No disrespect intended, but I think what you really may need is a life.
WayWorld and all it's saccharine sentiments is gone in any practical sense. The emotional highs we experienced there were mostly manufactured. We were not a "family" then anymore than we are now. We're individuals who need to figure out what the hell to do with ourselves and who we really are.
Personally I was so out of touch with my real self whilst in TWI(no, not the JL, unseated version) that it took me years to finally start to connect with what it was I really liked, what I wanted to do, and where I wanted to go in life. The TWI sideshow was compelling for a bit, but only if you didn't look too close.
We're not family, we're not chosen of God, and we certainly don't have some "special" calling that only the Vickster could fill us in on.
That may sound harsh, but imagine living another 40 years before you finally realize it.
I met some nice folks in WayWorld, still even see some of them now and then. But life goes on. I enjoy myself much more now without the WayBlinders on, thank you very much...
I must admit, I do miss much of what was available when I was involved with TWI, some of which you've mentioned. The comraderie, the special times together and such. The friends I thought I had, and those who really are.
The things I don't miss are the pressure to take the next or newest classes. The need to find, convince, and pressure others into taking the classes.
I don't miss the awkward stress involved when someone asked if I planned to go WOW or "Corps" (or the "that's NOT funny" look that I got when I told them that I was already in the Corps - MARINE Corps, that is).
I don't miss the times when my natural family and I fought because I felt the need to tell them that the church we grew up in is wrong in many ways. I still believe that, but we don't fight over it anymore.
I don't miss hearing rumors of evil being perpetrated by TWI leaders, only to be told that it was the adversary attacking the leadership, and then to find out later that the rumors were indeed true.
I don't miss hearing about members in good standing suddenly being shunned (later called Marked & Avoided) just because they wrote a research paper, or taught something, or expressed an opinion that contradicted even the smallest things that were wrong with TWI's doctrine (never mind the HUGE ones like adultery being sinful...).
There are a lot of other things I don't miss about TWI, but I understand what you're saying. I wish everyone knew the true God and loved Him. I wish everything in this world were perfect. I wish everyone would do God's will.
We're not family, we're not chosen of God, and we certainly don't have some "special" calling that only the Vickster could fill us in on.
Well -- I for one will agree with the latter statement! ;)-->
However -- "Family" (these days), is where you find it. I have "family"that I see once a year at a Bluegrass Festival. And no -- we had no special calling, but it is a musical "fellowship" none-the-less.
Even simple "gatherings" like mine, around a campfire with musical instruments in hand, constitute "family" to me. The shared "belief" we have is bluegrass. A shared "theology", reguardless of how long it was held, or where it came from, also constitutes "family".
No, Dave. I think they had moved on (Corps?) the year I first came (back) to Duluth. I met Martha once at the Rock, other than that didn't know them.
Ken and Diane were the ones I probably saw the most of while I was in town. Kinda miss those guys, but I think they've written me off as "possessed" or something, cuz I spoke ill of "Dr." Ah, well. I'm sure they're still sweet folks. Ever see them?
yea, though it's been a while. Ken showed up at our "Sir Ben's" jam one night about 4 years ago. Then got an e-mail from him and Diane one day (several months ago), but though I answered, I never heard back from them.
It is good to hear from you. I too liked most of the people that used to be in TWI. And yes I still have friends that used to be involved with TWI. However, these friends are mixed in with other people that were never involved with TWI. I prefer it this way. I still attend a weekly bible study made up of a mixture of former Way enthusiasts and non-Way. I really like this fellowship. It is the best one that I have ever attended. The bible study is very enlightening. The friendship is real and genuine and we have even gone to Yosemite together a couple of times. Have you ever been to Yosemite? I love that place. It is knock out gorgeous. There is one thing that I do not miss about TWI though. It is the Way tree structure with all its built in politicing. Never again will I allow an unbiblical religious hierarchy to control and influence my life.
Mountain Snow, I have a teaching for you to read. You can receive it by clicking the link below. Please enjoy and it was good to hear from you again.
well I rememer feeling that way when I was marked and avoided I really did.
so cry but then remember the body of Christ is thousands of years old now and many memebers are involved in this family idea .
I meet spirit filled lifes every day of my life.
I look for them and I love them all. and look forward to more tommorrow! it is an exciting and full of new people to love and be loved by.
We get attached to the things of this earth and frankly the bible says look to jesus christ as our reward in this life and believe me He knows LOTS of people be willing to open your eyes to His direction in life and say Hi! to those He sends in your life.
it is the best and only way to live! let the past be the past I mean connect if you can of course but if the door is shut and other opens just as quick run with him it is a race and the street is full of Lots of us getting there together!!!!
i don't miss my offshoot friend persuading me to go to fellowship 3+x a week because there was so much word to be heard. i also don't miss losing $ in gas/toll expenses to go to these fellowships when i could've been working. i miss the friend i had when they were not talking about the word or fellowship. way people and their offshoot pals feel that the only common ground is the word. they don't seem to realize that no matter how soaked up in the little book they are, that there is a world going on around us, and we are stuck here for probably a good 70-90 years. for me, i'm living life and relearning what i want in life, not what vpw or his 7th corps offshoot leaders want me to have in life. i wish i could save my friend, but at the same time, if they knew i was so against everything now, it would destroy them and it'd be the adversary working in me. go figure. i was brainwashed to believe that their teachings were the only true teachings and i was told to abs, when i had no money. i never got blessed with money back to pay my bills or give to my family back for their care. i also don't think my parents deserve to be called "earthly" parents. they love me no matter what, word or not. they would give up anything for me, so i think they deserve the same from me. most of the fellowship people i know wouldn't give up the offshoot cult for their family. i don't see how me not going to fellowship is me turning on god. if you believe in god, you believe in god. i'm tired of being told things by people and that's why i do agree with what george aar has to say. we aren't family, we kiss each other on the cheek because it's expected. most of the people are bored during the teaching part of fellowship. a lot of people really enjoyed the feeling of being accepted, though most of these people wanted nothing to do with my life outside of fellowship. i don't think vpw is special, i think he was a load of garbage who was the ringleader for a major cult that has put many into depression and hard financial situations because he knew how to make people feel wanted and useful for the time being. once the novelty wore off and people realized how broke they were, they were either out or marked & avoided. i too have met some great people at fellowships, however, none of them are involved with my personal life, and most of them shun the fact that i call people "friends" if they aren't into the word.
this looks to be a pretty good thread and i am just glad to know a lot of others feel the same way.
I appreciate your sentiment. It seems like after all of the way people we've met through the years, we should have gleaned some lifetime friends who still stay in touch. Thankfully, I still have some in that category and I'm sure you do too (I hope so). Everyone needs friends who appreciate where they've been but knows they're not staying there forever. That's part of the comradery at GS.
Someone once said, when I was looking for a new church, "Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated." That slogan has served me well :)-->.
I just won't stay someplace where I'm not treated with respect.
It seems like after all of the way people we've met through the years, we should have gleaned some lifetime friends who still stay in touch.
Maybe so. But I think it is hard to do that if the staying in touch is only electronically. At least in my experience. Probably not their fault, but my own expectations.
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It's not that hard to get in touch with us.
Many of us are still here on the GSC.
Some of us ARE getting together in places around
the US.
You can contact some of us privately or publicly,
as you see fit.
Either way, those of us still Christian can still
pray for you.
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George Aar
No disrespect intended, but I think what you really may need is a life.
WayWorld and all it's saccharine sentiments is gone in any practical sense. The emotional highs we experienced there were mostly manufactured. We were not a "family" then anymore than we are now. We're individuals who need to figure out what the hell to do with ourselves and who we really are.
Personally I was so out of touch with my real self whilst in TWI(no, not the JL, unseated version) that it took me years to finally start to connect with what it was I really liked, what I wanted to do, and where I wanted to go in life. The TWI sideshow was compelling for a bit, but only if you didn't look too close.
We're not family, we're not chosen of God, and we certainly don't have some "special" calling that only the Vickster could fill us in on.
That may sound harsh, but imagine living another 40 years before you finally realize it.
I met some nice folks in WayWorld, still even see some of them now and then. But life goes on. I enjoy myself much more now without the WayBlinders on, thank you very much...
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I must admit, I do miss much of what was available when I was involved with TWI, some of which you've mentioned. The comraderie, the special times together and such. The friends I thought I had, and those who really are.
The things I don't miss are the pressure to take the next or newest classes. The need to find, convince, and pressure others into taking the classes.
I don't miss the awkward stress involved when someone asked if I planned to go WOW or "Corps" (or the "that's NOT funny" look that I got when I told them that I was already in the Corps - MARINE Corps, that is).
I don't miss the times when my natural family and I fought because I felt the need to tell them that the church we grew up in is wrong in many ways. I still believe that, but we don't fight over it anymore.
I don't miss hearing rumors of evil being perpetrated by TWI leaders, only to be told that it was the adversary attacking the leadership, and then to find out later that the rumors were indeed true.
I don't miss hearing about members in good standing suddenly being shunned (later called Marked & Avoided) just because they wrote a research paper, or taught something, or expressed an opinion that contradicted even the smallest things that were wrong with TWI's doctrine (never mind the HUGE ones like adultery being sinful...).
There are a lot of other things I don't miss about TWI, but I understand what you're saying. I wish everyone knew the true God and loved Him. I wish everything in this world were perfect. I wish everyone would do God's will.
My 2 cents...
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Well -- I for one will agree with the latter statement!
However -- "Family" (these days), is where you find it. I have "family"that I see once a year at a Bluegrass Festival. And no -- we had no special calling, but it is a musical "fellowship" none-the-less.
Even simple "gatherings" like mine, around a campfire with musical instruments in hand, constitute "family" to me. The shared "belief" we have is bluegrass. A shared "theology", reguardless of how long it was held, or where it came from, also constitutes "family".
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speaking about "family" --- Whatever happened to Peter and Martha Credit?? Were they still here in Duluth when you were, George??
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George Aar
Sorry in advance for the derail,
No, Dave. I think they had moved on (Corps?) the year I first came (back) to Duluth. I met Martha once at the Rock, other than that didn't know them.
Ken and Diane were the ones I probably saw the most of while I was in town. Kinda miss those guys, but I think they've written me off as "possessed" or something, cuz I spoke ill of "Dr." Ah, well. I'm sure they're still sweet folks. Ever see them?
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yea, though it's been a while. Ken showed up at our "Sir Ben's" jam one night about 4 years ago. Then got an e-mail from him and Diane one day (several months ago), but though I answered, I never heard back from them.
I miss them too. Also Steve and Jeannie.
Echoing George here -- Sorry for the de-rail!
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A lot of us getting together in october in tenn for the weinie are welcome to join us....Mike Novac was my first tc....
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Mark Sanguinetti
Hi Mountain Snow:
It is good to hear from you. I too liked most of the people that used to be in TWI. And yes I still have friends that used to be involved with TWI. However, these friends are mixed in with other people that were never involved with TWI. I prefer it this way. I still attend a weekly bible study made up of a mixture of former Way enthusiasts and non-Way. I really like this fellowship. It is the best one that I have ever attended. The bible study is very enlightening. The friendship is real and genuine and we have even gone to Yosemite together a couple of times. Have you ever been to Yosemite? I love that place. It is knock out gorgeous. There is one thing that I do not miss about TWI though. It is the Way tree structure with all its built in politicing. Never again will I allow an unbiblical religious hierarchy to control and influence my life.
Mountain Snow, I have a teaching for you to read. You can receive it by clicking the link below. Please enjoy and it was good to hear from you again.
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well I rememer feeling that way when I was marked and avoided I really did.
so cry but then remember the body of Christ is thousands of years old now and many memebers are involved in this family idea .
I meet spirit filled lifes every day of my life.
I look for them and I love them all. and look forward to more tommorrow! it is an exciting and full of new people to love and be loved by.
We get attached to the things of this earth and frankly the bible says look to jesus christ as our reward in this life and believe me He knows LOTS of people be willing to open your eyes to His direction in life and say Hi! to those He sends in your life.
it is the best and only way to live! let the past be the past I mean connect if you can of course but if the door is shut and other opens just as quick run with him it is a race and the street is full of Lots of us getting there together!!!!
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Mr Moonlight
Peter & Martha Credit, went from Mi. to Columbus Oh. Bumped into them at a SNS @ HQ some years ago. They ended up in Kansas City last I heard.
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Thanks for the prayers and good words.
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No Way
i don't miss my offshoot friend persuading me to go to fellowship 3+x a week because there was so much word to be heard. i also don't miss losing $ in gas/toll expenses to go to these fellowships when i could've been working. i miss the friend i had when they were not talking about the word or fellowship. way people and their offshoot pals feel that the only common ground is the word. they don't seem to realize that no matter how soaked up in the little book they are, that there is a world going on around us, and we are stuck here for probably a good 70-90 years. for me, i'm living life and relearning what i want in life, not what vpw or his 7th corps offshoot leaders want me to have in life. i wish i could save my friend, but at the same time, if they knew i was so against everything now, it would destroy them and it'd be the adversary working in me. go figure. i was brainwashed to believe that their teachings were the only true teachings and i was told to abs, when i had no money. i never got blessed with money back to pay my bills or give to my family back for their care. i also don't think my parents deserve to be called "earthly" parents. they love me no matter what, word or not. they would give up anything for me, so i think they deserve the same from me. most of the fellowship people i know wouldn't give up the offshoot cult for their family. i don't see how me not going to fellowship is me turning on god. if you believe in god, you believe in god. i'm tired of being told things by people and that's why i do agree with what george aar has to say. we aren't family, we kiss each other on the cheek because it's expected. most of the people are bored during the teaching part of fellowship. a lot of people really enjoyed the feeling of being accepted, though most of these people wanted nothing to do with my life outside of fellowship. i don't think vpw is special, i think he was a load of garbage who was the ringleader for a major cult that has put many into depression and hard financial situations because he knew how to make people feel wanted and useful for the time being. once the novelty wore off and people realized how broke they were, they were either out or marked & avoided. i too have met some great people at fellowships, however, none of them are involved with my personal life, and most of them shun the fact that i call people "friends" if they aren't into the word.
this looks to be a pretty good thread and i am just glad to know a lot of others feel the same way.
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I appreciate your sentiment. It seems like after all of the way people we've met through the years, we should have gleaned some lifetime friends who still stay in touch. Thankfully, I still have some in that category and I'm sure you do too (I hope so). Everyone needs friends who appreciate where they've been but knows they're not staying there forever. That's part of the comradery at GS.
Someone once said, when I was looking for a new church, "Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated." That slogan has served me well
I just won't stay someplace where I'm not treated with respect.
Anyway thanks for sharing.
Take care,
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What you said really ministered to me.
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Lifted Up
Maybe so. But I think it is hard to do that if the staying in touch is only electronically. At least in my experience. Probably not their fault, but my own expectations.
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