But I thought God is sovereign? How can HE, God, allow Himself to be used as bait by little ol VP? You say God worked "in spite of" VP, whatever that means. God wasn't working "with" VP?
Problem is, it seems that all you see is evil motives from VP. Black heart, wolfs in sheeps clothing, a child of the devil.
I'm truly glad I have a different perspective than you do ...
Jim Jones used God as bait...and to justify manipulation....you gonna excuse him too oldies?
How is he any different than vp?
He lured people in and lowered their defenses by claiming he represented God....people trusted...people died....no diff.
Both men cut a swath of destruction and death through peoples lives in God`s name.
Guess what oldies? People have been stealing ...killing ...destroying...torturing....all in God`s name from the very beginning of time...ever heard of the crusades? ever hear about the tortures?
Vpw is just the latest in a long line of guys who used God as his shield to garner what he wanted from people.
A child of the devil? I don`t know, A man of the flesh?? Absolutely...galations convicts him soundly....which destroys any respect or trust that I might have once invested in the man.
His theft and manipulation of saints whom looked to him for the answeres that he claimed to have, fills me with the utmost contempt for his character as a human....and absolute disgust for his lack of decency.
"But I thought God is sovereign? How can HE, God, allow Himself to be used as bait by little ol VP? You say God worked "in spite of" VP, whatever that means. God wasn't working "with" VP?" said OM.
Of course, God "allows" it, om--what in sam hell makes you think he would NOT???? Apparently, God allows all kinds of intolerable s-h*t to happen at this time or had you not noticed?? There is a day when NONE of that s-h*t will be allowed...but not yet... so of course people use God to their own selfish ends, ala vicster and his willingness to fleece his own "flock".
what the h--you are the best friend of hucksters like vic; they love you most of all...
So come. Face to face. Eyeball to eyeball. St. Louis, MO. Anytime in a public place. Bring anyone you wish. I will bring myself, my Holy Bible and maybe a tape recorder and 2 or 3 witness I suppose I should bring too. - reprinted part of the post from liar liar.
Liar Liar:
Your right big fella i cant come to St. Louis.
How about right here in this room right now on this thread. And you can quote me all the Greek in Greece and I will still say that Weirwelle's doctine is full of holes. You language certainly seems to reflect that if I dont believe Weirwelle's every word, I am not saved. What bunk. read my topic on My beleif's in the Lord and The Way International and tell me one way that I haved erred. You cant can yah?
Yep Sky4It, I offered Liar Liar a similar challenge as you on 3 separate posts here. The guy is likely all bark and no brains, but I hope he is having a good time here.
Have fun LiarLiar, but try not to pee on anyones leg. I suppose trees and fire hydrants are O.K. though.
As a sidebar, this would make good foder for the next Johnnie Rambo First Blood Movie. Johnie joins a religious organization, the sheep run off, and Johnny Rambo runs around the country demanding they all come back.
I brought this back up to the top because I’d like to get in touch with you. And if johniam’s post accurately reflects your situation, I’d like very much to talk with whomever you are working with. Please e-mail me, and/or include you phone number so I can call you.
I am in great agreement with much of what you believe, but somewhat disagree with your tactical approach. We should compare notes sometime.
You can find my e-mail address by clicking on my name and then selecting “View Mike’s Public Profile.”
If Smikeol offers you a green card of any kind, ... to quote from that one scene about the killer rabbit in Monty Python's "Search for the Holy Grail":
Yeah, Llpof, masking your intentions will help you fool more peop….
Hey! Wait a minute!
Is this microphone ON?
Rafael, you TRICKED me! That’s no fair! This post shouldn’t count! I’m going to protest to the management. There should be a no trickery clause in the rules…
…er uh, but maybe a loophole for masking? …
Oh Rafael, you big doodyhead. You tricked me again!
Your a very affable person. It wouldnt surprise me if you were mayor of some city. You seem to find the logic and ground of common reasoning to find the good in others and are not condescending about it. My travel habits are a little different. I like the in your face approach which seems to let me find more directly what people are really thinking. This has one side consequence, if in fact you are talking to someone who is inexperienced you do not want to harm the good that's growing inside. Personally I think this whole program is way beyond that crossbar of bieng concerned, yet I really think you are concerned. The thing is I am really wondering why? I guess what I'm trying to ask you RAF is what your really thinking? Perhaps I dont want to probe to far, maybe i dont wanna find out.
Somehow I never could see David trasnsversing the hills of Judea with an ox cart of Mosaic scrolls and lexicons and concordances, singing, I got the originals, I got the originals.
I've gotten into scuffles with the best of 'em on this board. My online behavior hasn't always been, what's the word... Christian. I'm sure there are some people who would be very surprised to hear that I'm "not condescening about it."
Becoming a moderator on the first GSCafe offshoot has changed my perspective somewhat. I suddenly find myself as guardian of other people's right to say what's on their mind, on a board with stricter rules than this one. It's not even a little easy.
What am I really thinking? I don't know: it varies somewhat between "What would Christ have me to do?" and "Christ! Where did I put that woman's phone number?"
With respect to your condesending point, I think the people here have been so bushwacked in prior experience they think that you must be up to something to. Hence, it feels like your doing something wrong to them.
Your comment:
What am I really thinking? I don't know: it varies somewhat between "What would Christ have me to do?" and "Christ! Where did I put that woman's phone number?"
Thats a healthy prospective, except if I werent married myself I personally think it might be the first time ever I enjoyed the term "Eunuch"
I quicked over the thread you posted. Certainly I agree with the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If disagreeing with certain Way teachings left you feeling that I do not agree with the Lordship of Christ, then I have failed at my attempt to be useful. Where should one draw the line tho and say to stop at this or that? It appears to me there are some posters who are either agnostic or athiest in there views of God because of the experience.
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You're saying that ol VPW used God as bait.
But I thought God is sovereign? How can HE, God, allow Himself to be used as bait by little ol VP? You say God worked "in spite of" VP, whatever that means. God wasn't working "with" VP?
Problem is, it seems that all you see is evil motives from VP. Black heart, wolfs in sheeps clothing, a child of the devil.
I'm truly glad I have a different perspective than you do ...
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Jim Jones used God as bait...and to justify manipulation....you gonna excuse him too oldies?
How is he any different than vp?
He lured people in and lowered their defenses by claiming he represented God....people trusted...people died....no diff.
Both men cut a swath of destruction and death through peoples lives in God`s name.
Guess what oldies? People have been stealing ...killing ...destroying...torturing....all in God`s name from the very beginning of time...ever heard of the crusades? ever hear about the tortures?
Vpw is just the latest in a long line of guys who used God as his shield to garner what he wanted from people.
A child of the devil? I don`t know, A man of the flesh?? Absolutely...galations convicts him soundly....which destroys any respect or trust that I might have once invested in the man.
His theft and manipulation of saints whom looked to him for the answeres that he claimed to have, fills me with the utmost contempt for his character as a human....and absolute disgust for his lack of decency.
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"But I thought God is sovereign? How can HE, God, allow Himself to be used as bait by little ol VP? You say God worked "in spite of" VP, whatever that means. God wasn't working "with" VP?" said OM.
Of course, God "allows" it, om--what in sam hell makes you think he would NOT???? Apparently, God allows all kinds of intolerable s-h*t to happen at this time or had you not noticed?? There is a day when NONE of that s-h*t will be allowed...but not yet... so of course people use God to their own selfish ends, ala vicster and his willingness to fleece his own "flock".
what the h--you are the best friend of hucksters like vic; they love you most of all...
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So come. Face to face. Eyeball to eyeball. St. Louis, MO. Anytime in a public place. Bring anyone you wish. I will bring myself, my Holy Bible and maybe a tape recorder and 2 or 3 witness I suppose I should bring too. - reprinted part of the post from liar liar.
Liar Liar:
Your right big fella i cant come to St. Louis.
How about right here in this room right now on this thread. And you can quote me all the Greek in Greece and I will still say that Weirwelle's doctine is full of holes. You language certainly seems to reflect that if I dont believe Weirwelle's every word, I am not saved. What bunk. read my topic on My beleif's in the Lord and The Way International and tell me one way that I haved erred. You cant can yah?
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Mark Sanguinetti
Yep Sky4It, I offered Liar Liar a similar challenge as you on 3 separate posts here. The guy is likely all bark and no brains, but I hope he is having a good time here.
Have fun LiarLiar, but try not to pee on anyones leg. I suppose trees and fire hydrants are O.K. though.
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As a sidebar, this would make good foder for the next Johnnie Rambo First Blood Movie. Johnie joins a religious organization, the sheep run off, and Johnny Rambo runs around the country demanding they all come back.
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I brought this back up to the top because I’d like to get in touch with you. And if johniam’s post accurately reflects your situation, I’d like very much to talk with whomever you are working with. Please e-mail me, and/or include you phone number so I can call you.
I am in great agreement with much of what you believe, but somewhat disagree with your tactical approach. We should compare notes sometime.
You can find my e-mail address by clicking on my name and then selecting “View Mike’s Public Profile.”
P.S. – I was born in St. Louis
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If Smikeol offers you a green card of any kind, ... to quote from that one scene about the killer rabbit in Monty Python's "Search for the Holy Grail":
"Run away!! Run away!!!"
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It's so nice to see your charitable caring for Llpof's well being.
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Yes, you must learn to better mask what you really are, LLPOF. Mike'll show you how.
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Yeah, Llpof, masking your intentions will help you fool more peop….
Hey! Wait a minute!
Is this microphone ON?
Rafael, you TRICKED me! That’s no fair! This post shouldn’t count! I’m going to protest to the management. There should be a no trickery clause in the rules…
…er uh, but maybe a loophole for masking? …
Oh Rafael, you big doodyhead. You tricked me again!
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Big Doodyhead! That's a personal insult! That's a personal...
Oh never mind.
stupid fat Hobbitses
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Your a very affable person. It wouldnt surprise me if you were mayor of some city. You seem to find the logic and ground of common reasoning to find the good in others and are not condescending about it. My travel habits are a little different. I like the in your face approach which seems to let me find more directly what people are really thinking. This has one side consequence, if in fact you are talking to someone who is inexperienced you do not want to harm the good that's growing inside. Personally I think this whole program is way beyond that crossbar of bieng concerned, yet I really think you are concerned. The thing is I am really wondering why? I guess what I'm trying to ask you RAF is what your really thinking? Perhaps I dont want to probe to far, maybe i dont wanna find out.
Somehow I never could see David trasnsversing the hills of Judea with an ox cart of Mosaic scrolls and lexicons and concordances, singing, I got the originals, I got the originals.
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Liar, Liare..... I can think of no other person on this planet more *worthey* of Mike`s *attention* :-)
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I've gotten into scuffles with the best of 'em on this board. My online behavior hasn't always been, what's the word... Christian. I'm sure there are some people who would be very surprised to hear that I'm "not condescening about it."
Becoming a moderator on the first GSCafe offshoot has changed my perspective somewhat. I suddenly find myself as guardian of other people's right to say what's on their mind, on a board with stricter rules than this one. It's not even a little easy.
What am I really thinking? I don't know: it varies somewhat between "What would Christ have me to do?" and "Christ! Where did I put that woman's phone number?"
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With respect to your condesending point, I think the people here have been so bushwacked in prior experience they think that you must be up to something to. Hence, it feels like your doing something wrong to them.
Your comment:
What am I really thinking? I don't know: it varies somewhat between "What would Christ have me to do?" and "Christ! Where did I put that woman's phone number?"
Thats a healthy prospective, except if I werent married myself I personally think it might be the first time ever I enjoyed the term "Eunuch"
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I have the impression that you and I are reading
different threads....
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Your comment:
I have the impression that you and I are reading
different threads....
am i missing something here what left you with that impression?
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I quicked over the thread you posted. Certainly I agree with the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If disagreeing with certain Way teachings left you feeling that I do not agree with the Lordship of Christ, then I have failed at my attempt to be useful. Where should one draw the line tho and say to stop at this or that? It appears to me there are some posters who are either agnostic or athiest in there views of God because of the experience.
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The "thread" WordWolf posted is his signature. I don't think it had anything to do with the substance of his message.
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