Wow girl. I'm glad your o.k and have gotten a life. Boy talk about abandonment. I tell you one thing...reading yours and CW story makes me want to kick somone.
I really do hope that oneday there will be a suit to shut TWI down for good. until that day I appreciate you all for comming forward and speaking your truth. Namaste
and all the other replys here to shazdancer's thread point out that TWI really had no clue they had a clue the mental aspect of what was expected from The Word, The Word, AND NOTHING BUT THE WORD!!!
PoZZession: the diagnosis of total ingnorance of the unknown.
Definition supplied by TheSongRemainsTheSame.
I have been told we only use 1/10th of our brains. Uhhmm... the other 9/10ths? Maybe some have gone to areas of the brain that can not be understood to that one and then experiencing such a mental collapse or an epiphany or chemical imbalances etc.
If TWI did not understand a mental disorder, they found a devil spirit that could be associated their ingnorance. Jeesh, I was samAshed into a 15 inch oak tree as a passenger in a VW that was driven by a former pfal grad the night after I decided to return to TWI after a few months absence~~~ Yepper you guessed it, it was Devil Spirits. Give me a freaking brake!!!
My son William Ryan was born full term still birth. My wife and I were involved TWI and the BC was totally aware our pregnancy and the complications. I asked him to perform the funeral. He said in no uncertain terms that he would. A day or so later he called me, "I am sorry. TWI can not perform the funeral. I called my LC and he told me since the child was born still birth, he was not biblically a living soul." I said, "Fine, I will do the funeral on my own."
Do you realise , understand the mental complications of that event?
I was diagnosed by TWI to have a 5 Star General called Leviathan/Python, whatever.
So, what am I suppose to do? Go to a professional Doctor and say~~~ "I have a Devil Spirit"? Right there is a crazziness accepted from the throne of TWI my involveMENTAL beliefs of Mastering The Word, the Word, AND NOTHING BUT THE WORD for TWInty years.
Was TWI responsible for all my life's problems since I was born untill now ? Let's just say they were responsible for TWInty years worth our mutual involvement with each other the Word Over The World.
I am now receiving true PROFESSIONAL help regarding the whole body, mind, and just who is it that I am in this frail flesh.
((((watered garden))) that was not minor...the pressure to abandon your child....the harrassment for not obeying must have been unbearable...the frustration of needing help and not being able to get it from those you depended on....I am so sorry.
(((Song))) How heartlessly refuse to do that compound your families pain was so selfish....even if they BELIEVED that the child was never alive...what would it have hurt them to provide you and your wife with some measure of comfort??
I understand your loss...any Mom who has felt her baby move in her womb understands.....twi was wrong.....I am sorry...anywhere else you guys would have been treated as befits grieving parents.
I understand your delema with possession as well...when I was declared posessed at 18 ...I didn`t know where to turn...I had already disowned my natural man family....I couldn`t go to a psychiatrist..what did THEY know about devil spirits?...Shoot I didn`t even know how or when I had become posessed....I had the former bc`s full confidence when they left three months before.
I previously had been told that if I went back to my home state, that I would die spiritually ...but that was all that was left for I had been ordered to leave the home that I had rented...leaving it to the bc`s along with all of the furniture...dishes ...the utilities and such in my money for new deposits or I went home brokenly assuming that I was to where to turn for help....wondering if I should just drive into the red river to kill myself in case I were to infect others with my devil spirits.
Maybe I just lack the intelligence to see the "real" story, but it seems to me one can only draw only two possible explanations for all the incidents told here.
1. The people telling the stories are exaggerating, embellishing, or just plain lying.
2. TWI was an amoral, dispicable, self-serving, and utterly uncaring P.O.S. organization.
We were shortly thereafter M&A. I got sonny back on Ritalin in a double blind study that his homeroom teacher said was "day and night". We moved back here to be closer to family.
The BC in the area where we were M&A was a LCM wannabe, hardassed and harder hearted. He and the WC in that area had been systematically persecuting people who had been around awhile. LCM felt that those of us who had been "in" for a couple decades were not strong in the Lord enough to stand forth boldly and fearlessly in the great light of the present truth which God had revealed until his own most magnificant self.
Of course the real reason was that the oldies could smell something rotten in New Knoxville and it was his brain.
Our son should never have been off medication. We were told to take him off, went in FC for 3 months and got kicked out because of his misbehavior at school.
We did sort of get counselling afterward from a family who had several children. These parents were always correcting their children with a wooden spoon, or literally a kick in the butt. Their children were meek, humble, and obedient all right - they were punished if they did not obey the first time!
Not my cup of tea, and if I had it to do over again, I would have stayed away from FC at all costs. Any child who had any spirit at all was labeled a juvenile delinquent and not welcome in Rome City.
quote:Any child who had any spirit at all was labeled a juvenile delinquent and not welcome in Rome City.
Wow, and all the kids at RC with spirit that knew how to work the system did whatever the heck they wanted. As long as they played the game, they were pretty much just left unsupervised by the time they got to be pre-teens. At least, so go the stories I've heard. There've been several ex "mini-corps" that have posted here, and many of them posted about losing their virginity and smoking weed at the RC campus.
Year: 10th corp’s interim year (when was that anyway?).
WOW Family has a WOW who is really sick. The WOW family coordinator calls the WOW team coordinator. (10th Corp woman). She goes over and discovers that this man is so sick because he has been bathing with insecticide. The man is sure that bugs are crawling on him. Now this bug-man has a little girl. 10th Corp woman starts talking to the little girl and the little girl tells her that she can’t call any family members of her father, because they are hiding from her mother and any family member might report them to her mother.
10th Corp woman reports to her leadership.
What happens: Bug-man is “released” from his WOW commitment. He leaves the field with his little girl and NO ONE, that’s right NO ONE, bothers to report this guy to the authorities.
I was told this by the 10th Corp woman many years ago. It has always bothered me. And I have wondered many times what became of that little girl and if her mother ever found her..
Anybody out there ever hear about this or were you a WOW in Chicago that year?
Boyohboy! If the authorities had ever picked up on that one, I think TWI could have been held legally accountable for letting them just go away and not reporting it.
I wasn't around long after the plastic cowboy took over but what a blessing for you to have been M&Aed. Man! If anyone had ever beaten my kid with a wooden spoon they would have had it up theirs too.
"CW and Song what horrible stories. This is just ...I can't even find the words to discribe such heinous amotionally abusive events.
Who the hell do they think they are? The reality of such actions are incomprehensable.
I really hope I see,"what goes around comes around" in my life time with TWI."
Dear imbus
These are not "horrible stories" to me. But rather a beleiving in the "DRVPWPFAL" and the results that followed in my life. There are some here who refute these happenings upon their expeirences DRVPWPFAL that what TWI taught was truth.
"The reality of such actions are incomprehensable."
Yes they are, but I did sign on the dotted line a little green card.
I knew a couple once who were urged again and again to go in the family WC. Alan said, No way, no one is raising/disciplining my daughters, other than my wife and me. I didn't believe him until I saw the same thing. They would tell us we would see our children so much more. We had almost NO one-on-one time with sonny and absolutely NO say over how he was handled. He is early 20's now, not on medication, and his life is somewhat of a mess, BUT I can say they never broke his spirit!
I was single with children in twi I had to work full time I wanted a good life for us,I had family in the area that were not involved in twi that cared about us I had to be acountable to myself and God and my family.
I saw families go nuts for the organization. the only reason I say I couldnt or rather didnt is because I had a drive to be a sucess in life and knew how to live I went to college while in twi, with small children and worked. MY children were involved in activities my daughter was a dancer my children had many friends in the neighborhood.
the fellowship coordinator thought every child was possessed but hers so she aliented her kids, of course she could play with mine but mom couldnt handle any outside of twi conversation with people. and they were in poverty and compromised and their chidlren suffered. I think twi drove them to the point they got paranoid of anything that was not connected to twi it must be an evil world thing out to get ya !
simple decisions such as whether to take your child to the doctor had to involve several phone calls, to other believers(no I was not on that list thank God) Depressed from the isolation and unable to function with the confines that twi dictated. such as not working at night to be able to go to classes and taking alot of time off to travel to other areas to attend classes.
come on, how does one live in a community when they think the community is out to kill steal and destroy? so they cloned up and lived in misery with one another always with one eye out to see if your not right , never able to be real and say gee I got a problem I feel lonely or sad or frustrated cause you would be labeled as unbelieving... no one to be real with at all.
I watched it for a few years, I even felt sad at times to see beautiful people live below normal standards for welfare , orlike they were on house arrest or parole. thinking they were living in Gods BEST world with those who cared . People were not alowed to care about one another because if you had one to many issues in life at any time you could be thrown out for it so stay quiet and lie and trust no one. Many had no blood family near and had moved for twi to areas they didnt want to be in and where stuck.
I watched people go insane I really did.
One girl was in the hospital for depression after a baby but she was not an improtant believers they said she never asked permission to seek treatment she and her family knew it was right for her. and it was like well yeah of course she was like that because she was only a PFAL grad. she got better is still my friend today! she was never asked to leave twi. But those who had all the answer from within lived in hell on earth they really did never sought help or kept it very silent if they did . and they were tossed out as worthless when finaly the real world , school for the kids landlords , bills , and generaly unable to function demanded they account to life. twi told them they had to many problems in life, problems they got by being as devoted and sincere and loyal to twi itself.
I saw folks so dependent on twi they would NOT know how to put their pants on one leg at a time unless they made a pohone call to see if it was ok... that was insane but they thought they were fine and in Gods will. how do they recover? the only way is to get thrown out and survive and seek help from professionals who want you to be healthy. it is the only way to get you life back .
I saw those the most caught up and dedicated and willing to please suffer the most, and they where often asked to leave twi. those like me who just lived life and Loved God and took some classes when we could and stayed connected to the real world did not get harrassed by twi or asked to comply with the lifestyle of the cult. twi attracted those within its ranks who were co-dependent and unable to function in the real world it made a haven for them to live in their own fantastic world of one another say so. many where insane and they stayed hidden in that isolated world for years.
quote:I watched it for a few years, I even felt sad at times to see beautiful people live below normal standards for welfare , orlike they were on house arrest or parole. thinking they were living in Gods BEST world with those who cared .
So many, many times...
If just one person...
Had stood with me against the insanity...
I begged God over and over and over again...
That if there were anybody standing by...
Watching what was going on...
Knowing that it was wrong...
I begged God over and over again...
That if there were someone like this...
Would He please convince them to break their silence...
do not try to turn this into a spit spat of revenge cool water take a chill pill or go eat something and get off me for a change. you are not putting any guilt or whatever your trying to do on me . Peoiple make their own choices in life all I can do is love them.
Most everyone I knew in twi has left by now, and we still love and get together once in awhile and I have very dear friends who still fellowship with twi. The Lord loves us each very much.
I spoke up, many times. Eventually, I got so beaten down I quit speaking up (much to my shame and regret). But that eventually lead to me getting so angry I left.
On one occasion, they were showing the video about Martin Luther and our twig coordinators told us to bring our children (in front of our entire fellowship). I didn't want to bring them to a two hour movie that would not interest them and keep them up past their bedtime (they were only about 1 and 3 at the time). I knew they would never sit still and quiet that long. I don't think their father wanted to either, but he pretty much did whatever they told him to.
So we brought them, and I let them play in the back of the room, trying to keep them quiet and happy at the same time. Naturally they made some noise and naturally they did not sit for two hours. I didn't "reprove" them or use the spoon. They were just kids and my opinion behaved very well under the circumstances.
However, I could see their father getting angrier and angrier and I KNEW I was gonna really get it when I got home. The kids too.
After the meeting my twig coordinator blew up at me all over the place and in front of everyone about how stupid it was to bring the kids to this thing. I was so shocked I was speachless and it was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears. Everyone heard and several people (including my ex) came up to me later and pointed out that THEY had told me to bring them.
BUT NOT ONE PERSON, INCLUDING MY EX, spoke up to the twig coordinators and pointed that out.
Why are you asking me for approval cool waters? See a professional if you have deep set needs for approval from others you can not resolve it is not my job . I do not even know you.
do what you want, most people do.
It was the folks I loved that really where in the business to help others and thought they had a special secret in life they wanted to share, they opened their homes and they did alot of time and work for twi for free, when I saw how many hours they put in for the cause how much of their life got damaged but they were so convinced and strong and dedicated that I grew sad. but they where all thrown out or left and many are still my friends today yeah hoo! happiness is not so much about pleasure it is more about victory!
my friends still in are still my friends and the bottom line is we love one another, we discuss twi but it isnt the focus of our love or life.
no one in my circle of my friends try to be a Saviour for the world with the feeble attempts of pointing finger and fault finding or blame, we know the Saviour His name Is Jesus christ and we pray to God to follow His example in life and in loving one another for all of eternity. and that is all you really need to know to have peace and happiness in life in my opinion.
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Wow girl. I'm glad your o.k and have gotten a life. Boy talk about abandonment. I tell you one thing...reading yours and CW story makes me want to kick somone.
I really do hope that oneday there will be a suit to shut TWI down for good. until that day I appreciate you all for comming forward and speaking your truth. Namaste
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Crazy Girl
Crazy man
and all the other replys here to shazdancer's thread point out that TWI really had no clue they had a clue the mental aspect of what was expected from The Word, The Word, AND NOTHING BUT THE WORD!!!
PoZZession: the diagnosis of total ingnorance of the unknown.
Definition supplied by TheSongRemainsTheSame.
I have been told we only use 1/10th of our brains. Uhhmm... the other 9/10ths? Maybe some have gone to areas of the brain that can not be understood to that one and then experiencing such a mental collapse or an epiphany or chemical imbalances etc.
If TWI did not understand a mental disorder, they found a devil spirit that could be associated their ingnorance. Jeesh, I was samAshed into a 15 inch oak tree as a passenger in a VW that was driven by a former pfal grad the night after I decided to return to TWI after a few months absence~~~ Yepper you guessed it, it was Devil Spirits. Give me a freaking brake!!!
My son William Ryan was born full term still birth. My wife and I were involved TWI and the BC was totally aware our pregnancy and the complications. I asked him to perform the funeral. He said in no uncertain terms that he would. A day or so later he called me, "I am sorry. TWI can not perform the funeral. I called my LC and he told me since the child was born still birth, he was not biblically a living soul." I said, "Fine, I will do the funeral on my own."
Do you realise , understand the mental complications of that event?
I was diagnosed by TWI to have a 5 Star General called Leviathan/Python, whatever.
So, what am I suppose to do? Go to a professional Doctor and say~~~ "I have a Devil Spirit"? Right there is a crazziness accepted from the throne of TWI my involveMENTAL beliefs of Mastering The Word, the Word, AND NOTHING BUT THE WORD for TWInty years.
Was TWI responsible for all my life's problems since I was born untill now ? Let's just say they were responsible for TWInty years worth our mutual involvement with each other the Word Over The World.
I am now receiving true PROFESSIONAL help regarding the whole body, mind, and just who is it that I am in this frail flesh.
We are more than the image in a mirror!!!
I certainly empathise with all this thread.
Rok On!!!
Heart of
Rok It shazdancer
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((((watered garden))) that was not minor...the pressure to abandon your child....the harrassment for not obeying must have been unbearable...the frustration of needing help and not being able to get it from those you depended on....I am so sorry.
(((Song))) How heartlessly refuse to do that compound your families pain was so selfish....even if they BELIEVED that the child was never alive...what would it have hurt them to provide you and your wife with some measure of comfort??
I understand your loss...any Mom who has felt her baby move in her womb understands.....twi was wrong.....I am sorry...anywhere else you guys would have been treated as befits grieving parents.
I understand your delema with possession as well...when I was declared posessed at 18 ...I didn`t know where to turn...I had already disowned my natural man family....I couldn`t go to a psychiatrist..what did THEY know about devil spirits?...Shoot I didn`t even know how or when I had become posessed....I had the former bc`s full confidence when they left three months before.
I previously had been told that if I went back to my home state, that I would die spiritually ...but that was all that was left for I had been ordered to leave the home that I had rented...leaving it to the bc`s along with all of the furniture...dishes ...the utilities and such in my money for new deposits or I went home brokenly assuming that I was to where to turn for help....wondering if I should just drive into the red river to kill myself in case I were to infect others with my devil spirits.
I understand having no where to go for help.
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Watered Garden, how horrible? What did you do? Leave the Corps?
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George Aar
Maybe I just lack the intelligence to see the "real" story, but it seems to me one can only draw only two possible explanations for all the incidents told here.
1. The people telling the stories are exaggerating, embellishing, or just plain lying.
2. TWI was an amoral, dispicable, self-serving, and utterly uncaring P.O.S. organization.
Guess which one I choose?
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Watered Garden
We were shortly thereafter M&A. I got sonny back on Ritalin in a double blind study that his homeroom teacher said was "day and night". We moved back here to be closer to family.
The BC in the area where we were M&A was a LCM wannabe, hardassed and harder hearted. He and the WC in that area had been systematically persecuting people who had been around awhile. LCM felt that those of us who had been "in" for a couple decades were not strong in the Lord enough to stand forth boldly and fearlessly in the great light of the present truth which God had revealed until his own most magnificant self.
Of course the real reason was that the oldies could smell something rotten in New Knoxville and it was his brain.
Our son should never have been off medication. We were told to take him off, went in FC for 3 months and got kicked out because of his misbehavior at school.
We did sort of get counselling afterward from a family who had several children. These parents were always correcting their children with a wooden spoon, or literally a kick in the butt. Their children were meek, humble, and obedient all right - they were punished if they did not obey the first time!
Not my cup of tea, and if I had it to do over again, I would have stayed away from FC at all costs. Any child who had any spirit at all was labeled a juvenile delinquent and not welcome in Rome City.
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Wow, and all the kids at RC with spirit that knew how to work the system did whatever the heck they wanted. As long as they played the game, they were pretty much just left unsupervised by the time they got to be pre-teens. At least, so go the stories I've heard. There've been several ex "mini-corps" that have posted here, and many of them posted about losing their virginity and smoking weed at the RC campus.
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Watered Garden
My son said later, regarding being a 5th grader at FC campus:
"It was like we were the Jews and they were the Nazis. Any time you even touched a wall on your way by, someone hit you with wooden spoon."
Had I know then about that, there would have been some wooden spoons up some behinds.
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CW and Song what horrible stories. This is just ...I can't even find the words to discribe such heinous amotionally abusive events.
Who the hell do they think they are? The reality of such actions are incomprehensable.
I really hope I see,"what goes around comes around" in my life time with TWI.
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Place: Chicago
Year: 10th corp’s interim year (when was that anyway?).
WOW Family has a WOW who is really sick. The WOW family coordinator calls the WOW team coordinator. (10th Corp woman). She goes over and discovers that this man is so sick because he has been bathing with insecticide. The man is sure that bugs are crawling on him. Now this bug-man has a little girl. 10th Corp woman starts talking to the little girl and the little girl tells her that she can’t call any family members of her father, because they are hiding from her mother and any family member might report them to her mother.
10th Corp woman reports to her leadership.
What happens: Bug-man is “released” from his WOW commitment. He leaves the field with his little girl and NO ONE, that’s right NO ONE, bothers to report this guy to the authorities.
I was told this by the 10th Corp woman many years ago. It has always bothered me. And I have wondered many times what became of that little girl and if her mother ever found her..
Anybody out there ever hear about this or were you a WOW in Chicago that year?
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Watered Garden
Boyohboy! If the authorities had ever picked up on that one, I think TWI could have been held legally accountable for letting them just go away and not reporting it.
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I wasn't around long after the plastic cowboy took over but what a blessing for you to have been M&Aed. Man! If anyone had ever beaten my kid with a wooden spoon they would have had it up theirs too.
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posted September 15, 2004 14:06
"CW and Song what horrible stories. This is just ...I can't even find the words to discribe such heinous amotionally abusive events.
Who the hell do they think they are? The reality of such actions are incomprehensable.
I really hope I see,"what goes around comes around" in my life time with TWI."
Dear imbus
These are not "horrible stories" to me. But rather a beleiving in the "DRVPWPFAL" and the results that followed in my life. There are some here who refute these happenings upon their expeirences DRVPWPFAL that what TWI taught was truth.
"The reality of such actions are incomprehensable."
Yes they are, but I did sign on the dotted line a little green card.
Thank You for your empathy
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Thank you all of the above for your kind responses to my story.
And Watered Garden, I'm so sorry. I can't believe they would tell you to ABANDON your own child. But then again, I do believe it.
When we share the truth of our own experiences we see it more and more clearly the utter hard heartedness that existed in that organization.
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Watered Garden
I knew a couple once who were urged again and again to go in the family WC. Alan said, No way, no one is raising/disciplining my daughters, other than my wife and me. I didn't believe him until I saw the same thing. They would tell us we would see our children so much more. We had almost NO one-on-one time with sonny and absolutely NO say over how he was handled. He is early 20's now, not on medication, and his life is somewhat of a mess, BUT I can say they never broke his spirit!
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I was single with children in twi I had to work full time I wanted a good life for us,I had family in the area that were not involved in twi that cared about us I had to be acountable to myself and God and my family.
I saw families go nuts for the organization. the only reason I say I couldnt or rather didnt is because I had a drive to be a sucess in life and knew how to live I went to college while in twi, with small children and worked. MY children were involved in activities my daughter was a dancer my children had many friends in the neighborhood.
the fellowship coordinator thought every child was possessed but hers so she aliented her kids, of course she could play with mine but mom couldnt handle any outside of twi conversation with people. and they were in poverty and compromised and their chidlren suffered. I think twi drove them to the point they got paranoid of anything that was not connected to twi it must be an evil world thing out to get ya !
simple decisions such as whether to take your child to the doctor had to involve several phone calls, to other believers(no I was not on that list thank God) Depressed from the isolation and unable to function with the confines that twi dictated. such as not working at night to be able to go to classes and taking alot of time off to travel to other areas to attend classes.
come on, how does one live in a community when they think the community is out to kill steal and destroy? so they cloned up and lived in misery with one another always with one eye out to see if your not right , never able to be real and say gee I got a problem I feel lonely or sad or frustrated cause you would be labeled as unbelieving... no one to be real with at all.
I watched it for a few years, I even felt sad at times to see beautiful people live below normal standards for welfare , orlike they were on house arrest or parole. thinking they were living in Gods BEST world with those who cared . People were not alowed to care about one another because if you had one to many issues in life at any time you could be thrown out for it so stay quiet and lie and trust no one. Many had no blood family near and had moved for twi to areas they didnt want to be in and where stuck.
I watched people go insane I really did.
One girl was in the hospital for depression after a baby but she was not an improtant believers they said she never asked permission to seek treatment she and her family knew it was right for her. and it was like well yeah of course she was like that because she was only a PFAL grad. she got better is still my friend today! she was never asked to leave twi. But those who had all the answer from within lived in hell on earth they really did never sought help or kept it very silent if they did . and they were tossed out as worthless when finaly the real world , school for the kids landlords , bills , and generaly unable to function demanded they account to life. twi told them they had to many problems in life, problems they got by being as devoted and sincere and loyal to twi itself.
I saw folks so dependent on twi they would NOT know how to put their pants on one leg at a time unless they made a pohone call to see if it was ok... that was insane but they thought they were fine and in Gods will. how do they recover? the only way is to get thrown out and survive and seek help from professionals who want you to be healthy. it is the only way to get you life back .
I saw those the most caught up and dedicated and willing to please suffer the most, and they where often asked to leave twi. those like me who just lived life and Loved God and took some classes when we could and stayed connected to the real world did not get harrassed by twi or asked to comply with the lifestyle of the cult. twi attracted those within its ranks who were co-dependent and unable to function in the real world it made a haven for them to live in their own fantastic world of one another say so. many where insane and they stayed hidden in that isolated world for years.
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So many, many times...
If just one person...
Had stood with me against the insanity...
I begged God over and over and over again...
That if there were anybody standing by...
Watching what was going on...
Knowing that it was wrong...
I begged God over and over again...
That if there were someone like this...
Would He please convince them to break their silence...
Why didn't you?
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do not try to turn this into a spit spat of revenge cool water take a chill pill or go eat something and get off me for a change. you are not putting any guilt or whatever your trying to do on me . Peoiple make their own choices in life all I can do is love them.
Most everyone I knew in twi has left by now, and we still love and get together once in awhile and I have very dear friends who still fellowship with twi. The Lord loves us each very much.
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It sometimes helps in the healing of things for me to know why folks just let things happen.
It was not a sniping question.
It was a question I need answered.
I mean, did you hate me? Did you hate the others? Did you think we deserved what we were getting? Or was it simply that you did not care?
It's important for me to know...
So that I can place that piece of the puzzle...
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I do not control what others do with their life Cool waters.
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Neither do I.
But when I saw things going wrong, I did what I could to stop them...even to the point of being marked as "seed".
Do you think that doing so was co-dependent...another form of the need to belong?
It's important for me to know...
Because to this very day...
When I see a wrong...
I do what I can to stop it from happening again...
And if this is part of my problem in life...
I need to know...
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Amen Coolwaters!
I spoke up, many times. Eventually, I got so beaten down I quit speaking up (much to my shame and regret). But that eventually lead to me getting so angry I left.
On one occasion, they were showing the video about Martin Luther and our twig coordinators told us to bring our children (in front of our entire fellowship). I didn't want to bring them to a two hour movie that would not interest them and keep them up past their bedtime (they were only about 1 and 3 at the time). I knew they would never sit still and quiet that long. I don't think their father wanted to either, but he pretty much did whatever they told him to.
So we brought them, and I let them play in the back of the room, trying to keep them quiet and happy at the same time. Naturally they made some noise and naturally they did not sit for two hours. I didn't "reprove" them or use the spoon. They were just kids and my opinion behaved very well under the circumstances.
However, I could see their father getting angrier and angrier and I KNEW I was gonna really get it when I got home. The kids too.
After the meeting my twig coordinator blew up at me all over the place and in front of everyone about how stupid it was to bring the kids to this thing. I was so shocked I was speachless and it was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears. Everyone heard and several people (including my ex) came up to me later and pointed out that THEY had told me to bring them.
BUT NOT ONE PERSON, INCLUDING MY EX, spoke up to the twig coordinators and pointed that out.
I left TWI very shortly after that.
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Why are you asking me for approval cool waters? See a professional if you have deep set needs for approval from others you can not resolve it is not my job . I do not even know you.
do what you want, most people do.
It was the folks I loved that really where in the business to help others and thought they had a special secret in life they wanted to share, they opened their homes and they did alot of time and work for twi for free, when I saw how many hours they put in for the cause how much of their life got damaged but they were so convinced and strong and dedicated that I grew sad. but they where all thrown out or left and many are still my friends today yeah hoo! happiness is not so much about pleasure it is more about victory!
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my friends still in are still my friends and the bottom line is we love one another, we discuss twi but it isnt the focus of our love or life.
no one in my circle of my friends try to be a Saviour for the world with the feeble attempts of pointing finger and fault finding or blame, we know the Saviour His name Is Jesus christ and we pray to God to follow His example in life and in loving one another for all of eternity. and that is all you really need to know to have peace and happiness in life in my opinion.
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