1) a nest of angry bees walking into a bar of ex-bees, or
2) those who think that if they throw rocks at a nest of bees it will somehow cast it out of the house and make it stop stinging everyone. :P--> :P-->
Sure, it may eventually go away. But if it doesn't, the next thing you know it will be a swarm, and some of us will be so stung we'll run wailing out of the house to a bee-less place, rending and tearing at our clothes, exposing some or all of our private things.
Unless, of course, we are immune to bee stings, but find some kind of advancement by tormenting lesser devils/trolls/spirits, whatever. Oh, I mean, human being. -->
Sorry, no ill will. I love this place.
For me, its more like trying hard not to laugh at a chorus of farts in a lunchroom of ex-Jesus preachers. I'm really trying not to bust outloud.
Bottom line, I guess.
LLPOF is obviously ....ed about something.
Really wanna help people out of any kind of TWI-mode (whatever the heck that means), try and help yourself all the way out of it, too.
This cafe is a place of transit.
And he seems more troubled than most.
Make it worth something.
After all, you sit here.
Heroes...who needs em?
Hey, accuser.
Why do you give a **** about a bunch of lying losers, anyway?
Why do you care so much about them?
I mean, what is it about their sins that have you so tortured?
Its not like you or I are gonna escape God's fire either, right?
So, what's at stake for you?
Someone promise you goodness if you go out and sting people?
I don't know.
Just trying to figure out what's got you so wigged out about VPW,
Why you choose the role of accuser/prosecutor,
And why that wigs so many others out.
Anyway, if you ever come through AZ, I'll break bread/coffee with ya.
You can record whatever you want. My email is open, too.
I'll talk about VPW, TWI, whatever.
Look forward to seeing you round here tho,
if you can tune in better and stick around.
Isn't that what speaking in tongues was all about? Tuning into the crowd, Speaking their language? Somehow finding the tune and the time and somehow playing along so everyone understands each other? Making melody in our hearts? Yackity yada yada yada.
Lawyer, lawyer: I didn't believe all those stories either at first, but I do now. Bottom line: you and I weren't there; we don't really know what happened and what didn't happen. We believe what we believe because of what we're told.
As you know, I've been getting fellowship, tapes, etc. from John Hendricks' offshoot, CRF for awhile. On a tape a couple years ago he said the things people are saying about Dr. Wierwille are true. He didn't spell out what "the things" were, but later that year at his advanced class he, without naming names, said he thought the number one reason the ministry fell was because of the mistreatment of people especially in the sexual category; the many marriages that were ruined because of top leadership teaching that adultery is OK if you're spiritual enough to handle it; the 'from birth to the corps' autobiographies which first year in residence corps were required to write only used to scan which women would be "ripe" to hit on. Stuff like that.
On the surface, John Hendricks had nothing to gain by revealing this info. Sure, he could have been trying to cover his butt, but his offshoot is already "guilty by association" to many exwafers just because he was taught by VPW, and by saying this to his own "flock" he risked a substantial drop in numbers. He's not stupid; he knows people are going to be on the internet and I think he was just trying to be honest.
I don't really expect you to take this at face value, but for the above stated reasons, I believe VPW DID indulge himself. What I don't believe is that everything he did is suspect. Quite a few here at GSC seem to believe this way: VPW did so and so, therefore everything he did is evil and so is anybody who defends him a little. That one dimensional thinking gets old fast for me.
GSC is really not a good place to talk up VPW and PFAL. When you first started posting I seriously thought you were either Craig, or a blind follower. That scripture in 2 Cor. 5 about receiving the things done in the body whether it be good or bad? LCM did a teaching in June of '95 where he used that verse to build fear in anybody who was thinking of leaving (many were). He taught that if you weren't in the household you were going to get a really bad reproof session right after the gathering and no rewards. He was really a jerk.
He was also not consistent with PFAL. Corinthians is a reproof epistle, yes, but 2 cor. was written to soften the blow of 1 cor. right? Oops. In 1 Cor. 3:12-15 it says if any work be burned he shall suffer loss but still be saved, so that verse in 2 cor can't be intended any harsher than that. Sure, those works include how people post here, but we all know that. Most of these people come here to get away from the way. They could've been nicer to you, but they at least read what you posted.
LLPOF- Your manner of starting this thread reminds me of a story I heard long ago- It was about WWII combat veterans like those you might have seen in Band of Brothers. On the troop ship going home after the war the army was trying to help these hardened combat veterans get accustomed to the fact they were about to re-enter civilian life so they had the officers giving, boring lectures. Naturally, many would doze off in the stuffy troop transports. The topic was etiquette. The exasperated and equally bored officer had just told of the proper way to enter a room when accompanying a woman.
He poked one of the sleeping soldiers and yelled what is the proper way to enter a room.
The startled soldier immediately responded: Roll a grenade in first Sir!
It seems like that’s what you did, and perhaps why
Judging by your handle and this topic you seem to have an obsession about lies. Therefore I assume also with “Truth” which you seem to want to wield as a sword.
Let me share something I heard about the sword of truth. It has three edges- One is the truth you perceive, another is the truth I perceive and the third edge is the actual absolute truth. To you only one edge is truth and to me another. Both other edges are lies to each of us including the actual absolute truth that we both seek.
Please sheath your sword that we may sort out the perceptions of truth and embrace the genuine truth we seek.
Who said you can never learn any thing from TV or Sci Fi? :)-->
Well of course he's "playing"! Who else, after all of this time could still be convinced of veepee's "greatness"? (well, except for a certain poster in San Diego) HEY! That's the ticket! Let's send LLPOF to San Diego (one way ticket) so's they can get their ministry together!
Actually, for a bit there, I thought the "certain poster from San Diego" had moved to St. Louis, but then I saw there was no mention of pfal.
Steve!: It's typical of paper-tiger trolls. Talk big, then run away. At least most of ours ran off and infested the JWO site. I wonder how LLPOF and Mike would do over there?
What I don't get is why several posters are giving this guy any space inside their heads.
If you were to see a street-corner preacher dressed in rags with an unkempt beard and unwashed hair screaming at the top of his lungs about how the world is going to hell and you should look to the example of Pete Rose, would you stand there and argue with him, or would you pay him no heed whatsoever?
Heck, while you're at it, why don't you take a drive to the local insane asylum and argue with all of the inmates? You'll get just as far.
Steve!: Mostly it's because what the troll says is either extremely inflammatory, or, as in this case, ridiculously stupid. Incredulity turns into curiosity as to HOW the troll can say something that moronic. Wierwille's dead, and unless this LLPOF person has 24-hour surveillance tapes of every single day of VPW's life, there's absolutely no way he can refute the allegations of VPW's victims.
No takers. Again talk. Seems a symptom. If you can't come you can't come. That is understandable.
Zixar, come on dude. Anyday man to man. You don't fool me with your attempts at wisdom. You are as yellow as they come aren't you?
And again this is not war. This is not hate. This is not hate speech. This is stand for the truth and stand AGAINST the Liar, the Devil, the Adversary and those who purposefully and/or ignorantly align themselves with him BUT we still do not wrestle against flesh and blood.
You buy words from a man today who says such and such. Was he an eyewitness? Let Reverend John Hendricks put his eyewitness account on paper. Sign it. Maybe I need his tape. Was he abused? Was he an eyewitness or does he just "believe" what he is saying is true and now his followers "believe" him because after all he is a man and man cannot lie or err. Wake the heck up!
Craig Martindale was at one time a good man. Howard Allen and others. They were not man enough to correct their errors.
Whoever he was that "challenged" me to come to Tennessee dude, come. Here is your challenge. A peaceable one. You must have been picked on as a kid because you lack any origininality at all.
Why are you outraged someone could say these accusations are false? Any accusation may be false and all accusations may be false? How many false witnesses rose against the Lord Jesus Christ. Come on man it's in the Word. You receive the witness of any man you want to. You are not valiant for the truth.
The fear of man bringeth a snare. No man on earth was or ever will be God. John Hendricks is not God. Godship is not available. He doesn't scare me because even if he were a higher power of God, ordained of God (repeat, God not of man) he would not be a terror to good works but to the evil.
The Word works with a mathematical exactness. It's our privilege to see how it works and see God stand behind His Word.
When I speak I know at times due to immaturity people may take my words wrong. They need to grow in the Word. The only way they can grow is to learn to receive again the Word with meekness. "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble" (not the cowardly man pleaser)
By the way, love can be tough love. If you have children I'm sure you've had to do things out of love that they at the time didn't like much. They may have even told you so. "Though the more abundantly I love you the less I be loved" Paul endured with the Corinthian believers.
It's up to you. You are upset because anyone crying foul here is received as THE WORD OF GOD. Hogwash. Fools. Sluggards. That's what it is.
Man when I get reproved I may not like it but you know what? I am nobody. "If anyone think himself to be something when he is nothing deceives himself." All is by grace. The knowledge, all. I want to change. I want to be the best with the help of God. Anyone speaking the truth on a topic may help me. I've just had to close my ears to some in consideration of our times and the value I place on my own time with God and His Word I will give account for to Him.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Therefor no true minister of God can bring condemnation. Just shut it off. BUT, there is reproof, correction in love. Read Hebrews. There is such a thing as condemnable beliefs and behaviors. Unaccepted, not well pleasing and not perfect to God (Romans 12:1,2)
If The Word of God is not your sole reference for truth you'll never quite make it. You're already fooled and the only rememedy is to again believe God and His Word is right and man only right if it agrees with the Word.
One last thing, it is the Whole Word we are interested in. Not isolation bits of text. See the whole thing fit together. Not exalting yourselves with this pitiful attempt at false humility telling people how great a man of God you are. That is not acceptible as far as an ordained minister of God. They are pathetic and do not be like them. Works speak for themselves. Church Epistles, Paul. Also, true love, gentlesness these things speak for themselves too. You really do not need to blow your horn for those works of almsdeeds as a Phairsee. (punks who said the Lord Jesus Christ was insance, mad, a liar, possessed with Beelzebub the prince of devils)
Make up your mind who you stand for. God or man. If you should be the servant of men you should not be the doulos of Christ. It'll make a man out of you I guarantee you. "Quit you like men"
Well no takers. I may be done here. I do not hate people, I love people. I hate cowardice and lies. Why should I be afraid of people? Is that man or woman out to murder me? That would be a concern for sure. Is that man or woman a terrorist with a bomb to eplode? We've all seen that is a concern. I am not out to hurt anybody just get and speak the truth. I have no duty to accept all words out of any man's mouth. NEVER. Reverend title does not grant God's guarantee on that's man's actions or words much less popedom or theopneustos like flesh or something stupid like that.
Thank you. Even if a brother rises against brother I suppose he is a brother still but the gospels do speak of letting one be as a heathen to you. Also in Corinithians it speaks of not eating with a brother who is an idolater. Well we each decide how we are going to apply those verses as we do the rest in God's Holy Word.
No one last thing. Don't worship man. Don't worship Reverends. But it is a duty and privilege to stand with those men and women of God who stand with you isn't it?
You may doubt this at times but I hope you know I respect you and will endeavor to God to always be thankful for you and your life.
However, that said, to me Reverend John Hendricks is a shame to ordination and before the God whom I love and serve. Yes, I would or could say that to my face but I doubt he'd care. I don't know.
I do know this. All these words I say, what I just said about my feelings toward Reverend John Hendricks God has knowledge of. I have knowledge that God has knowledge of them. I'm not just shooting the lip without knowledge of God and my accountability before Him.
Ordination is a call to service. No higher commitment can be made. You must bring in to captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ as an ordained minister just like every believer must do. We walk in fellowship together or we do not according to the light I think it says in I John.
If a man's "light" is darness he is in error. Darkness has no agreement with light. Now if he or someone fell would you want to help him up? Certainly. That's just basic love and decency. Love is a subject and privilege we can grow in our whole lives. How to take a stand for God yet remain decent human beings. How to use liberty without abusing it. The Life-Style of A Believer goes in to alot of great things I think.
Well God bless you JohnIAm. Seems werid to write here when I could just call you but I thank God for your life whether we go here or there or not. Dr. Wierwille said he would always be thankful for the man who led him in to receiving the holy spirit in manifestation.
"How long you gonna be honey?"
"As long as it takes!"
And so Dr. Wierwille did at long last manifest holy spirit and somewhere, somehow so did his students.
Don't believe everything you hear. Test it first. Ronald Reagan dealing in important peace talks with the Soviet Union said, trust but verify didn't he?
quote: Ordination is a call to service. No higher commitment can be made. You must bring in to captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ as an ordained minister just like every believer must do. We walk in fellowship together or we do not according to the light I think it says in I John.
The pseudo-random wayspeak generator strikes again. Anyone want to see what the jive translation is?
Immature people, mathemathical exactness, need meekness--you are SICK dude!
First of all there is NO formula to manipulate God to approve of your sick agenda. YOU represent the heathen who STOLE the fruit of my womb and many other naieve, scared young women and you should be down on your KNEES BEGGING God Almighty to FORGIVE you for EVER counseling anyone that the embryo was not a child.
You filthy, lying B******, do not disgrace God Almighty by saying you are one of HIS ministers when you have not repented of following doctrines of devils by consenting to and PROMOTING spilling the blood of countless, helpless, babies and robbing their mothers and fathers for the rest of their lives at the same time.
If it takes the rest of my life, I will do everything in my power to put the spotlight on your sick doctrines of devils so that if only one life is saved, then I will have completed my task.
Make up your mind who you stand for. God or man. If you should be the servant of men you should not be the doulos of Christ. It'll make a man out of you I guarantee you. "Quit you like men"
(((Fence))) I am sorry...it is all so sick...Anyone who could defend those who committed such evil while hiding behind God`s name and scriptures ....is really a sad pos
Liar...YOU are a coward.... you were issued an invitation to join no less than 50 of us here in tennessee.... It is clear that you cannot back up your slanderous accusations face to face...
Who exactly ARE you serving when you attack the people that vpw and his leaders hurt ...believe it or not...God loves us too... our pain suffered and shame endured...grieves him as well.
Rather than serving him, I`d say that your attacks on your sisters and brothers would tend to .... God off....
Pal, you have aligned yourself with evil....and that is sad.
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Ok. Heerz my rock (more like a tomato):
I don't know what's funnier,
1) a nest of angry bees walking into a bar of ex-bees, or
2) those who think that if they throw rocks at a nest of bees it will somehow cast it out of the house and make it stop stinging everyone.
Sure, it may eventually go away. But if it doesn't, the next thing you know it will be a swarm, and some of us will be so stung we'll run wailing out of the house to a bee-less place, rending and tearing at our clothes, exposing some or all of our private things.
Unless, of course, we are immune to bee stings, but find some kind of advancement by tormenting lesser devils/trolls/spirits, whatever. Oh, I mean, human being.
Sorry, no ill will. I love this place.
For me, its more like trying hard not to laugh at a chorus of farts in a lunchroom of ex-Jesus preachers. I'm really trying not to bust outloud.
Bottom line, I guess.
LLPOF is obviously ....ed about something.
Really wanna help people out of any kind of TWI-mode (whatever the heck that means), try and help yourself all the way out of it, too.
This cafe is a place of transit.
And he seems more troubled than most.
Make it worth something.
After all, you sit here.
Heroes...who needs em?
Hey, accuser.
Why do you give a **** about a bunch of lying losers, anyway?
Why do you care so much about them?
I mean, what is it about their sins that have you so tortured?
Its not like you or I are gonna escape God's fire either, right?
So, what's at stake for you?
Someone promise you goodness if you go out and sting people?
I don't know.
Just trying to figure out what's got you so wigged out about VPW,
Why you choose the role of accuser/prosecutor,
And why that wigs so many others out.
Anyway, if you ever come through AZ, I'll break bread/coffee with ya.
You can record whatever you want. My email is open, too.
I'll talk about VPW, TWI, whatever.
Look forward to seeing you round here tho,
if you can tune in better and stick around.
Isn't that what speaking in tongues was all about? Tuning into the crowd, Speaking their language? Somehow finding the tune and the time and somehow playing along so everyone understands each other? Making melody in our hearts? Yackity yada yada yada.
Oh well.
We're all trying to figure it out.
Just trying to play along.
Good luck.
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Lawyer, lawyer: I didn't believe all those stories either at first, but I do now. Bottom line: you and I weren't there; we don't really know what happened and what didn't happen. We believe what we believe because of what we're told.
As you know, I've been getting fellowship, tapes, etc. from John Hendricks' offshoot, CRF for awhile. On a tape a couple years ago he said the things people are saying about Dr. Wierwille are true. He didn't spell out what "the things" were, but later that year at his advanced class he, without naming names, said he thought the number one reason the ministry fell was because of the mistreatment of people especially in the sexual category; the many marriages that were ruined because of top leadership teaching that adultery is OK if you're spiritual enough to handle it; the 'from birth to the corps' autobiographies which first year in residence corps were required to write only used to scan which women would be "ripe" to hit on. Stuff like that.
On the surface, John Hendricks had nothing to gain by revealing this info. Sure, he could have been trying to cover his butt, but his offshoot is already "guilty by association" to many exwafers just because he was taught by VPW, and by saying this to his own "flock" he risked a substantial drop in numbers. He's not stupid; he knows people are going to be on the internet and I think he was just trying to be honest.
I don't really expect you to take this at face value, but for the above stated reasons, I believe VPW DID indulge himself. What I don't believe is that everything he did is suspect. Quite a few here at GSC seem to believe this way: VPW did so and so, therefore everything he did is evil and so is anybody who defends him a little. That one dimensional thinking gets old fast for me.
GSC is really not a good place to talk up VPW and PFAL. When you first started posting I seriously thought you were either Craig, or a blind follower. That scripture in 2 Cor. 5 about receiving the things done in the body whether it be good or bad? LCM did a teaching in June of '95 where he used that verse to build fear in anybody who was thinking of leaving (many were). He taught that if you weren't in the household you were going to get a really bad reproof session right after the gathering and no rewards. He was really a jerk.
He was also not consistent with PFAL. Corinthians is a reproof epistle, yes, but 2 cor. was written to soften the blow of 1 cor. right? Oops. In 1 Cor. 3:12-15 it says if any work be burned he shall suffer loss but still be saved, so that verse in 2 cor can't be intended any harsher than that. Sure, those works include how people post here, but we all know that. Most of these people come here to get away from the way. They could've been nicer to you, but they at least read what you posted.
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LLPOF- Your manner of starting this thread reminds me of a story I heard long ago- It was about WWII combat veterans like those you might have seen in Band of Brothers. On the troop ship going home after the war the army was trying to help these hardened combat veterans get accustomed to the fact they were about to re-enter civilian life so they had the officers giving, boring lectures. Naturally, many would doze off in the stuffy troop transports. The topic was etiquette. The exasperated and equally bored officer had just told of the proper way to enter a room when accompanying a woman.
He poked one of the sleeping soldiers and yelled what is the proper way to enter a room.
The startled soldier immediately responded: Roll a grenade in first Sir!
It seems like that’s what you did, and perhaps why
Judging by your handle and this topic you seem to have an obsession about lies. Therefore I assume also with “Truth” which you seem to want to wield as a sword.
Let me share something I heard about the sword of truth. It has three edges- One is the truth you perceive, another is the truth I perceive and the third edge is the actual absolute truth. To you only one edge is truth and to me another. Both other edges are lies to each of us including the actual absolute truth that we both seek.
Please sheath your sword that we may sort out the perceptions of truth and embrace the genuine truth we seek.
Who said you can never learn any thing from TV or Sci Fi?
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hey dude or dudette feel free to email me at excathedra2000@yahoo.com
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Actually, for a bit there, I thought the "certain poster from San Diego" had moved to St. Louis, but then I saw there was no mention of pfal.
So much for that theory!
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Pity you wouldn't have posted this about 3 months ago. I was in St Louis for a couple of days and would have enjoyed the swordfight. But...oh well...
You know what...we have a doctrinal section to discuss these types of issues. Sometimes the conversations get pretty good. Why don't you try it?
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Ummm, has anyone else noticed that LLPOF hasn't posted on this thread since his/her opening post?
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Steve: Um, no, because he posted again on page 2...
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Whoops! so you're right. Brain fart!
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Steve!: It's typical of paper-tiger trolls. Talk big, then run away. At least most of ours ran off and infested the JWO site. I wonder how LLPOF and Mike would do over there?
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What I don't get is why several posters are giving this guy any space inside their heads.
If you were to see a street-corner preacher dressed in rags with an unkempt beard and unwashed hair screaming at the top of his lungs about how the world is going to hell and you should look to the example of Pete Rose, would you stand there and argue with him, or would you pay him no heed whatsoever?
Heck, while you're at it, why don't you take a drive to the local insane asylum and argue with all of the inmates? You'll get just as far.
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Tom Strange
I think Mike would love it over there... but alas... his message is only for OLGs...
I'm waiting for him to show up at Raf's place... on the street corner!
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Steve!: Mostly it's because what the troll says is either extremely inflammatory, or, as in this case, ridiculously stupid. Incredulity turns into curiosity as to HOW the troll can say something that moronic. Wierwille's dead, and unless this LLPOF person has 24-hour surveillance tapes of every single day of VPW's life, there's absolutely no way he can refute the allegations of VPW's victims.
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Tom: Raf is a tolerant man, but he's not an idiot.
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I wanna know when Steve! was on my street corner and why he didn’t stop and chat????
( did he donate?????)
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No takers. Again talk. Seems a symptom. If you can't come you can't come. That is understandable.
Zixar, come on dude. Anyday man to man. You don't fool me with your attempts at wisdom. You are as yellow as they come aren't you?
And again this is not war. This is not hate. This is not hate speech. This is stand for the truth and stand AGAINST the Liar, the Devil, the Adversary and those who purposefully and/or ignorantly align themselves with him BUT we still do not wrestle against flesh and blood.
You buy words from a man today who says such and such. Was he an eyewitness? Let Reverend John Hendricks put his eyewitness account on paper. Sign it. Maybe I need his tape. Was he abused? Was he an eyewitness or does he just "believe" what he is saying is true and now his followers "believe" him because after all he is a man and man cannot lie or err. Wake the heck up!
Craig Martindale was at one time a good man. Howard Allen and others. They were not man enough to correct their errors.
Whoever he was that "challenged" me to come to Tennessee dude, come. Here is your challenge. A peaceable one. You must have been picked on as a kid because you lack any origininality at all.
Why are you outraged someone could say these accusations are false? Any accusation may be false and all accusations may be false? How many false witnesses rose against the Lord Jesus Christ. Come on man it's in the Word. You receive the witness of any man you want to. You are not valiant for the truth.
The fear of man bringeth a snare. No man on earth was or ever will be God. John Hendricks is not God. Godship is not available. He doesn't scare me because even if he were a higher power of God, ordained of God (repeat, God not of man) he would not be a terror to good works but to the evil.
The Word works with a mathematical exactness. It's our privilege to see how it works and see God stand behind His Word.
When I speak I know at times due to immaturity people may take my words wrong. They need to grow in the Word. The only way they can grow is to learn to receive again the Word with meekness. "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble" (not the cowardly man pleaser)
By the way, love can be tough love. If you have children I'm sure you've had to do things out of love that they at the time didn't like much. They may have even told you so. "Though the more abundantly I love you the less I be loved" Paul endured with the Corinthian believers.
It's up to you. You are upset because anyone crying foul here is received as THE WORD OF GOD. Hogwash. Fools. Sluggards. That's what it is.
Man when I get reproved I may not like it but you know what? I am nobody. "If anyone think himself to be something when he is nothing deceives himself." All is by grace. The knowledge, all. I want to change. I want to be the best with the help of God. Anyone speaking the truth on a topic may help me. I've just had to close my ears to some in consideration of our times and the value I place on my own time with God and His Word I will give account for to Him.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Therefor no true minister of God can bring condemnation. Just shut it off. BUT, there is reproof, correction in love. Read Hebrews. There is such a thing as condemnable beliefs and behaviors. Unaccepted, not well pleasing and not perfect to God (Romans 12:1,2)
If The Word of God is not your sole reference for truth you'll never quite make it. You're already fooled and the only rememedy is to again believe God and His Word is right and man only right if it agrees with the Word.
One last thing, it is the Whole Word we are interested in. Not isolation bits of text. See the whole thing fit together. Not exalting yourselves with this pitiful attempt at false humility telling people how great a man of God you are. That is not acceptible as far as an ordained minister of God. They are pathetic and do not be like them. Works speak for themselves. Church Epistles, Paul. Also, true love, gentlesness these things speak for themselves too. You really do not need to blow your horn for those works of almsdeeds as a Phairsee. (punks who said the Lord Jesus Christ was insance, mad, a liar, possessed with Beelzebub the prince of devils)
Make up your mind who you stand for. God or man. If you should be the servant of men you should not be the doulos of Christ. It'll make a man out of you I guarantee you. "Quit you like men"
Well no takers. I may be done here. I do not hate people, I love people. I hate cowardice and lies. Why should I be afraid of people? Is that man or woman out to murder me? That would be a concern for sure. Is that man or woman a terrorist with a bomb to eplode? We've all seen that is a concern. I am not out to hurt anybody just get and speak the truth. I have no duty to accept all words out of any man's mouth. NEVER. Reverend title does not grant God's guarantee on that's man's actions or words much less popedom or theopneustos like flesh or something stupid like that.
Thank you. Even if a brother rises against brother I suppose he is a brother still but the gospels do speak of letting one be as a heathen to you. Also in Corinithians it speaks of not eating with a brother who is an idolater. Well we each decide how we are going to apply those verses as we do the rest in God's Holy Word.
No one last thing. Don't worship man. Don't worship Reverends. But it is a duty and privilege to stand with those men and women of God who stand with you isn't it?
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You may doubt this at times but I hope you know I respect you and will endeavor to God to always be thankful for you and your life.
However, that said, to me Reverend John Hendricks is a shame to ordination and before the God whom I love and serve. Yes, I would or could say that to my face but I doubt he'd care. I don't know.
I do know this. All these words I say, what I just said about my feelings toward Reverend John Hendricks God has knowledge of. I have knowledge that God has knowledge of them. I'm not just shooting the lip without knowledge of God and my accountability before Him.
Ordination is a call to service. No higher commitment can be made. You must bring in to captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ as an ordained minister just like every believer must do. We walk in fellowship together or we do not according to the light I think it says in I John.
If a man's "light" is darness he is in error. Darkness has no agreement with light. Now if he or someone fell would you want to help him up? Certainly. That's just basic love and decency. Love is a subject and privilege we can grow in our whole lives. How to take a stand for God yet remain decent human beings. How to use liberty without abusing it. The Life-Style of A Believer goes in to alot of great things I think.
Well God bless you JohnIAm. Seems werid to write here when I could just call you but I thank God for your life whether we go here or there or not. Dr. Wierwille said he would always be thankful for the man who led him in to receiving the holy spirit in manifestation.
"How long you gonna be honey?"
"As long as it takes!"
And so Dr. Wierwille did at long last manifest holy spirit and somewhere, somehow so did his students.
Don't believe everything you hear. Test it first. Ronald Reagan dealing in important peace talks with the Soviet Union said, trust but verify didn't he?
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Yo, physician!
Go heal thyself.
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The pseudo-random wayspeak generator strikes again. Anyone want to see what the jive translation is?
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OOH, yeah, Jim! that would be kewl!
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Immature people, mathemathical exactness, need meekness--you are SICK dude!
First of all there is NO formula to manipulate God to approve of your sick agenda. YOU represent the heathen who STOLE the fruit of my womb and many other naieve, scared young women and you should be down on your KNEES BEGGING God Almighty to FORGIVE you for EVER counseling anyone that the embryo was not a child.
You filthy, lying B******, do not disgrace God Almighty by saying you are one of HIS ministers when you have not repented of following doctrines of devils by consenting to and PROMOTING spilling the blood of countless, helpless, babies and robbing their mothers and fathers for the rest of their lives at the same time.
If it takes the rest of my life, I will do everything in my power to put the spotlight on your sick doctrines of devils so that if only one life is saved, then I will have completed my task.
Thank you
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Tom Strange
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Tom Strange
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(((Fence))) I am sorry...it is all so sick...Anyone who could defend those who committed such evil while hiding behind God`s name and scriptures ....is really a sad pos
Liar...YOU are a coward.... you were issued an invitation to join no less than 50 of us here in tennessee.... It is clear that you cannot back up your slanderous accusations face to face...
Who exactly ARE you serving when you attack the people that vpw and his leaders hurt ...believe it or not...God loves us too... our pain suffered and shame endured...grieves him as well.
Rather than serving him, I`d say that your attacks on your sisters and brothers would tend to .... God off....
Pal, you have aligned yourself with evil....and that is sad.
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