Shaz, yes, he can certainly survive your using him to make a point. And your point is extremely valid.
The nuances normally picked up in a face to face conversation are unfortunately missing in cyberspeak, and intentions can easily be misread and misunderstood.
I have misread and misunderstood yours, for which I will apologize :)-->
But this is a great case in point that posts on line are far from perfect and should not always be taken as absolute fact.
Accusations have been going on since I was involved TWI 1974, but actually grad '75, and onto when i left in '95 and now here from WD its last 6 months this current post at GSC.
So what else is new?
Is "The Way Living In Love" the actual testimony what we all were involved?
according to lcm "Dr's last will and testimony was TWLIL...
Main Entry: tes·ti·mo·ny
Pronunciation: 'tes-t&-"mO-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nies
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin testimonium Decalogue, from Latin, evidence, witness, from testis witness —more at TESTAMENT
Date: 14th century
1 a (1) : the tablets inscribed with the Mosaic law (2) : the ark containing the tablets b : a divine decree attested in the Scriptures
2 a : firsthand authentication of a fact : EVIDENCE b : an outward sign c : a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official
3 a : an open acknowledgment b : a public profession of religious experience
does anyone give a flying you-know-what that veepee was a scumbucket who used his position to really really hurt people ?
i'm sorry i'm not able to post it word for word and line by line
some of y'all remind me of a corps night
i'm less of a person for not remembering the friggin details ? give me a break. ok so when a wayfer comes here, they will see i'm a liar
bull s h i t. if they want to leave there, they will. nothing we do or say will change too much. and if they leave, they are probably smart enough to read between the lines
I think the point is, at least MY POINT IS, that when people tell THEIR OWN STORY it is more likely to be true than when someone tells SOMEONE ELSE'S STORY.
If we each tell OUR OWN STORY as truthfully as we can, that is much more likely to bring deliverance to the poster and to others...than if someone tells "stories that they have heard" from other people.
There are certainly enough people that have, REAL, TRUE, HONEST accounts to post and share....making some up only hurts the poster and the reader. I am IN NO WAY, saying that YOU or others like you have not been truthful.
You are great. You have laid it all out, told your story as best you can, with as much honesty and clarity as you can, people will either believe it or not. That is EXACTLY my point, it is truthful, 1st hand experiences that will touch someone's heart.
I am personally thinking of accounts from pre-waydale days that were so NOT TRUE and couldn't possibly BE TRUE. My point is that I was so close to some of the people being described that i KNEW that the stories weren't true, so I completely dismissed the whole account as a fairy tale.
I personally think that if people stick to the facts, their own facts, things that THEY PERSONALLY experienced or knew of, that is much more powerful in reaching people that are desperately wanting to know the truth.
Exxie, I think you and people like you (and me) need to shout our stories from the roof tops and rafters. If we tell our stories, at least for me, if it helps just one person extricate is worth the personal cost of exposing our hearts.
A very lame (in my opinion) claim I heard recently was that forum postings should be taken as truthful and are the same as admissions for a court action. Any comments?
I agree that such a claim is lame...although I would be mildly interested in who would make such a claim.
We don't know each other, at least not through our GS postings. There are, of course, some who know each other to varying degrees by other having met each other.
Someone tell me, is anonymous testimony ever acceptable in court? I know lawyers make efforts to decrease the credibility of opposition witnesses; live people in the courtroom whose identity is known. Can there be any credibility at all for someone who is not known?
Even when we know someone by name, we don't really know them very well if our only contact is through cyberland. I have used my name in all private e-mails, but who can really know how reliable I am if it is just through the puter? How much less we can know and trust someone who is completely anonymous? At least those I know as a person, however little or much, have to me a ring of reliability in what they say/post.
Don't get me wrong...there are good, in some cases essential reasons for remaining anonymous. But it doesnt make someone's testimony believable.
Also, the internet is not a record in the sense that it can be changed without leaving evidence that it has been changed. Even Nixon couldn't do that with his tapes; there was clear evidence of the ommisions. Not too long ago, I saw the contents of an interview on the internet changed (not on GS) after I had contacted the interviewee about what was said.
Where does all this leave us in real life? Taking chances, risks, I guess, in trusting others. The risks are less than shutting ourselves off. especially since (IMHO) people generally are honest about what they say. And more importantly, because we can benefit so much from each others wisdom, experiences, and heart.
But since this thread was open in the context of postings being truthful or not in the sense of legal court testimony, I made this response as I did.
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Shaz, yes, he can certainly survive your using him to make a point. And your point is extremely valid.
The nuances normally picked up in a face to face conversation are unfortunately missing in cyberspeak, and intentions can easily be misread and misunderstood.
I have misread and misunderstood yours, for which I will apologize
But this is a great case in point that posts on line are far from perfect and should not always be taken as absolute fact.
Edited by CatcupLink to comment
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Accusations have been going on since I was involved TWI 1974, but actually grad '75, and onto when i left in '95 and now here from WD its last 6 months this current post at GSC.
So what else is new?
Is "The Way Living In Love" the actual testimony what we all were involved?
according to lcm "Dr's last will and testimony was TWLIL...
Main Entry: tes·ti·mo·ny
Pronunciation: 'tes-t&-"mO-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nies
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin testimonium Decalogue, from Latin, evidence, witness, from testis witness —more at TESTAMENT
Date: 14th century
1 a (1) : the tablets inscribed with the Mosaic law (2) : the ark containing the tablets b : a divine decree attested in the Scriptures
2 a : firsthand authentication of a fact : EVIDENCE b : an outward sign c : a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official
3 a : an open acknowledgment b : a public profession of religious experience
Pronunciation Key
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Whoops, Radar sounded like a dude to me. Forgive me DUDETTE Radar...
Seems in context this thread.
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No sweat, Catcup, and thanks!
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does anyone give a flying you-know-what that veepee was a scumbucket who used his position to really really hurt people ?
i'm sorry i'm not able to post it word for word and line by line
some of y'all remind me of a corps night
i'm less of a person for not remembering the friggin details ? give me a break. ok so when a wayfer comes here, they will see i'm a liar
bull s h i t. if they want to leave there, they will. nothing we do or say will change too much. and if they leave, they are probably smart enough to read between the lines
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Radar OReilly
I think the point is, at least MY POINT IS, that when people tell THEIR OWN STORY it is more likely to be true than when someone tells SOMEONE ELSE'S STORY.
If we each tell OUR OWN STORY as truthfully as we can, that is much more likely to bring deliverance to the poster and to others...than if someone tells "stories that they have heard" from other people.
There are certainly enough people that have, REAL, TRUE, HONEST accounts to post and share....making some up only hurts the poster and the reader. I am IN NO WAY, saying that YOU or others like you have not been truthful.
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thank you radar
sorry for my (unintentional) insensitivies and misunderstandings
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Radar OReilly
You are great. You have laid it all out, told your story as best you can, with as much honesty and clarity as you can, people will either believe it or not. That is EXACTLY my point, it is truthful, 1st hand experiences that will touch someone's heart.
I am personally thinking of accounts from pre-waydale days that were so NOT TRUE and couldn't possibly BE TRUE. My point is that I was so close to some of the people being described that i KNEW that the stories weren't true, so I completely dismissed the whole account as a fairy tale.
I personally think that if people stick to the facts, their own facts, things that THEY PERSONALLY experienced or knew of, that is much more powerful in reaching people that are desperately wanting to know the truth.
Exxie, I think you and people like you (and me) need to shout our stories from the roof tops and rafters. If we tell our stories, at least for me, if it helps just one person extricate is worth the personal cost of exposing our hearts.
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Lifted Up
I agree that such a claim is lame...although I would be mildly interested in who would make such a claim.
We don't know each other, at least not through our GS postings. There are, of course, some who know each other to varying degrees by other having met each other.
Someone tell me, is anonymous testimony ever acceptable in court? I know lawyers make efforts to decrease the credibility of opposition witnesses; live people in the courtroom whose identity is known. Can there be any credibility at all for someone who is not known?
Even when we know someone by name, we don't really know them very well if our only contact is through cyberland. I have used my name in all private e-mails, but who can really know how reliable I am if it is just through the puter? How much less we can know and trust someone who is completely anonymous? At least those I know as a person, however little or much, have to me a ring of reliability in what they say/post.
Don't get me wrong...there are good, in some cases essential reasons for remaining anonymous. But it doesnt make someone's testimony believable.
Also, the internet is not a record in the sense that it can be changed without leaving evidence that it has been changed. Even Nixon couldn't do that with his tapes; there was clear evidence of the ommisions. Not too long ago, I saw the contents of an interview on the internet changed (not on GS) after I had contacted the interviewee about what was said.
Where does all this leave us in real life? Taking chances, risks, I guess, in trusting others. The risks are less than shutting ourselves off. especially since (IMHO) people generally are honest about what they say. And more importantly, because we can benefit so much from each others wisdom, experiences, and heart.
But since this thread was open in the context of postings being truthful or not in the sense of legal court testimony, I made this response as I did.
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Is it possible...
Do you all mean to say...
In all total seriousness I ask, nay, beg of you all...
Is THE not god???
I am like totally freaking out here...ya know? My whole belief system has been turned upside down and if anybody has any proof that THE is not god...
Oh help...
The above post is meant for humor only. Don't take it for real.
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