there to keep maintaining the buildings, grounds, etc?
2) For a hunting lodge......knowing that howard and others like to hunt elk and deer (or act like they do)?
3) For a bod travel there and be waited on hand and foot?
4) For deception that twi gives the impression that they are bigger than they really are?
5) For sex and adultery......knowing that (allegedly) much happened "under the sheets" when the mogfot came to visit?
Surely, the bod have their reasons. After all, the "great planner" rozilla doesn't do anything without a plan in place.
quote:They are probably saving it to help settle on of the ongoing lawsuits..
Well, Gunnison may pay my settlement and a little towards the Peeler case, but TWI will have to liquidate everything as well as the alleged Grand Caymen Island accounts to pay the $75 million the Peelers will get.
I can't wait to see the faces of the juries in my case and the Peeler's case when the bod get on the stand and .... all over themselves, while ex-way members watch and are entertained.
I imagine it costs a sizable chunk of change to keep up Gunnisonm especially if they are still so anal about details.
I can't see twi capitalizing on the properties value any better than they did with the other properties they sold off. By the time you add in all the costs associated with maintaining and running the campus over the years, that place hadda been a money pit from the git go.
They'd still get a good price for it if they sold it but the market for those properties is pretty depressed right now. It is also associated with a disreputable organization which lowers values too.
It's a shame they don't just set up a health spa there for the rich and spoilt.
Not the appreciation of the hard-working believers that made it possible. Nope, the filthy lucre money appreciation of its real estate value.
Given it's location and beauty, its value will appreciate at a greater rate than any paper investment. Justify it to the IRS by putting the troublesome corpse out there and you've got it all figured out.
Remember the first 3-4 corps. Boys and girls trailers behind the antenna. Classes in the brc or basement. It would work fine now, except why would they need Gunnison?
I remember when they first bought Gunnison, VP actually did advertise it as a place for not only training Way Corps and doing family camps, but also for Wayfers to vacation. Several couples who got married in our Gang Wedding thought about actually honeymooning there (1978).
Not only did VP offer it as a place for Wayfers to vacation, but he even put out the idea that believers could build vacation or retirement homes on that land. It was at a Rock of Ages, when VP first floated the idea. He said he would allow believers to build retirement or time-share type vacation homes there.
When the believers weren't using them, then The Way would have access to the home to use it for The Way Corps, or visitors, etc. There would of course be standards for the kind of construction, etc. But the steal of the deal was this: When the original owners died, the property would revert back to Der Veg.
As I remember, the offer was on the table for only a very short period of time. Not many people took VP up on his offer. That little thingy about the property reverting back to Der Veg after a person's death kinda made things go over like a lead balloon.
That was the same kind of offer Bo Reahard got when VP gave him and Stanley a "wedding gift" of a plot of land near the campfire where they could build their dream home, which they did. It worked so well with Bo and Stanley, VP decided he would try it with the general Wayfer public to see how many free properties the ministry might be able to get with this offer.
Not in their wildest dreams, did Bo & Stanley figure that after they left TWI, they would be locked out of the home they built on that land with their own money, a home now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, without one red cent in compensation.
quote:Not only did VP offer it as a place for Wayfers to vacation, but he even put out the idea that believers could build vacation or retirement homes on that land. It was at a Rock of Ages, when VP first floated the idea. He said he would allow believers to build retirement or time-share type vacation homes there.
I clearly remember that!
Also, I remember sitting in a meeting where vpw expounded his "grand scale projection" for Camp Gunnison. He visualized having land across the river as well and some fancy restaurant up there where the water tower stood.
Even at the time, I muttered under my breath.....that will never happen. :)-->
Besides, who wants to vacation in a place that's micromanaged to death?
That's right-- he wanted a restaurant, etc. Sort of a Way Ranch Theme Park where Wayfers could fish, hike, hunt, ride horses, etc.
What a vision. Let's allow the believers to develop the property with their own money, wring as much of it out of their pockets as possible, and then keep their properties in the end.
I think too many people saw through that one. So they turned it into a "training ground" for The Way Corps, and a nice BOD getaway. Now that there are only 5 new Way Corps Grads (I still can't get over that one!), it simply is a property that continues to appreciate in value that they can sell and use to live off of if things get rough.
Would to God it was sold and given to the people TWI financially devastated over the years for "protection money," i.e. "abundant" sharing.
As to how many are actually on staff- Jimextwi probably knows. When I was there in 1985, I think there were about 25 on staff. They could probably keep it going with as few as 12.
quote:As to how many are actually on staff- Jimextwi probably knows. When I was there in 1985, I think there were about 25 on staff. They could probably keep it going with as few as 12.
I don't know how many are needed.
But.....someone told someone who told someone who told me that Tony and Ruth Cleaver just went there to be on staff. Weren't they in the 6th corps at one time?
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Despite the small numbers, both staffers are still needed. ;-)
Seriously, does anyone know how many staffers are left? And wouldn't those five also be working?
As a general comment, I wouldn't argue that the value of a program should be determined by the number of participants. However, one could argue that the cost to maintain it should be based on it's value. Of course, when has that influenced TWI's financial decisions?
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They don't allow people to have vacations there anymore??? THAT was the main reason why Wierwille bought the place to start with!
It really is a nice facility...what are they wasting it for?
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They are probably saving it to help settle on of the ongoing lawsuits..
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They never really DID allow the TWIt public in general to take vacations there.
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i vacationed there a couple of times with a redheaded fellow and his family....
with vacations like that, who needs prison ?
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Regardless of how good the program is (which is debatable), they will eventually have 1 WC person for each fellowship. If the need isn't there for additional leaderships, why continue the obviously failing program?
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Spewth....hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I love it!
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Good that surfaces every year or so.
For years now, the number of inresidence corps has been pitifully low and begs the question....why keep the Gunnison property? Gee, couldn't they just bring the corps to hq and train them in the BRC or whatever? For that matter, they could even use the BRC basement for meals and keep the corps separate from staff activities (for the most part).
Speculating.....what REASONS would the bod have for hanging onto the Gunnison location?
1) For investment purposes.....knowing that the price will continue to increase as long as corps labor there to keep maintaining the buildings, grounds, etc?
2) For a hunting lodge......knowing that howard and others like to hunt elk and deer (or act like they do)?
3) For a bod travel there and be waited on hand and foot?
4) For deception that twi gives the impression that they are bigger than they really are?
5) For sex and adultery......knowing that (allegedly) much happened "under the sheets" when the mogfot came to visit?
Surely, the bod have their reasons. After all, the "great planner" rozilla doesn't do anything without a plan in place.
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I can't wait to see the faces of the juries in my case and the Peeler's case when the bod get on the stand and .... all over themselves, while ex-way members watch and are entertained.
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I went to Family Camp there in 95'.
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I imagine it costs a sizable chunk of change to keep up Gunnisonm especially if they are still so anal about details.
I can't see twi capitalizing on the properties value any better than they did with the other properties they sold off. By the time you add in all the costs associated with maintaining and running the campus over the years, that place hadda been a money pit from the git go.
They'd still get a good price for it if they sold it but the market for those properties is pretty depressed right now. It is also associated with a disreputable organization which lowers values too.
It's a shame they don't just set up a health spa there for the rich and spoilt.
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am I to understnd there were only 5 (five) people that entered the "Way Corps Leadership Program" now?
or did I miss something?
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You got it. Pwetty Impwessive, ain't it?
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Here's my guess, appreciation.
Not the appreciation of the hard-working believers that made it possible. Nope, the filthy lucre money appreciation of its real estate value.
Given it's location and beauty, its value will appreciate at a greater rate than any paper investment. Justify it to the IRS by putting the troublesome corpse out there and you've got it all figured out.
Remember the first 3-4 corps. Boys and girls trailers behind the antenna. Classes in the brc or basement. It would work fine now, except why would they need Gunnison?
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I remember when they first bought Gunnison, VP actually did advertise it as a place for not only training Way Corps and doing family camps, but also for Wayfers to vacation. Several couples who got married in our Gang Wedding thought about actually honeymooning there (1978).
Not only did VP offer it as a place for Wayfers to vacation, but he even put out the idea that believers could build vacation or retirement homes on that land. It was at a Rock of Ages, when VP first floated the idea. He said he would allow believers to build retirement or time-share type vacation homes there.
When the believers weren't using them, then The Way would have access to the home to use it for The Way Corps, or visitors, etc. There would of course be standards for the kind of construction, etc. But the steal of the deal was this: When the original owners died, the property would revert back to Der Veg.
As I remember, the offer was on the table for only a very short period of time. Not many people took VP up on his offer. That little thingy about the property reverting back to Der Veg after a person's death kinda made things go over like a lead balloon.
That was the same kind of offer Bo Reahard got when VP gave him and Stanley a "wedding gift" of a plot of land near the campfire where they could build their dream home, which they did. It worked so well with Bo and Stanley, VP decided he would try it with the general Wayfer public to see how many free properties the ministry might be able to get with this offer.
Not in their wildest dreams, did Bo & Stanley figure that after they left TWI, they would be locked out of the home they built on that land with their own money, a home now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, without one red cent in compensation.
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I clearly remember that!
Also, I remember sitting in a meeting where vpw expounded his "grand scale projection" for Camp Gunnison. He visualized having land across the river as well and some fancy restaurant up there where the water tower stood.
Even at the time, I muttered under my breath.....that will never happen.
Besides, who wants to vacation in a place that's micromanaged to death?
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That's right-- he wanted a restaurant, etc. Sort of a Way Ranch Theme Park where Wayfers could fish, hike, hunt, ride horses, etc.
What a vision. Let's allow the believers to develop the property with their own money, wring as much of it out of their pockets as possible, and then keep their properties in the end.
I think too many people saw through that one. So they turned it into a "training ground" for The Way Corps, and a nice BOD getaway. Now that there are only 5 new Way Corps Grads (I still can't get over that one!), it simply is a property that continues to appreciate in value that they can sell and use to live off of if things get rough.
Would to God it was sold and given to the people TWI financially devastated over the years for "protection money," i.e. "abundant" sharing.
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As to how many are actually on staff- Jimextwi probably knows. When I was there in 1985, I think there were about 25 on staff. They could probably keep it going with as few as 12.
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I don't know how many are needed.
But.....someone told someone who told someone who told me that Tony and Ruth Cleaver just went there to be on staff. Weren't they in the 6th corps at one time?
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12 staffers
5 corps
5-10 corps hangers-on?
Do they need a ranch? Wouldn't a big farm house work just fine? And they'd have a place
for all of the manure generated. ;-)
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Another reason they keep Gunnison is for tax purposes.
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