If you do a "people search" on Yahoo.com, or some other services, you'll actually find that Loy is a common first name. And that the name "Loy C. Martindale" applies to more than 10 men in the U.S.
I'm thinking it was probably his grandfather's name.
My sisters live in Bartlesville, OK where Craig is from. My mother is also in hospice care there. I have been to Bartlesville the past 2 years for Xmas, since my mother was no longer living in a home of her own. I plan to be there this Xmas as well. Of course, I don't plan on looking up any of the Martindales while I'm there.
Actually, if you take the numerical value of "LoyCraigMartindale" and determine the alignment of the stars at the time of his birth, and then reduce the variable of "X" into the time frame of his presidency at twi...add all these factors together, total out the equation, and his name clearly is deciphored as........Moe Howard.
quote: Actually, if you take the numerical value of "LoyCraigMartindale" and determine the alignment of the stars at the time of his birth, and then reduce the variable of "X" into the time frame of his presidency at twi...add all these factors together, total out the equation, and his name clearly is deciphored as........Moe Howard.
I'm certainly not nor have ever been in the inner circle. But I definitely remember someone telling me it was Loy, I think it was someone at a wedding he did and had to sign his full name and made some remark about it.
It may be that LCM comes from a family like mine down in northern Alabama (yes, I know he's from Oklahoma).
My mother's side of our family all use their middle names because they are their Christian names. Most all of their first names are Cherokee names, but they go by their Christian names because of unsavory elements like the KKK, Arian Nation, and other such a$$holes.
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Watered Garden
Nope. It's Loy.
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for real? I could go back to some old publications and am sure he was referred to as Larry or Lawrence. Loy? what's a Loy?
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You might be thinking of Larry on The Three Stooges...
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(n.) A long, narrow spade for stony lands.
Hmmm. maybe he should have stayed at TWI and not become the Research Director but the landscaper.
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exwayfer -
If you do a "people search" on Yahoo.com, or some other services, you'll actually find that Loy is a common first name. And that the name "Loy C. Martindale" applies to more than 10 men in the U.S.
I'm thinking it was probably his grandfather's name.
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Some people call a spade a spade...I call it a !@#$%&%$#@ loy...
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LOY broken down:
Look Out Youngins'!
Loony Ousted Yokel (sp?)
Likes Ohio, Yessir. (Not!)
Left Oklahoma Young
Loud, Ornery Yeller
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Radar OReilly
if it walks like a duck.........
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Biblefan Dave
My sisters live in Bartlesville, OK where Craig is from. My mother is also in hospice care there. I have been to Bartlesville the past 2 years for Xmas, since my mother was no longer living in a home of her own. I plan to be there this Xmas as well. Of course, I don't plan on looking up any of the Martindales while I'm there.
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A la prochaine
Did not Loy boy go to college in Lawrence Kansas? Perhaps that's where you are getting the Lawrence/Larry thing from.
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Lawrence Levy was an attorney in the case, maybe that's where the name came from?
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Actually, if you take the numerical value of "LoyCraigMartindale" and determine the alignment of the stars at the time of his birth, and then reduce the variable of "X" into the time frame of his presidency at twi...add all these factors together, total out the equation, and his name clearly is deciphored as........Moe Howard.
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Does that account for the forehead too?
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Nyuck, nyuck. Wise guys!
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I can see his old pa pacing around the crib. "Leroy, Lawrence, nah, Lawerence is too sophisticated for this one. We'll call this one Loy."
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At one time I thought his first name was Loyd.
What's a Loy?
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Trefor Heywood
I never heard of anyone else with a name like that!
He certainly didn't seem to encourage its use!
Pehaps because Craig sounded so much more butch!
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Trefor, I did not EVER hear anyone call him Loy. It may have been one of the deep dark secrets, known only to the inner circle!
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Watered Garden
I'm certainly not nor have ever been in the inner circle. But I definitely remember someone telling me it was Loy, I think it was someone at a wedding he did and had to sign his full name and made some remark about it.
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It may be that LCM comes from a family like mine down in northern Alabama (yes, I know he's from Oklahoma).
My mother's side of our family all use their middle names because they are their Christian names. Most all of their first names are Cherokee names, but they go by their Christian names because of unsavory elements like the KKK, Arian Nation, and other such a$$holes.
My 2 cents...
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That's a scary thought. Can you imagine being married by LOY???
Wasn't he afforded the first shot at the wife-to-be, just like Caligula?? Terms of service, ya know ...
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Well, whether or not it was granted to him, he often took it!
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This reminds me of the old days of Trancechat.
Ex-TWI people were referring to LCM as "Loy" a lot.
Some poster from somewhere else asked "Who is this horrible Loy creature?"
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Could Loy be short for Aloysius (ala-wishes)?
No insult intended to Ms. Prochaine.
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