(((((oak))) You are a brave man, a man of integrety, I am so sorry that it cost you so much.
Damn them for the destruction wrought when they could not corrupt you, make you back down and shut up once the truth was known...I dearly hope somebody will have to answere for their conduct...
I salute you....and am glad to know that your life continues to get better.
Is anything more of a relief than finally breaking free from a domineering cult?
A shame the family didn't make it out intact Oak, but at least you did.
And re: Tom H. I knew him just a bit while I was working at Gunnison. He never struck me as having an overabundance of brain power. Maybe I misread him, I dunno. Though your experience doesn't do much to change my initial opinion.
Whenever I hear stories like that, though, I always wonder. What's going to become of these Stepford "leaders" when the show is finally over? Out on the streets, no job, no job skills, no resume, no education, and nothing but tainted memories of a deluded, misspent life. Oooo, that ain't gonna be pretty.
It took some majorly big cajones to do what you did. Your story showed how twi has no heart and is weak in their doctrines and research of them. It just shows how they keep the doctrine of a paranoid a$$ who had no right to teach the Bible or lead people.
I'm so glad you are much happier today. You are a smart man, and I always appreciate your opinions.
One of the things that I always thought ironic was that in many cases TWI gave us the tools to get out. I mean that they really did teach us keys to interpreting the bible, but anyone who honestly used them would find out the many inconsistancies and errors in TWI doctrine.
Back then I didn't know or believe the worst of the abuses of Martindale and even Wierwille and was willing to stick with "the ministry that taught me the Word" even if some of it's leaders were abusive.
It was a systematic "working the Word" as it applied to various TWI classes and books that opened my eyes to the house of cards that was TWI.
Oak, I'm so glad you've always been there for ME! I'm sorry you had to go through what you did, but glad that I had someone going through the same things to talk about it with over warm brats and cold beer.
You got gonads brother. I know the journey has not been easy but worth taking. Glad you stood your ground. Glad your a part of GS. Always repected your input. Namaste
Interesting story Oak. It sounds like you took a good stand on your principles when you left. It's amusing, because although they are the ones that told you that you're not welcome, it was indeed you who left their game, mentally. They always say that it's a battle in the arena of your mind, so in this case you won. Congratulations on getting out and staying out.
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Tom Strange
well... it's good to "know" you (if that's what you can call this)... glad you're free now... sorry it was at so much cost...
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(((((oak))) You are a brave man, a man of integrety, I am so sorry that it cost you so much.
Damn them for the destruction wrought when they could not corrupt you, make you back down and shut up once the truth was known...I dearly hope somebody will have to answere for their conduct...
I salute you....and am glad to know that your life continues to get better.
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I, too, am glad you are out of there, Oak. We needed you here, then and now.
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To divide families like they do...how in all of the earth could they ever in a million years think they were "godly"?
Such a wake of heartbreak and hurt...
Oak, I'm glad you're out...I wish it didn't have to rip apart your family...you know I think the world of you and reikilady.
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George Aar
Is anything more of a relief than finally breaking free from a domineering cult?
A shame the family didn't make it out intact Oak, but at least you did.
And re: Tom H. I knew him just a bit while I was working at Gunnison. He never struck me as having an overabundance of brain power. Maybe I misread him, I dunno. Though your experience doesn't do much to change my initial opinion.
Whenever I hear stories like that, though, I always wonder. What's going to become of these Stepford "leaders" when the show is finally over? Out on the streets, no job, no job skills, no resume, no education, and nothing but tainted memories of a deluded, misspent life. Oooo, that ain't gonna be pretty.
Glad you're "here" and not "there"!
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It took some majorly big cajones to do what you did. Your story showed how twi has no heart and is weak in their doctrines and research of them. It just shows how they keep the doctrine of a paranoid a$$ who had no right to teach the Bible or lead people.
I'm so glad you are much happier today. You are a smart man, and I always appreciate your opinions.
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No George, you didn't misread him
One of the things that I always thought ironic was that in many cases TWI gave us the tools to get out. I mean that they really did teach us keys to interpreting the bible, but anyone who honestly used them would find out the many inconsistancies and errors in TWI doctrine.
Back then I didn't know or believe the worst of the abuses of Martindale and even Wierwille and was willing to stick with "the ministry that taught me the Word" even if some of it's leaders were abusive.
It was a systematic "working the Word" as it applied to various TWI classes and books that opened my eyes to the house of cards that was TWI.
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Glad you got out,Thanks for your help.
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Sounds like you came though the fire, on your feet, with both your barrels blazing!
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MANY reasons to be glad that it's "way past midnight" and you are certainly one of em....reikilady makes two!!!
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Hope R.
Oaks! Time flies when you're free, doesn't it? I'm glad you weren't bullied into staying off the internet.
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I'm so glad we were here for you.
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Thanks all!
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Oak, I'm so glad you've always been there for ME! I'm sorry you had to go through what you did, but glad that I had someone going through the same things to talk about it with over warm brats and cold beer.
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You got gonads brother. I know the journey has not been easy but worth taking. Glad you stood your ground. Glad your a part of GS. Always repected your input. Namaste
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Wacky Funster
Congrats Oaksy
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The authority over our lives we gave Way leader people was way too much.
It took me some time to figure out I was to take charge of my family and get out of TWI.
I did not give TWI the chance to offer my family
haven and only kick me out.
My last call made that perfectly clear.
No more TWI fellowship for my family.
My kids are very thankful we quit. Since leaving many stories have come up discribing stupid TWI leadership abuses.
Shocking accusations and requests[nonsexual]
of their lives cause they were in some camps and some meetings that I did not attend over
the years.
God delivered us from abusive uneducated mean leadership.
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hey wasn't someone who calls himself uncle hairy
looking for a whoop-a$$ story
this one here is pretty good
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Mister P-Mosh
Interesting story Oak. It sounds like you took a good stand on your principles when you left. It's amusing, because although they are the ones that told you that you're not welcome, it was indeed you who left their game, mentally. They always say that it's a battle in the arena of your mind, so in this case you won. Congratulations on getting out and staying out.
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