IMHO, the M&A's, breaking up of families, sexual and mental abuse, "the present truth," were only symptoms and not the cause and that cause is still there. Namely, the superior, sanctimonius idea that "We got it and you don't and if you want to be on God's side you better come with us."
Bout the ONLY reason I would ever go back would be to have some fun with those sanctimonious b-sturds.
It would be a lot of fun to watch the sparks fly when I told em exactly in graphic detail what to do with emselves the first time a leader started throwing his weight around.
Besides that what appeal could there be??? All of the really cool, fun, spiritual, classy, talented people that were ever in the group are out here on the otherside.((((((((((group hug))))))))))))
Could you question the leadership up and down the line and still remain in good standing?
Could you openly criticize errors without being ostracized?
Could you have a mortgage and still run a fellowship in your home?
Could women have an opinion and not be expected to shut up and "ask your husband at home?"
And are they going to publicly and privately apologize to each and every person they wronged by their now-admitted heavy-handedness and make reparations to us?
Would that be going back to having "fellowships" 2 or 3 times a week?
And just what was it that those boring little meetings were for anyway? Were they some kind of offering to the Almighty? (Hey, we're giving up our evening AGAIN, so be nice to us for awhile, O.K.?) To further understand tremendous truths from the Bible (cheeyah)? A pathetic plea for attention? What?
I guess I don't even understand the point of it all anymore. Amazing that it seemed to make so much sense at the time...
Could you question the leadership up and down the line and still remain in good standing?
Could you openly criticize errors without being ostracized?
Could you have a mortgage and still run a fellowship in your home?
Could women have an opinion and not be expected to shut up and "ask your husband at home?"
And are they going to publicly and privately apologize to each and every person they wronged by their now-admitted heavy-handedness and make reparations to us?
Even if the answers to all this were a very sincere and truthful YES I wouldn't go back. I just have no interest in the bible and god stuff anymore.
quote: I guess I don't even understand the point of it all anymore. Amazing that it seemed to make so much sense at the time...
Exactly George Aar. Just 'bout turned a tear or two these half century eyes.
Now, would you please open with a word of prayer and pray for the Ministry and the current BOT, and LCM that he finds his way back into the lifes of people he so blessed and that he has a hedge of protection from the adversary. And then we will have manifestations and the abundant sharing and songs and teaching and songs and more prayer, and kool aide.
quote: And are they going to publicly and privately apologize to each and every person they wronged by their now-admitted heavy-handedness and make reparations to us?
That there is the key--their repentance, their contrite heart-their coming to their brothers and sisters to say "i'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me"
Until the leadership can do this-- things will always drift back toward what was.
ANd I'll answer the next question --If Leadership came to me and apologized for what was done to me would I accept their apology and Forgive --Of Course--But that doesn't mean I would then have to return to the Cesspool.
I would think that in order for the apology to be genuine ...the apologiser would have to understand the depths of the awfull pain and sorrow caused by their actions....
I`d think if that were to ever happen...if one were to fully understand the extent of the pain and damage wrought....the sorrow and regret would be overwhelming....they would have to kill few humans could live with that much guilt.
quote: ANd I'll answer the next question --If Leadership came to me and apologized for what was done to me would I accept their apology and Forgive --Of Course--ANd I'll answer the next question --If Leadership came to me and apologized for what was done to me would I accept their apology and Forgive --Of Course--But that doesn't mean I would then have to return to the Cesspool.
templelady, I agree with you but with a slight slant the offer.
I would not shake right hands with someone holding a palm full of BS. As far as forgiveness~~~
I leave that end open to them. May they forgive themselves and resign and offer all monies and property to orphans or any good will of humanity. Then I may have fellowship with those who have destroyed lives and truely made ammends.
other than that
quote: ANd I'll answer the next question --If Leadership came to me and apologized for what was done to me would I accept their apology and Forgive --Of Course--But that doesn't mean I would then have to return to the Cesspool.
quote: Could we book the auditorium for a GS reunion?
Krys -- I'm sure we could (enough monetary "consideration") would cause them to turn a "blind eye" -- but I don't think there is enougn "monetary consideration", or any "other kind of consideration" to cause any of us to want to go back.
Would you go to a GS weenie roast there?? ;)--> :D-->
"I`d think if that were to ever happen...if one were to fully understand the extent of the pain and damage wrought....the sorrow and regret would be overwhelming....they would have to kill few humans could live with that much guilt."
If it were truly sincere, I would hope that God's mercy would be big enough for them too.
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There was a time when I might have, but that time has long since past.
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Main Entry: Shan·gri-la
Pronunciation: "sha[ng]-gri-'l?R>Function: noun
Etymology: Shangri-La, imaginary land depicted in the novel Lost Horizon (1933) by James Hilton
Date: 1937
1 : a remote beautiful imaginary place where life approaches perfection : UTOPIA
2 : a remote usually idyllic hideaway
Would I go back?
Only if I could turn lead into gold
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IMHO, the M&A's, breaking up of families, sexual and mental abuse, "the present truth," were only symptoms and not the cause and that cause is still there. Namely, the superior, sanctimonius idea that "We got it and you don't and if you want to be on God's side you better come with us."
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what wine would you chose for this thread oenophile?
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Maybe a good dessert wine like a sauternes or tokai because life is now sweet and im finished with twi.
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Bout the ONLY reason I would ever go back would be to have some fun with those sanctimonious b-sturds.
It would be a lot of fun to watch the sparks fly when I told em exactly in graphic detail what to do with emselves the first time a leader started throwing his weight around.
Besides that what appeal could there be??? All of the really cool, fun, spiritual, classy, talented people that were ever in the group are out here on the otherside.((((((((((group hug))))))))))))
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Right on Dr. Rascal!
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I second Oak.
"Break on though to the other side..."
Jim Morrison
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I would at least get my name on their mailing list again if they were giving away those little sticker calendars. Gosh those were neat.
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Could we book the auditorium for a GS reunion?
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Could you question the leadership up and down the line and still remain in good standing?
Could you openly criticize errors without being ostracized?
Could you have a mortgage and still run a fellowship in your home?
Could women have an opinion and not be expected to shut up and "ask your husband at home?"
And are they going to publicly and privately apologize to each and every person they wronged by their now-admitted heavy-handedness and make reparations to us?
I didn't think so.
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Trefor Heywood
I wouldn't go back even if they suddenly declared themselves "gay friendly."
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Trefor...With Rosie and Donna running things...ya never know!
Personally, I would rather go on "Fear Factor" and eat live bugs.
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George Aar
The question kinda makes me wonder,
just what does "going back" mean?
Would that be going back to having "fellowships" 2 or 3 times a week?
And just what was it that those boring little meetings were for anyway? Were they some kind of offering to the Almighty? (Hey, we're giving up our evening AGAIN, so be nice to us for awhile, O.K.?) To further understand tremendous truths from the Bible (cheeyah)? A pathetic plea for attention? What?
I guess I don't even understand the point of it all anymore. Amazing that it seemed to make so much sense at the time...
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A la prochaine
Great statement George.
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Even if the answers to all this were a very sincere and truthful YES I wouldn't go back. I just have no interest in the bible and god stuff anymore.
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I don't care what they do.
They have nothing I need or want.
I learned about the Bible from TWI and what I learned I can still use but they don't own God's Word and they don't own me.
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Exactly George Aar. Just 'bout turned a tear or two these half century eyes.
Now, would you please open with a word of prayer and pray for the Ministry and the current BOT, and LCM that he finds his way back into the lifes of people he so blessed and that he has a hedge of protection from the adversary. And then we will have manifestations and the abundant sharing and songs and teaching and songs and more prayer, and kool aide.
Rok On
ps. the "tear" part was for real
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Even if they were "kinder and gentler", I'd have to wonder, "a kinder and gentler WHAT?"
They shure ain't no biblical research and teaching ministry.
And I wouldn't even think of belonging to a religious organization that had ANY history of abusive and coercive behavior.
Which, I guess, lets out most religions.
Been there, done that, ate the syllabus during my WOW year 'cause I was so damned hungry! (kidding).
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That there is the key--their repentance, their contrite heart-their coming to their brothers and sisters to say "i'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me"
Until the leadership can do this-- things will always drift back toward what was.
ANd I'll answer the next question --If Leadership came to me and apologized for what was done to me would I accept their apology and Forgive --Of Course--But that doesn't mean I would then have to return to the Cesspool.
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I would think that in order for the apology to be genuine ...the apologiser would have to understand the depths of the awfull pain and sorrow caused by their actions....
I`d think if that were to ever happen...if one were to fully understand the extent of the pain and damage wrought....the sorrow and regret would be overwhelming....they would have to kill few humans could live with that much guilt.
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templelady, I agree with you but with a slight slant the offer.
I would not shake right hands with someone holding a palm full of BS. As far as forgiveness~~~
I leave that end open to them. May they forgive themselves and resign and offer all monies and property to orphans or any good will of humanity. Then I may have fellowship with those who have destroyed lives and truely made ammends.
other than that
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Krys -- I'm sure we could (enough monetary "consideration") would cause them to turn a "blind eye" -- but I don't think there is enougn "monetary consideration", or any "other kind of consideration" to cause any of us to want to go back.
Would you go to a GS weenie roast there??
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rascal quote:
"I`d think if that were to ever happen...if one were to fully understand the extent of the pain and damage wrought....the sorrow and regret would be overwhelming....they would have to kill few humans could live with that much guilt."
If it were truly sincere, I would hope that God's mercy would be big enough for them too.
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