So glad you got out in the most painless way possible -----
JMO wounded spirit, or wounded soul is far more painful and difficult to heal than wounded body. A wounded body everyone can see and either take compassion on you, help, make things easier, etc.
But wounded spirit and wounded soul can't be seen. . . those so broken are in a worse place I think.
Hi, Danny. You have a great attitude! Hope your leg gets better real soon.
You wrote, “would love to drink lemonade if you have a story of a great thing that happened becasue of a bad.”
I have been trying to remember times like that in my life.
There is the time when I got a DUI and as a result, I HAD to go to AA. I had tried to go before that but was scared to go through the door. I HAD to go, or go to jail. I was more afraid of jail. Been sober ever since.
I broke my foot when I was in the military. I couldn’t work on the F111’s for a while so I was assigned to instructor duty. That was so cool. I had always wanted to teach but never had the ambition to go to college and there I was. I taught the theory of electronics and loved it. Foots all better.
There was the time I was driving into my drive-way and the tie-rod came off my right tire. When I had stopped one wheel is turned to the left, the other to the right. I had just gotten off the expressway after driving 20 miles. But I guess that doesn’t qualify.
Surely there is more. My life seems so boring. :D-->
I guess life is what we make it. The leg will be fine in time. i get a cat scan Monday morning to see if i need surgery. But i'm, sure things will work out.
Shelly tht was cool about the tire rod. you could of been splattered every where.
I'm sure there are so many ifs in our lives we don't know about where God took care of us. I beleieve his still small voice is there that keeps us most of the time. I gusess i just needed a mega phone this week, but it will work out and something great will come out of it.
Danny, I thought of a bag of lemons that turned into a pitcher of lemonade for me, but I didn't have time to post about it when you first asked.
When I heard Rosalie Rivenbark was taking over the department I was working in at HQ, I cringed. This could NOT be a good thing. However, seeing her in action up close WAS a good thing, because it planted the seeds for my departure from HQ and ultimately from twi.
Seeing how RFR lied, manipulated people, and tried to control every aspect of their lives got me questioning why in the world VPW would put such a woman in charge of even one other person, much less Way Publications, University of Life, and Way Productions. A big hmmmmmm.
One year under her reign of humiliation and legalism was enough for me, and I began to make my way out the door. But I needed some of those hearing lessons, too! Although I tried to quit after one year under the queen of mean, I got guilted into staying another year.
Thank God, that next "year" only lasted 7 months, because when I caught her lying to and about me in a big way, I gave my notice for real and quit.
When I left there I was pretty weary in heart and mind from all the crap I'd put up with and had seen others endure, and I didn't even try to get a job in publishing. I didn't think I could. My previous experience with writing and editing had been years earlier, pre-twi, and I didn't figure my 3 years and 7 months in Way Pub would throw open any doors for me.
I went to work as a waitress in a hotel dining room. Nothing wrong with waitressing. I'd done it before and I enjoyed it, but I knew I didn't want to do it forever.
Then one day an opportunity to freelance full-time for a huge, nationally known publisher fell into my lap. I didn't even know they had a division in Cleveland! It was a temporary assignment, but it was something to add to my resume, I figured.
It turned out that I enjoyed the heck out of that job, and it ended up being a huge stepping stone to even better things. Long story short, during the 18 years since I put the OSC building and RFR's fake grin in my rear-view mirror, God has kept opening bigger and better doors for me.
Not only do I have a good-paying job in publishing, but one that I enjoy and where I'm respected. And it looks like they're going to let me cut down to 20 hours a week and keep my health insurance when I semiretire in a little over 3 years--a goal I've had for a while.
The lemons served by RFR were hard to swallow at the time, but God threw in the sugar and the pure, cool water. The lemonade tastes great, and I'm so thankful!
Love you Danny, and I'm praying that you'll have to buy a new refrigerator to hold all the lemonade coming your way!
When and where did you work F111s? I was a crew chief at Mtn. Home on A models from Aug 83 to Feb 85. I got tired of 12 hour shifts so I cross-trained to flight engineer and discovered their basic duty day is 16 hours! :D-->
Hi, Jack. I was in Plattsburgh, NY Jan 80 to July 81, then transferred Lowery AFB, Colorado. If I had to do it over, I would. But it was something I would never do again. Kind of like with TWI.
Just walked in coming home from my daughters house.Months ago I asked for prayers for her and her husband. Emily and Rene.
It was one of the most sad times of my whole life. Their twins died. Here it is nine months later and they got a call from the hospital Monday morning, there was a girl there ready to have a baby and she wanted it (her) to have a good family. Layne Renee was born at 11am and came home to Emilys house today.
As bad as things can be and as sad as they can be wonderful things are around the corner if we are looking for them.
Welcome to a wonderful family, sweet little Layne. You don't know them very well yet, but you'll soon find out they're loving and fun and giving and smart and all the good things a little girl could want in a family.
I knew your mommy when she was only a few years older than you are now. She'll be a terrific mommy, and if she picked out your daddy, I know he'll be terrific, too!
Oooooh, and that Grandma and Grandpa...hold onto your teeny, tiny hat, little darlin', and get ready to be spoiled!!
Congrats Danny, and love to you and the new Grandma and Mommy and Daddy!
Wishing you a speedy recovery on your leg injury, Danny.
I left TWI before the POP myself, and more or less faded into the sunset until the advent of the internet. But it was a long healing process from the filth that we had shoved down our throats. I think the next person who tries to preach to me might get a good whiff of mace :D-->
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Linda Z
Danny! I'm so sorry your leg got broken, but I love your attitude! Great post.
Love you,
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Kit Sober
So glad you got out in the most painless way possible -----
JMO wounded spirit, or wounded soul is far more painful and difficult to heal than wounded body. A wounded body everyone can see and either take compassion on you, help, make things easier, etc.
But wounded spirit and wounded soul can't be seen. . . those so broken are in a worse place I think.
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Danny, sorry to hear you broke your leg. Geeze that must hurt, get well soon!
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Sorry dude...I hope the meds help with the pain...ouch!
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Hi, Danny. You have a great attitude! Hope your leg gets better real soon.
You wrote, “would love to drink lemonade if you have a story of a great thing that happened becasue of a bad.”
I have been trying to remember times like that in my life.
There is the time when I got a DUI and as a result, I HAD to go to AA. I had tried to go before that but was scared to go through the door. I HAD to go, or go to jail. I was more afraid of jail. Been sober ever since.
I broke my foot when I was in the military. I couldn’t work on the F111’s for a while so I was assigned to instructor duty. That was so cool. I had always wanted to teach but never had the ambition to go to college and there I was. I taught the theory of electronics and loved it. Foots all better.
There was the time I was driving into my drive-way and the tie-rod came off my right tire. When I had stopped one wheel is turned to the left, the other to the right. I had just gotten off the expressway after driving 20 miles. But I guess that doesn’t qualify.
Surely there is more. My life seems so boring.
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Sorry to hear about the broken leg.
I've had a few glasses of "lemonade" also. Hoping for you, that this turns out to be a "tall glass"!!
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Tanks all.
I guess life is what we make it. The leg will be fine in time. i get a cat scan Monday morning to see if i need surgery. But i'm, sure things will work out.
Shelly tht was cool about the tire rod. you could of been splattered every where.
I'm sure there are so many ifs in our lives we don't know about where God took care of us. I beleieve his still small voice is there that keeps us most of the time. I gusess i just needed a mega phone this week, but it will work out and something great will come out of it.
Thanks again
Maybe we just need hearing lessons
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Linda Z
Danny, I thought of a bag of lemons that turned into a pitcher of lemonade for me, but I didn't have time to post about it when you first asked.
When I heard Rosalie Rivenbark was taking over the department I was working in at HQ, I cringed. This could NOT be a good thing. However, seeing her in action up close WAS a good thing, because it planted the seeds for my departure from HQ and ultimately from twi.
Seeing how RFR lied, manipulated people, and tried to control every aspect of their lives got me questioning why in the world VPW would put such a woman in charge of even one other person, much less Way Publications, University of Life, and Way Productions. A big hmmmmmm.
One year under her reign of humiliation and legalism was enough for me, and I began to make my way out the door. But I needed some of those hearing lessons, too! Although I tried to quit after one year under the queen of mean, I got guilted into staying another year.
Thank God, that next "year" only lasted 7 months, because when I caught her lying to and about me in a big way, I gave my notice for real and quit.
When I left there I was pretty weary in heart and mind from all the crap I'd put up with and had seen others endure, and I didn't even try to get a job in publishing. I didn't think I could. My previous experience with writing and editing had been years earlier, pre-twi, and I didn't figure my 3 years and 7 months in Way Pub would throw open any doors for me.
I went to work as a waitress in a hotel dining room. Nothing wrong with waitressing. I'd done it before and I enjoyed it, but I knew I didn't want to do it forever.
Then one day an opportunity to freelance full-time for a huge, nationally known publisher fell into my lap. I didn't even know they had a division in Cleveland! It was a temporary assignment, but it was something to add to my resume, I figured.
It turned out that I enjoyed the heck out of that job, and it ended up being a huge stepping stone to even better things. Long story short, during the 18 years since I put the OSC building and RFR's fake grin in my rear-view mirror, God has kept opening bigger and better doors for me.
Not only do I have a good-paying job in publishing, but one that I enjoy and where I'm respected. And it looks like they're going to let me cut down to 20 hours a week and keep my health insurance when I semiretire in a little over 3 years--a goal I've had for a while.
The lemons served by RFR were hard to swallow at the time, but God threw in the sugar and the pure, cool water. The lemonade tastes great, and I'm so thankful!
Love you Danny, and I'm praying that you'll have to buy a new refrigerator to hold all the lemonade coming your way!
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Sorry for the derail.
When and where did you work F111s? I was a crew chief at Mtn. Home on A models from Aug 83 to Feb 85. I got tired of 12 hour shifts so I cross-trained to flight engineer and discovered their basic duty day is 16 hours!
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Hi, Jack. I was in Plattsburgh, NY Jan 80 to July 81, then transferred Lowery AFB, Colorado. If I had to do it over, I would. But it was something I would never do again. Kind of like with TWI.
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Just have a few minutes the 18 wheeler of lemonaide showed up today. Need some major prayes to help it get unloaded.
If you can pray for new Tassin baby at Baton Rouge General. This will be great story I'm sure all will enjoy.
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Well the hose got conected to the 18 wheeler and we have off loaded the lemonade if any one wants to hear about it.
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Praying for you my friend ...
Can I have some of that lemonade ?
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I have drinks for all.
Just walked in coming home from my daughters house.Months ago I asked for prayers for her and her husband. Emily and Rene.
It was one of the most sad times of my whole life. Their twins died. Here it is nine months later and they got a call from the hospital Monday morning, there was a girl there ready to have a baby and she wanted it (her) to have a good family. Layne Renee was born at 11am and came home to Emilys house today.
As bad as things can be and as sad as they can be wonderful things are around the corner if we are looking for them.
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Linda Z
Welcome to a wonderful family, sweet little Layne. You don't know them very well yet, but you'll soon find out they're loving and fun and giving and smart and all the good things a little girl could want in a family.
I knew your mommy when she was only a few years older than you are now. She'll be a terrific mommy, and if she picked out your daddy, I know he'll be terrific, too!
Oooooh, and that Grandma and Grandpa...hold onto your teeny, tiny hat, little darlin', and get ready to be spoiled!!
Congrats Danny, and love to you and the new Grandma and Mommy and Daddy!
Lots of Love,
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I am incredibly happy to hear this.
Major lemonade! Here it comes....BEEP...BEEEP...BEEP
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Great news! Happiness always for Danny & family.
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Wishing you a speedy recovery on your leg injury, Danny.
I left TWI before the POP myself, and more or less faded into the sunset until the advent of the internet. But it was a long healing process from the filth that we had shoved down our throats. I think the next person who tries to preach to me might get a good whiff of mace
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Danny -- am very happy for you!!
Looks like you're going to get that "tall glass" after all!
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