When I was in rez in 85 I was unaware of any special books printed but you may be refering to the teaching that were givin to the waycorps every wed night- those were considered "priveledged information" not to be disseminated out side the WC
Don't know of any unless someone had some books from an Academic Reasearch catalog which would be rare on grounds. The Orientalisms "book" you spoke about was probably the transcript notes from the tapes that Bishop Pillai did while at the Way either tape or spiral bound. They are 180 pages so bound they would be a book and were only available to the Way Corps/Way College students.
Thank you for the information, if that is all this book was I wonder if it had anything different than the other 2 already released. And if so, why they kept it for themselves? Do you know?
The notes were just a transcript of the tapes when V.P.W. and Bishop Pillai sat down together( I think if memory serves was about a week) and went through the Old Testament and talked about the Orientalisms verse by verse.
It is not like the books at all. They are done in subject form this is done in Chapter and Verse form starting with Genesis and through Malachi.
As Excathedra pointed out by itself it would be a boring read. Don't know if you have ever heard Bishop Pillai speak but his English is hard enough to understand so some times the notes are also. Not that he did not know what he wanted to say just getting it into English was a task at times. That said it has been a good resource tool to have at times and I do still use it on occasion.
the school of the prophets was not intended for reading outside the corps household. that may not be what you're referring to.
then there were some wonderful matchless videos in Vic's private porn collection, "Debbie Does Her Pooch," or something like that, which were considered too sacred for anyone outside of the corps.
And if so, why they kept it for themselves? Do you know?
As I stated these notes are in a rough form indexed by tape # which as far as I can tell are about 150 of them. I said it was a transcript but it is not word for word more the sum of the discussion. Really it is a verse explanation and some referance things to look into I'd say. The three books that The Way published were in a readable form,these notes at times would require the user to have some background in the Bible to understand. I would suppose that is part of the reason why they were not freely distributed.
There are other books on Manners and Customs of the Bible and they read much the same, most Christians do not read them for this reason. They want the BOOK of the month stuff with a keychain and calendar and candleholder to match that is what sells. Which is too bad as there is a lot to learn in this area. In the last 10 years I have been collecting Artifacts from Bible times each with a story to help in understanding sections in the Bible more clearly. Together with these notes as well as others I hope to assemble an exhibit where people can see touch and learn from Archaeology what truths it reveals about the Bible.
I'll close with this in looking at the notes today in response to your question I saw this regarding money lenders. Items given as pledge for money often were things that were needed in day to day life like a cloth to cover when sleeping at night. If this was pledged or as we would call today pawned for money the one loaning the money would return the item at the days end for use even if the money was not returned yet. Consideration for the owner always came first over the money given.
Consideration for others over material things would have been a good lesson for many in the Way to have learned. As my friend Mr Dylan says "for the love of a lousy buck I watched them die" Too many good people were disposed of for the love of money.
I don't think that it was so mcuh that certain things were available only to WC, as it was that certain things were available at The Way College campuses.
And that's the way it should have been, in order for the colleges to be "institutes of higher learning." Many things were catalogued in the libraries at Emporia and Rome City, that it would have been fruitless to publish and/or make available to everyone, for alot of different reasons.
Back in Indiana, J**n Scott was the branch leader, and had a helluva reel-to-reel tape collection (at least I think it was his). He "moved on" in '76, and left the tapes behind.
The first 4 3-hour reel to reel tapes were Bishop Pillai teaching Orientalisms. Those tapes were available for any and all to listen to. Would love to have a transcript of them, or have a copy of the tapes themselves. I heard them once, but that was almost 30 years ago.
I recall when folks would want to add "credibility" to some book, they would say that is was "corp reading"...like that made it special. --> The elitism of the corps manifested itself in numerous ways.
I remember the little book about christian ethics. I think it was called "the lifesyle of a believer", and was only viewable by corps. Read twenty pages, and you supposedly became an instant expert in ethics. They may have initially thought it was too heavy for the regular Joe believer. Eventually it made its way into the bookstore though. Maybe this was "Doctor"'s "Doctorate thesis" that has been discussed on another thread..
I used to own "Light Through an Eastern Window". I bought it because the college wows were being so secretive about its contents. Bad me.
Doing a Yahoo! search turned up some very interesting stuff.
This link gives an ISBN for "Orientalisms of the Bible Vol 2". This is the search result entry: "BookFinder.com: Orientalisms of the Bible: Vol. 2
Orientalisms of the Bible: Vol. 2. ISBN: 0-912178-04-3 / 0912178043. Title: Orientalisms of the Bible: Vol. 2. Author: K. C. Pillai. Publisher: Mor-Mac Publishing Company. Edition: Hardcover. Found a mistake in this data? 2004 13th Generation Media".
This link is just interesting in relation to twi experience w/K C Pillai info.
Not only was Lifestyle of a Believer eventually generally available, it was distributed at one of the last ROA's as the "textbook" for the teachings at the Rock and for the year following.
The description of the WC became...an inner sanctum of intiated priests that were unquestioningly loyal and also was privy to the special secret understandings of all things.
Think 'prophets of Baal' and you have the picture.
There was a blue book on Orintalisms in the library at Gunnison. The Research Dept. put it together from tape recordings of Bishop Palli and Bo Reard coordinated the efforts of all to put it in book form. It was the size of a high school yearbook. It was a verse by verse break down of the Gosples and all the signifacant orintalisms that ran through each book. Not even Mrs. Weirwille nor Howard Allen were aware of this book. When I was at Gunnison my final year in residence I was assigned to the library to organize it. Instead I read the Gospels and did a word by word notation in my Bible of what I had gotten from Bishop K.C Palli teachings from this book. (There were 3 copies of this book) It was a magnifacent peice of work and the booklet on Oreintalisms doesn't even come close to what was in that big research book. TWI very selectivly choose certain things. I believe there were also a book on some of the other New Testiment books too. My only intrest at the time was the Gosples
If it is the collected recordings of Bishop K.C Pillai, both Howard and Dorthea were aware of it.
This book on Orientalisms is basically a transcript of when the Bishop came to HQ in the late 60's and sat with VPW and they went verse by verse through the bible and Pillai explained every orientalism.
It was in an Air-Force blue hardbound book, and there was one at every Limb Headquarters in the US and one at each root locale.
This book was not for sale to the general public. However, I hear that at some point it was given to some Way Corps. But certainly not while I was in-residence. We could go to the library and use it, but could not check it out.
The Geer groups have been offering an "Orientalisms" class for a few years now comprised of original recordings of Bishop Pillai's teachings from the '60s, hand-selected by Chris Geer. Seems to me there are two of those classes being offered by them now, if I remember correctly, in addition to their "Foundational - Walking in God's Power", "Intermediate - Walking in God's Power" and soon to be released advanced class.
That was just typical of Way Corps elitism. Only certain individuals "worthy" to receive some more of the Word never taught.
Go figure. To Hell with that. I am sure if there was anything there worth sharing that was accurate, God would see to it that we get it, too. If not from TWI, then some other source.
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Linda Z
This must be after my time (graduated in '81). When I was in rez we used the same ministry-produced books everyone else had.
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When I was in rez in 85 I was unaware of any special books printed but you may be refering to the teaching that were givin to the waycorps every wed night- those were considered "priveledged information" not to be disseminated out side the WC
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i'm not sure but i can tell you if it was for way corps, then it was BORING
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Don't know of any unless someone had some books from an Academic Reasearch catalog which would be rare on grounds. The Orientalisms "book" you spoke about was probably the transcript notes from the tapes that Bishop Pillai did while at the Way either tape or spiral bound. They are 180 pages so bound they would be a book and were only available to the Way Corps/Way College students.
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Thank you for the information, if that is all this book was I wonder if it had anything different than the other 2 already released. And if so, why they kept it for themselves? Do you know?
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LMAO! :-)
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The notes were just a transcript of the tapes when V.P.W. and Bishop Pillai sat down together( I think if memory serves was about a week) and went through the Old Testament and talked about the Orientalisms verse by verse.
It is not like the books at all. They are done in subject form this is done in Chapter and Verse form starting with Genesis and through Malachi.
As Excathedra pointed out by itself it would be a boring read. Don't know if you have ever heard Bishop Pillai speak but his English is hard enough to understand so some times the notes are also. Not that he did not know what he wanted to say just getting it into English was a task at times. That said it has been a good resource tool to have at times and I do still use it on occasion.
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Would VP & Me fall into this category?
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Was that the Craigie a** kissing book?
I've never seen it myself
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the school of the prophets was not intended for reading outside the corps household. that may not be what you're referring to.
then there were some wonderful matchless videos in Vic's private porn collection, "Debbie Does Her Pooch," or something like that, which were considered too sacred for anyone outside of the corps.
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Part two of your question:
And if so, why they kept it for themselves? Do you know?
As I stated these notes are in a rough form indexed by tape # which as far as I can tell are about 150 of them. I said it was a transcript but it is not word for word more the sum of the discussion. Really it is a verse explanation and some referance things to look into I'd say. The three books that The Way published were in a readable form,these notes at times would require the user to have some background in the Bible to understand. I would suppose that is part of the reason why they were not freely distributed.
There are other books on Manners and Customs of the Bible and they read much the same, most Christians do not read them for this reason. They want the BOOK of the month stuff with a keychain and calendar and candleholder to match that is what sells. Which is too bad as there is a lot to learn in this area. In the last 10 years I have been collecting Artifacts from Bible times each with a story to help in understanding sections in the Bible more clearly. Together with these notes as well as others I hope to assemble an exhibit where people can see touch and learn from Archaeology what truths it reveals about the Bible.
I'll close with this in looking at the notes today in response to your question I saw this regarding money lenders. Items given as pledge for money often were things that were needed in day to day life like a cloth to cover when sleeping at night. If this was pledged or as we would call today pawned for money the one loaning the money would return the item at the days end for use even if the money was not returned yet. Consideration for the owner always came first over the money given.
Consideration for others over material things would have been a good lesson for many in the Way to have learned. As my friend Mr Dylan says "for the love of a lousy buck I watched them die" Too many good people were disposed of for the love of money.
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I don't think that it was so mcuh that certain things were available only to WC, as it was that certain things were available at The Way College campuses.
And that's the way it should have been, in order for the colleges to be "institutes of higher learning." Many things were catalogued in the libraries at Emporia and Rome City, that it would have been fruitless to publish and/or make available to everyone, for alot of different reasons.
Just my 2 cents.
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Whitedove, ex10,
Thanks for the info again. What u both said makes perfect sense. I suppose this ends the thread, but that is good! Question answered!
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Back in Indiana, J**n Scott was the branch leader, and had a helluva reel-to-reel tape collection (at least I think it was his). He "moved on" in '76, and left the tapes behind.
The first 4 3-hour reel to reel tapes were Bishop Pillai teaching Orientalisms. Those tapes were available for any and all to listen to. Would love to have a transcript of them, or have a copy of the tapes themselves. I heard them once, but that was almost 30 years ago.
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I recall when folks would want to add "credibility" to some book, they would say that is was "corp reading"...like that made it special.
--> The elitism of the corps manifested itself in numerous ways.
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I remember the little book about christian ethics. I think it was called "the lifesyle of a believer", and was only viewable by corps. Read twenty pages, and you supposedly became an instant expert in ethics. They may have initially thought it was too heavy for the regular Joe believer. Eventually it made its way into the bookstore though. Maybe this was "Doctor"'s "Doctorate thesis" that has been discussed on another thread..
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I used to own "Light Through an Eastern Window". I bought it because the college wows were being so secretive about its contents. Bad me.
Doing a Yahoo! search turned up some very interesting stuff.
This link gives an ISBN for "Orientalisms of the Bible Vol 2". This is the search result entry: "BookFinder.com: Orientalisms of the Bible: Vol. 2
Orientalisms of the Bible: Vol. 2. ISBN: 0-912178-04-3 / 0912178043. Title: Orientalisms of the Bible: Vol. 2. Author: K. C. Pillai. Publisher: Mor-Mac Publishing Company. Edition: Hardcover. Found a mistake in this data? 2004 13th Generation Media".
This link is just interesting in relation to twi experience w/K C Pillai info.
This link is just another interesting read.
This link is the search results of typing "Bishop K C Pillai" (quotes and all) into Yahoo's search window.
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Not only was Lifestyle of a Believer eventually generally available, it was distributed at one of the last ROA's as the "textbook" for the teachings at the Rock and for the year following.
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Yeah, School of the Prophets.
The description of the WC became...an inner sanctum of intiated priests that were unquestioningly loyal and also was privy to the special secret understandings of all things.
Think 'prophets of Baal' and you have the picture.
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We had a group of Bullinger heads in rez that loved to read all the Welch books among others. But that was nothing official.
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There was a blue book on Orintalisms in the library at Gunnison. The Research Dept. put it together from tape recordings of Bishop Palli and Bo Reard coordinated the efforts of all to put it in book form. It was the size of a high school yearbook. It was a verse by verse break down of the Gosples and all the signifacant orintalisms that ran through each book. Not even Mrs. Weirwille nor Howard Allen were aware of this book. When I was at Gunnison my final year in residence I was assigned to the library to organize it. Instead I read the Gospels and did a word by word notation in my Bible of what I had gotten from Bishop K.C Palli teachings from this book. (There were 3 copies of this book) It was a magnifacent peice of work and the booklet on Oreintalisms doesn't even come close to what was in that big research book. TWI very selectivly choose certain things. I believe there were also a book on some of the other New Testiment books too. My only intrest at the time was the Gosples
I think since then they were stolen.
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If it is the collected recordings of Bishop K.C Pillai, both Howard and Dorthea were aware of it.
This book on Orientalisms is basically a transcript of when the Bishop came to HQ in the late 60's and sat with VPW and they went verse by verse through the bible and Pillai explained every orientalism.
It was in an Air-Force blue hardbound book, and there was one at every Limb Headquarters in the US and one at each root locale.
This book was not for sale to the general public. However, I hear that at some point it was given to some Way Corps. But certainly not while I was in-residence. We could go to the library and use it, but could not check it out.
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Just a short aside:
The Geer groups have been offering an "Orientalisms" class for a few years now comprised of original recordings of Bishop Pillai's teachings from the '60s, hand-selected by Chris Geer. Seems to me there are two of those classes being offered by them now, if I remember correctly, in addition to their "Foundational - Walking in God's Power", "Intermediate - Walking in God's Power" and soon to be released advanced class.
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That was just typical of Way Corps elitism. Only certain individuals "worthy" to receive some more of the Word never taught.
Go figure. To Hell with that. I am sure if there was anything there worth sharing that was accurate, God would see to it that we get it, too. If not from TWI, then some other source.
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