....but..."I wash my feet in the blood of the wicked"? Holy crow!...Martindale was consumed with hatred...did he burn crosses when they sang it?
Well actually at the Advanced Class Special in Dallas where that was performed we were invited to join the kitchen staff. Where upon being instructed to take off our shoes we saw before us a slaughter house of sorts, seems their meat was delivered a bit too fresh. After our united mashing was complete and the song no long rang in our ears we were informed it was only ketchup and we had passed our test. We were then invited into the holy of holies...what happened next I can not repeat.
Just Thinking - methinks your chain is being yanked by houseisarockin's post...
That song was performed at the Advanced Class Speeeecial in Dallas - I think it was '98, but I'm not 100% sure about the year...
The song rocked, quite frankly. It was quite a contrast from the sickly-sweet "We're Prevailing with the Prevailing Word" b.s. that the Singing Ladies were honking about. However, the lyrics were just soild proof that LCM had his mind totally in another administration - not in the Grace Administration.
The lyrics came from Psalms - there's lot of other threads about this song on Grease Spot Cafe as well - many posters here heard it. The song also made it to a tape that was given to the Way Corps in 1999. That's the only recorded version of it that I know of.
Is it my imagination or did LCM just LOVE Old Testament violent imagery? I didn't realize that as "Athletes of the Spirit" that we might slip on the bema because it was splattered in our enemies blood. :-( (Great mind picture, huh?)
I remember hearing a teaching from LCM sometime around 1980 or so...where he went into a rant about how we should use nuclear weapons against our enemies and wipe them off the face of the earth... I imagine he must really like George Bush...whoops, that shoulda been posted in another forum. ;)-->
Is it my imagination or did LCM just LOVE Old Testament violent imagery? I didn't realize that as "Athletes of the Spirit" that we might slip on the bema because it was splattered in our enemies blood. :-( (Great mind picture, huh?)
Omigosh JT, I've got to dig out that tape sometime for some cheesey entertainment.
I would have loved to have seen "Mystery Science Theater 3000" handle that one.
I still remember LCM's performance of "Athletes" in an earlier draft, under
the circus tent at a ROA in the early 80s,
which featured actors dressed up like doctors and nurses and construction workers and whatever other type of occupation professionals in all walks of life "Kaleidescope Man" might brush against in his neverending quest to rule the world.
And that performance even had religious choral music:
of the Spi-rit -
Anyways, he seemingly did take especial pleasure
describing how OT folks, when in face-to-face combat, "cut out the throats of their enemies".
He got a lot of mileage out of that old, adaptation of the Mithraic hymn in Ephesians 6... actually he would done better to de-militarize it altogether rather than downgrade the soldier imagery into jocks-for-God.
You weren't around for the teachings about Joshua, were you?
What you saw on that stage and heard comin' from Craig's piehole was nuttin' compared to that "Advanced Class Special"...
I remember one particular section where he was analyzing the different tactics of the tribes that opposed Joshua. He went on and on and on about them - how the adversary worked in them, the debbil spurits they operated, etc. He then went into graphic detail about how Joshua's army eliminated them - it was just gross, graphic detail. I remember wondering, "How is THIS going to help us have more abundance and power?"
It was one big, fat, ego trip that was really illustrated when he sent out the photos of himself dressed up as Joshua one year for HoHo or something like that. Sick. Everyone, everything - no matter how small - was a potential enemy to him.
What he couldn't see is that HE was HIS OWN worse enemy!
I suppose there are plenty of people in this world like Martindale...usually we commit them to mental institutions. The problem arises when people like this are allowed to speak into a microphone.
You weren't around for the teachings about Joshua, were you?
Was that after '87-88?
I had left by that time.
I recall the last ROA I attended (85?86?) being quite an uninspired dud, as well as my anger at hearing LCM at a Wed. night teaching ranting to all under the "big top" something to the effect, "IF YOU'RE NOT WAY CORP, DON'T EXPECT ME TO WASTE A MINUTE LISTENING TO YOU!!!"
Imagine that...that didn't exactly fill me (or any other non-Corp. person who happened to be listening) with the slightest inclination to continue support for this outfit...
It was one big, fat, ego trip that was really illustrated when he sent out the photos of himself dressed up as Joshua one year for HoHo or something like that. Sick. Everyone, everything - no matter how small - was a potential enemy to him.
For awhile I was still on their mailing list.
Any doubts I might have had about leaving the old gigantic cult dissipitated quickly upon receiving their infamous homophobe mailings, which contained the hateful ramblings of both LCM and Howard Allen on how homosexuals were infiltrating the ministry and taking over the world and all that. Pretty pathetic stuff.
So no, I wasn't subject to the ramblings of LCM's "Joshua" phase, thank God...I suspected things would get worst, but I couldn't have imagined just how bad.
You didn't miss much. LCM started to see the number "two" in his entire life. He was to "establish" the ministry etc. Of course, the teaching USED to be that the number two could also represent division. Hmmm... maybe it WAS appropriate!
You didn't miss much. LCM started to see the number "two" in his entire life. He was to "establish" the ministry etc. Of course, the teaching USED to be that the number two could also represent division. Hmmm... maybe it WAS appropriate!
Oh man, what an absolute nutcase.
The folks at HQ can't be that much more
on the ball. The fact that they're still running this lunatic's "WAP" class and marketing his total nonsense are emphatic indications that with the Way, the lights may be on (though in fewer places), but nobody's home. It's hard to believe they're still running this moron's classes...it speaks volumes about the folks still running the outfit.
I got so sick of those reminders of Joshua = #2, LCM = #2 bs teachings. But that does make rosa-lie #3 - does that mean TWI-ts will be COMPLETELY DESTROYED under her reign? GAWD, I hope so!
You weren't around for the teachings about Joshua, were you?
(Dan quote:)-->
Was that after '87-88?
I had left by that time.
I think it was around 91 or 92. It was brought up many times after that by Corps weenies to show that the Verd was ovur da Verld because Craigie had established the ministry because he was second and the number two means established which means the Verd was established and therefore da Verd vas ovur da vorld. Don't you see it kids?
I'm not even close to being funny enough to make this stuff up.
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Well actually at the Advanced Class Special in Dallas where that was performed we were invited to join the kitchen staff. Where upon being instructed to take off our shoes we saw before us a slaughter house of sorts, seems their meat was delivered a bit too fresh. After our united mashing was complete and the song no long rang in our ears we were informed it was only ketchup and we had passed our test. We were then invited into the holy of holies...what happened next I can not repeat.
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What year was that?
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Just Thinking - methinks your chain is being yanked by houseisarockin's post...
That song was performed at the Advanced Class Speeeecial in Dallas - I think it was '98, but I'm not 100% sure about the year...
The song rocked, quite frankly. It was quite a contrast from the sickly-sweet "We're Prevailing with the Prevailing Word" b.s. that the Singing Ladies were honking about. However, the lyrics were just soild proof that LCM had his mind totally in another administration - not in the Grace Administration.
The lyrics came from Psalms - there's lot of other threads about this song on Grease Spot Cafe as well - many posters here heard it. The song also made it to a tape that was given to the Way Corps in 1999. That's the only recorded version of it that I know of.
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Chas I was thinking somewhere near that, but didn't remember exactly.
JustThinking, were you there?
And Chas just for that I ain't gonna share my holy of holies story with ya.
Was away this w/e sorry for late reply.
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98? I think I was. Not sure though. That was the start of my "fading into the woodwork and out the door time."
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That was an interesting time, yea! I faded years prior just took a minute to get out the door.
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It was '98, just before I left TWi. I was at the Advanced class at HQ that year, Craig's class.
Mike Martin sang it, it was lively and well received.
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I wonder how he re-wrote and re-enacted Jesus' foot-washing scene?
He must have updated it to include a human sacrifice. Like the Aztecs cutting out the hearts of their enemies.
With LCM, the "Last Supper" takes on an even more cannibalistic significance.
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Is Mike Martin from Way Productions out of TWI yet? I sponsored him through the Corps.
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Things could have changed recently but he was in charge of Way Prods.
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Is it my imagination or did LCM just LOVE Old Testament violent imagery? I didn't realize that as "Athletes of the Spirit" that we might slip on the bema because it was splattered in our enemies blood. :-( (Great mind picture, huh?)
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I remember hearing a teaching from LCM sometime around 1980 or so...where he went into a rant about how we should use nuclear weapons against our enemies and wipe them off the face of the earth... I imagine he must really like George Bush...whoops, that shoulda been posted in another forum.
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Omigosh JT, I've got to dig out that tape sometime for some cheesey entertainment.
I would have loved to have seen "Mystery Science Theater 3000" handle that one.
I still remember LCM's performance of "Athletes" in an earlier draft, under
the circus tent at a ROA in the early 80s,
which featured actors dressed up like doctors and nurses and construction workers and whatever other type of occupation professionals in all walks of life "Kaleidescope Man" might brush against in his neverending quest to rule the world.
And that performance even had religious choral music:
of the Spi-rit -
Anyways, he seemingly did take especial pleasure
describing how OT folks, when in face-to-face combat, "cut out the throats of their enemies".
He got a lot of mileage out of that old, adaptation of the Mithraic hymn in Ephesians 6... actually he would done better to de-militarize it altogether rather than downgrade the soldier imagery into jocks-for-God.
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Oh, man... Danny...
You weren't around for the teachings about Joshua, were you?
What you saw on that stage and heard comin' from Craig's piehole was nuttin' compared to that "Advanced Class Special"...
I remember one particular section where he was analyzing the different tactics of the tribes that opposed Joshua. He went on and on and on about them - how the adversary worked in them, the debbil spurits they operated, etc. He then went into graphic detail about how Joshua's army eliminated them - it was just gross, graphic detail. I remember wondering, "How is THIS going to help us have more abundance and power?"
It was one big, fat, ego trip that was really illustrated when he sent out the photos of himself dressed up as Joshua one year for HoHo or something like that. Sick. Everyone, everything - no matter how small - was a potential enemy to him.
What he couldn't see is that HE was HIS OWN worse enemy!
"Don't let me get me,
I'm my own worse enemy..." - Pink
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I suppose there are plenty of people in this world like Martindale...usually we commit them to mental institutions. The problem arises when people like this are allowed to speak into a microphone.
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Was that after '87-88?
I had left by that time.
I recall the last ROA I attended (85?86?) being quite an uninspired dud, as well as my anger at hearing LCM at a Wed. night teaching ranting to all under the "big top" something to the effect, "IF YOU'RE NOT WAY CORP, DON'T EXPECT ME TO WASTE A MINUTE LISTENING TO YOU!!!"
Imagine that...that didn't exactly fill me (or any other non-Corp. person who happened to be listening) with the slightest inclination to continue support for this outfit...
For awhile I was still on their mailing list.
Any doubts I might have had about leaving the old gigantic cult dissipitated quickly upon receiving their infamous homophobe mailings, which contained the hateful ramblings of both LCM and Howard Allen on how homosexuals were infiltrating the ministry and taking over the world and all that. Pretty pathetic stuff.
So no, I wasn't subject to the ramblings of LCM's "Joshua" phase, thank God...I suspected things would get worst, but I couldn't have imagined just how bad.
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You didn't miss much. LCM started to see the number "two" in his entire life. He was to "establish" the ministry etc. Of course, the teaching USED to be that the number two could also represent division. Hmmm... maybe it WAS appropriate!
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Oh man, what an absolute nutcase.
The folks at HQ can't be that much more
on the ball. The fact that they're still running this lunatic's "WAP" class and marketing his total nonsense are emphatic indications that with the Way, the lights may be on (though in fewer places), but nobody's home. It's hard to believe they're still running this moron's classes...it speaks volumes about the folks still running the outfit.
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Hmmm, looking back, it seems strangely appropriate applying the phrase "number two" to loyboy.
Anyone got some extra TP?
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I got so sick of those reminders of Joshua = #2, LCM = #2 bs teachings. But that does make rosa-lie #3 - does that mean TWI-ts will be COMPLETELY DESTROYED under her reign? GAWD, I hope so!
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Originally posted by ChasUFarley:
Oh, man... Danny...
You weren't around for the teachings about Joshua, were you?
(Dan quote
Was that after '87-88?
I had left by that time.
I think it was around 91 or 92. It was brought up many times after that by Corps weenies to show that the Verd was ovur da Verld because Craigie had established the ministry because he was second and the number two means established which means the Verd was established and therefore da Verd vas ovur da vorld. Don't you see it kids?
I'm not even close to being funny enough to make this stuff up.
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LOL! My guess is that they won't even bring THAT topic up again! Maybe it will be COMPLETELY destroyed under her reign? :-)
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i wash my feet in the blood of the wicked is for true TWI's washing of feet their wicked way
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