Enters the ever-never-too-continent Garthella Z. -- reinventing and spewing hyperbole at her opponent.
Amazing how childish and churlish you can be when guarding your orthodoxy, and often mistaking your tactics for what is required for your apologetics. "I was pretty much loaded to pursue, flush out, lay out and spend time humiliating some unrestrained and conscienceless Socinian bear who had entered a Trinitarian camp and began carrying off from the identity of an apologetic ministry." -- Is this more of your 'calling out into the street' that dastardly 'Socinian' that has been terrorizing the Trinitarian schoolmarm? I'm sorry, but somehow mixing the culture of the Reformed Church and B-rated TV westerns just doesn't mix well, ... not without causing indigestion. :P--> :o-->
Tell me something guy, have you been browbeaten into acting this way? Do you have this condescending view of anything unitarian/'heretical' because you are desperately trying to 'redeem' yourself from your previous TWI experience? And I'm not talking about nailing CES over its improper usage of copyright material (which you made a good case for), but this almost malevolent and deriding attitude of those whom you render heretic.
Have you often wondered why NONE of us have come crawling to you on our hands and knees in contrite repentence, "begging for God's mercy"? (or maybe yours, hmmm?) Maybe its your none-too 'diplomatic' manner that might be the problem there? Ya think?
"Knowing that its the goodness of God that leads them unto repentence." You ever think about actually implementing that verse and what it communicates into your rigorous 'defense of the Gospel'? I doubt that it might work on me (mouthy and polemic unitarian/heretic that I am ;)-->), but it might have others looking your way more favorably.
quote: (I'm really not very brutal. Ive used the rack on fewer than a dozen heretical opponents.)
Very good! Welcome to the 18th century. Only 3 more centuries to go before you get caught up with the times.
Tsk, tsk, CES ( And I tried giving you the benefit of the evil doubt.)
But with next to no imagination, they could whip up their own "Alpha-Omega" logo using the Windows "Paintbrush" program and the "Symbol" font.
Or they could contact me if they want an original design from my own hand. Make a generous offer to me, CES. My hidden Jew living within is open for business.
I am having our webmaster remove all the AO newsletters off our site .... right away. They will be reposted for our Teens n 20 s once the logo issue is fixed.
PLEASE feel free to contact us at the CES office, thru our main site, any time you see any thing of this nature.
Heck, he could stretch it out to half an hour by giving an additional teaching about the relationship between the king and and all of his female subjects.
All this hoopla over this? I am not saying stealing someone elses work is a small thing. But a quick note to CES to tell them what they had done and seeing how they responded might have settled this in a much better more christian manner.
I am having our webmaster remove all the AO newsletters off our site .... right away. They will be reposted for our Teens n 20 s once the logo issue is fixed.
PLEASE feel free to contact us at the CES office, thru our main site, any time you see any thing of this nature.
Song -- you are amazingly adept at selective quoting. -->
You took the time to copy, paste, and try to discredit Jeff and CES by quoting what you did, and ignoring the post immediately above the one you copied. The one above the one you copied and pasted says:
It was a HUGE oversight that we regret happened. The logo was sent to us by some of the youth in the CES community when they started their newsletter.
We will do a much better job of finding out where any other suggested logos come from.
We are currently having another AO logo designed.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
I can assure that we would NEVER have used it if we knew it was "lifted" from another site.
If you have the words "I'm sorry" in your vocabulary, now might be a good time to practice using them (to Jeff, and CES), since you have made an hugely egregious selective quote, in an attempt to discredit, that has left you with a pretty flimsy platform to stand on.
If you disagree with them, say so. Don't stoop to "dirty politics" to try and prove your point.
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Amazing how childish and churlish you can be when guarding your orthodoxy, and often mistaking your tactics for what is required for your apologetics. "I was pretty much loaded to pursue, flush out, lay out and spend time humiliating some unrestrained and conscienceless Socinian bear who had entered a Trinitarian camp and began carrying off from the identity of an apologetic ministry." -- Is this more of your 'calling out into the street' that dastardly 'Socinian' that has been terrorizing the Trinitarian schoolmarm? I'm sorry, but somehow mixing the culture of the Reformed Church and B-rated TV westerns just doesn't mix well, ... not without causing indigestion.
Tell me something guy, have you been browbeaten into acting this way? Do you have this condescending view of anything unitarian/'heretical' because you are desperately trying to 'redeem' yourself from your previous TWI experience? And I'm not talking about nailing CES over its improper usage of copyright material (which you made a good case for), but this almost malevolent and deriding attitude of those whom you render heretic.
Have you often wondered why NONE of us have come crawling to you on our hands and knees in contrite repentence, "begging for God's mercy"? (or maybe yours, hmmm?) Maybe its your none-too 'diplomatic' manner that might be the problem there? Ya think?
"Knowing that its the goodness of God that leads them unto repentence." You ever think about actually implementing that verse and what it communicates into your rigorous 'defense of the Gospel'? I doubt that it might work on me (mouthy and polemic unitarian/heretic that I am
;)-->), but it might have others looking your way more favorably.
Very good! Welcome to the 18th century. Only 3 more centuries to go before you get caught up with the times.

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All's hell that ends hell.
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Enters Garth -- ascribing to his opponent his own, Garthian, attributes.
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It's like watching a growling puppy pounce and bite a shoe, and then look up proudly, unaware he is about to be swatted with a rolled newspaper.
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I searched the world over and I thought I'd found true love, you found another and puuttzzzz, you were gone.
Talk about off topic, go away sky go away.
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Well I guess that does it for them.
Tsk, tsk, CES ( And I tried giving you the benefit of the evil doubt.)
But with next to no imagination, they could whip up their own "Alpha-Omega" logo using the Windows "Paintbrush" program and the "Symbol" font.
Or they could contact me if they want an original design from my own hand. Make a generous offer to me, CES. My hidden Jew living within is open for business.
My apologies. That was kind of tacky.
I was in a "tackless" mood when I wrote
that. Oh well...
Edited by TheInvisibleDanLink to comment
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Hi all,
The LOGO has been removed from our main site.
It was a HUGE oversight that we regret happened. The logo was sent to us by some of the youth in the CES community when they started their newsletter.
We will do a much better job of finding out where any other suggested logos come from.
We are currently having another AO logo designed.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
I can assure that we would NEVER have used it if we knew it was "lifted" from another site.
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Another side note....
I am having our webmaster remove all the AO newsletters off our site .... right away. They will be reposted for our Teens n 20 s once the logo issue is fixed.
PLEASE feel free to contact us at the CES office, thru our main site, any time you see any thing of this nature.
Much love to you all!
And again, thanks for finding this error.
We are in contact with Alpha & Omega Ministries director James White.
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Gee, VP never called BG Leonard this fast to apologize and remove all plagiarized material.
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JT --- True!
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CES can remove logos and still have their material.
If vpw removed all Leonard's stuff from pfal, the class would be
less than 6 sessions long.
Remove all of Leonard, Stiles and Bullinger, and it would be done
in a short session. With songs.
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(lol) Perhaps a 15 minute teaching on the difference between a "manifestation" and a "gift".
And then, "the end".
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Heck, he could stretch it out to half an hour by giving an additional teaching about the relationship between the king and and all of his female subjects.
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Dan, UH,
He could take the afternoon to show us pictures of... ewww, never mind. Ugh! Need Maalox, TUMS, anything. Going to be sick...
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A bad porno ("The Teacher's Special Cut") about two German shepherds named "Gift" and "Manny"?
I say we go with Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog!
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Triumph has too much class. ;-)
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All this hoopla over this? I am not saying stealing someone elses work is a small thing. But a quick note to CES to tell them what they had done and seeing how they responded might have settled this in a much better more christian manner.
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At least there wasn't brouhaha. ;-)
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posted August 28, 2004 21:08
Another side note....
I am having our webmaster remove all the AO newsletters off our site .... right away. They will be reposted for our Teens n 20 s once the logo issue is fixed.
PLEASE feel free to contact us at the CES office, thru our main site, any time you see any thing of this nature.
Much love to you all!
And again, thanks for finding this error.
Are there any other "errors" that you are not aware of that have been exposed for quite some time?
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Song -- you are amazingly adept at selective quoting.
You took the time to copy, paste, and try to discredit Jeff and CES by quoting what you did, and ignoring the post immediately above the one you copied. The one above the one you copied and pasted says:
If you have the words "I'm sorry" in your vocabulary, now might be a good time to practice using them (to Jeff, and CES), since you have made an hugely egregious selective quote, in an attempt to discredit, that has left you with a pretty flimsy platform to stand on.
If you disagree with them, say so. Don't stoop to "dirty politics" to try and prove your point.
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