So you want to challenge us? I have a challenge for you also. Your idol Victor Wierwille not only was guilty of sin unbecoming of a household fellowship coordinator. He also spread doctrinal and practical error with his use of the Way Tree as a religious hierachical power structure. Victor's only reason for the Way Tree was so that he could extend religious and financial control on God's people involved with his ministry. If you are up for a challenge compare the teaching from the below link with Victor's use of the Way Tree as a religious power structure and then get back to me. This is a legitimate challenge. Now we can see if you are more than just a loud bark.
With regard to flying around the country in order to debate with someone like yourself. You must have a giant religious ego to think that anyone is going to go out of their way to get together with someone like yourself. The cost and the time involved in this ludicrous proposition makes this undoable. Of course, that is what you planned on. Besides all the debating can be done on Grease Spot Cafe. That is if you are up for the challenge.
There have been witnesses who have posted about being sexually targeted by Wierwille for his use. Due to a particular excuse some of them reported Wierwille used in propositioning them, there is agreement among their testimonies.
Which category -- that category, other categories, all categories -- of accusation concerning Wierwille are you denouncing as false?
You have railed presumptuously. You have appealed to the judgment of God in a vain and pompous display.
How DARE you raise the fact that there were false witnesses who rose against Christ in objection to the posthumous dragging of the false teacher, merchant of heresy and gray-haired penetrator of teenage girls named V. P. Wierwille into the light of public exposure!
"I challenge you to meet ME face to face (uh, in MY hometown) so you can debate with me as to whether professional wrestling is rigged."
Just when I think all the real maroons have been flushed out, another one comes along, burping and farting his disapproval of most everyone and everything non-Way flavored.
LLPOF: My, my! Aren't we a little full of ourselves today? What was that about the love of God not puffing itself up? Such an ambassador for Christ you are!
Wierwille's victims are still among us, yet you would take some phony "Reverend's" word over your sisters' in Christ? Martindale, Wierwille's hand-picked successor, has already had to go to court for his sexual abuses of his congregants, and the apple never falls far from the tree.
You're deluding yourself. Blind in your idolatry for a man unremarkable, long dead and buried, you are doing the same as he did, twisting the Scriptures to satisfy your own lusts. You are making a stand for no one but your prideful ego.
Zixar, I love the man who taught me God's Word. But you just keep digging on in the spiritual realm, don't you sir? See what it gets you. I see your path you have chosen for you. Remember, YOU reap what YOU sow. Be not deceived God is not mocked. "Rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil."
God is not at loggerheads with Himself. You are at loggerheads with the true God, cannot defeat Him, only yourself, and have followed your own course of destruction, lies and bitter foolishness with your evil intent, malice.
It's a spiritual battle Mr. Zixar. Don't be so stupid to think flesh and blood is power. You are already digging in to the spiritual realm though aren't you now? Go big boy.
No takers here again. Only talkers and people who think they can move things to their own terms and agendas.
Again I invited a peaceable meeting in a public place. No intent to harm anyone, anywhere. Just exercising the privilege of freedom of speech with candor and honesty, that's all.
Boldness does bitter souls as yourself no good mixed with lies, hypocrisy, bitterness and envy.
Well anyone may come back to God and His Word but I suppose the heretic after the first and second admonition is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself.
Your lying and spiritual bitterness to the true God does not fool me. Keep good care of your "friends" and "helpers" you heap to yourself.
"Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Not even exquisite, possessed minds void of true grace and godliness like yours.
Note to the "Administrators" who "approve" my messages here. There is no censorable language here. There is no intent to injure anybody. There is no invitation to physical harm. There is no threat of physical harm here. There is no hint of physical harm here. There is no wish for physical harm here. Please bare this in mind. Thank you.
And God willing, I take my leave.
God bless you and I thank God for the freedom to speak the truth boldly in love here on this forum and in every place. Thank God for Americal where we hold the precious fruit of freedom of speech. What a gift our founding fathers left for us.
Clubbed over the head. Knee-jerk. Classic. Typical. Generic.
But all-natural, of course. ;)-->
Its kinda gory. Like watching piranha eat or something.
Is it instinct? Is it sheer joy of shedding blood?
Can't always tell, I guess.
Ya know, sometimes I wish more and more ex-way "trolls, freaks, sick-os and lunatics" would show up here and spew their pain like this. Maybe some of you wise ole' loving ex-way oldtimers will be forced to get a clue...get the nerve to stoop a little lower (if you dare) for the "untouchables" who followed us here out of some form of WAYbrain mob-think. See them for where they are (which is not too many steps from us, it seems).
All you "followers of Christ” and/or "logical, reasonable men..." --> you heap insults and scorn and jeers and sneers and throw words like barbs at someone you yourselves call weak and worthless and mindless and sick. So you justify jabbing at a weakling in the name of Jesus?!? In the name of reason? Or is it common sense, this time?
What do you do when you visit a hospital or mental hospital? Is there a (Christian/rational) limit to how low we should stoop to try and connect with someone?
Hello? Don't you feel like **** for this? A little?
Did your Jesus teach you this?
Or did your loathing of this kinda Jesus teach you this?
One “side” or the other, and this Jesus dude becomes your bloody scapegoat.
And thats gotta suck, either way.
And I tell ya, if you didn't brag and quarrel about how logical and moral and ex-way your views are are compared to (fill in the blank with whomever the latest "troll" is), what could anyone say?
It might be easier to laugh it off, I guess.
But after all these years of hanging out here and sharing all our wisdom, you would think that when some “freak” ex-way pops out of the woods like a raving madman, the oldtimers could try and see them for where they are, and not for how much it hurts or offends poor little wonderful heroic courageous Godly us.
And I’m not talking about forming some new improved version super-non-cult of ex-cult-people-helpers
(“we, on this side helping those who are on that side”).
I am talking human freakin beings dealing with the bloody things of life together.
Like good samaritans (or whatever ya wanna call em).
If there's a dude in the ditch, you gonna just pass him by?
What else is going on right now?
All you have to do is try to make it start working in the other direction.
Looks like some of you know what I mean
(the more loving/mutual the laughter, the more it works like a medicine, it seems).
I don't know.
I'd rather post about sex. ;)-->
I'm just sitting here, and I can't help what I see.
I might even regret this post (for a while or two).
btw – LLPF...if yer still around...I gotta ask, you came here drawing lines and looking for a sword-swinging contest.
But if one does not seek peace BEFORE they seek war, then how can say they serve the prince of peace, and not the prince of war?
Should "it" ever be any more complicated than this?
Do we really even need a book or a prophet to show us the difference between the two?
Oh, I donnow, Jesus got pretty fedup with the religious, a**holes too who loved to rule over everyone else and loved to sit in the best seats and didn't care how much they hurt people. They said they spoke for God, too.
So, no, I won't receive any guilt trip for what I've said. I'll let it stand.
You sound like you made a personal threat. I have not done that. But you did. I wonder if YOUR messages here are witheld before "approval" like mine have been.
Don't make personal threats.
I guess I should avoid answering you becuase you are foolish and unlearned and worse. But because you made a personal threat against me I am.
I will continue to love God and speak His Word whereever I choose to do so. You cannot stop me.
"They don't own you no matter what they say"
"You're not under their deadly power now's the hour let's take command." That was a song about moving God's Word some time ago.
"Don't stop, never stop, don't stop speaking God's Word, don't stop speaking"
Your power is not God's power. Better be sure of your stand with the one True God and His accurate Word and quit making personal threats. Are you old enough to use your computer services without supervision?
Golly the folly of some. 2 Timothy
How charming your use of the word "babies." Is that the "babies card?" Like as they say, the "race card?" Don't forget the "abuse card."
When you speak of God have some knowledge. The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
I thank God for our governement. I've heard every personal threat to the President is taken serious. In fact, I think they are bound to follow after every threat no matter how foolish it may sound.
Please stop your harassment of personal threatenings. Disagree if you will. That is a gift our country has allowed but please refrain from your personal campaign speeches of personal vengences on me. Thank you.
Yes, let it stand. You sound like a true daughter of pain.
So I pray you become a queen of it instead, in your own time.
My post was more or less addressed to the men.
I should have clarified. Sorry.
I'm glad you posted.
I'll still address this part.
quote:Oh, I donnow, Jesus got pretty fedup with the religious, a**holes too who loved to rule over everyone else and loved to sit in the best seats and didn't care how much they hurt people. They said they spoke for God, too.
Yes, this is the excuse we learned in TWI to justify any rage we wanted.
But is LLPF really the religious a**holes who loves to rule over everyone else?
Who here is sitting in the best seats and don't care how much they hurt people?
This poster came out of nowhere (though I've seen his handle around).
He has no seat. He is no assembly. A lone tormented accuser.
Jesus got fed-up with the guys who shunned the lepers, who shunned the sickos, who shunned the queer folk. He got fed up with the whitewashed sepulchres who wouldn't help a person if the timing was not right for them. He dwelt in the company of hicks and hippies and hookers and gangsters. God knows how many religious "wack-os" there are on the street. WWJD? Chew em out? Mock their pain? Ridicule them? He would touch anyone who needed it.
There was a crook on death row with him.
There were torturers going through his stuff.
There was a guy coming to take him away to his death and he healed his ear.
So what?
Jesus saw them as human beings with worth (Somehow, and not via some special Jesus pills either).
But those religious a**holes he got fed up with did not.
You see a difference?
You see it in the world?
If we think "Jesus was loving like this so we do not have to be,"
We have made him a scapegoat, and will always have our eye on the sky for some superman from elsewhere to come save us someday. Its the same trap that helped VPW justify all his crap, too.
sirguess you make many valid, good, honest points.
I do not see liar being some poor, pathetic, picked-over schmoe, however. He obviously had much contact with twi going back quite a ways. He seems lucid and quite well able to express himself as a vicster apologist. His take is well thought through and does not seem something he came up with yesterday. I think he is capable and willing to make decisions and follow through by posting here. Sorry if I cannot sympathize with him; he elicits no sympathy nor offers any, either. You are making him something he is not to bolster your case. What you said stands on it's own merits without painting liar as any less than what he is --- an obvious idolizer of vic and all things "wayish".....
Go ahead sir sound as sanctimonious in your condemnation of liar does....throw salt on the wounds inflicted why don`t ya?.....
we don`t HAVE to listen to a brow beating from some sanctimonious a-- hole.... the slime ball threw away all priveledges of being treated with respect when he stormed in here drawing lines and calling us all liars......
Ya know? ya come in here acting like a horses are gonna get treated as such....and we don`t need to feel one bit of shame or the condemnation that you are slinging buddy...any more than liars rediculous charges..
But do not apologize to me if you cannot symphathize with someone.
Besides, what have I made of LLPF that he is not already?
You serve no one...not Christ, not LLPF, not a lurker, not a victim of VPW, not even yourself, by
quote:here, fishy,fishy,fishy....
if you are NOT a troll, you are beyond pathetic-- a Klem Kadiddlehopper if there ever was one...
havin fun yet, liar?? ROFLYAO???? spittin milk and oreos out yer piehole???
hope you enjoy the millstone around your neck, chump... but you are a brave little troll, spoutin off about how spesselll U R, standin fer GAWWWD an all that, arent ya, big boy???
I have never personally witnessed an oral-fixated necrophiliac before -- what a stange creature....
And now you say you don't see him as a pathetic schmoe?
And now we are suddenly out of the high-school locker room and in a distinguished court of law?
"He is obviously a (blank), and a {blank), so there."
How is what LLPF is the end of the matter, anyway?
"Settled? Case closed? He is such and such. Nothing else need to be said or done about it but torment it out of him?"
That is called condemnation, in my books. Case closed.
Who are we to condemn? I won't even condemn you.
Condemnations come on their own, without help from us.
Ummm Sir guess... Forgive me..but can I explain how what you are doing looks to me?
We were wronged terribly by vp and many in twi...and yet...we...the ones who speak up are slammed and called evil for speaking the truth...many do not condemn vp...or twi leaders for what they did...but get very angry with us for speaking about it...accuse us of exagerating and lying...point their fingers at US and tell us that WE are the evil ones.... ....
Now this liar comes...he speaks vilely...slanders all who have spoken up...malignes our collective characters...and now YOU are condemning us...rather than the one who was truly acting creepy in the first place......
Why is he worthey of your protection...and we of your contempt and condemnation?
Liar has chosen to aligne himself with evil and close his ears to the voice of you think that anything we say or do will open his ears and eyes?
He will in all probably strut off into the sunset convinced that he has struck a blow for God....screw im.
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Mark Sanguinetti
So you want to challenge us? I have a challenge for you also. Your idol Victor Wierwille not only was guilty of sin unbecoming of a household fellowship coordinator. He also spread doctrinal and practical error with his use of the Way Tree as a religious hierachical power structure. Victor's only reason for the Way Tree was so that he could extend religious and financial control on God's people involved with his ministry. If you are up for a challenge compare the teaching from the below link with Victor's use of the Way Tree as a religious power structure and then get back to me. This is a legitimate challenge. Now we can see if you are more than just a loud bark.
2nd request.
With regard to flying around the country in order to debate with someone like yourself. You must have a giant religious ego to think that anyone is going to go out of their way to get together with someone like yourself. The cost and the time involved in this ludicrous proposition makes this undoable. Of course, that is what you planned on. Besides all the debating can be done on Grease Spot Cafe. That is if you are up for the challenge.
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what a man you are, lie-boy!!! what a stud!!! you even have whole sections of way-speak memorized!!! wow, how do you do it??
you, also, will be in for a rude surprise someday... hope your millstone fits and don't chafe your neck too much....
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There have been witnesses who have posted about being sexually targeted by Wierwille for his use. Due to a particular excuse some of them reported Wierwille used in propositioning them, there is agreement among their testimonies.
Which category -- that category, other categories, all categories -- of accusation concerning Wierwille are you denouncing as false?
You have railed presumptuously. You have appealed to the judgment of God in a vain and pompous display.
How DARE you raise the fact that there were false witnesses who rose against Christ in objection to the posthumous dragging of the false teacher, merchant of heresy and gray-haired penetrator of teenage girls named V. P. Wierwille into the light of public exposure!
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Ummm your logic evades me Liar but be that as it may it's entertaining at least
btw I like your writing style does it take long to do?
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Well -- at least you got the 2nd part of that statement right.
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ANOTHER "Table of challenge".
Liar, you are the one who asked for the meeting, and there will be a bunch of us in Tennessee, at Fall Creek Falls Park, October 8-11.
If your wanting confrontation, by all means -- come on down.
But I guess you would rather do it in the comfort of your own home, eh?
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George Aar
"I challenge you to meet ME face to face (uh, in MY hometown) so you can debate with me as to whether professional wrestling is rigged."
Just when I think all the real maroons have been flushed out, another one comes along, burping and farting his disapproval of most everyone and everything non-Way flavored.
Why is genius so scarce and stupid so common?
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George Aar
Oh, and please illucidate me.
What could be accomplished in a face to face debate that couldn't be handled, in front of God and everybody, right here on the internet?
That is, unless you plan to use the "braille" method of mind reading?
Grow up junior...
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LLPOF: My, my! Aren't we a little full of ourselves today? What was that about the love of God not puffing itself up? Such an ambassador for Christ you are!
Wierwille's victims are still among us, yet you would take some phony "Reverend's" word over your sisters' in Christ? Martindale, Wierwille's hand-picked successor, has already had to go to court for his sexual abuses of his congregants, and the apple never falls far from the tree.
You're deluding yourself. Blind in your idolatry for a man unremarkable, long dead and buried, you are doing the same as he did, twisting the Scriptures to satisfy your own lusts. You are making a stand for no one but your prideful ego.
Yeah, good luck with that, Sparky.
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The Girl From Oz
This thread is just plain silly.
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geo. professional wrestling is not rigged
braille method of mind reading ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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you're right ozzie girl, it definitely needs to be moved
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I've been to St. Louis in July and I ain't goin' there again.
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Zixar, I love the man who taught me God's Word. But you just keep digging on in the spiritual realm, don't you sir? See what it gets you. I see your path you have chosen for you. Remember, YOU reap what YOU sow. Be not deceived God is not mocked. "Rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil."
God is not at loggerheads with Himself. You are at loggerheads with the true God, cannot defeat Him, only yourself, and have followed your own course of destruction, lies and bitter foolishness with your evil intent, malice.
It's a spiritual battle Mr. Zixar. Don't be so stupid to think flesh and blood is power. You are already digging in to the spiritual realm though aren't you now? Go big boy.
No takers here again. Only talkers and people who think they can move things to their own terms and agendas.
Again I invited a peaceable meeting in a public place. No intent to harm anyone, anywhere. Just exercising the privilege of freedom of speech with candor and honesty, that's all.
Boldness does bitter souls as yourself no good mixed with lies, hypocrisy, bitterness and envy.
Well anyone may come back to God and His Word but I suppose the heretic after the first and second admonition is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself.
Your lying and spiritual bitterness to the true God does not fool me. Keep good care of your "friends" and "helpers" you heap to yourself.
"Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Not even exquisite, possessed minds void of true grace and godliness like yours.
Note to the "Administrators" who "approve" my messages here. There is no censorable language here. There is no intent to injure anybody. There is no invitation to physical harm. There is no threat of physical harm here. There is no hint of physical harm here. There is no wish for physical harm here. Please bare this in mind. Thank you.
And God willing, I take my leave.
God bless you and I thank God for the freedom to speak the truth boldly in love here on this forum and in every place. Thank God for Americal where we hold the precious fruit of freedom of speech. What a gift our founding fathers left for us.
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Weird. Kinda kinky, even.
Like I said, some just can't help themselves.
Clubbed over the head. Knee-jerk. Classic. Typical. Generic.
But all-natural, of course.
Its kinda gory. Like watching piranha eat or something.
Is it instinct? Is it sheer joy of shedding blood?
Can't always tell, I guess.
Ya know, sometimes I wish more and more ex-way "trolls, freaks, sick-os and lunatics" would show up here and spew their pain like this. Maybe some of you wise ole' loving ex-way oldtimers will be forced to get a clue...get the nerve to stoop a little lower (if you dare) for the "untouchables" who followed us here out of some form of WAYbrain mob-think. See them for where they are (which is not too many steps from us, it seems).
All you "followers of Christ” and/or "logical, reasonable men..."
--> you heap insults and scorn and jeers and sneers and throw words like barbs at someone you yourselves call weak and worthless and mindless and sick. So you justify jabbing at a weakling in the name of Jesus?!? In the name of reason? Or is it common sense, this time?
What do you do when you visit a hospital or mental hospital? Is there a (Christian/rational) limit to how low we should stoop to try and connect with someone?
Hello? Don't you feel like **** for this? A little?
Did your Jesus teach you this?
Or did your loathing of this kinda Jesus teach you this?
One “side” or the other, and this Jesus dude becomes your bloody scapegoat.
And thats gotta suck, either way.
And I tell ya, if you didn't brag and quarrel about how logical and moral and ex-way your views are are compared to (fill in the blank with whomever the latest "troll" is), what could anyone say?
It might be easier to laugh it off, I guess.
But after all these years of hanging out here and sharing all our wisdom, you would think that when some “freak” ex-way pops out of the woods like a raving madman, the oldtimers could try and see them for where they are, and not for how much it hurts or offends poor little wonderful heroic courageous Godly us.
And I’m not talking about forming some new improved version super-non-cult of ex-cult-people-helpers
(“we, on this side helping those who are on that side”).
I am talking human freakin beings dealing with the bloody things of life together.
Like good samaritans (or whatever ya wanna call em).
If there's a dude in the ditch, you gonna just pass him by?
What else is going on right now?
All you have to do is try to make it start working in the other direction.
Looks like some of you know what I mean
(the more loving/mutual the laughter, the more it works like a medicine, it seems).
I don't know.
I'd rather post about sex.
I'm just sitting here, and I can't help what I see.
I might even regret this post (for a while or two).
btw – LLPF...if yer still around...I gotta ask, you came here drawing lines and looking for a sword-swinging contest.
But if one does not seek peace BEFORE they seek war, then how can say they serve the prince of peace, and not the prince of war?
Should "it" ever be any more complicated than this?
Do we really even need a book or a prophet to show us the difference between the two?
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Oh, I donnow, Jesus got pretty fedup with the religious, a**holes too who loved to rule over everyone else and loved to sit in the best seats and didn't care how much they hurt people. They said they spoke for God, too.
So, no, I won't receive any guilt trip for what I've said. I'll let it stand.
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You sound like you made a personal threat. I have not done that. But you did. I wonder if YOUR messages here are witheld before "approval" like mine have been.
Don't make personal threats.
I guess I should avoid answering you becuase you are foolish and unlearned and worse. But because you made a personal threat against me I am.
I will continue to love God and speak His Word whereever I choose to do so. You cannot stop me.
"They don't own you no matter what they say"
"You're not under their deadly power now's the hour let's take command." That was a song about moving God's Word some time ago.
"Don't stop, never stop, don't stop speaking God's Word, don't stop speaking"
Your power is not God's power. Better be sure of your stand with the one True God and His accurate Word and quit making personal threats. Are you old enough to use your computer services without supervision?
Golly the folly of some. 2 Timothy
How charming your use of the word "babies." Is that the "babies card?" Like as they say, the "race card?" Don't forget the "abuse card."
When you speak of God have some knowledge. The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
I thank God for our governement. I've heard every personal threat to the President is taken serious. In fact, I think they are bound to follow after every threat no matter how foolish it may sound.
Please stop your harassment of personal threatenings. Disagree if you will. That is a gift our country has allowed but please refrain from your personal campaign speeches of personal vengences on me. Thank you.
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I read yer reply to LLPF, and I see it.
I don't blame ya for one word of it.
Yes, let it stand. You sound like a true daughter of pain.
So I pray you become a queen of it instead, in your own time.
My post was more or less addressed to the men.
I should have clarified. Sorry.
I'm glad you posted.
I'll still address this part.
Yes, this is the excuse we learned in TWI to justify any rage we wanted.But is LLPF really the religious a**holes who loves to rule over everyone else?
Who here is sitting in the best seats and don't care how much they hurt people?
This poster came out of nowhere (though I've seen his handle around).
He has no seat. He is no assembly. A lone tormented accuser.
Jesus got fed-up with the guys who shunned the lepers, who shunned the sickos, who shunned the queer folk. He got fed up with the whitewashed sepulchres who wouldn't help a person if the timing was not right for them. He dwelt in the company of hicks and hippies and hookers and gangsters. God knows how many religious "wack-os" there are on the street. WWJD? Chew em out? Mock their pain? Ridicule them? He would touch anyone who needed it.
There was a crook on death row with him.
There were torturers going through his stuff.
There was a guy coming to take him away to his death and he healed his ear.
So what?
Jesus saw them as human beings with worth (Somehow, and not via some special Jesus pills either).
But those religious a**holes he got fed up with did not.
You see a difference?
You see it in the world?
If we think "Jesus was loving like this so we do not have to be,"
We have made him a scapegoat, and will always have our eye on the sky for some superman from elsewhere to come save us someday. Its the same trap that helped VPW justify all his crap, too.
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sirguess you make many valid, good, honest points.
I do not see liar being some poor, pathetic, picked-over schmoe, however. He obviously had much contact with twi going back quite a ways. He seems lucid and quite well able to express himself as a vicster apologist. His take is well thought through and does not seem something he came up with yesterday. I think he is capable and willing to make decisions and follow through by posting here. Sorry if I cannot sympathize with him; he elicits no sympathy nor offers any, either. You are making him something he is not to bolster your case. What you said stands on it's own merits without painting liar as any less than what he is --- an obvious idolizer of vic and all things "wayish".....
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Go ahead sir sound as sanctimonious in your condemnation of liar does....throw salt on the wounds inflicted why don`t ya?.....
we don`t HAVE to listen to a brow beating from some sanctimonious a-- hole.... the slime ball threw away all priveledges of being treated with respect when he stormed in here drawing lines and calling us all liars......
Ya know? ya come in here acting like a horses are gonna get treated as such....and we don`t need to feel one bit of shame or the condemnation that you are slinging buddy...any more than liars rediculous charges..
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Thanks for responding, alfakat.
But do not apologize to me if you cannot symphathize with someone.
Besides, what have I made of LLPF that he is not already?
You serve no one...not Christ, not LLPF, not a lurker, not a victim of VPW, not even yourself, by
And now you say you don't see him as a pathetic schmoe?
And now we are suddenly out of the high-school locker room and in a distinguished court of law?
"He is obviously a (blank), and a {blank), so there."
How is what LLPF is the end of the matter, anyway?
"Settled? Case closed? He is such and such. Nothing else need to be said or done about it but torment it out of him?"
That is called condemnation, in my books. Case closed.
Who are we to condemn? I won't even condemn you.
Condemnations come on their own, without help from us.
I dunno.
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Tom Strange
Wait just a minute there Aflakcat!
I didn't see that before Sirguess pointed it out.
You! Sir! MUST APOLOGIZE for disparaging the good name of Klem Kaddlehopper!
I will not stand for his name being sullied about!
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Tom - lol! Long live Klem...amen.
VPW was a slimeball. He was blind and deaf.
Even his sexuallity revealed the depth of his vampiric spirituallity.
He was among the worse kinds of men on the face of the earth.
His spirituallity reaked of greed, lust, pride, yada yada yada.
And his life ended in sorrow and shame for it. As have many others.
And there are thousands of people who are still suffering from what he taught them.
You gonna convince LLPF of all this by cursing him?
Do you really think LLFP is gonna convince anyone here of VP's qualities who is not already?
You gonna heal him or yourself or any of the other wounded this way?
By standing with the crowd and throwing rocks at his sin?
By threatening him? My taunting him?
Who taught you that, anyway? VP?
I know. cuz LCM taught me the same crap by example.
Its shadow-boxing (cuz you always miss what you are aiming at).
Hey, its what comes out of the mouth that pollutes a person, right?
So, I am trying to help you. Leave it or take it.
LLFP has a much longer way to go, it seems.
I want to make it clear that what some of you guys are doing has very little if nothing to do with this sacred Jesus dude, as you seem to imply.
I know some kids who can't stand the guy's name cuz of stuff like this.
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Ummm Sir guess... Forgive me..but can I explain how what you are doing looks to me?
We were wronged terribly by vp and many in twi...and yet...we...the ones who speak up are slammed and called evil for speaking the truth...many do not condemn vp...or twi leaders for what they did...but get very angry with us for speaking about it...accuse us of exagerating and lying...point their fingers at US and tell us that WE are the evil ones.... ....
Now this liar comes...he speaks vilely...slanders all who have spoken up...malignes our collective characters...and now YOU are condemning us...rather than the one who was truly acting creepy in the first place......
Why is he worthey of your protection...and we of your contempt and condemnation?
Liar has chosen to aligne himself with evil and close his ears to the voice of you think that anything we say or do will open his ears and eyes?
He will in all probably strut off into the sunset convinced that he has struck a blow for God....screw im.
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