As far as I know, nobody here has put their hand on a bible and sworn to tell the truth, in order to register at GS...In fact how can anybody even PROVE that my nextdoor neighbor isn't typing this and pretending to be me?
Welcome to the Internet, where people say a lot of strange things for a lot of strange reasons, but do it more often online, because they are anonymous. ("Just because I could," as Clinton said.)
quote:A very lame (in my opinion) claim I heard recently was that forum postings should be taken as truthful and are the same as admissions for a court action. Any comments?
I wholeheartedly agree, it's a lame claim. I think forum postings are nothing more than opinions. Only exception I would make is that if you personally know the person posting, and know they are absolutely truthful in real life, then you can take what they say as being truthful.
I have experience here where a poster accused a 6th Corps research team member of some hurtful activity. Because I personally know both 6th Corps members who were part of the research team, I was intrigued, and inquired of the poster exactly which one was he talking about.
This poster took great offense at my question and accused me of trying to attack him in some way, which was false. I simply wanted to know which person he was referring to.
Turned out, the person he was talking about was not even a member of the research team at any point in time. He may have been a part of the research fellowship, but that was an entirely different group of people. If his posting had gone unchallenged, and taken as the "gospel" truth, the reputations of two innocent people would have been sulllied and questioned in the eyes of anyone reading that post.
So, no, on-line postings should not be taken as the gospel truth. Not everyone posting here adheres to the same standard of accuracy.
My personal standard is not to post anything on line that I wouldn't swear to in a court of law.
However, it is very obvious not everyone on line adheres to such a standard. It would be unwise to assume everything on line is the honest to God truth, and that the person who has posted the information has double-verified his post for accuracy.
I TOOK THE SCREAMING PAINTING! I confess...It was me... I had to do it...The painting spoke to said..."God told me to tell you"... that Adem does have a navel. Also to menton "leven" instead of eleven deciples. burp,burp,ssiissz, snort,snif,snif,fart,grunt, cough, burp. :P-->
This is a great topic. Sure, it is cyber world and people come here with different baggage, emotions and most especially, different colored "lenses."
I am 100% behind Catnip. I would like to think that honesty is the best policy and no one posts anything that IS NOT TRUE. Now that I have taken off those rosy colored lenses, I realize that is not true.
I think if someone's purpose in posting here is to help expost the inner workings of twi and the bot/bod then they need to be 100%, PAINFULLY honest---NO SPIN.
I remember back 6 & 7 years ago when I was still an innie (before Waydale,) I would go to the 2 or 3 exway sites, hoping to find something new, informative, something that would give me that last bit of the puzzle I needed to help me have the strength to finally leave twi. Very, Very often, all I found were ridiculously half baked stories, full of 1/2 truths and exagerations. I was in twi for 25 years by then, I had been on staff for a gazillion years....I could easily identify some stories as total BS, and some as so far fetched that I would break out laughing.
It wasn't until Waydale came along...with real people, writing their own experiences, obviously true and from their guts that I had something to relate to.
I guess what I am saying is I would rather hear the truth----the truth can set us free.
This is a great topic. Sure, it is cyber world and people come here with different baggage, emotions and most especially, different colored "lenses."
I am 100% behind Catnip. I would like to think that honesty is the best policy and no one posts anything that IS NOT TRUE. Now that I have taken off those rosy colored lenses, I realize that is not true.
I think if someone's purpose in posting here is to help expost the inner workings of twi and the bot/bod then they need to be 100%, PAINFULLY honest---NO SPIN.
I remember back 6 & 7 years ago when I was still an innie (before Waydale,) I would go to the 2 or 3 exway sites, hoping to find something new, informative, something that would give me that last bit of the puzzle I needed to help me have the strength to finally leave twi. Very, Very often, all I found were ridiculously half baked stories, full of 1/2 truths and exagerations. I was in twi for 25 years by then, I had been on staff for a gazillion years....I could easily identify some stories as total BS, and some as so far fetched that I would break out laughing.
It wasn't until Waydale came along...with real people, writing their own experiences, obviously true and from their guts that I had something to relate to.
I guess what I am saying is I would rather hear the truth----the truth can set us free.
I had similar experiences... before WayDale and after-- where the stories I heard were soooooooo outrageous it was obvious to anyone who had been in TWI that they were total fiction.
Unfortunately it was hearing those made-up or exaggerated accounts that kept me from believing the truth when I heard it from people who had been there.
I know a lot of folks come here for a good laugh. Laughter is good-- and needed.
But when it comes to posting things specifically about TWI, we do need to make sure that what we put up on this site and others, has been double-checked and is free of speculation and "spin", just as you said.
If we don't, we end up doing innies a disfavor by reinforcing their belief that we can't ever be taken seriously.
My postings are absolutely truthful. The reason is, this is real to me. This is what has helped me heal from things that I didnt even know I needed healed from.
I have posted my pictures on a few of the pictures threads, so anyone who knows me, knows who I am.
Do you mean like the time Research Geek posted about Wierwille getting his Master's from Princeton, when where he really got it from was from Princeton Theological Seminary, which is not affiliated with Princetone University? (That post has just been copy/pasted on the "Is VPW a Doctor?" thread, on page 5.)
I'm just reminding everybody that anybody can make an honest mistake, can remember things differently, or have a different interpretation of events. That is far removed from intentionally trying to skew the facts, but all possibilities need to be kept in mind when evaluating someone's post.
Catcup, I think most of us are trying hard to be honest and factual. I have always appreciated your heart-felt and detailed contributions to this forum, as well. I think it is the examination of the bulk of someone's postings that tend to lend credence to that individual, although even then it is possible to be fooled.
Shaz, if you have a problem with anything Research Geek posted, then you will need to address your comments to him, and on the thread for which it was intended.
But in fact "VeePee" did graduate from "Princeton." It was Princeton Theological Seminary. It was, and still is, a decent place to get a degree. Is there a problem with that?
And, read the quote. Geek said he was not apologizing for Wierwille. Just wanted to set the facts straight when some folks said he never got a degree. He did in fact get a degree. Neither Geek nor I disagree with the fact that it is definitely a non-accredited degree. Nor do we disagree with the fact that VP exaggerated his credentials and spun his own reputation. We just stated the facts, and do not defend an indefensible person.
We need to carefully read what is posted, and not read into things. Geek never defended VP in that post at all. Just gave the facts as he knew them WITHOUT SPINNING THEM. You seem to indicate in your above post that Geek was giving spin to VP's credentials, when in fact this is not the case.
I would hope that people give thought to what they post, and the accusations they do make.
Shaz, if you have a problem with anything Research Geek posted, then you will need to address your comments to him, and on the thread for which it was intended.
Yes NEED to do that. Sorry Catcup. Hearing that someone NEEDS to do anything makes my TWI alergies flare up :D--> Actually it looks more like Shaz was using RG, a generally sober-minded and well-respected poster, as an example of how someone can make an innocent mistake. Kind of like confusing the Research Team with the Research Fellowship (How many people knew that there were two separate entities?)
quote:But in fact "VeePee" did graduate from "Princeton." It was Princeton Theological Seminary. It was, and still is, a decent place to get a degree. Is there a problem with that?
Sure there's a problem, if saying "Princeton" misleads one into thinking that they are one and the same.
quote:You seem to indicate in your above post that Geek was giving spin to VP's credentials, when in fact this is not the case.
Why would it seem to indicate that, when Shaz writes: "I'm just reminding everybody that anybody can make an honest mistake, can remember things differently, or have a different interpretation of events. That is far removed from intentionally trying to skew the facts, but all possibilities need to be kept in mind when evaluating someone's post."
quote:I would hope that people give thought to what they post, and the accusations they do make.
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As far as I know, nobody here has put their hand on a bible and sworn to tell the truth, in order to register at GS...In fact how can anybody even PROVE that my nextdoor neighbor isn't typing this and pretending to be me?
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Uh huh
Edited by OakspearLink to comment
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Welcome to the Internet, where people say a lot of strange things for a lot of strange reasons, but do it more often online, because they are anonymous. ("Just because I could," as Clinton said.)
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Nt much different than someone saying i'm aDr. speaking for God.
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Not much different than saying "Thus says the Lord."
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Actually, I would believe something on the Internet before I would believe anything from someone saying it is "God's will."
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the internet is of the god of this world the prince of the power of the air
sign off NOW
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I already did. ;-) Did you?
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If it's in a book or on the Internet then it must be true ....
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(anyone we know?)
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All postings are absolutely not truthful.
I have experience here where a poster accused a 6th Corps research team member of some hurtful activity. Because I personally know both 6th Corps members who were part of the research team, I was intrigued, and inquired of the poster exactly which one was he talking about.
This poster took great offense at my question and accused me of trying to attack him in some way, which was false. I simply wanted to know which person he was referring to.
Turned out, the person he was talking about was not even a member of the research team at any point in time. He may have been a part of the research fellowship, but that was an entirely different group of people. If his posting had gone unchallenged, and taken as the "gospel" truth, the reputations of two innocent people would have been sulllied and questioned in the eyes of anyone reading that post.
So, no, on-line postings should not be taken as the gospel truth. Not everyone posting here adheres to the same standard of accuracy.
My personal standard is not to post anything on line that I wouldn't swear to in a court of law.
However, it is very obvious not everyone on line adheres to such a standard. It would be unwise to assume everything on line is the honest to God truth, and that the person who has posted the information has double-verified his post for accuracy.
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...and taking everyone's memory into account...I know mine bites sometimes
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I confess...It was me...
I had to do it...The painting spoke to said..."God told me to tell you"... that Adem does have a navel. Also to menton "leven" instead of eleven deciples. burp,burp,ssiissz, snort,snif,snif,fart,grunt, cough, burp.
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did atom have an innie or an outie?
Main Entry: at·om
Pronunciation: 'a-t&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin atomus, from Greek atomos, from atomos indivisible, from a- + temnein to cut
Date: 15th century
1 : one of the minute indivisible particles of which according to ancient materialism the universe is composed
2 : a tiny particle : BIT
3 : the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination
4 : the atom considered as a source of vast potential energy
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Radar OReilly
This is a great topic. Sure, it is cyber world and people come here with different baggage, emotions and most especially, different colored "lenses."
I am 100% behind Catnip. I would like to think that honesty is the best policy and no one posts anything that IS NOT TRUE. Now that I have taken off those rosy colored lenses, I realize that is not true.
I think if someone's purpose in posting here is to help expost the inner workings of twi and the bot/bod then they need to be 100%, PAINFULLY honest---NO SPIN.
I remember back 6 & 7 years ago when I was still an innie (before Waydale,) I would go to the 2 or 3 exway sites, hoping to find something new, informative, something that would give me that last bit of the puzzle I needed to help me have the strength to finally leave twi. Very, Very often, all I found were ridiculously half baked stories, full of 1/2 truths and exagerations. I was in twi for 25 years by then, I had been on staff for a gazillion years....I could easily identify some stories as total BS, and some as so far fetched that I would break out laughing.
It wasn't until Waydale came along...with real people, writing their own experiences, obviously true and from their guts that I had something to relate to.
I guess what I am saying is I would rather hear the truth----the truth can set us free.
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Go for it Radar!!! Expose it dude!!!
Rok On
TWInty years and 9 yearz after...
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Radar OReilly
That is DUDETTE Radar to you
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I had similar experiences... before WayDale and after-- where the stories I heard were soooooooo outrageous it was obvious to anyone who had been in TWI that they were total fiction.
Unfortunately it was hearing those made-up or exaggerated accounts that kept me from believing the truth when I heard it from people who had been there.
I know a lot of folks come here for a good laugh. Laughter is good-- and needed.
But when it comes to posting things specifically about TWI, we do need to make sure that what we put up on this site and others, has been double-checked and is free of speculation and "spin", just as you said.
If we don't, we end up doing innies a disfavor by reinforcing their belief that we can't ever be taken seriously.
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My postings are absolutely truthful. The reason is, this is real to me. This is what has helped me heal from things that I didnt even know I needed healed from.
I have posted my pictures on a few of the pictures threads, so anyone who knows me, knows who I am.
This may be a joke to some, but not to me.
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Dear Catcup,
Do you mean like the time Research Geek posted about Wierwille getting his Master's from Princeton, when where he really got it from was from Princeton Theological Seminary, which is not affiliated with Princetone University? (That post has just been copy/pasted on the "Is VPW a Doctor?" thread, on page 5.)
I'm just reminding everybody that anybody can make an honest mistake, can remember things differently, or have a different interpretation of events. That is far removed from intentionally trying to skew the facts, but all possibilities need to be kept in mind when evaluating someone's post.
Catcup, I think most of us are trying hard to be honest and factual. I have always appreciated your heart-felt and detailed contributions to this forum, as well. I think it is the examination of the bulk of someone's postings that tend to lend credence to that individual, although even then it is possible to be fooled.
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Shaz, if you have a problem with anything Research Geek posted, then you will need to address your comments to him, and on the thread for which it was intended.
But in fact "VeePee" did graduate from "Princeton." It was Princeton Theological Seminary. It was, and still is, a decent place to get a degree. Is there a problem with that?
And, read the quote. Geek said he was not apologizing for Wierwille. Just wanted to set the facts straight when some folks said he never got a degree. He did in fact get a degree. Neither Geek nor I disagree with the fact that it is definitely a non-accredited degree. Nor do we disagree with the fact that VP exaggerated his credentials and spun his own reputation. We just stated the facts, and do not defend an indefensible person.
We need to carefully read what is posted, and not read into things. Geek never defended VP in that post at all. Just gave the facts as he knew them WITHOUT SPINNING THEM. You seem to indicate in your above post that Geek was giving spin to VP's credentials, when in fact this is not the case.
I would hope that people give thought to what they post, and the accusations they do make.
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