I heard that Geer kept a loaded gun during those meetings also, John. And everytime I think about that, I'm completely astounded by the implications of it. I mean, REALLY!---How paranoid, how psychotic, how completely sick do you have to be to feel justified in threatening your supposed "brothers and sisters in Christ" with a loaded weapon just because you don't see eye to eye on how things should be done?!
How true. Just shows to go ya how much "love in manifestation, in the renewed mind, blah blah blah -- they really had.
I see this as no more than "revolutionaries with a lost cause". (ie -- power comes from the barrel of a gun)
Wonder if the podium they stood behind had bullet-proofing on it as well? -->
Anyone one else have documents of interest are encouraged to send them to me secretly if you want to, and unless there is some legal reason not to, I will scan and put them up as soon as I can.
Just be a little patient with me, and if you want a confirmation I got your stuff, let me know. I usually treat everything as confidential and assume people don't want their identities revealed.
That does sound refreshing that not only JAL and John Schoenheit spoke out. The "behind my back" statement by Craig might have been paranoia. Anybody else think that?
quote:Guess you never heard those, eh??? Well -- I have, and it is 3 hours worth of tesimony/history/ and documentation (from many sources) of the horrors that went on. Listen to those tapes (btw -- they are old news now), and perhaps you'll change your tune, though I doubt it. ... This stuff really happened. Don't be an ostrich hiding your head in the sand refusing to see things as they are.
dmiller, I think I do see things as they are and believe these things happened, so I don't know exactly what you're talking about. My comment before was about this 37-page letter only. I don't see it as specific at all, all I read about is 37 pages of how the Trustees aren't spiritual people and are blowing it, with no specifics. It seems a tad condescending. Like spouting spiritual principles and realities, without really saying anything meaningful the Trustees can use "to change". I question from this letter, what are they supposed to stop, to change from, if there are no specifics? In this context, I think telling these people they are evil, without getting specific, is worthless. No wonder why they canned his butt shortly after this. It may have been canned anyway, even if they got specific, but I see no profit from this letter as it stands.
Do you have that tape set by JAL where he gets real specific? I'd love to hear that, and any other information you may have, so that I may be properly informed.
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How true. Just shows to go ya how much "love in manifestation, in the renewed mind, blah blah blah -- they really had.
I see this as no more than "revolutionaries with a lost cause". (ie -- power comes from the barrel of a gun)
Wonder if the podium they stood behind had bullet-proofing on it as well?
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Anyone one else have documents of interest are encouraged to send them to me secretly if you want to, and unless there is some legal reason not to, I will scan and put them up as soon as I can.
Just be a little patient with me, and if you want a confirmation I got your stuff, let me know. I usually treat everything as confidential and assume people don't want their identities revealed.
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That does sound refreshing that not only JAL and John Schoenheit spoke out. The "behind my back" statement by Craig might have been paranoia. Anybody else think that?
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I have made it to page 21 so far and haven't found anything specific. Maybe someone, somewhere said something with detail but not in this little rant.
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Do you have that tape set by JAL where he gets real specific? I'd love to hear that, and any other information you may have, so that I may be properly informed.
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not to derail---but Justthinking--we used to play the BOB game ...a shot for everytime Bob was said onthe Bob Newheart show.
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