Years ago, I did write a letter to the man who was my supervisor when I worked on staff. I told him that he certainly must see the problems of TWI, that I respected and admired his ability and what he had taught me, and that now was a perfect time to find a secular job. I offered to write a letter of recommendation for him and to be available as a reference.
I'd ask for my bike back. I'd also like my childhood back. Oh and I would ask them to bring back the Rock of Ages. Those were the days. Never met so many girls in my life.
Hi Roy -- I wish that they would listen, but I don't think they ever will. Am watching the Olympics now, and it reminds me of twi (in a sense).
Twi has to go for the gold. They will never be satisfied with the "silver" -- ie -- second place. They are so convinced that they are right, there is nothing you, I, or anyone can say that would change their minds.
Whatever we may have to say to them, will be said to deaf ears -- sadly.
TWI (meaning it's current and former top leaders) will never listen. Their consciences have been seared.
But if they could listen and would act, I would have them open their books (all 5 sets) for say the last 30 years, and then turn themselves in to the U.S. Attorney General while freely admitting their criminally fraudulent practices.
TWI Inc. should then be dissolved, the money distibuted fairly, and the responsible leaders tried for their crimes by a jury of their peers. (No Plea Bargaining). Those found guilty should be held personally liable, fined, and then sent to prison for the maximun allowable terms.
I've thought and thought and thought about this every since you posed the question. I just can't come up with anything I'd bother to say to them.
Of course, most of the people I had something to say to are either out or have died...and for those who are out and still live, I've said what I wanted to say.
There are only 2 people that I know of who are still in that I'd love to get alone in a dark alley...but that's not talking...that's taking care of business.
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Years ago, I did write a letter to the man who was my supervisor when I worked on staff. I told him that he certainly must see the problems of TWI, that I respected and admired his ability and what he had taught me, and that now was a perfect time to find a secular job. I offered to write a letter of recommendation for him and to be available as a reference.
I got no reply and he is still working at TWI.
What more could I do?
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God first
Hi Jim
You did all you could
I have wrote them many notes but none like your lettler willing to help
I have all ways wanted to stop the pain and now its over I no longer find myself fighting against the way
I wish that person would of listen to your loving heart
Not sure what to say but God bless your heart
with love Roy
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Roy, I think about this all the time. The key being "if you could get them to listen".
My husband wouldn't listen. I tried so many different things and ways to get through to him and none of them worked.
To the leadership? I just don't know how they sleep at night.
I have a lot more to add, but I don't have time right now. I'll post more later. Good questions, Roy.
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George Aar
How about,
Aw, go f%#& yourselves!
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Georgio Jessio
I'd ask for my bike back. I'd also like my childhood back. Oh and I would ask them to bring back the Rock of Ages. Those were the days. Never met so many girls in my life.
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I think I would tell them to believe for their own financial abundance....I wish to use my own monies for other things!
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Porphyra Selenafeggos
Bring back my son.
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Hi Roy -- I wish that they would listen, but I don't think they ever will. Am watching the Olympics now, and it reminds me of twi (in a sense).
Twi has to go for the gold. They will never be satisfied with the "silver" -- ie -- second place. They are so convinced that they are right, there is nothing you, I, or anyone can say that would change their minds.
Whatever we may have to say to them, will be said to deaf ears -- sadly.
Just my imho (as usual).
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If they would listen:
"I want my money back!"
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TWI (meaning it's current and former top leaders) will never listen. Their consciences have been seared.
But if they could listen and would act, I would have them open their books (all 5 sets) for say the last 30 years, and then turn themselves in to the U.S. Attorney General while freely admitting their criminally fraudulent practices.
TWI Inc. should then be dissolved, the money distibuted fairly, and the responsible leaders tried for their crimes by a jury of their peers. (No Plea Bargaining). Those found guilty should be held personally liable, fined, and then sent to prison for the maximun allowable terms.
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Gee Goey, tell us how you really feel
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Amen Goey
I would only add "apologize to my children"
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I would say to them: what items from the two properties will you be bidding on at the auctions?
I also hope my case gets my jury award before the Peelers clean out the rest of the money with their jury award....
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I've thought and thought and thought about this every since you posed the question. I just can't come up with anything I'd bother to say to them.
Of course, most of the people I had something to say to are either out or have died...and for those who are out and still live, I've said what I wanted to say.
There are only 2 people that I know of who are still in that I'd love to get alone in a dark alley...but that's not talking...that's taking care of business.
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God first
Hi Belle
thanks with love and I will be praying that your husband chages his thinking
And I am sure others will join in of the prayer
with love Roy
Hi George Aar
I guess there were times I wanted to say that to them too
thanks with love Roy
Hi Georgio Jessio
I will pray that God gives you a must better bike and I miss the Rock of Ages too
with love Roy
Hi Krysilis
Yes I like that because I need my money too
with love Roy
Hi Porphyra Selenafegg
I will be praying for your needs
with love Roy
Hi Dmiller
Yes they are going for the gold but that just a earthly thing while we go for the love of God
Because who thinks he first better hope they made it to the game
how many Way leaders and others church leaders will not even make it to the air with Christ
with love Roy
Hi Uncle Hairy
yes took our money as a theief would
with love Roy
Hi Goey
I wish they would do the right and just thing too
with love Roy
Hi Shellon
Yes Like Goey words too
with love Roy
Hi Pjroberge
God blessings in your battle with them
with love Roy
Hi Coolwaters
I glad you have had the change to talk with some
with love Roy
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