What you desire is a noble and worthy thing, and I believe there's none among us that would begrudge you the honor. There is one small detail that must first be resolved. You must write us a doctoral thesis. Now taking into consideration the unorthodox nature of your request, and the questionable legitimacy of any research that you may have been exposed to at TWI, most any thesis you submit, whether it be your original work or that of others will probably be accepted.
On another thread, I made myself able to provide accreditation on the same grounds as your doctoral degree. I therefore am able to establish Year2027 as being authorized to grant such degrees.
It is really official now. Except that I should probably collect some money from someone... ;-)
As far as I am concerned, you have consistently defended your thesis here on these boards, so I have no problem with you siesing the title. However, I feel obligated to point out that in some circles, a PhD is no more than Piled higher and Deeper!
We decided last year that the Southern Comfort Weenie Roast attendees are considered an accrediting body. I will be handing out doctorates again at the Roast this year as well.
WW- Here is were you can get you diploma for only $160 they expose and use legal loop holes so this is a Genuine Degree! They will even provide transcripts so you can prove you qualify! (VP eat your heart out) 100%legal-100% Approval- NO Coursework!
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What you desire is a noble and worthy thing, and I believe there's none among us that would begrudge you the honor. There is one small detail that must first be resolved. You must write us a doctoral thesis. Now taking into consideration the unorthodox nature of your request, and the questionable legitimacy of any research that you may have been exposed to at TWI, most any thesis you submit, whether it be your original work or that of others will probably be accepted.
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God first
Hi Doctor WordWolf
I Roy William Perry III DBA year2027 award one WordWolf a degree of Doctor in the field of Bible Truths, and Understanding Today Cults
I hope that helps since you have a must better degree than that other person who's main subject was lies
with love Roy
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WW -- You have my vote for a doctorate.
Title?? - how about - Dr. (of the) Unidentified Multitudes (of) Believers?? (DUMB)
Ha!! -- we all qualify for that one!!

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i made myself a reverend, ww. didn't even ask anyone.
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On another thread, I made myself able to provide accreditation on the same grounds as your doctoral degree. I therefore am able to establish Year2027 as being authorized to grant such degrees.
It is really official now. Except that I should probably collect some money from someone... ;-)
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Word wolf...ask oakspear, he awarded me a doctorate at the last weinie roast.
I have the torn out lined spiral notebook paper it was scribbled on to prove it!
Lol we could ALL start addressing each other as *Doctor* since it is obvious the title no longer has any meaning.
Dr. Rascal
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I think if you get a doctoral degree, one has to bring TWO dishes to the weinie roast. That way it's established. ;-)
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I award you a doctorate for outstanding adherence to bold face replies thus making it easier for our reading.
This award goes to:
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As far as I am concerned, you have consistently defended your thesis here on these boards, so I have no problem with you siesing the title. However, I feel obligated to point out that in some circles, a PhD is no more than Piled higher and Deeper!
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But Excathedra you also have special powers that WW does not.
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We decided last year that the Southern Comfort Weenie Roast attendees are considered an accrediting body. I will be handing out doctorates again at the Roast this year as well.
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I willingly give up all of my accrediting powers and turn them over to the weenie roast lords.
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WW- Here is were you can get you diploma for only $160 they expose and use legal loop holes so this is a Genuine Degree! They will even provide transcripts so you can prove you qualify! (VP eat your heart out) 100%legal-100% Approval- NO Coursework!
Perhaps you can pass the hat at the weenie roast and get others to pay for it just VP did! If I make it I'll donate my pocket change.
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If you are not at the Weenie Roast, you can be non-resident faculty
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I am honored! :-) Maybe a satellite campus? The OutofTheWay Campus of Imboringem? Camp Funnyson? Barfmore, Scotland?
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Gee, without my powers, I know how Superman feels when he puts on his glasses. ;-)
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Here Ya Go ...
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Goey --
I really like the name of the "insitute", given the first four letters.
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Oh, you mean the acronym!
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I like the signatory on the certificate.
It's nice to see that this person has a "Mc" job
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I shoulda used that word initially.
A "Mc" job? or a "big Mac"?
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Hey WW see the "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".
That's you're only hope a baloon ride out of oz and a doctorates degree.
otherwise Mikes PFAL is available...
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